Community > Posts By > GravelRidgeBoy

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Mon 03/28/11 10:34 PM
Deactivating the account is up to you, the only thing I would suggest is to change your profile to show that you are in a relationship right now so no one gets the wrong idea. You might get some people who think you are single or your boyfriend runs across this and wonders about your relationship since you look like you are still on here looking for a relationship. Good Luck either way

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Mon 03/28/11 08:25 PM

Parking spaces! What if you got twenty people to look for parking spaces downtown of a Saturday evening? Ten could pray and the others not. Or fishing. Do people that pray for fish catch more than those that don't?

If god helps people in their daily lives, these should be workable experiments. And simple to measure.

Your assuming that God would say "Yes" to all the prayers and therefor give the spaces.

If it's not God's will to give them the spaces then your experiment would not be measured properly.

On the other hand, If you go to the right church, at the right time you could as I have witnessed a few miracles. You would then form your own opinion based on what you saw.
If you do not think that parking spaces is important enough, how about the starving children around the world? If even one person prayed for all the starving children in the world to be fed do you think god would feed them? The bible claims that all children are innocent so they should not have to suffer the pain of starving to death but they do every day. So can god not help them or is the god really sadistic and like to watch suffering? There is also another theory, suggesting that there ever was a god who says god is still around? He may have gave up on this universe a long time ago and has moved on to a new ant farm to play with...

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Mon 03/28/11 08:12 PM
You know that you have to come to chat and check the threads, right? This site does not send out messages when someone posts.

So do you have a new tatt or is it the pac man one?

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Mon 03/28/11 11:06 AM

still not having much luck :-( just here playing rainbow 6 bored lol
If you were not so far away I would dust off some of the video games I never got into the online video games, they are harder to distract the other players when I am losing too Join in on some of these conversations instead and maybe someone will spark your interest. Good Luck

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Mon 03/28/11 11:01 AM

Keep in mind that faith is a gift from God. It is given to all. Not all accept it.

If you are going to go with a hypothesis, that is a great start.

Are there people who do not accept gifts freely given to them. If so, why?
When you have a hypothesis you are only testing for one thing at a time, if you say faith is a gift from god then you would have to define what type of faith that you are talking about (faith in yourself or in god or what). To say it is a gift means that you can reject taking it as it is not forced upon you, so there will be other people without faith that you can use as the control subjects. Then you can test what you consider faith. In your statement though you say the gift is from god, where is the proof of that? Was there a tag on the gift box that had the faith in it? How do you prove where this "gift" came from?

Also, since I was a kid I was told never to accept gifts from strangers... since I never met this god then that makes him a (Sorry, had to say

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Mon 03/28/11 10:52 AM

If you all are going down the definition of "God" then most would say one of the characteristics would be omnipotent (can do what ever). This can be stumped with the simple boulder theory: "Can God make a boulder so big that he can not lift?" If he can lift it then he can not make it, if he can make it then he can not lift it... Either way the idea of a god fails.

Not really. God can make a boulder that he can't lift. He can't lift it because he is busy making it. Then, in the next instant of time, he can lift it.... because he is God. bigsmile
That is religious thinking, he can either make it or he can't. If he can lift it the next day even then he has not made a boulder that he could not lift...

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Mon 03/28/11 10:42 AM
Cheeks (on the face)

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Mon 03/28/11 10:36 AM
People should not be that uptight that they think everyone is putting them down. You said that he was fun to joke with so he should have taken this as a joke. Maybe he was just having a bad day.

A guy I use to work with always use to say:
"Joke them if they can't take a F#@k"

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Mon 03/28/11 10:36 AM
People should not be that uptight that they think everyone is putting them down. You said that he was fun to joke with so he should have taken this as a joke. Maybe he was just having a bad day.

A guy I use to work with always use to say:
"Joke them if they can't take a F#@k"

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Sun 03/27/11 07:41 PM
Looks like Marc Ryan is just a comedian, I was hoping no one would be that dumb even when

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Sun 03/27/11 05:38 PM
I know it is not Christmas time but I ran across an old song that I liked when I was a kid, we had the vinyl record of it: "Santa's A Hippie"

I thought I would share it here as it is funny, as are the other hippies ones like it...

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Sat 03/26/11 11:38 PM
If you all are going down the definition of "God" then most would say one of the characteristics would be omnipotent (can do what ever). This can be stumped with the simple boulder theory: "Can God make a boulder so big that he can not lift?" If he can lift it then he can not make it, if he can make it then he can not lift it... Either way the idea of a god fails.

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Sat 03/26/11 11:26 PM
I guess it would all depends on how she took the differences. I am open to new ideas, but she has to accept that we are not going to see eye to eye on some things.

If she is religious and I am not, she can worship what ever she wants to make her feel whole inside...but don't expect me to do the same.

Things like abortion I consider a case by case thing, same with assisted suicide though.

Politics are going to not agree, the same parties do not agree with each other so why should a couple? It is good to get into healthy arguments. Some times it is fun just to pick the opposite side just to argue, if you do debate you learn that you are better at convincing if you choose the side that you do not agree with so you have to find enough to make you agree before you can make someone else agree.

About the only differences I see being a deal breaker would be smoking and/or telling lies. I do not smoke so I do not feel well around someone who does if we are that close. Then there also has to be trust in a relationship...

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Sat 03/26/11 08:06 PM
Edited by GravelRidgeBoy on Sat 03/26/11 08:10 PM

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Sat 03/26/11 08:02 PM

There is no way I would pull over for that, it looks like some college kid messing

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Sat 03/26/11 06:38 AM
Todays' Challenge is: Say Hello to Five Complete Strangers.

Then post here and let us all know how they reacted. I will do the same. :)

This might be a challenge where you live but in the south here that is just what you do. I say "Hi" to over a dozen people while on my runs... Most just say "Hi" back and that is it but a few stop and talk for a few minutes. Good Luck on your challenge there though...

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Sat 03/26/11 06:33 AM
Yes! Educated women do frighten men.

Want to know why? It's very simple and most men won't say it but....

It's their mother. A woman more educated than them makes them think of their mother. What man likes dating his mother?

Not everyone has a smart mother so this theory is out, my mother was not very educated and instead she liked to spend her time watching soap operas...

Educated women are better so you can connect mentally, someone who you can actually share things with and not have to explain everything. But each to his own...

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Sat 03/26/11 06:19 AM
One explanation as to why the people who were prayed for did not do as good is they might have not tried as hard to heal them self. Mental state has a lot to do with healing, if you give up on that because you think that a magical force will take care of everything then maybe they will not take their medication or eat like they are suppose to or something like that. I am sure there are other thoughts as to why the ones prayed for did worse than the ones that but that is just my thought off the top of my head...

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Fri 03/25/11 08:26 PM
Edited by GravelRidgeBoy on Fri 03/25/11 08:27 PM


As many of you know, the whole purpose of people posting is to have fun and to gain something. It's not meant to hurt anyone.

Recently I found out that someone (not going to mention any names) did not like the fact that I, a Christian, was posting here. While I do not agree with this, the last thing I would want to do is make someone feel uncomfortable. Though I did think evolutionists were not so sensitive, if someone is sensitive and offended by my remarks, I don't want to make them feel uncomfortable.

And so, I will not be posting on the Science and Philosophy category. I'll still be on the Religious category, so I will answer my question there.


The only thing you might hurt is the little bubble that you call faith or religion, science and philosophy is about reason and logic. Posting in here as a christian or any other faith is fine with me as long as you stick to the facts and not fall back on faith or fairy tales. But honestly it is sounding like this is your way to back out of this topic that you started because you realized that you were not going to win if you had to leave faith out of the equation.

If you want to finish this topic in here that is fine but out of courtesy of others I would not go into a church to argue the ignorance of the religions so I also stay out of the religion section here also...

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Fri 03/25/11 08:04 PM
Looks good, now you just have to take care of it. I am sure they told you how to do that. Personally I like Lubriderm the best...

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