Community > Posts By > GravelRidgeBoy

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Fri 03/25/11 08:04 PM
Looks good, now you just have to take care of it. I am sure they told you how to do that. Personally I like Lubriderm the best...

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Fri 03/25/11 11:26 AM
I agree with you posting the message, since you are unsure of what to do here and asking for others to help it is better to see what she actually wrote... it is not like her name is on here or anything. It is how she wrote it that screams the crazy needy person, if you were to paraphrased it then it might not have came across the same.

As others said here...RUN! I would give her a response though unless you want to deactivate your account and move away from everything she knows about you, the neediness in her message might be just the tip of the iceberg and she has a lot more crazy that she is not showing you so I would be careful with your words. You met her in person so you should know her better but she might have been on her meds during the date but wrote that off her meds. Good

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Fri 03/25/11 11:12 AM
I guess everyone is a little different, some people just say "hi" and that is enough to start the conversation (maybe they only write that to see if the profile is still active). Others might write a book. To the wrong person both options might be ignored, the one for being too short and the other for being too I guess it all depends on the mood of the person receiving the message...

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Fri 03/25/11 11:00 AM
Is truth objective or subjective?

I would say neither.

Objective means that it is trying to accomplish something but truth has already accomplished all it is going to do, it is finished.

Subjective means it is in one's mind, the truth about something in one's mind could be subjective only because they might not have all the facts.

But actual truth is undisputable, right or wrong it is what happened.

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Fri 03/25/11 10:53 AM
Jesus IS truth. Therefore, it is not subjective.

LOL...Now you are in 2 science threads claiming "Jesus" is real without any proof. If you want people to blindly believe in that you need to be in the religious section...

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Fri 03/25/11 10:48 AM
Today, you shall have your answers. But, I was expecting more of you to dispute this.

I am afraid you do not understand how science works...

You come up with your hypothesis, then do your experiment. If your hypothesis does not fail in your own experiments then you can claim it is a theory. That is when you present it to others to test, if they can not make your theory fail then it can be considered a scientific theory until it does fail or something like that.

So we are waiting for you to present your theory then we can test it...

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Thu 03/24/11 07:31 PM
...And just what are we looking at but not touching to your satisfaction here?

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Thu 03/24/11 04:20 PM

lookin4home, have you ever thought if you had Christ, you would not need to look for a home, as you would have a mansion?

Yes, because all the homeless would get a mansion if only they believed in Jesus?

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Thu 03/24/11 09:21 AM
I have a strong case for this, but I want to hear what others have to say.

Instead of waiting to see if anyone randomly counters your case, why not set it on the table as we have here with our words instead of just telling us to have faith that you actually have a good case. It is only fair I think...

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Thu 03/24/11 08:19 AM

Shiki believes that if you use logic, science, and reasoning, the Resurrection of Christ can be proven.

What's your opinion? If we take faith out of the mix, as this is a category titled "Science and Philosophy," can we use science, logic, and reasoning to prove His resurrection?
If you take faith out of the mix, it will come down like proving Santa Claus exists. From a myth/legend a story was born and has snowballed up into a mass following that the majority of the people just except and play along with because it is nice to read the story books and feel there is some good in this world. That is why religion needs to rely on faith because there is no other way to prove it...

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Thu 03/24/11 08:05 AM
It all depends on how well the person can handle pain. I've talked with people who said that getting their tatoo was painful.
It also depends on the one doing the tattoo. Some people are better than others, it is in their technique...

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Thu 03/24/11 07:59 AM

I have a few tattoos, and I figure I will get more.

I had a tongue ring for a while when I lived in Germany but it got old fast so I let that grow shut...

are there any meanings behind the tatoos?
I just figure that if I ever get any, I want to do them myself. But I'm not overly artistic. :)
A couple of mine I had drew myself and then found someone to do them. One is a flaming skull with carb butterfly's for eyes (in my profile) and the other is a simple Harley Davidson shield with Yosemite Sam riding it like a bucking bronco. The skull is because I do a lot with auto racing and it will probably be the death of me (it has tried plenty of times) and the Harley one I did after putting together my Chopper but I did not want it to be just the shield and I wanted it to show a playful side I guess.

The other ones I have I brought in pictures of what I wanted, and kind of how I wanted them combined. Like this part of one picture but this part of a different picture...then let the artist draw a few different ideas up until we were on the same page as to what I was looking for. The more you can bring in the more it will help.

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Thu 03/24/11 07:30 AM
I do not like any of the pics of me but I try to make sure they are at least recent enough that they still look like the guy in the mirror here...

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Wed 03/23/11 07:02 AM
I wear sandals in the summer here, they are more comfortable and easy to deal with. Plus I get a cool double stripe tan on my

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Wed 03/23/11 01:09 AM
I never thought of myself as an alcoholic, but others did. From the drinker's view I never thought that I had a problem, but drinking for breakfast is not good. Looking back I know I lost friends because of my drinking, but there were a few that stuck with me. I went through some programs (I did not volunteer for them) but they did not work because I was not ready to quit. It took a bad accident to wake me up and get my head straight so I did not feel like I needed a drink anymore. That might be what he needs, a wake up. But when I was drinking, there were people who still cared for me but while I was drinking I knew not to come around their house because they talked to me about it (probably a few times). Now that I do not drink any more we are still friends but those that wrote me off I have not heard from. I guess the question is do you really want to cut all ties or just help fix the behavior?

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Wed 03/23/11 12:42 AM
I have a few tattoos, and I figure I will get more.

I had a tongue ring for a while when I lived in Germany but it got old fast so I let that grow shut...

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Mon 03/21/11 08:41 PM
LOL...It only hurts while the needle is there (and a short time after), otherwise it is cool...

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Mon 03/21/11 08:29 PM
What ever you get make it meaningful to you, after all it is your tattoo. Something that you or your close friend drew might be more meaningful than a random pic you find on the internet of the tattoo shop's wall.

BTW, I will agree with the collar bone, my snake runs up there...

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Mon 03/21/11 08:21 PM
I am no where near a neat freak, it looks like my stuff is disorganized but I know where everything I was with a girl who was a neat freak, I told her she could clean what she wanted, but she had to put it back (like if she wanted to clean a shelf, take it all off the shelf and clean everything but it all had to go back on that shelf). Then I would rearrange stuff later if she wanted me to. This system worked for a while until I noticed stuff missing, her definition of trash and mine were not the same so she was throwing things out! LOL...Half of my clothes are gone now because she got rid of them since she never seen me wear them while we were together, I am not talking about raggedy clothes but my nice stuff that I only wear for special occasions. Some times other people compulsions can be too much...

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Mon 03/21/11 12:02 AM

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