Community > Posts By > Sabrosura089
I am sure there are postings on this topic somewhere within the forum, but I thought I'd start a thread anyway. My dealbreakers are the following: drugs, excessive drinking, kids (I have no problem with children per se, but I am looking for a relationship, not to raise someone else's kids. Also, in many cases, children from a broken home often resent whoever their mother dates or marries), involvement in religious cults, criminal activities, being married or engaged, and living too far away (I am comfortable staying where I am and would never relocate. I wouldn't expect anyone to relocate on my behalf either). Arrogance, narcissism, lack compassion for others, abuse of ANY kind i.e. verbal, physical, etc..., and drug addiction. |
We (NYC) cannot forget the 9/11 attack. It's in our "back yard". My bus drives through Ground Zero every day. It is a constant reminder of the horrific incident and the souls that are hopefully RIP.
On the day of 9/11 (a Tuesday), I was driving to the vet with one of my dogs. I was listening to a NY Spanish radio station and one of the MCs made a comment about a plane flying towards Tower 1. Since this radio station is known for playing pranks on their listeners and such...I thought it was a very morbid joke! I called my Mom (who was still residing in NY - I wasn't at the time) to b*tch about their morbid sense of humor. When my Mom picked up the phone I could hear the news BLARING from her TV. That's when I realized it was not a joke. :-( Fortunately, my Mother who worked at one of the Towers was not a victim, but she lost co-workers and friends on 9/11. We experience many sad thoughts and emotions when 9/11 is approaching us. I just pray that GOD gives the surviving families/friends of the victims much comfort/peace/strength to live without their physical presence............. |
How much effort do you put into dressing well? Living in one of the fashion capitals of the world; NYC affords us much creativity and ready-to-wear clothing. I love fashion, but I like to create my own style vs. duplicating what ever is "in". I don't like looking like everyone else. I don't spend hours on end getting ready, but I do enjoy feeling/looking good/feminity!!! |
small part of my battle and living hell ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Wow; I hope you're rid of this condition. God bless! |
Feel your hate!
NYC as ****, rude people and the vagrants.
Picture No No's
Pictures with a sour puss look - SMILE!!! Some look like serial killers...............
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It is rare as one gets older, but not impossible to find.
I am single, never married and no children. If you don't count my 4-legged children with tails!!! ![]() |
Water seeks it's own level!!
I have found, in my life, that it's not WHO can make you happy, it's ARE you the happy within yourself? These people looking to be "completed" frighten me!! I am totally ok with being single..just because I'm on a dating site does NOT mean I NEED a man in my life...I enjoy people and "mingling", hearing others points of view and sharing enlightens me. If along the way I happen to meet someone, all the better. I wish happiness for all who are members, but above within yourself for that happiness. *hugs* I concur! It all starts with you (generally speaking). It is a huge responsibility to place on another to make one happy/complete you (dislike that phrase), and not one that is realistic. Love yourself before you introduce someone else into your "world". |
It's funny, the majority, NOT ALL< but the majority do treat women with extreme high standards and the second a woman has to vent about it, she is --scorned!!!! Hell yay she is and she has a right to speak her mind. I don't think it is nice to be rude and call her scorned, but maybe offer her some advice or something. True not ALL men are dix, just like NOT all women are size 6. Plenty of SCornED Men out there too. These fat bald pigs who expect us to be perfect in appearance yet complain when our self esteem gets a lil low. Blame yourselves not us. I am over reading these posts against these young girls or women who have to deal with this bologna. They are learning to deal with reality, don't be so harsh on them. Thanks, Your friend OCean. This only becomes an issue if you allow someone make you feel insecure/rain on your parade. |
Picture No No's
When you look at a profile for the first time...what are some things you have noticed concerning pics that you tell yourself, "i wouldn't have posted that!" Guys that post a picture with sun glasses. "The eyes are the window to the soul"........!!!! |
Post a Quote
"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people move our souls to dance. They awaken us to new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom. Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon. They stay in our lives for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts, and we will never be the same." |
Hi, and welcome to Mingle...........
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I gotta ask...
Edited by
Fri 09/10/10 07:04 PM
I've noticed since I've become more heavily tattooed that people have a lot more to say about it than when I only had a few that were even visible. For the guys - Would it bother you enough not to date someone? Are you the conservative type that could NEVER bring a girl like me home to Mom? (If you are, do the tattoos secretly give you a half chub?) Yes, these are serious questions! For everyone - I know tattoos come with a stigma but doesn't the actual artwork and the quality of the artwork count for something? I am going to ask NICELY that anyone who thinks that people with tattoos are trash, PLEASE stay out of my thread. I really don't appreciate that kind of negativity. I don't have any, but I think they're super cool (if done by a good tattoo artist). If you like 'em; sport em! |
Name 3
things yo cannot live without on earth.......GO! 1. Coffee 2. Pepsi 3. Criminal Minds 1. Sex 2. Music 3. My family |
FAV thing about fall ..
For me .. aside from the leaves turning and the air getting crispy .. it's ((((((((((((( FOOTBALL!!!! ))))))))))))) It's so great when the season starts up .. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The crisp air, the foliage, apple/pumpkin picking, festivals, and Halloween!!! ![]() |
How do you deal with moody or "hot and cold" people? I give them their space. Have you developed any "early warning signs" to spot people like this early-on? I think it's important to take time to see all sides to a person before getting in "too deep." Don't you?
Indeed! I don't mind dealing with someone who has "one of those days", but if they are walking around like they are "carrying the world on their shoulders" all the time........that'll get old real quick!!! It's like being around "Debbie Downer". Nah....... |
Edited by
Tue 09/07/10 06:59 AM
honesty.... or more a persn that is like you? im not sure myself.. that is why i ask i so dig honesty rather i like to hear it or not! at least i know where im at! I would much rather hurt by your honesty, then pleased by lies. |
isnt it always the way , when your single you want a boyfriend/girlfriend and when your ina relationship you want to be single ! what do you prefer , being single or being ina relationship! Only time I'd rather be single (when in a relationship) is when it's time to runnnnnnnnnnnn!!! Otherwise, I'd take a healthy relationship any day. Until then happily single! ![]() |
Rejected Because of Her Race
If it is an act of racism for a white woman to reject a black man because of his race, then is it an act of racism for a black woman to reject a white man because of his race? Where I am from, it is quite common for white women to date black men, but you never see the opposite. To a white man, an attractive woman is an attractive woman no matter what her skin color happens to be. To him the ideal woman can have any skin color. I am just waiting for black women in general to believe the same thing about the ideal man, but I am not holding my breath. I will side with anyone who complains about racism in dating. Dr. King dreamed of all people being judged by their character, not by their skin color. Dr. King's dream will not be completely fulfilled until skin color is no longer an issue when it comes to dating. [Personal Note: I am registered on a website for interracial dating called "AfroRomance". I walk my talk.] Visit NYC, and you will see an African American woman dating/married to a Caucasian man, and we have everything in between. IMO: Sadly, racism will outlasts us all. |
Why ladies?
I hear a lot of women say "all the good guys are taken or gay" when what they really mean is "all the GOOD LOOKING guys that look like Brad Pitt are taken or gay". I am the first to admit I am not the best looking guy. I get so many women contact me on dating websites asking to see my photo and once they do either no contact or a generic "sorry not my type" message. So why is that ladies? If personality is more important why reject people by their photos alone? If you take the chance you may meet that good guy that is neither taken or gay. OP: Women are not looking for a clone of Brad Pitt. Keep in mind when you SEE someone it is their physical appearance that triggers an attraction. Attraction is subjective, so what may be "hot" for someone is not necessarily the same for all. Most women aren't looking for a man who the masses deem as HOT, but "hot" in their eyes............. Furthermore, a physical attraction will pique someone's attention, but their heart will keep their attention. |