Community > Posts By > Sabrosura089
I always find it amusing when people say i dont "look my age"...Im not sure what "my age" is supposed to look like.... True that! Particularly, when they claim that "50 is the new 40" due to different lifestyle, diet and health care! and so on................. |
I LOVE MUSIC,HEART AND SOUL.NO MATTER WHAT LANGUAGE YOU LISTEN TO IT STILL GETS YOU OFF SHAKING YOUR BUTT.WHAT DO YOU THINK IS BEST? I love most genres of music. Music/dance is great for the SOUL!!! Alternative Rock, R&B, Jazz, Latin Jazz, Salsa, Boleros......and the list goes on. Also, depends on what mood I'm in!!! |
I hate sunday.
What about you? Only when I have to work the next day! No work tomorrow, so I'm loving LABOR DAY!!! |
i myself am 45 and i think, again "I THINK" lol i dont look it. i dont feel very two sons 18 and 20 says i dont look it,"when i was filling out my will" lol.what do you think? I'm aging gracefully; thanks to Mom. But I can't party like a ROCK STAR like I use to. Use to be able to sleep an hour and go to work. Now, I'm out of commission and need more time to recoop!!! Oh well.........can't have it all! |
just waving a hand
hello to everyone just saying hi Waving back, and enjoy yourself here! |
Mingle AA
A thread of substance! Love it!!! Nice to see the sharing and support on here.....One day at a Time! Its wonderful isn't it. I love it, too. I just got from a meeting. I got to give the topic because I was the chairperson. I never have to worry about anyone taking my chair because all of us there hate being responsible. We avoid responsibility like it was a plague or something. My topic was, "I am still." I got it from reading, "A Vision For You." We are suppose to ask in our morning meditation what we can do for the alcoholic who is still sick. See, I always took that to mean somebody other than myself. When it got to my friend he asked us the group what the topic was. I couldn't help but think to myself, "Good point, Jim". Then after the meeting my friend wanted a court paper because his therapist wanted him to get them signed. I told him that he could come to the meeting to get one. He said that he didn't want to because he thinks we are all a bunch of hypocrites. I thought I would bring him to the meeting so he could use that as a topic. Topic, we don't need no freaking topic. We all are a bunch of mad libbers. I went to a few meetings to support a friend, and I was intrigued by the whole 12-step program. Not to mention the camadarie amongst all! Kudos to Bill W! and Doctor Bob... Ahhh...learned something new! I just Googled him. I wasn't aware he collaborated with Bill W on the AA program. aka "Prince of Twelfth Steppers"! KUDOS to them both.........we need more people like them. |
What's wrong with me ?
I've messaged a dozen ladies and have gotten no responses. Do I need to update my pro? There's nothing "wrong" with you, OP. Patience my dear, and one day you'll acquire what you seek. Your profile appears fine to me. Maybe clearer pics? |
Mingle AA
A thread of substance! Love it!!! Nice to see the sharing and support on here.....One day at a Time! Its wonderful isn't it. I love it, too. I just got from a meeting. I got to give the topic because I was the chairperson. I never have to worry about anyone taking my chair because all of us there hate being responsible. We avoid responsibility like it was a plague or something. My topic was, "I am still." I got it from reading, "A Vision For You." We are suppose to ask in our morning meditation what we can do for the alcoholic who is still sick. See, I always took that to mean somebody other than myself. When it got to my friend he asked us the group what the topic was. I couldn't help but think to myself, "Good point, Jim". Then after the meeting my friend wanted a court paper because his therapist wanted him to get them signed. I told him that he could come to the meeting to get one. He said that he didn't want to because he thinks we are all a bunch of hypocrites. I thought I would bring him to the meeting so he could use that as a topic. Topic, we don't need no freaking topic. We all are a bunch of mad libbers. I went to a few meetings to support a friend, and I was intrigued by the whole 12-step program. Not to mention the camadarie amongst all! Kudos to Bill W! |
Rejected Because of Her Race
not all people of all races are OK with dating from any race. It may be cultural, family preferences, or personal preferences not something I think about much as my sons girls are thai and vietnamese Mom just said "As long as they make my kids happy, love and respect them...ethnicity is not an issue." Glad she brought us up to embrace people of all backgrounds! It would be too "vanilla" for my taste any other way........... |
I am really curious.
By "date" do you mean gets hammered down drunk and stick my d**k in em? yes.....cause I am romanticle that way. The main problem with "dating" you gals is that I gotta fly/drive all over the damned place with my pants around my ankles. good morning laugh! |
Rejected Because of Her Race
I hate to sound so Naive. But i had asked a question on another post about rejection. And it just thru me back that a young 19 year old Caucasian Woman, said She hates when she gets rejected because of her race. *Pertaining to dating.* What am i missing? Why am i surprised at her statement? Why are you surprised? Because of her skin color? I guess it would depend on who her intended interest was or what their preference is........... |
What scares you off?
I've been out of circulation for over 25 years so I'm not "hip" when it comes to dating lingo and rituals today...How many women like to hear a man say "hi sexy" to them right off the bat...before they even agree to go out on a date with the guy? Is this normal? Maybe I'm old-fashioned but this really turns me off. I guess it would depend on the woman, and if there is some interest in the man.......ahahaha! It would be nice to receive a well thought-out email vs. "hi sexy". |
What scares you off?
First meeting assumption of a relationship - what????? I just got a huge shock in a ltr. No interest in instant relationship. Oh yeah....there are some doozies out there! |
I am really curious.
Having been here for almost a year and quite alot of the same people are online frequently, am wondering do you date locally? Have you gone out with anyone in say, the last 6 months or are you waiting for your knight or lady to suddenly fall from the roof right into M2's forums? . With some, its obvious but for most, like said, am curious. Before you ask, yes, I date local, chat global. This is just 1 of many ways of meeting people. I would NEVER use the online dating platform exclusively for dating. Online dating allows us to meet people we wouldn't normally come across. That's neat! |
What scares you off?
There are some people who expect us to step right into their exisitng life...Have you noticed this? They expect us to like and do what they like and do right off the bat...They have an assigned role for us to play and duties they expect us to perform and like...This gets spooky. Good that you stopped going out with the guy who planned out your life to "suit him." There are 'ladies' who mirror that behavior ... but my favorites are the ones who haven't - for whatever reason - planned for the time in their life called 'retirement' and are looking for someone to fund it for them now that it's here. Before you say that doesn't happen, I'll just add that I ran into this in one instance. The statement was uttered that she was looking for someone who'd leave her with insurance or a heritable joint bank account at their death. Isn't that everyone's dream ... ? ... being the 'last-minute' financial statement in someone's life ... ? Boy, does that make y' feel 'special' and 'wanted' or what ... ? It makes me want to consider which testing lab to send my coffee to before drinking it ... Gold digger and/or a Black Widow............ |
What scares you off?
What are some of the things that scare you off when you meet new people? If a man says "hi sexy" to me when we barely know each other this turns me off. How about you? When they're going at lightening speed to have a relationship with you without knowing you from a "hole in the wall". |
Now I know this has to be a good question. I have a friend I knew for years but he was becoming a worst and worst liar over time. What I didn't know was in the circles surrounding him thefts were occurring a lot. It all came to a head Saturday when a laptop a friend of mine's wife and grandparents bought for her son for school came up missing days before he had to go to school with it. The day after the computer was stolen said friend called me to help him get into the computer. The computer didn't materialize in my hands. It was recognized by another friend who mentioned it to me as well as a panicked phone call from both his brother and wife telling me they were sure he stole it and lo and behold they told me it was an ACER computer which remarkably was the same thing I was supposed to service. Now to another theft. one of my other friends had a dirt bike stolen from his back yard. I called the owner and got the make and model. I called another friend who was wondering where the bike came from. Two plus Two equals four. I called the owner after confirming its location and lo and behold we were able to finger the thief, guess who. This gave the oldest brother fuel to confront the thief and when confronted under threat of facing Johnny Law the computer appeared along with a long story about how he got it and how everyone around him owes him money and that he was collecting. Now how does a 14 year old boy owe a drug addict anything? That is who the computer belonged to. A whole lot of theft has been solved thanks to this fiasco. What sucks for me is I got dragged into this by desperate people trying to replace a computer they could not afford in the first place. Now another drug addict has to face up and deal with his problem or get out of my life. There was a lot of tears over this and worst is the thief's mother blamed her grandson's friends in front of him and now she owes him an apology she is having a hard time giving. The boy's mother was advised by me to give it a day or two but her mother in law owes her grandson (the mother in law's grandson) an apology. She didn't want to believe her son was stealing from his own family. First and foremost I am not getting into intimate details here and this is not made up. I lived this drama the last week. The big confrontation was two days ago. things are in that simmering aftermath of grand decisions. After all of this could you trust a 'friend' or is the friendship over? Frankly if he does not turn himself into rehab I don't want him around any more. I resent getting sucked into this BS like I did. I am not mad at the family. I am pissed off at my EX friend! Stealing from your own family is low. Stealing from children is the LOWEST thing I can think of. I mean how low is Whale Shart? Go lower! And people wonder why I have such a sunshine outlook on life! I was in a similar situation (a friend had "sticky fingers" as a result of a drug habit). I was livid (she stole my credit card, and went buck wild shopping - sell stuff I guess) and we stopped talking for years. After years of not talking, she went through a lot and eventually got rid of the "monkey on her back". The friendship was salvaged (she initiated contact and we spoke about what occurred/she apologized), but it took time for her to get her chit back together before I could consider her a "friend" again. I am understanding of people going through trials and tribulations in life, but you better make a GREAT effort to get your life in order so trust can be restored. |
I like to take thier addy, go to my msn junk box, and sign it up for every scam in there Hehehe...diabolical fun Making a mental note of this!!!! |
Love & Friendship
I wanna be ^^^^^^^^ her friend. I thought we were........ |