Community > Posts By > SamaraNJ

SamaraNJ's photo
Fri 12/12/08 01:14 AM

what makes me yack up

is all these people hating the word "label"

and crying about it.

if it does not apply to you then shut up, but my god it is so much the status quo.

If you take offense than perhaps that is something you should examine.
Actually, I could care less. But, it is very pathetic to see people take and use this type of topic to be able to vent off about how they were mistreated. Saying all "of whatever sex" are the same because that person is upset about something that happened to themself. Why not start out the topic or converstaion with a different approach.

Now, don't most women hate being referred to "As a piece of @ss"? Well, some of us GOOD MEN out there, hate being referred to as the type of person that refer to women that way!

But, I could care less what anyone thought about me; especially when they don't know me, have never taken the time to know me, or is basing my character off of someone else's.

excuse me?If its so pathetic...then why did you take time to read it?

maybe cause he didn't know it was pathetic til AFTER he read it?

If it bothers you if they sleep with you and leave.. don't jump in bed so fast.. don't put so much emotion in the sex.. most women attach emotion to sex.. most men dont.. keep your pants on then.. or just be glad you got some and move on...

you to can keep your comments to yourself...You don't know me so don't judge me

I can say as I please.. you want to post your business and ask for advice then Im giving it.

don't like it. dont post

SamaraNJ's photo
Fri 12/12/08 01:08 AM

what makes me yack up

is all these people hating the word "label"

and crying about it.

if it does not apply to you then shut up, but my god it is so much the status quo.

If you take offense than perhaps that is something you should examine.
Actually, I could care less. But, it is very pathetic to see people take and use this type of topic to be able to vent off about how they were mistreated. Saying all "of whatever sex" are the same because that person is upset about something that happened to themself. Why not start out the topic or converstaion with a different approach.

Now, don't most women hate being referred to "As a piece of @ss"? Well, some of us GOOD MEN out there, hate being referred to as the type of person that refer to women that way!

But, I could care less what anyone thought about me; especially when they don't know me, have never taken the time to know me, or is basing my character off of someone else's.

excuse me?If its so pathetic...then why did you take time to read it?

maybe cause he didn't know it was pathetic til AFTER he read it?

If it bothers you if they sleep with you and leave.. don't jump in bed so fast.. don't put so much emotion in the sex.. most women attach emotion to sex.. most men dont.. keep your pants on then.. or just be glad you got some and move on...

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 08:49 PM
Hi.. you seem to be doing ok so far happy

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 08:47 PM
yeah.. I know how not to be if I get married...

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 08:43 PM
When he started moving his things in....

not that that's a bad thing.. when he did that I realized I never wanted to live with him.. so why bother continuing the relationship...

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 07:53 PM
Should I grab the camera?

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 07:52 PM

Do you have a doctor who you are willing to pay to see? This is before any care or prescriptions?


SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 07:51 PM
Ah.. thought you were calling me...


SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 07:41 PM

New relationship couple months into that is all.
Everything is just peachy but the sex just doesnt do it for you, at all.
Do you stay or do you go?
How important is the sex really in a relationship to you.

I're only as good as your partner...:smile:

Yeah this is no good. What if your partner likes to get freaky in bed and your just a boring missionary style person?

It may be good for you...but your partner is getting bored more each time.

hmmm... what's missionary? I should try that sometime..


SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 07:39 PM
Nah... I don't even get into details.. might mention.. oh I got it good last night.. but thats about it...

That's private information no one needs to know..

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 07:33 PM

New relationship couple months into that is all.
Everything is just peachy but the sex just doesnt do it for you, at all.
Do you stay or do you go?
How important is the sex really in a relationship to you.

I're only as good as your partner...:smile:


some people are just lazy...
or selfish in the bedroom.. or the kitchen.. or backyard.. or wherever it may be... oh the park ...
how about the....


SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 07:31 PM

a relationship can't be based on the physical aspect of sex. If it's there, whether good or bad if you truely care about that other person you will stick around.

Sure I care about whoever it is.. but I worry about myself and my happiness first... until Im in love and married (yeah right).. I come first...

yeah.. I come first... remember that :wink:

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 07:27 PM
Edited by SamaraNJ on Thu 12/11/08 07:29 PM

"Watch the Papers"??????

Dude, that is a line directly from that weak @ssed "Punisher" movie

You have come in contact with a full blown comic book wanna be dork.

(Yet, Ironically, I somehow know that exact line from that retarded movie)

besides...papers never print everyday suicide stories....unless the person is a celebrity.

papers print suicides....

depends on how - what they call - slow the newsday is... if they are desperate enough they will print anything..

I remember a few years back.. ANYtime there was no really attention getting news.. It was Jennifer Lopez on the cover.. she always sold...

They will print ANYTHING...

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 07:25 PM

Last time I was avoiding someone, I turned my phone off so it went right to voicemail... but my message was "Hi, this is Jill, I'm avoiding someone's call right now so leave me a message ... and if I don't call you back, assume it's you" laugh He finally stopped calling me. :tongue:

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo gonna use that next time....

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 07:23 PM
Just answered this yesterday in another thread..

If the sex is bad I move on...
It's one of the things that relaxes me and destresses and is just fun... If it's bad Ill be missing a big part of what I what I think is important....

If it's bad because of technique we can work on it..
If it's bad because of laziness... not even trying to work that out....

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 07:16 PM
How long were you working there?

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 12:52 PM
Edited by SamaraNJ on Thu 12/11/08 12:54 PM

my parents are married.. their 30th wedding anniversary is coming up in march. my mom is overweight.. she doesnt b!tch about it.. she accepts herself for who she is.. my dad loves her as much overweight as he ever could if she were model thin.. my parents spend their lives telling me that they love me.. *granted i did have middle child syndrome.. but that had nothing to do with my weight.. just my invisibility at sporting events etc*
my mother did not read cosmo.. vougue.. any of the traditional magazines.. she read taste of home.. and things like that..

at the age of 13.. i was the biggest girl in my class. tallest.. and fattest.. i stoped eating.. my friends all read cosmo...teen.. seventeen.. i saw the skinny models, i saw my friends.. all skinny and beautiful..
i was never good enough.. in my head..

i took small enough portions that if i spread the food around my plate it looked as if i ate..
my anorexia was not the fault of my parents.. it was the fault of my mental image of myself..
my friends all had bf's.. i was alone.. my friends were all sking.. i was alone.. my friends all had the perfect lives.. i was alone.. thats how things went in my head.. my mom realized some time later what i was doing..
oddly enough.. by then i was so hungry that a good grounding took care of it. but the thoughts are still there..

You said you felt that way in your head...
It wasn't your parents fault...
You didn't say you felt it was you're classmates, movies, television or magazines fault.. I'd like to know what you thought of them..
What you just said is what I think people should do.. You can't control what happens around you but you can control what happens inside you..

ok this editing this part here...
*What I mean by what people should do.. is admit their own responsibility and feelings and choices.. and not blame others..
I'm starting to repeat myself too much here.. so Im gonna just lay back and observe for a bit..

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 12:41 PM
it's not the topic or debate that is exhausting.. what's exhausting is trying to persuade B to see A's side... or B continuing to try to persuade A to change his or her mind... If both A and B are firm in their beliefs thats fine.. discuss it.. bring up facts.. whatever A and B think.. but just because A and B dont' end the discussion with the same views doesn't mean it's a waste of time..

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 11:47 AM
I know this is off topic.. so this is gonna need a thread.. but I believe what Josh says that as long as religion considers it a sin it won't be accepted the same as heterosexual marriages... although, I am not religious at all and I believe people should be able to be with who they choose..

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 10:22 AM
Edited by SamaraNJ on Thu 12/11/08 10:23 AM
ok then I think maybe you just misspoke when I asked 'what determines the public opinion' and you said 'the public that spends the most money'

it's true.. if you mean..if enough people don't buy their products they may change..

its 'where' the public spends the most money..

not whoever spends the most money makes the decisions...