Community > Posts By > SamaraNJ

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 10:19 AM

I didn't say how much you make. I said how much is spent. If I'm a company trying to sell something and people stop buying it because they don't like my advertising then I'm going to change my advertising. So the people that decide what is acceptable from the companies are the people that spend their money on the products. Or choose to buy elsewhere.

ok, the public that spends the most money and how much is spent.. well how much someone earn determines how much someone spends.. if someone is working at mcdonalds and can only afford store brand.. does their opinion not matter the same as someone working at Chanel and buying Chanel?

no one can determine the publics opinion as one unified opinion.. a person in house A does not have the same opinion as house B

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 09:42 AM
Edited by SamaraNJ on Thu 12/11/08 09:46 AM

who determines what is the publics opinion?

The public that spends the most money.

ah.. ok.. so how much you make determines your importance..

****that is sarcasm for those who don't recognize it....

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 09:12 AM

I just took a business ethics class, and this is an example of one of the many ways businesses go overboard trying to strike up the almighty dollar.

And awareness is the best way... or at least one of the best ways.

What needs to be done in the end is a policy change that forces the corporate machine to tilt in favor of public opinion.

Also, holding these corporations accountable for the root causes of these types of social diseases.

Go for it Ruth34611...

... if interested, my text for the course was:

Title: Business & Society: Stakeholder's, Ethics and Public Policy, 12th Edition
Author: Anne T. Lawrence, and James Weber
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Irwin
ISBN-10: 0-07-353017-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-353017-8

Here is this exact text book on

There are dozens of case studies, lists of activists groups, and a LOT of tools you might like to have inside this text book in bringing your issue to the public eye. Also, seeing it through to the change of public policy and corporate policies.

You might find this at a local library, or I am noticing an 11th edition on there used for under $20.

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Awesome.. force them to follow the public opinion.. now.. which public opinion? The one to airbrush or not to airbrush.. who determines what is the publics opinion?
I would need more info about that book before I decide what I think about it..

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 07:20 AM

As to your statements that i should quit complaining about this and do something....

1. Raising awareness about an issue is the first step in doing something about it. And, this post made me realize that there is still a lot of ignorance on the subject.

2. Why do you assume I do not do things about it? i take a very proactive role with my daughters in teaching them, and I do boycott such magazines and regularly write letters editors. It is because of these efforts by many people concerned with this issue that several of the magazines are trying to implement changes.

ok .. fine.. if you boycott it, good for you instead of just taking it..
we could also get into trying to stop other people from printing what they want and reading what they want simply because someone else doesn't agree with them instead of simply not buying them.. but Im just beating it to death now.. it's over.. you can get in the last word now..

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 05:51 AM
ok you're right.. it's better to just end this now.. the forum is for opinions and you obviously don't like mine.. but if you're going to throw it out there you have to accept the ones you disagree with as well as the ones you agree with...

I'm sorry you got upset.. but I'm not sorry for what I beleive

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 05:47 AM
Edited by SamaraNJ on Thu 12/11/08 05:48 AM

Yeah a friend of mine has the natural spiral curls. Im jealous although naturally straight has its perks also as it tends to be very healthy and shiny.

absolutely.. when I use anything to boost shine it just appears greasy... I bet it also doesn't take 20 mins each morning to get all the tangles out....

**ok Im done with my hair then :tongue:

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 05:43 AM
Edited by SamaraNJ on Thu 12/11/08 05:45 AM

Samara, last night you said this:

"yeah.. there has to be someone to blame when people aren't strong enough to make decisions for themselves and have low self esteem and kill themselves worrying about what other people think..."

I don't understand because this morning you are saying it's the parent's job to teach their children about the false images they see in the media. Why would parents need to protect and teach their children about this if it is just a matter of someone who is weak? last night you were saying with your posts that this wasn't a problem. Are you now saying it is a problem?

The pics are not the problem.. people who cant distinguish reality from fantasy are the problem.. parents and people who choose to blame others are the problem....

and saying there has to be someone to blame is sarcasm.. because it's ridiculous these days no one likes to take responsibility....

First of all, looking for contributing factors and causes for a problem is not the same thing as not taking responsibility for something. And, nowhere in here have I been sarcastic. I brought up an issue that is a concern for me raising two daughters. I'm sorry you can't understand that and prefer to take the "blame the victim" mentality.

We should probably just drop this now and agree to disagree.

you don't need to use sarcasm for me to be able to use it.. if you're raising two daughters and really see it as that much of a problem.. get off the forum and go boycott the magazines.. if you believe it is as bad as cancer go find a cure... I respect your opinion but don't just sit around and complain and talk about how bad it is and do nothing if you really believe things are THAT bad...

I see nothing wrong with it at all...

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 05:38 AM

Overheard conversation...

Him: If I get really sick or something, I would leave you. I do not want to see the look in your eyes while you're having to take care of me.

Her: What? Don't I get a vote in this?


um.. you really think I don't love you that much... that the look in eyes would be bad?
or would you see the look of love in my eyes and how I'm hoping for the best?

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 05:36 AM
Does someone actually blame the band when someone says a song made them commit murder? Does that make sense? Does someone blame Superman when a kid gets hurt cause he tries to fly? Why blame someone for a photo? Put the blame where it belongs....

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 05:31 AM
Edited by SamaraNJ on Thu 12/11/08 05:34 AM

Samara, last night you said this:

"yeah.. there has to be someone to blame when people aren't strong enough to make decisions for themselves and have low self esteem and kill themselves worrying about what other people think..."

I don't understand because this morning you are saying it's the parent's job to teach their children about the false images they see in the media. Why would parents need to protect and teach their children about this if it is just a matter of someone who is weak? last night you were saying with your posts that this wasn't a problem. Are you now saying it is a problem?

The pics are not the problem.. people who cant distinguish reality from fantasy are the problem.. parents and people who choose to blame others are the problem....

and saying there has to be someone to blame is sarcasm.. because it's ridiculous these days no one likes to take responsibility for themselves and blame others....

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 05:29 AM

Me to. I have to stand when I go to the salon for them to trim it. Its about 20 inches down my back. Its bone straight though. I have tried to curl it an to no avail. It will hold that for all of about a half hour.

I'm lucky there.. my hair is naturally curly bigsmile

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 05:18 AM
The day I realized how life is better being independent... I can stand on my own and don't have to accept anyone negative in it...
and yeah.. I remember the day I realized that.. and life has been so much better for it...

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 05:02 AM
Edited by SamaraNJ on Thu 12/11/08 05:04 AM
I like 1 and 3 best...

also with 1... it looks like it leaves room to give different styles for your mood.. the others are simply just short and you'll be stuck with the same style daily...

I cut my hair short once in my life.. it was great and easy to take care of.. but then never cut it again (besides trims).. now its about to my butt...

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 04:50 AM
6 months? and it's killing you? what's gonna happen when your having more mature relationships and they last 6 years and then it's over? You want to be with her? why would you want to be with someone who hurts you? she is lying when she says she loves you or she wouldn't be with someone else.. it peeves me when people are afraid to be alone and they hang onto people who treat them like crap cause they're just weak... There are plenty of real women out there.. no reason to hang on to a fake one...

SamaraNJ's photo
Thu 12/11/08 04:38 AM

Personally, I think it's the role of the parent to teach their children what's right and wrong and to instill in them confidence in their appearance and abilities. You can't leave that up to the media or society, nor should you; they're about making money, they don't care what happens to your kid and they don't care what your kid takes away from the images they're presented with. It's about sales and making money. When I was a kid, Madonna was all the rage, and what she did and wore back then was considered risque for the times, but I was never tempted to imitate her. I understood she was a celebrity and I was a regular girl. Also, if I had tried to put on some of the outfits she wore, my parents would have put a quick stop to that.

I'm sure everyone is going to poo poo me and say it's important for girls to have a positive image. Well, I couldn't agree more, what I disagree with is, assuming that the media gives a crap about anything other than numbers. Parents need to be responsible for their kids- let them know those are celebrities; in costumes, in makeup, digitally enhanced, they don't look like regular people, and regular people shouldn't be trying to look like them.

Just my two cents, bash away if you want; most people want to pass their parenting responsibilities over to others, so feel free.flowerforyou

I would never poo poo you... I think people too easily look for other sources to place blame.. and yes.. after years of working in the media.. I don't trust them.. I don't read the paper or watch the news or anything.. I know how they just say enough to make it true but still put their own spin on it.. I just might come across a story here or there.. but it's all just about money.... and I don't think there is a picture that exists in print that is not photoshopped in one way or another...

SamaraNJ's photo
Wed 12/10/08 11:10 PM
Edited by SamaraNJ on Wed 12/10/08 11:11 PM

spock What if you loved someone but, the seX was not all that! What would you do? What is more importaint of the two? :laughing:

he's gotta be willing to learn and try things...

I want the whole package..

um whole package as in sex, love.. all that stuff.... to settle with someone

not 'his' package.. well.. yeah.. i would want that too..

SamaraNJ's photo
Wed 12/10/08 10:14 PM
Edited by SamaraNJ on Wed 12/10/08 10:15 PM

1. Are you a constant talker or more of a listener?

2. Do you allow others to express their mind or do you take over the arena not allowing other thoughts to develop?

3. Do you have alot of temper when you don't agree, or do you remain calm and try to reason?

4. Do you hold a grudge the next day after a argument, or do you forget about it and move on?

I love a good debate..

I like to get my point across but I also listen because I like hearing what other people think of the topic..

I want people to express their minds.. I think if we don't have the same thoughts and ideas it sometimes could be more interesting that speaking with someone who just agrees with everything..

I only have a temper.. well not even really a temper.. just annoyed when I accidentally find someone who doesn't respect people with different opinions... For some reason they always have to try to insult others.. I wouldn't get a temper about their opinion unless it was made from ignorance and they continue to defend it.. either way I move on..

I don't hold a grudge.. I move on immediately.. Im just looking for a good debate.. not an argument..

SamaraNJ's photo
Wed 12/10/08 09:40 PM
no idea.. I don't think I know anyone here enough to think about that one..

oh oh oh..


cause while we are dropping the kid off to each other for visitation rights.. we can trade and borrow purses
having my kid gives me purse rights too.. right?

SamaraNJ's photo
Wed 12/10/08 09:10 PM

I have a webcam, and am all to willing to show anyone at anytime, that I look just like my pics...

when they are unwilling to do the same...

I know they're fake!

I have a webcam also.. this was the first time it happened to me... maybe I should have cam be a requirement laugh

SamaraNJ's photo
Wed 12/10/08 09:05 PM

A few wks after Christie Brinkly's marital woes were made public, she was on the cover of a magazine that said "This is the face of 53"
I told my daughters, No not quite, this is a face with professional make-up artists, hair stylests, special lighting and photographers. And possibly some retouching/airbrush/photoshopping . This is not the face of a real 53 yr old woman, its fake.

Nice.. parents should teach children the difference between reality and fantasy...