Community > Posts By > Intrepid00

Intrepid00's photo
Thu 07/17/08 04:32 PM

I prefer to call them Spirits...Ghost sounds a bit spooky.

I have felt presences near to me often in my life since my husband died, generally when things are not going well, like when both of my parents were dying. I could explain in what form but it would take too long. I do believe they are around us.
I do too honestly and yes spirits might be a better term but I also believe they are around us a whole lot more than we think.

Intrepid00's photo
Thu 07/17/08 04:17 PM
On a rainy night in early November of 1997 when I was 18, my friend and I were sitting in his basement finishing off one of the kegs he had gotten for his Halloween party a few nights before. As we sat in his basement, I brought up the topic of ghosts in his house because though I'd never personally experienced anything in his house, other of my friends had and so had he and his family. I started to ask him questions about it and he told me some stuff but other stuff he said I wouldnt believe him if he told me. Then, out of nowhere I felt a cold chill up the back of my neck. He must have felt it too because we both stopped talking and looked at each other and then at his dog that was sitting on the basement steps staring at something. Then all of a sudden his dog leapt off the stairs and started barking and attacking thin air! We headed for the stairs but the dog got there first, then my friend, then me. As I was running up the steps I could distinctly hear footsteps pounding on the steps behind me even after I was off the steps the footsteps continued. I walked out of his house that night into the pouring rain and have never been back since. I will also never doubt that ghosts exist!

Intrepid00's photo
Sun 07/13/08 06:26 AM

I was watching this movie last night "Just Friends" and I was thinking about how I was interested in girls before and either they or I were seeing someone so I we became friends. In most cases the initial attraction was mutual but when we were both free to date each other even if we hooked up or did date it didn't last long. I usually got some variation of "This wouldn't work, we're good friends." So I was wondering if theoretically is it possible to escape from the "friend zone" and what does it take?drinker thank you

This excuse is a crock of s***! It is moreso they are afraid of; a: Being hurt by someone close to them that knows quite a bit more than anyone else; or b: A copout when they are afraid of the possibility and outcome being better. It really comes down to the past relationships with boyfriends/fiancee's/parents/siblings/friends, drawn from that comes this psychosis of fear...ultimately of good, but the unknown is what scares people the most.
interesting analysis:thumbsup:

Intrepid00's photo
Sun 07/13/08 06:23 AM
ever did or have happen to you while on a date or trying to impress someone? One time when I was a senior in high school I was totally obsessed with this girl Lisa and I got her to come to a diner with me after school one day. I was trying to look cool and I spit in the ashtray (this was in 1996, when you were still allowed to smoke outside your own house). BIG MISTAKE. lol, the ashes shot up and got all in her face (eyes, mouth, etc!) and mine!!laugh laugh Thank god she was a good sport. She ended up being the love of my lifelove :wink:

Intrepid00's photo
Sun 07/13/08 05:28 AM

I cannot believe I read this entire post. I must really be bored.. huh

Seriously! Me, too! whoa I'm amazed that anyone would post such arrogant crap and even more amazed that someone would argue with him. shocked

drinks anyone?
glasses smokin
Ok, this is the last time I am going to respond to this post. I'm tired of coming on here everyday and clicking on "My Topics" to see that 20 more people ripped on me on here. I obviously made a mistake by using myself as an example in this post and it was taken the wrong way and also at times responded out of frustration without thinking first. Not everyone is going to like me, I know that and people will believe what they want to believe.

Intrepid00's photo
Sun 07/13/08 04:31 AM
I was watching this movie last night "Just Friends" and I was thinking about how I was interested in girls before and either they or I were seeing someone so I we became friends. In most cases the initial attraction was mutual but when we were both free to date each other even if we hooked up or did date it didn't last long. I usually got some variation of "This wouldn't work, we're good friends." So I was wondering if theoretically is it possible to escape from the "friend zone" and what does it take?drinker thank you

Intrepid00's photo
Sat 07/12/08 12:53 PM

I agree, I take awful pics, but would have to say im far from being a dog. Im very witty, smart, playful, and love to have a good time. Enjoy great company and feel that I am good company to be around. But unless I take the stellar photo, done up to a nine, no attention at all in the internet world. And it is frustrating because the guys that I message on here would definitely try to hit on my in public, but on here, they just pass me by. I feel your pain, LOLrant
Yeah, that is really all I'm saying. I don't think I'm some hot stud or anything. I just know that I do better in real world situations than online. If other people want to attack me personally for it? whatever. I'm just trying to say if you get rejected a lot online, that doesn't mean you aren't a quality man or woman. I'm glad online works so well for some, best of luck to them.

Intrepid00's photo
Sat 07/12/08 11:41 AM

I guess this goes here? Anyway, I have a theory on cyber dating that unless you enjoy spending time and hanging out in the forums, only the best looking most photogenic individuals are successful. Here is why. First off, you can't see the persons body language, presence, personality, voice tonality, mannerisms,etc. All you see are pictures and I know for most of us-me included-I only view the profiles of the women that look good. I've also noticed that in the real world, I get hit on quite a bit and I've always dated attractive women. Here in cyber world, I definitely am NOT the man lol. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I'm not very photogenic and I don't look good in photos; they don't do me any justice at all. Furthermore, I think some of the other aspects that I mentioned before can't be seen. Such as I'm solid and 6'4" so my presence is noticed when I walk into a room. Also, I have this smile that goes well with a sly-type, playful mannerism that I think is appealing to women. I think there are a lot of men and women who have the same issues and if you aren't the most gorgeous, most photogenic person on earth, online dating can be a real self-esteem buster. Not to mention frustrating!
If your all that in real life.......then where is all your dates?? Why are you single??huh laugh laugh laugh
First off, you couldn't get me so talk to the handlaugh Second, I'm not exactly single and when I am? It is because I reject women more than I accept their advances...:banana:

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 07/11/08 01:35 PM
What if it was paralyzed from the neck down??

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 07/11/08 01:33 PM

I have not had a date in soo long , I may as well be paralized from the waist down!!laugh laugh

laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh I know the feeling.

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 07/11/08 12:53 PM
Edited by Intrepid00 on Fri 07/11/08 12:54 PM
?? If you were paralyzed you would have use of your arms, if you were given life that's without parole but with Bubba! .

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 07/11/08 12:45 PM


Intrepid00's photo
Fri 07/11/08 12:42 PM

can you not have a pretty manly-man??
Yeah, that's what I'm wondering. I think we really need a definition of a pretty boy and one of a manly man. I think everyone has a different idea of what they are.

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 07/11/08 12:37 PM

flowerforyou For ladies: do you like pretty boys, or manly men?flowerforyou
Could a lady please define for me a "Manly Man" and then define for me a "Pretty Boy"? THank you!flowerforyou

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 07/11/08 12:26 PM
Even though the truth is that they are almost exclusively drug addicts and alcoholics and some do really do it for a living(and do welllaugh) I do give my change to people or a dollar, whatever. However, if I'm walking through the city and person after person comes up to me it starts to get annoying and I say "no man, I've already given out all I can spare."

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 07/11/08 04:46 AM

See this is my point exactly. I'm not AT ALL "geeky". The furthest thing from it. As for the other stuff, like I said I'm not trying to impress anyone. I meet enough girls out in the world :)

Then why are you on a dating site?
I have a computer and I thought it would be fun?lol Idk, I've been on here a long time and I've met some cool people but I have this theory based on my own experience and my own actions. You don't have to agree with it but I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who get repeatedly rejected online and I just want them to know they aren't alone and those are probably some of the reasons so not to get too down about it.

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 07/11/08 04:36 AM

Well, it could be like that. I have been told that I look nice, have a nice personality, but it doesnt help at all.
I'm sure that is trueflowerforyou

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 07/11/08 04:35 AM

Well truthfully, if I read your profile I'd run... and not just run, but run fast. Any woman in their right mind can see that your profile sounds bitter (of course some people say that of mine, but I'm not posting threads about how I can't get a date online, either).

Your headline reads "whatever"... your profile text basically says that you don't care to impress or even put forth a good effort to attract someone... so why would anyone bother?

Yes, your pictures partly suck. I think most of it is bad lighting and bad angles. You look, to me, a little on the geeky side, which is OKAY really, because a lot of women like that... but geeky guys need to be sweet... not bitter and *****y.

I hope I haven't totally offended you... just trying to help you out with some real advice on the subject. Good luck and don't let them beat you down. flowerforyou
See this is my point exactly. I'm not AT ALL "geeky". The furthest thing from it. As for the other stuff, like I said I'm not trying to impress anyone. I meet enough girls out in the world :)

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 07/11/08 04:16 AM
I guess this goes here? Anyway, I have a theory on cyber dating that unless you enjoy spending time and hanging out in the forums, only the best looking most photogenic individuals are successful. Here is why. First off, you can't see the persons body language, presence, personality, voice tonality, mannerisms,etc. All you see are pictures and I know for most of us-me included-I only view the profiles of the women that look good. I've also noticed that in the real world, I get hit on quite a bit and I've always dated attractive women. Here in cyber world, I definitely am NOT the man lol. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I'm not very photogenic and I don't look good in photos; they don't do me any justice at all. Furthermore, I think some of the other aspects that I mentioned before can't be seen. Such as I'm solid and 6'4" so my presence is noticed when I walk into a room. Also, I have this smile that goes well with a sly-type, playful mannerism that I think is appealing to women. I think there are a lot of men and women who have the same issues and if you aren't the most gorgeous, most photogenic person on earth, online dating can be a real self-esteem buster. Not to mention frustrating!

Intrepid00's photo
Thu 07/10/08 08:35 AM

If my profile comes across as blah, that is because thats how I feel right now. I'm sick of writing to women I'm attracted to and getting no response. I wish I was gay sometimes, I really do. I'm just so sick of attractive women. Unattractive women are great except I'm not attracted to's a catch 22

Everyone on your friends list is quite attractive so what are u complaining about.
lol I think like 2 of them talk to me and noneof the hotties