Community > Posts By > Intrepid00

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 06/13/08 05:51 PM

uummmm, why don't you drop to your knees for the man

he's your hero bubba laugh
laugh I play for the home team bro, but if he had breasts and a p****...laugh

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 06/13/08 05:21 PM
My computer was on its last leg so infected with viruses that I couldn't even use it and itsjustdave told me exactly what to do and it worked! My comp is working great now!! So I want some gorgeous women to go find itsjustdave and give him ***** and *** got it???laugh laugh

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 06/13/08 11:51 AM
I can barely use my computer it is so messed up. I can't use "internet explorer and now fireffoeeox isn't responding! it it says navigation blocked or????????????? missing http 404?

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 06/13/08 11:47 AM

Hot bologna sandwiches...stale bread...warm ice tea...cold bean smokes....and for those bad smells....underarm deodorant flakes on toilet paper and lit with a battery and foil to make it burn, much like encense. But, don't get caught. Bread or raisin hooch....YUUUUK!!

we used to just throw baby powder at the air vents for air freshenerlaugh

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 06/13/08 10:22 AM

one of my brothers friends went to prison for 2 years, and he actually said it was ok in there, he had fags bought in all the time, he said it wasnt like being punished at all.

I think you should use the term "cigarette" when referring to prison.
right? haha, I totally thought he meant gay men!

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 06/13/08 10:08 AM
I've never been to state prison but I have been in the county and I was on the phone EVERY DAY CRYING sad to my parents to get me out. No, nobody raped melaugh and no I didn't rape anyone else lol, I was in there because I had a possession case and then I didn't go to court so they arrested me, locked me up and gave me bail. My parents made me sit for two weeks to teach me a lesson...ONE I WILL NEVER FORGET!!!laugh

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 06/13/08 10:02 AM
laugh Everyone, including me, thinks that something they are going through or their job or whatever is like prison...that is until they actually go to prison. Then they realize anything you ever thought was bad before was NOTHING compared to being in theresad sad brokenheart noway

Intrepid00's photo
Thu 06/12/08 05:14 PM


Nah,it's not u...I mean look at ubigsmile :wink: flowerforyou

I know, right? :tongue:
thanks 2 both of you :smile: blushing

Intrepid00's photo
Thu 06/12/08 12:52 PM

I understand and tend to feel the same... hence I'm on the east coast. Hey but if I can keep going so can you happy
I'm on the east coast too.:smile: I live in Philadelphia. I'm moving to Cali on July 9th.

Intrepid00's photo
Thu 06/12/08 12:47 PM

must be you... truly I dont see how you can be tired fo searching with just a few posts and you havent been here that long .. just my opinion
Whaaa?? I don't come on the forum's that often but that doesn't mean I haven't been living under a rock for 29 yearslaugh I've been around man...

Intrepid00's photo
Thu 06/12/08 10:10 AM
Am I the only one that is tired of browsing through countless profiles and on that rare occassion seeing one that interests you only to notice that they live halfway across the universe and/or you don't fit into thier "requirements"?grumble Maybe it's my age. I'm 29 and all the good women my age are married or engaged or not worth talking to it seems, so I go to the mall and find myself staring at teenagers which just makes me feel even older and like a pervertlaugh . Or I go to the bar and it's pretty much the same. Either they're married, have boyfriends or just aren't there to meet guys.Or is it just me? (And I know some smartass is going to say its just me)lol

Intrepid00's photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:52 AM

Very lucky lady to have a love so true ...beautiful devotional to your feelings....great job~
Thank you. I wish Amy felt so lucky to have me love her. She wont even talk about me let alone to melaugh

Intrepid00's photo
Wed 06/11/08 12:57 PM
so am I...wanna do it?laugh

Intrepid00's photo
Wed 06/11/08 12:50 PM
between these two poles,
on my knees I stand
lamenting the night
I last held your hand,
you were my rose,
in this crown of thorns,
ironic, I can't see your face,
not anymore.
I only remember,
the perfect shape of your legs,
and I'm now resigned to accept
what I've known all along,
even though you've denied me,
and you're apathetic as grass
I always loved you,
and I always will. -to Amy

Intrepid00's photo
Wed 06/11/08 12:36 PM

If someone doesnt pick up the phone for over a you keep calling?
why would someone call after that long?
cuz, I wish that was my problemlaugh The truth though? The only explaination is she's not playing with a full deck if you know what I meansick

Intrepid00's photo
Wed 06/11/08 07:51 AM
Outside of family, the last time I told a woman I loved her was on September 5, 2002. That is right 2002!!sad

Intrepid00's photo
Wed 06/11/08 07:31 AM

u might be gay..and just don't realize it ...yet
OMG...Thats it!! And all this time I wasted staring at women's breasts and asses lisciviously!laugh

Intrepid00's photo
Wed 06/11/08 07:26 AM

yeah dude i think i sees ya problem.

around these women you dont paticularly want, youre being yourself. im sure youre a fun, intelligent guy and all of your best qualities are shining thru because youre not focused on impressing any of these chicks. youre more concerned with amusing yourself and dont take anything these ladies say too super serious.

but when you get around a girl you want, you behavior probably changes on subtle levels because now you care. see?

another problem could be your definition of what a woman being attracted to you is.
some guys confuse a woman being comfortable around him as them being attracted enough to at some point have sex with him. chicks are super comfortable around gay dudes, even to the point of kissing them and grabbing their butts but they would never have sex with them.

just make sure youre not becoming a straight gay friend to these ladies and that they always know that youre a man who likes sex and has no issues with it (probably not best to say that aloud tho.)

take notice how you treat the chicks youre not attracted to and treat the ones you ARE attracted to the same way. the minute you give a hot chick speical treatment for no reason is when they lose attracted to you and lump you in the same catergory as every other lame dude.

am i good or what?
Actually, yeah dog you are, lol. I know that is a problem the acting different around girls I'm attracted too but I don't do anything to make ugly chicks like me they just think I'm great???? Also, most of my life I was nicer to hot girls but then I read some pick up artist material and I actually treat them WORSE NOW. But I do get dumped into the pile with all the lame chumps and I HATE ITexplode !!!

Intrepid00's photo
Wed 06/11/08 06:32 AM
It never ceases to amaze me; I can have any girl I wantlove ! That is of course, unless I want themindifferent . All my life I have had the ability to attract females (oh, and males lol) but rarely the females I want to attract. Say I work with 15 women. I'll be atracted to 5 of them. 7 of them will be attracted to me. but the 7 that are attracted to me are out of the 10 that I'm not attracted to, get it? Then, there are times where I will attract a girl I'm interested in and she will love me but before I know it she is no longer interested! I'm not ugly or else I would never attract anyone, I'm intelligent and I also have a decent personality although I'm not the hardest, toughest guy in the world or the funniest, I can hold my own. Any ideas or suggestions? I'm tired of my interest in a woman not being reciprocated. Thanks-Intrepid00

Intrepid00's photo
Tue 06/03/08 06:02 PM

I dated a guy who was wheelchair bound when I was in my early 20s. I had no problem with it.

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou to your friend. There are some great support group type places to help with the major adjustments ahead of him. Maybe help him check some of those out??

There but for the grace of God go I...I broke my back at 15 and was told I wouldn't walk again...two weeks later I was walking and 3 months later I was back on my horse.

They are able to do some amazing things with spinal injuries these days...check out the web.

And flowerforyou for caring so much about your friend's situation.
wow! You ARE lucky and yeah, he was telling me about some things they can do now and some place he's going. As for caring so much? I don't deserve the flowers. I was the one driving the car...Initially, I was worse off than him given a 50/50 chance of living. I was airlifted to U of Penn. Hospital and spent 26 days in the ICU. My lungs were punctured, ribs broken, leg broken, sternum broken, and actually my NECK was broken too. A centimeter more and I would be a QUADRAPLEGIC, not a para like him. I had to wear a neck brace for 90 days and I still have a bald spot on the back of my head from no oxygen getting to that part of my head for so long.