Community > Posts By > Intrepid00

Intrepid00's photo
Sat 10/18/08 07:46 PM
Maybe a woman can answer this. I fell in love with Amy the moment I laid eyes on her but after 4 tumultuous months it was over. Sometimes it was wonderful when she was acting normal, but when her borderline personality disorder manifested itself our relationship was a symphony of dysfunction. Regardless, I'd always felt that she had more intelligence and more potential (as well as more beauty) than any other woman I had ever been with. During the relationship I was admittedly more in love with her than she was with me; in fact, I don't think she "loved" me at all but she definitely did like me in that way and we had a some passionate moments. The thing is a year or so ago I saw a friend of mine who I hadn't seen in a while and he said "I saw your girl Amy the other day. She said she wasn't your girlfriend; you guys were just friends."shocked Ouch!! Then I wont get into it but my mom is best friends with her daughter's father's mom and she more or less said the same sort of thing to him recently but refused to talk about me with him!!?? I'm really hurt and confused. I still consider her the girl I loved the most. Why would she deny that we were ever a couple? I mean, there was no doubt at the time that we were at all.what ??

Intrepid00's photo
Sun 09/28/08 08:13 AM

Personally I only like guys but, the thing is our society is making it easier and easier to accept these things ( not like it's awful...but, you could go to hell) errmmm anyhow...
More and more people are saying to themselves why not...All these other people are doing it, and look at this and that person, where they are in life and they're gay/bi....JMO
I agree with most of what you said however TRUE homosexuals do not chose to be gay; they were born that way. I know because as I said my uncle was gay and he TRIED TO DATE WOMEN BUT THEY DIDN'T DO IT FOR HIM. (he also died of AIDS and I personally don't believe he's burning in Hell because he was born attracted to men and that is just one reason among a million that I am Agnostic and no longer consider myself Christian) It does feel like society is so much more accepting of it now that a lot of people really are like "why not?" especially with women. In fact, I know more women that are bi than straight although they usually prefer men they have no hang ups about messing around with another woman.

Intrepid00's photo
Sun 09/28/08 08:13 AM

Personally I only like guys but, the thing is our society is making it easier and easier to accept these things ( not like it's awful...but, you could go to hell) errmmm anyhow...
More and more people are saying to themselves why not...All these other people are doing it, and look at this and that person, where they are in life and they're gay/bi....JMO
I agree with most of what you said however TRUE homosexuals do not chose to be gay; they were born that way. I know because as I said my uncle was gay and he TRIED TO DATE WOMEN BUT THEY DIDN'T DO IT FOR HIM. (he also died of AIDS and I personally don't believe he's burning in Hell because he was born attracted to men and that is just one reason among a million that I am Agnostic and no longer consider myself Christian) It does feel like society is so much more accepting of it now that a lot of people really are like "why not?" especially with women. In fact, I know more women that are bi than straight although they usually prefer men they have no hang ups about messing around with another woman.

Intrepid00's photo
Sat 09/27/08 05:51 PM
I swear it seems like everyone is gay or bi-sexual these days. It almost seems like it's popular and trendy to be bi or gay. Lindsay Lohan is with a woman??? Don't misunderstand me; I have no problem with people being what they are. My uncle was gay and I have several friends that are gay or bi and have dated girls that are bi. It just seems like so many people are these days and I'd be interested to know if psychologically we are all capable of being attracted to members of the same sex on some level... I just know that when I walk down the street I don't even pay any attention to other guys lol, but I'll damn near break my neck if I see a hot girl lol.

Intrepid00's photo
Sat 09/27/08 12:03 PM

Does anyone else have this problem? Having a sibling of the same sex that is better looking than you are? Growing up I was the cool one, I was the one who got girls but my brother cleared up his acne, started tanning and learned how to dress and now I constantly have to put up with girls telling me how cute MY BROTHER IS! First off ladies, here is a tip: If you think a guys brother is cute as hell, don't tell the guy! Second, I constantly have to guard any woman that I am interested in from him because he WILL make a move just to pump up his own self-esteem and more than once I've found out that he landed a woman that I was interested in. Once, I took him to a club with me where I was meeting this girl from one of my classes. She was hot and I was thinking she liked me too so at the club I asked her out and she said no, that she had a boyfriend or something. Yeah right, next thing I know she and my little brother are all over each other swapping spit and grinding on the dance floor! Then the next time I went to class she let everyone know how hot Dave's BROTHER IS. This is where I'm taking it out because I don't want my family to know just how bad it hurts being considered less handsome than my less intelligent street smart and experienced; less masculine younger brother. Tell me I'm not alone here..

First, I have no clue what your younger brother looks like, but you're a very nice looking guy. Maybe you should quit hanging out with him so much and go out on your own? And yes, I know what it's like to have a sibling better looking, I'm the oldest of 4 and the other three were much better looking (I got the brains):wink: . Put some distance between you & your brother. Find someone else to go out with. JMO
Thank you for the compliment and I know that I'm not ugly but he looks like an Italian soap star kind of. I will admit however that there are girls that think I'm cuter than him and I definitely look younger.

Intrepid00's photo
Sat 09/27/08 09:10 AM

Been here!!!!

My sister was taller than me. More athletic. Smaller boobs. Plainer figure.

I was short, but had an hour class figure, great boobs, great legs, even if I was short.

But I was constantly told my sister was the sexy one, I was cute and cuddly. And guys went after my sister, not me.

I was a High School Junior. The Junior and Senior guys were going after my MIDDLE SCHOOL aged sister.

That was just sick and wrong......... Everyone thought she was the older one, just because she was taller.
lol, yeah everyone thinks my younger brother is my older brother too. I'm 29 and I get told I look no more than 23-24. My bro is 26.

Intrepid00's photo
Sat 09/27/08 04:23 AM
Does anyone else have this problem? Having a sibling of the same sex that is better looking than you are? Growing up I was the cool one, I was the one who got girls but my brother cleared up his acne, started tanning and learned how to dress and now I constantly have to put up with girls telling me how cute MY BROTHER IS! First off ladies, here is a tip: If you think a guys brother is cute as hell, don't tell the guy! Second, I constantly have to guard any woman that I am interested in from him because he WILL make a move just to pump up his own self-esteem and more than once I've found out that he landed a woman that I was interested in. Once, I took him to a club with me where I was meeting this girl from one of my classes. She was hot and I was thinking she liked me too so at the club I asked her out and she said no, that she had a boyfriend or something. Yeah right, next thing I know she and my little brother are all over each other swapping spit and grinding on the dance floor! Then the next time I went to class she let everyone know how hot Dave's BROTHER IS. This is where I'm taking it out because I don't want my family to know just how bad it hurts being considered less handsome than my less intelligent street smart and experienced; less masculine younger brother. Tell me I'm not alone here..

Intrepid00's photo
Thu 09/25/08 04:48 PM
Yo, what's up? I'm just bored but a little annoyed. Anyway, anybody have anything to ***** about how ****ty life is or guys/girls are? Maybe I'll feel better if some people other than myself look around and feel the same way...frustrated

Intrepid00's photo
Tue 09/02/08 04:20 PM

I think you hit the nail on the head. When i go check out a guys profile and he has a bunch of woman friends I figure he is on an ego trip and i am not boosting it for him. That or he is a manwhore.

Ummmm....I don't have very many friends on my list, but the vast majority of them are women.

So that is a bad thing for me?

: sighs :

Oh well. I guess everyone is entitled to make a mistake in judgment. It's just such a shame that if someone judges me a " manwhore " because of who is on my friends list, they are going to be missing out in a big way.
you seem like a faggot to me and the fact that you don't even put a picture up of yourself tells me that you are an ugly faggot at that lol.

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 08/29/08 02:19 PM

I think you hit the nail on the head. When i go check out a guys profile and he has a bunch of woman friends I figure he is on an ego trip and i am not boosting it for him. That or he is a manwhore.
not true! I have a lot of female friends because I put up a profile on here to meet WOMEN not MEN!! but barely any of those girls talk to me anyway anymore.

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 08/29/08 10:21 AM

myself,..I don`t write to anyone who just checkes out my profile,..especially if they checked it out & didn`t respond in any way,..( I`ll assume they`re not interested )

look for what your interested in,..take back your power,.. drinker

peeking at your profile, the fact you have only two actual pictures of yourself, both of which are poorly light tells me as a man you dont think your that hot. true i may not be what you want anayway but ya gotta ask yourself... what if i was? would those pics make me wanna write?
dude, I have like 7 pics on there and only like 3 of them are in bad light

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 08/29/08 10:18 AM

I don't say much

if there's not much said, what could they possibly reply to?
I didn't say much in my profile, I ask questions and things like that when I message someone though lol

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 08/29/08 05:23 AM
I just don't get it. I've written plenty of girls who check out my profile but don't respond. I don't think my pictures are bad, and I don't say much. Some of the women who diss me on here I wouldn't even hit on in the real world; I only wrote them to see if they'd respond and they didn't! I don't want to come off as conceited and beauty is in the eye of the beholder but I hear at least once a day every day that I'm cute or something so most women must think so, so why can I get NOTHING, NO LOVE ONLINE????

Intrepid00's photo
Sun 08/17/08 12:45 PM

Be a man and talk to her. Little notes are for little boys.:wink:
I wouldn't write her a note if I could find the time to talk to her alone.

Intrepid00's photo
Sun 08/17/08 12:36 PM
the problem is I don't have very much time to talk to her during therapy and she comes with that guy that even though she told me they were just friends I don't know how he feels, I was thinking of slipping her a note saying:
Hey Anna,
We don't get any time to talk but I would really like to get to know you and see if you are as interesting as you seem ;). Here is my cell #, if you text me your # I will call you. If nothing else comes out of it at least I'll have a new friend in Detroit which is one more than I have now! lol
Should I write this message to her?? If so is this what I should say? What should I add or take out?
I'll be straight up and say this girl isn't the hottest woman I've ever seen (although she is fine as ****!) but she's got me. Something about her reaches deeper than any other girl has in 6 years and I at least want a real shot with this one...

Intrepid00's photo
Sun 08/17/08 05:55 AM

You have one life. Live it. This other guy is not interested you wrote? That would be the only thing holding me up if I was in your shoes. I do not want to be someone who breaks apart a relationship. There is no BF/GF relationship from what you said. What is the hang-up? Are you making things up in your head why you can't ask her out? Get rid of that defeatist attitude. If it's a no-go with her then go for another you find attractive.

I know. You're all right. I've been taught to act as if I'M THE PRIZE but I guess because I heard so much about her from other guys salivating over her (and wonder why none of them have asked her out) I have her on this pedestal. Essentially she is the princess of the Rehab. Institute of Michigan. If others hadn't made such a big deal of her before I met her, then I'd probably just ask her out but now I have her in my head as larger than life I think. I will ask her though:thumbsup:

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 08/15/08 05:08 AM

you should ask her out, whats the worst thing she can say, no soup for you? :)
A couple things could happen; that being one of them. She could also say yes but just as a rebound even though she really loves him and I don't want to be that guy a woman settles for.

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 08/15/08 05:03 AM

you dont cut another guys lunch
I'm not sure what that means but according to him he isn't interested in her anymore and according to her, they are just friends

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 08/15/08 04:51 AM
I went into physical therapy the other day and immediately I noticed this attractive young woman sitting on a bench next to a guy that I know who is in a wheelchair. As I walked around I more or less gawked at her; I knew who she was. I'd heard about her from other guys. She is this girl that comes and helps the guy with his physical therapy. She actually ended up helping ME for a while with my therapy and we were introduced and started talking and I straight up asked her if he was her boyfriend. SHE said NO, they are good friends and she is going to school for physically therapy. What I heard from OTHERS HOWEVER who asked him, is that he and she used to date and they are sort of together(whatever that means) she is still in love with him but he isn't interested. I don't know how to take that. As soon as I saw her I got that rare feeling. I'd like to ask her out but I don't want to be some guy she settles for if she is in fact really still in love with him. She definitely must feel something for him to keep coming on her own time and helping him with his therapy regardless of whether she is training to be a PT or not.

Intrepid00's photo
Sat 08/09/08 10:33 AM
Edited by Intrepid00 on Sat 08/09/08 10:34 AM
I'd like to know who is interested in me so I can talk with them, rather than wasting my time with ones who aren't. (Yes, I know there is mutual match but that doesn't work as well as it should :) Age doesn't matter anywhere roughly between 18 and 45.