Community > Posts By > Intrepid00

Intrepid00's photo
Wed 04/29/09 12:12 PM

I agree with pretty much everyone...for the most part.

To late you should have made your move, you didn't... Neither gender are given mind reading powers; you made no move to let her know where you wanted to be in her life, she likely assumed that your "Gentlemanly" attitude meant friends, so you are now in the friends bracket and you have to move on.

It is aggravating to see someone jump on the "Stuck-Up" band wagon, just because she does not like the way you might be looking at her, does not mean she is stuck up. It may be that she just wants space from a friend who started to ogle to much for her taste.

Actually, I'm anything but "Gentlemanly". I'm, well i've learned alterative ways to attract women so I just fell back and didn't hit on her like every other chump does and said things to her like "your not my type" or "you remind me of my kid sister" to disqualify myself. And people really do take what I say out of context. She IS stuck up a little but you perception of why, isn't how I know this. Like I said, she has NEVER been stuck up towards me and who knows how she feels about me? Even if she did like me, I've given her every reason NOT to tell me.

Intrepid00's photo
Wed 04/29/09 09:29 AM
Edited by Intrepid00 on Wed 04/29/09 09:30 AM

Is thisa joke? You want to tap the hot girl and you're mad she isn't interested? You became friends, you want more, she doesn't. Next.
lol, Yeah, I wanna tap the hot girl but she doesn't know that(she probably thinks I'm gay) and neither does anyone that knows me. I've never hit on her and I always tell people "no, we're just friends'. I'm not "mad", that aspect of it has nothing to do with this post

Intrepid00's photo
Wed 04/29/09 06:35 AM

What I can't figure out is, if you think she is stuck up or stuck on herself (however you want to put it) AND you feel like she is blowing you off like you are the scum of the earth AND when she finally did get in touch with you, you treated her rudely (your words), why are you still interested in her?
She is stuck up. I imagine it's hard not to be when you look like that and every guy you see hits on you but she's never acted stuck up toward me. I'm still interested in her because there just isn't anyone else I've ever met like that. It's strange going into a club and the only girl you're interested in is the one you went with...

Intrepid00's photo
Tue 04/28/09 07:51 PM

im callin your bluff post a pic...will be the judge of that flowerforyou :banana:
I don't have a pic but trust me on this; any bar we go to? She is the hottest one there. I'd sell my soul to have sex with that love love

Intrepid00's photo
Tue 04/28/09 07:46 PM
she texted me tonight about something and I was kind of rude. I don't understand why someone who is supposedly so close to me would completely blow me off for a whole weekend let alone pretty much a week.

Intrepid00's photo
Tue 04/28/09 07:42 PM

i just couldn't get passed the "maybe she's just even more stuck up than I thought she was"... spock
lol yea she's one of those girls that is a perfect 10 and KNOWS it.

Intrepid00's photo
Tue 04/28/09 03:27 PM
I have nowhere else to post this so I mind as well just let it out on here. I moved down the hall to my friend's ex-gf (not because of her, because he lived there at the time) and became really, really good friends with her but the last week or so she has completely blown me off and ignored me like I don't exist. Her friends still call me but I haven't heard from her in forever and we used to talk every day or see each other every day. I don't know what happened. I kicked my roommate out but I had every reason to and she thought he was disgusting anyway. I guess it's worth mentioning that this girl and I relate like I have with no one else and are on the same level so (and I won't even get into her killer looks) so I totally fell in love with her. Maybe she figured it out(?), maybe she's just even more stuck up than I thought she was but something has seriously changed and I don't know what it is. This woman was my best friend. What would make her completely and utterly act as if I'm the scum of the earth??? I rarely admit this but I'm seriously hurt and it's her friendship I miss most, not my attraction to her

Intrepid00's photo
Sat 03/07/09 06:07 PM

Then show how much of a bad boy you are and just whip the dudes ass.

That should get the point across nicely.
don't tempt me, I'm already dying to do just that.

Intrepid00's photo
Sat 03/07/09 05:02 PM

Ok, I REALLY like this girl. She is beautiful, intelligent, well spoken, and well dressed. However, I've known her for 3 years and at one point she was my best friends girl. That is long over but now she seeing some scum thug with more tatoos than I've ever seen(no offense to anyone unless they got the girl that I want) including on his face and neck. This kid is straight white trash. He hates me and I hate him. She likes bad boys. Thing is, I'm more of a bad boy than this dude. All she has to do is ask her x-bf. See, I don't have a single tatoo and I dress like preppy I guess? I've tried to tell her that she's better than that but she won't listen. There is something between us but it's hard to define...I guess I should just let it go but I still think at the end of the day I'll be the last man standing. Any opinions esp. from women?

your best shot is to find another girl and let the first girl see what she's missing. then she may rethink her decision.

but in all honesty, why waste your time with someone who doesn't want to be with you?

. . .
because I'm not sure she knows what she I said there is something between us and he sees me as a threat and vice-versa

Intrepid00's photo
Sat 03/07/09 03:29 PM

Or you could get a tattoo on your neck. One that says "I'm a loser. Please don't hire me. Ever." Chinese.

Intrepid00's photo
Sat 03/07/09 03:27 PM

wow..all i can say is...women are drawn to bad boys...we all are. not sure why. However bad boys don't stick around. give it time, stand in the distance, when he hurts her she will come running. Then you can show her that although good guys may come in last, they are far better for her.
I'm definitely not a "nice guy" though lol. I'm probably worse than this kid. It's just that I look like one...

Intrepid00's photo
Sat 03/07/09 03:11 PM
Ok, I REALLY like this girl. She is beautiful, intelligent, well spoken, and well dressed. However, I've known her for 3 years and at one point she was my best friends girl. That is long over but now she seeing some scum thug with more tatoos than I've ever seen(no offense to anyone unless they got the girl that I want) including on his face and neck. This kid is straight white trash. He hates me and I hate him. She likes bad boys. Thing is, I'm more of a bad boy than this dude. All she has to do is ask her x-bf. See, I don't have a single tatoo and I dress like preppy I guess? I've tried to tell her that she's better than that but she won't listen. There is something between us but it's hard to define...I guess I should just let it go but I still think at the end of the day I'll be the last man standing. Any opinions esp. from women?

Intrepid00's photo
Thu 01/22/09 05:46 PM
I never meant for this to happen, I swear that I didn't. I moved into an apt. down the hall from my friend's (I guess he is) hot x-gf and we started hanging out and talking so without trying I totally fell for her. Now I'm all twisted because we haven't talked in days even though she lives 4 doors down and we'd been (at least) talking everyday. I mean, that kid has become a hopeless heroin addict and I don't even know him anymore and she put him back in jail. He robbed her, depleted her bank acct., all that ****. I had tried to talk to him but it did no good. I just don't know what to do about this girl. If I could just forget about her I would...I just don't know.

Intrepid00's photo
Mon 10/20/08 03:37 AM

There is never just one "sick" person in a relationship, there must always be two.
A "whole" person will never have a love (romantic) relationship with a "sick" individual. "Whole" people only hook up with "whole" people, "sick" with "sick".
If one of the people in a "sick"-"sick" relationship starts to heal, the other will leave. The healing individual will always want to keep the relationship going by trying to help the other, which of course the other doesn't want. The one that won't heal always says something like; "I'm OK, your the one who needs help! You go and get yourself fixed and we will get along just fine"
I's similar to the law of attraction. If you are "whole" you will only attract "whole" people.
If you are in a relationship with a "sick" person, then you need a life adjustment (help) yourself.
Best wishes to you and to me, as we all need help in finding that one person(s) - that special someone - is what most of our hunger is about. May we all be well feed.
I agree but part of it was I felt like I could "save" her or something stupid.

Intrepid00's photo
Sun 10/19/08 07:29 AM

She will be back after she gets pregnant and dumped. You'll be her fallback sucker guy if you are willing to accept that role.
She's already gotten pregnant and dumped And I've never been a sucker and I never will.

Intrepid00's photo
Sun 10/19/08 06:20 AM

Just don't laugh hysterically in her face when she asks you out in 20 years after 4 kids, 3 divorces, and 245 pounds. That didn't go over well in my situation.

lol, awesome. high five
lol, def. awesome man!! she's on her way (2 kids with 2 different dad's and a little weight gain)smokin

Intrepid00's photo
Sun 10/19/08 06:15 AM

..hey man..i read and re-read your blog..i was trying to look for something positive to say..unfortunately, i can't find anything in there that's at all positive...your pathetic..your talking about something that has already happened..dude, what difference does it make now if she said you were her boyfriend or not..

you don't know me bro and that's pretty damn ignorant to tell someone who's seeking an answer that they're pathetic. If you didn't have anything helpful to say, then maybe you should've just moved on. And the reason it matters is partly because I'm a man with pride and partly because I still love her and now that she's single I wanted to talk to her.

Intrepid00's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:06 PM

seek counseling for yourself.......not meant to be mean, but most people that look at the issues of others....are blinded by their own.
get yourself right ,if you truely wanna be happy!!!
Oh. No, I'm not perfect by a long shot lol but that had little to do with the drama; I tried to work with her because I really wanted it to work out. look up the characteristics of a person with bpd and you'll get it

Intrepid00's photo
Sat 10/18/08 08:01 PM

seek counseling for yourself.......not meant to be mean, but most people that look at the issues of others....are blinded by their own.
get yourself right ,if you truely wanna be happy!!!

Intrepid00's photo
Sat 10/18/08 07:49 PM
hope you have better luck than me lol! Welcome