Community > Posts By > Intrepid00

Intrepid00's photo
Wed 07/02/08 11:25 AM

love Susanna Hoffslove (of The Bangles)

drinker Walk With an Erectiooooooon"drinker
You're going back to my childhood but "walk with an erection" ain't that the truth??laugh laugh :tongue:

Hells YAH....."The Allnighter" is the dumbest movie I can watch over and over again...Boioioioioioioioionnnnnnggg!
hahaha! I checked out Alisha07...something about her in the pic with the blue dressbigsmile hmmmm....laugh

Intrepid00's photo
Wed 07/02/08 11:15 AM

love Susanna Hoffslove (of The Bangles)

drinker Walk With an Erectiooooooon"drinker
You're going back to my childhood but "walk with an erection" ain't that the truth??laugh laugh :tongue:

Intrepid00's photo
Wed 07/02/08 11:10 AM

alisha07love love flowerforyou flowerforyou love love :tongue: :tongue:
alisha07 huh? maybe I should check her out! lol

Intrepid00's photo
Wed 07/02/08 04:34 AM
We all have a celebrity crush or someone we just think is totally god's gift or put on this earth just to torment you. It can be a girl or guy depending on your sexual preference. Mine is without a doubt Adriana Lima, I ain't ever seen anything like herlove love love love love love love love love love love love love love love :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :tongue: :tongue: laugh :wink:

Intrepid00's photo
Mon 06/30/08 11:54 AM

The Christie Brinkly look alike was a 42 yrd old man from Ghana smokin J/K But, could have been. Not that you are not nice looking because you are, but stuff like that is common on dating sites. Fake pics.
LOL, Nah, I have her name and # and I've talked to her, she isn't a 42 yr old man. laugh

Intrepid00's photo
Mon 06/30/08 11:46 AM
I don't quite understand this and I probably never will but just a couple of days ago I got Christy Brinkley's much younger twin sister telling me that I'm cute and have a beautiful smile and sending me a friend request. Then today, I send a message to two young ladies that while attractive, I'm not comparing them to any gorgeous super models...yet they didn't even respond to me! I mean seriously, WTF man?

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 06/27/08 04:00 PM
Edited by Intrepid00 on Fri 06/27/08 04:02 PM

people, often make mistakes. and then the domino effect conmes into play and one mistake can lead to another.

kids arent mistakes they are angels.

what about the ones that have had 3 abortions before 20?

what about you who have no kids?

who gets the medal??
and really does it matter at all???

i have to agree with you on this...i dont understand why it should matter to the OP about this...if its not affecting him directlynoway

perhaps because it limits his dating pool??
None of you know what I'VE BEEN THROUGH. I brought up this topic so that I could get other people's opinions on the subject and maybe some answers...not so that you could attack me. I wasn't attacking anyone, I was bringing up a legitimate question. I'm as openminded as anyone you'd ever meet because I've been through my own issues

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 06/27/08 11:53 AM

excuse me? my daughter had 2 kids by the time she was 17 with the same father and she 25 now with 3 kids and same father of all 3.. and no there not together anymore infact she filed for divorce and she works 50hours a week works her butt off for her kids..
no offense queen and please don't take this the wrong way... I never try and bash someone else's child. But... as hard working and mature as your daughter seems to be... think of how much more she could have accomplished if she wasn't a teen mom. Tho she loves her kids, it's a struggle. If she had waited to have children until she was in a more stable relationship, maybe she wouldn't have to work 50 hours a week now to support them. All I'm saying is that being a teen mom makes getting thru life so much more difficult...
That is actually a really good pointflowerforyou

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 06/27/08 11:44 AM

Not to sound like Mr. Moral or whatever but I've seen so many profiles of girls under 21 that have children; some have as many as 3 or 4 with 3 or 4 different fathers!! If you are 19 and have 2 kids with 2 different guys, there is a problem. I know that at that age I was still a kid myself and could never handle a child. It's only been in the last couple years (I'm 29) that I've felt that if I met the right woman I could handle that kind of responsibility. And these girls are single...where are all the fathers??

well...that sounded pretty condescending and judgmental to me...spock hope you feel better about yourself now...thanks for letting us bask in the glory of your perfection....whoa
People like you make me CRAZYmad ! Where in here does it say that I'm perfect? Did I say that? If I sound condescending and judgemental I'm sorry. I just keep coming across this over and over and I wanted to get other people's opinions on why there is so much of this. Not to make myself feel better. That doesn't even make sense

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 06/27/08 11:38 AM

excuse me? my daughter had 2 kids by the time she was 17 with the same father and she 25 now with 3 kids and same father of all 3.. and no there not together anymore infact she filed for divorce and she works 50hours a week works her butt off for her kids..
do you want me to give her a medal or something because she didn't have them with 3 different guys? No one said they don't love and work hard for their kids but do you think that at 17 you are mature enough to take care of 2 children?

to let you know she graduated the day before she had her 2nd child and she graduated 1yr early.. and you dont know my daughter , she very mature for her age many people thought when she was 13, they thought she was 21 or in college someone even thought she was my son mom... as it sounds your putting teen mothers down.. im a former teen mother
Yeah, I see 13 year old girls at the mall that look 20 and I go talk to them and when I find out their age, I run like HELL! You think because she LOOKS OLDER, then it's ok?Like they say,"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree I guess. I'm not putting all teen mothers down. Sometimes there is a legitimate reason, like the one woman who has a son going to Iraq and god forbid might not come back and is engaged, the girl is 19. I really don't understand why though with all the damn sex I've had with all the different girls, at 29, I have 0 kids and there are 16 yr olds with 2 kids by 2 different fathers.

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 06/27/08 11:21 AM

excuse me? my daughter had 2 kids by the time she was 17 with the same father and she 25 now with 3 kids and same father of all 3.. and no there not together anymore infact she filed for divorce and she works 50hours a week works her butt off for her kids..
do you want me to give her a medal or something because she didn't have them with 3 different guys? No one said they don't love and work hard for their kids but do you think that at 17 you are mature enough to take care of 2 children?

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 06/27/08 11:10 AM

The better question might be where is the birth control?

exactly, ever heard of it? haha

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 06/27/08 11:04 AM
Not to sound like Mr. Moral or whatever but I've seen so many profiles of girls under 21 that have children; some have as many as 3 or 4 with 3 or 4 different fathers!! If you are 19 and have 2 kids with 2 different guys, there is a problem. I know that at that age I was still a kid myself and could never handle a child. It's only been in the last couple years (I'm 29) that I've felt that if I met the right woman I could handle that kind of responsibility. And these girls are single...where are all the fathers??

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 06/27/08 10:46 AM

as the program goes-one day at a timeflowers flowers
haha, I don't mess with the program anymore...or the "beauty in a blue bag" for that matter. I wrote that years ago but I just found a notebook and it was in there so I put it up here...

Intrepid00's photo
Fri 06/27/08 10:29 AM
sorry I'm straight man

Intrepid00's photo
Thu 06/26/08 09:35 AM
clonazapam sundown, I'm too high to believe,
Adriana you'll always be the girl of my dreams,
plain, natural beauty is what I crave,
beauty in a blue bag made me a slave,
but I'm back on the wagon, back from the grave,
understand I'm here to belong, not here to preach,
12 steps I need but thats too far to reach
I need something closer, someone to hold,
only God and I know I'll never be old,
I just need a reason, to wake up when it's boring,
something to pine for in the tye-dye morning,
god granted me serenity, but didn't count on infinity,
I wish I could overdose, for an eternity...

Intrepid00's photo
Wed 06/25/08 04:00 PM

Well, I trust in the Lord. :heart:

You trust in people.ohwell

Majority wins! 76% of Americans state they are Christians.

"I WANT TO BE THE MINORITY! DOWN WITH THE 'MORON' MAJORITY CAUSE I WANT TO BE THE MINORITY"-Green Day(I've always been in the minority because my IQ is described as "superior".
Perhaps...the majority of Americans also voted for George W. twice...And like I said; I trusted in the lord too. Then I learned the TRUTH. I don't trust in people, I trust in the FACTS.pitchfork guess I'm goin' to hell huh?drinker

Intrepid00's photo
Wed 06/25/08 03:29 PM

Sorry, Charlie, but it is the president who nominates the Supreme Court judges. And they are the ones who decide on lawsuits on issues appealed to them i.e. Roe v. Wade. Bush got partial birth abortion banned and I PRAISE GOD ALMIGHTY FOR THAT, I WOULD RATHER BE DEAD DAMNED AND ROTTING IN ABSOLUTE HELL than vote for anyone who is NOT PRO LIFE!

If one is for abortion, to me that proves the lack of respect for life, and if that person has such little regard for life, I certainly do NOT want him/her as President. To me, the whole issue of abortion tells me the character and integrity of that person. Pro-abortion - I have no regard for that person.

Oh, Fanta, you read the e-mail totally wrong. It is my former boss who is voting for McCain for the pro-life issue! THINK ABOUT IT FANTA, that is a man who defends people for a living!

You are totally oblivious to the people who value LIFE, family life, moral values. MAJOR ISSUE, whether you want to face up to it or not. obama will not get any Bible Belt states, nor the evangelical christians, or the people for down to earth family values.

What you like and what the rest of America feels are totally different. You have blinders on.

I am not an Obama supporter but honestly I think YOU are the one with "blinder's on". Do you believe in creationism still also? I'm pro-choice and I'm thinking about my 16 year old sister and what would happen if she got raped and became pregnant...Should she be FORCED to have that baby?


Well, DUH!!!!! I am an extremely devout Christian, just like 76% of Americans state they are Christians. Now, why should that surprise you?

Murder is not pretty, so do not try to pretty up pro-abortion by calling it pro-choice .sick sick sick sick

You are an extremely devout Christian. Well see!! That explains the blinders! :smile: You and 76% of the country have blind faith in a religion that if you took time to be openminded and research, you would see is a bunch of crap!! Man created religion, not the other way around sweetie. I was raised Catholic and was a devout Christian until science and historical fact got in the way...DAMN TRUTH!!! RUINS EVERYTHINGlaugh !! I'm thankful I was OPENMINDED enough to accept the truth instead refuting fact for blind faith.

Intrepid00's photo
Wed 06/25/08 02:33 PM

Now i am a moderately liberal person, i was a firm supporter of hillary, and i call myself a democrat however when comparing the two obama .. can i just say is a first year senator, hes done nothing to prove himself to america, he has never been in the military , and he is half black, obama has the ability to speak, and he has his race on his side; I was just wondering how many of you if you are a clinton supporter will be switching your vote to mccain or if you will go with obama. In addition, i believe he plays his race card to his advantage by trying to outsource to african americans and claiming his ethnicity to be black when it best suits him.

I wanted Hillary. Now I am voting for Obama.

Most Hillary supporters are winx.
The largest group of voters Obama needs to worry about are the Independents. If he picks Hillary as VP most of us will leave him!

Dont you know that a President does not have the ability to reverse the Abortion laws? If thats why you are voting Republican, I hate to tell you, its a false hope! Its not going to happen!

Sorry, Charlie, but it is the president who nominates the Supreme Court judges. And they are the ones who decide on lawsuits on issues appealed to them i.e. Roe v. Wade. Bush got partial birth abortion banned and I PRAISE GOD ALMIGHTY FOR THAT, I WOULD RATHER BE DEAD DAMNED AND ROTTING IN ABSOLUTE HELL than vote for anyone who is NOT PRO LIFE!

If one is for abortion, to me that proves the lack of respect for life, and if that person has such little regard for life, I certainly do NOT want him/her as President. To me, the whole issue of abortion tells me the character and integrity of that person. Pro-abortion - I have no regard for that person.

Oh, Fanta, you read the e-mail totally wrong. It is my former boss who is voting for McCain for the pro-life issue! THINK ABOUT IT FANTA, that is a man who defends people for a living!

You are totally oblivious to the people who value LIFE, family life, moral values. MAJOR ISSUE, whether you want to face up to it or not. obama will not get any Bible Belt states, nor the evangelical christians, or the people for down to earth family values.

What you like and what the rest of America feels are totally different. You have blinders on.

I am not an Obama supporter but honestly I think YOU are the one with "blinder's on". Do you believe in creationism still also? I'm pro-choice and I'm thinking about my 16 year old sister and what would happen if she got raped and became pregnant...Should she be FORCED to have that baby?

I'm pro-life, but do not judge anyone who's forced to have an abortion.

I think those who are pro-life should be the ones who want to end this bloody war, if they really value the sanctity of life.

If you really value life, then you value it in ALL of it's forms, not just the life in the womb!

I disagree...the Bible says that DEATH is REQUIRED for the shedding of innocent blood.

I value life in the womb but not life for murderers & people who kill & rape. I think the death penalty would do more to people's SELF control than all the abortions in the world. That is of course, with a society that isn't wimpy about it.

That's what criminal law is all about... that is before libs DE criminalized many criminal behaviors. One of them being abortion.... Just sayin'
The Bible? haha The Bible is a joke. It was written nearly a hundred years after Jesus was crucified. At the Council of Nicea in 319C.E. (300 years after his death) the Roman Emperor Constantine "decided" to make Jesus a devine being instead of just a man, which for the most part until then people saw him as JUST A MAN. Then, the King James Bible? That we all have today? Was altered and changed by monks in the Middle Ages to make Jesus look devine. There were over 80 original Gospels...why are there now only 4? Jesus was married to Mary Magdeline with children and had a brother James...I can go on and on, my point is I don't believe A WORD the "Bible" says. That said, I agree that no punishment is too rigid for a cold blooded rapist/murderer especially when it comes to taking innocent lives of children and young women just because they wanted perverted sex but I also think taking one life wont bring another one back. I don't know it's a tough call on capital punishment but I agree that pro-life people should be the most vocal about ending this war.

Intrepid00's photo
Wed 06/25/08 12:37 PM

Now i am a moderately liberal person, i was a firm supporter of hillary, and i call myself a democrat however when comparing the two obama .. can i just say is a first year senator, hes done nothing to prove himself to america, he has never been in the military , and he is half black, obama has the ability to speak, and he has his race on his side; I was just wondering how many of you if you are a clinton supporter will be switching your vote to mccain or if you will go with obama. In addition, i believe he plays his race card to his advantage by trying to outsource to african americans and claiming his ethnicity to be black when it best suits him.

I wanted Hillary. Now I am voting for Obama.

Most Hillary supporters are winx.
The largest group of voters Obama needs to worry about are the Independents. If he picks Hillary as VP most of us will leave him!

Dont you know that a President does not have the ability to reverse the Abortion laws? If thats why you are voting Republican, I hate to tell you, its a false hope! Its not going to happen!

Sorry, Charlie, but it is the president who nominates the Supreme Court judges. And they are the ones who decide on lawsuits on issues appealed to them i.e. Roe v. Wade. Bush got partial birth abortion banned and I PRAISE GOD ALMIGHTY FOR THAT, I WOULD RATHER BE DEAD DAMNED AND ROTTING IN ABSOLUTE HELL than vote for anyone who is NOT PRO LIFE!

If one is for abortion, to me that proves the lack of respect for life, and if that person has such little regard for life, I certainly do NOT want him/her as President. To me, the whole issue of abortion tells me the character and integrity of that person. Pro-abortion - I have no regard for that person.

Oh, Fanta, you read the e-mail totally wrong. It is my former boss who is voting for McCain for the pro-life issue! THINK ABOUT IT FANTA, that is a man who defends people for a living!

You are totally oblivious to the people who value LIFE, family life, moral values. MAJOR ISSUE, whether you want to face up to it or not. obama will not get any Bible Belt states, nor the evangelical christians, or the people for down to earth family values.

What you like and what the rest of America feels are totally different. You have blinders on.

I am not an Obama supporter but honestly I think YOU are the one with "blinder's on". Do you believe in creationism still also? I'm pro-choice and I'm thinking about my 16 year old sister and what would happen if she got raped and became pregnant...Should she be FORCED to have that baby?