Community > Posts By > Acquired Taste
Coronavirus - part 2
i like to keep it simple. it's a flu and a flu shot. take it or leave it. too much politics in here and of the covid. i saw a show a while ago, fauci allegedly has stock in moderna....seems a bit of a conflict of interest. by the by, due to hurricane ida i spent a week in a shelter in shreveport. arriving there by bus at 3am and tired to the bone the powers that be gave everyone a nasal covid test which all 150 of us passed. if you did not take the test you could walk home, no takers on that one.
the shot has killed people and the flu has killed people. numbers are skewed because hospitals are being bribed, also provaccinators are being real authoritarian asshats in my opinion.. ....main thing as per usual eat right, exercise and by not focusing on the flu or trump or biden or things that stress us out you might live a long productive life....Job 3:25 For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. |
well that went well. taking on the number 1 controversy in the world right now, WHO, globalists and others trying to make sheep of the world with bribes and coercion no doubt behind the scenes...sweden the lone hold out on this world wide power others will post showing if they are democrat or repubs, christian or atheists pretending their everlasting souls are not at stake and we are not in the last potato there bro, good luck...we dance around the issues and sugar coat stuff and put powder on it like make up trying to make it look good and soft like movies....the crisis there, it's the beginning of the global solution, one world government....pretending it isn't fox asks kamala why she doesn't go to the border...she doesn't answer, it's their agenda...a few years from now when you are asked to take a mark for the latest world wide debit card don't say i didn't tell you so......wonder if this is too stark and will get deleted because....
ON a related note blm attached themselves to lgbtq and global climate change in essence making them a democratic arm. also causing more division when by not joining with them it would have had the desired effect. also joining with antifa or vice/versa doesn't help.
I live in a black city in a black community. I feel the tension most days when i go out, racism is a two way street. I get the stink eye, i get the elbow nudge and nod. all sorts of social cues and what not. ON the other hand there are the majority that are good. I can look at what i will, so i choose to look at the good and forget about the prejudice. On the hand it is not this way in the whole nation but i get a taste of what the problem is and in my opinion it has to stop with the individual and individual choices. Thug life---the hate u give little infants f*cks everybody...a movie by that name explained the parents grow up teaching white hate, white parents teach black hate....bada bing....the kids meet and someone gets shot... |
I don't know where u get your facts about sex with a minor. It's the only book allegedly that doesn't mention God but still. It's about courage in the face of danger primarily. Esther was alive when Israel was under someone else's power, ie another nation. Therefore the king was not subject to jewish laws nor probably even knew of them. Esther was a young woman surviving under a foreign power. Is she to be blamed? I doubt it. The prostitute rahab i think it was is listed in the people of faith chapter. She lied to protect her family. It takes faith to please God. The bible perhaps purposefully omits things so we have to use a degree of faith to be and remain a child of god or everyone would be one. Narrow is the gate that leads to life and few find it, broad is the path that leads to destruction.
Okay on hank haanagraf i remember his radio show...he knows somethings and like most people preaches against what he hasn't moved into....personally i don't like him but u can learn a thing or 2 from him.
2ndly about the age of the bible etc...most preachers take Genesis 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Luke 10:18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Then they add the above verse and conclude , god created the earth and then kicked out satan ...satan went down to the earth and fiddled around until god put man there so that means the earth could have been there a long time before adam and eve got there covering the timeline....sorry about the delay i had cataract surgery and got kicked off here for 3 days lol i do have to curb myself like most people at times, meanwhile god shared a scripture with me...2 Corinthians 12:20 For I fear, lest, when I come, I shall not find you such as I would, and that I shall be found unto you such as ye would not: lest there be debates, envyings, wraths, strifes, backbitings, whisperings, swellings, tumults: u know with the forums it's okay to share your point of view and plant seed etc...but when things escalate it's good to remember to leave the results with god, you can lead a horse to water but ....etc...peace out... |
will call buy tickets online and have to pick them up at the stadium...because you don't have a printer or whatever...and you guessed it you need a photo i.d. to pick them up...b.i.n.g.o.
Dating after 60
60 is tough, retired on fixed income, no overtime. no transportation to keep costs down...i know how good of shape i am in not going to go out with someone in worse shape...just qualified for medicare which covers a lot and going to get things looked at and hopefully by the time the lockdown lifts i will be ready to date.
NO I SAW them twice because it was convenient and i liked the first concert of both of them...saw grateful dead in san bernadino a place called, the barn which was in fact a huge barn in the middle of nowhere very appropriate place for seeing the dead...basically i quit partying when i was around 23 ... just grew out of it which was a good thing because my dad let us drink in the house parties when we were 13...
i'm not going to look it up but it is a sin in both new and old testament...sadly the world today has gone so far with that we have open marriages , open relationships, and so on so having one partner doesn't seem so bad in comparison.
i personally believe you will save yourself a lot of heartache by not having pre marital sex...and that is why commandments and statutes are made to help us not to hinder us but we have gone astray so long it is hard for most people to know which way is up. to the op it is good that you ask the question.... |
State of U.S. Army
it's also possible god forbid but even in the army maybe, just maybe brains are better than brawns but that comes from an old fart....not to mention with all the armor and weaponry maybe brains and quickness are better than muscles and we need to rethink the armed forces? especially as technology becomes more and more a part of it...course i'm not a hawk by any means and i think we spend too much money on the military as it is...i wouldn't mind doing what some countries do, everyone has to do a year in the military after high school and them that likes stay in if they want...
new guy
true dat welcome aboard me hearty, trim the sails and roll the boom and off we go...good luck....
The Honeymoon Trip !
i went on a caribbean cruise once would make a great honeymoon, do something memorable, hopefully you only get one shot at it, not three.
Surely this is not true ...
it depends on how much he likes you or if he is "hooked" already...when starting out or if he doesnt like u that much say because you aren't that likeable for instance than yes you can text too much....if you really have mojo you can test it by seeing what you can get away with.
Being Open-Mind
i could try an arranged marriage not a blind arranged marriage...if there was attraction sure...what's the worst that could happen?
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i think laughing during sex can really kill the mood for me, my 1st wife would occasionally laugh at something and then it was game over...she was hard to love anyway and so one strike and she was out....
if they are healthy,,,ashley graham comes to mind...very nice...
Attraction / lady's
turning it around would i date a heavy woman? if she was healthy and fun...some big people are healthy....on the other hand if i knew them before and they got heavy...maybe if i liked them a lot...
ahhh the pretty lady weighs in
Aliens Might Exist !!!
Edited by
Acquired Taste
Sun 04/04/21 03:12 PM
i met a guy years ago buying a 6 pack of beer he was the cashier...he told me he was abducted and wrote a book about it and says he likes to talk about it...he says when he came back every hair on him was grey....he was only 30...we planned a meeting and i chickened out...he really creeped me out a bit...personally i don't think their are aliens but if there are they are really cagey sneaky b*st*rds. of course then you look at my profile pic and wonder wtf?
Jester Says - Fascism
i got nothing...