Community > Posts By > Acquired Taste

Acquired Taste's photo
Mon 03/29/21 03:42 PM
welcome you sound like you are confused already, won't be able to blame it on mingle then.

Acquired Taste's photo
Mon 03/29/21 04:55 AM
i still remember years ago i was riding my 10 speed to the junior college which wasn't far. I was riding on the sidewalk and there were no pedestrians around. A cop pulled me over and wrote me a ticket for riding my bicycle on the wrong side of the road. It was five dollars. I asked him, are you kidding me, no he said. I remember staring at him as if he was from mars.

Acquired Taste's photo
Mon 03/29/21 04:46 AM
i don't remember the first one but i remember the best...foxy redheaded irish woman, loved to drink and make out and listen to music...after a month she ditched me, found out she was a serial dater but still....fond memory...well now i remember the 2nd...took a drive up to a high street in next town over, put joni mitchell on the 8 track player hidden in the glove box...made out in the car and drank boones farm, that was pretty cool...overlooking the city lights...sounds like i could write a song about that...

Acquired Taste's photo
Mon 03/29/21 04:39 AM
i'm thinking that i think too fast by the time i post i have thought of something else then i wonder should i post the original thought or the 15 after that....gosh....

Acquired Taste's photo
Mon 03/29/21 04:36 AM
in the large sense of things i am preparing a flash drive for sale...just realized now i have to save the content before i put it on flash drive, hopefully that will be an easy fix...other than that hulu, mingle 2,, etc...walking to store, facebook...

Acquired Taste's photo
Mon 03/29/21 04:25 AM
Edited by Acquired Taste on Mon 03/29/21 04:30 AM
sadly i think that is mostly true...i used to work as an airport shuttle driver...people coming back from colombia and god knows where...always thankful they live in america where at least we know we are free

so by comparing us to china or wherever then we look bright which is something to think about...with the media dividing us largely by race it makes getting anything done by protest difficult , add to that the division of parties...'

allegedly the senate was made in case congress wanted to be too nice to the populace...we live in a country now nay a world where a populist politician is seen as an idiot. pop·u·list -a person, especially a politician, who strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups.

i think trump is a populist in the sense he entertains things like 911 may have been an inside job...qanon might have a point or 2...why does america black out all pages that become public domain and so on. he also helped israel and spoke at a pro life meeting first president to do that...after 911 everyone agreed we needed a wall but bush and cheney had walls around their house so what the hell....

now we have a border crisis and do we still have a fence around congress? no one has been speaking of that lately...

Acquired Taste's photo
Mon 03/29/21 04:09 AM
Edited by Acquired Taste on Mon 03/29/21 04:13 AM
never heard about reparations till obama came along...any country on earth do reparations? probably not. i'm really getting to hate the globalistic , atheistic, democrat agenda these days...trump was the only nonglobalist we had in a while....

heard a black guy yesterday call himself a trumplican...very ironic but i agree if u take trump out of the mix we're back to both party being globalists..

i used to work for greyhound i can tell you there are a lot of homeless in america and now we are going to add millions maybe of new illegals on top of that during a lockdown....very smart....not...seems like the dems just want to see how much of a mess they can make of america in my opinion...

hidden agenda probable, making it easier for us to fit into THE NEW WORLD ORDER

ANOTHER THING===id's republicans want voters to show ids....which evidently is similar to yanking out someone's eyeball or screwing their wife or some other heinous thing....oh yes no id please...just another example of how to ruin a country...i know it might be unfair to illegals or people who can't scrounge up 20 dollars for an id but who can't find 20 dollars? illegals will be given a hotel room and a stimulus check...if they are smart they will get an id and have their address as the ritz carlton or whatever.

Acquired Taste's photo
Mon 03/29/21 03:47 AM time i was at a dock bar i swam to. ordered a tom collins, very weak...told the guy give me another this time put some booze in it....i barely made the swim home....colorado river bar in arizona/california border.

Acquired Taste's photo
Mon 03/29/21 03:44 AM
mingle 2 paid games player

Acquired Taste's photo
Mon 03/29/21 03:42 AM
the chicken...

Acquired Taste's photo
Mon 03/29/21 03:38 AM
being killed by the serial killer janitor while erasing the chalk board

Acquired Taste's photo
Mon 03/29/21 03:25 AM
i live in new orleans i think someone working for the post office did....they lose a lot of mail here especially checks, probably a bank that works with govt. employees sadly...i wouldn't think that but i went to see them 5 times or so and they lied every time...told me my letter never got to nola but it was sent registered so i took a picture of the log and showed them then they said, oh yeah it got here but then it got lost....all to a man or woman lied to my face....i figure if they will lie about that they will steal the check...went to police...went to feed back from anyone that did any good....irs can see where it got cashed or didn't and they never got back to me, makes me wonder if it happened too many times for them to bother anymore...

Acquired Taste's photo
Sun 03/28/21 09:03 AM
actually i'm pushing for it

losing an argument

Acquired Taste's photo
Sun 03/28/21 08:59 AM

Acquired Taste's photo
Sun 03/28/21 05:32 AM
win the lottery and have liposuction...

Acquired Taste's photo
Sun 03/28/21 05:28 AM
x-men , days of future past...

Acquired Taste's photo
Sun 03/28/21 04:40 AM
Edited by Acquired Taste on Sun 03/28/21 04:55 AM
okay so i profiled new yorkers and it doesn't apply to you or people you know...i could profile americans and american politicians...with a broad brush and so on....i think like jonathan cahn does maybe you have heard of him he being across the river in jersey, anyway he thinks and i get this from his two "harbinger" books that america is on the brink of disaster and if we continue on the path we are on, well, look at what has happened in the scant 2 months of bidenism---our trajectory does not look well..

Acquired Taste's photo
Sun 03/28/21 04:18 AM
nice...don't think i have ever been to a politically minded concert, sounds fun. love all those groups people have mentioned...lot of good music in the states and uk.

Acquired Taste's photo
Sat 03/27/21 08:02 PM
Edited by Acquired Taste on Sat 03/27/21 08:07 PM
alright i'll bite....i gave my heart to jesus ala romans 10:9and 10 when i was 16...since i have been to heaven once, seen jesus 3 x. seen 3 angels, one lust demon , left my body over the ocean one time for fun i guess, almost died twice in the last 10 years and am currently working on putting cam teachings on a flash drive...not sure how much a flash drive holds but that is that, take it or leave it...and several times have seen seducing spirits they look like neon i believe there is a heaven and hell and supernatural world which is largely unseen and surrounds us ie angels and like the op said don't come here if you are skiddish.

Acquired Taste's photo
Sat 03/27/21 07:58 PM
come out of the closet

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