Topic: Why Maxine Walter has to do what she has to do
jaish's photo
Tue 04/20/21 07:36 AM
Edited by jaish on Tue 04/20/21 07:49 AM
I have seen but I've not felt what it means to be a black American.

Watching a few clips of Maxine, she is ruder than Pelosi to members in the opposition but one has to accept that she's right on the present state of the black man in the USA.

Listening to her I realize that If I was black American, then all through my life I would have lived defensively. 'what does defensive means?'

Example: If I were stopped at a traffic check post or stopped for a minor violation; probably along with the DL I would be asked where I'm coming from ..., and where I was going.

In other words, I live with contempt from officials in my daily life.

Example: Passers by see me as risky because in addition to being black I'm big. So unless I behave as Eddie Murphy, they are on their guard.

Worse than all these is I have to live with that burn from History.

Of course no black American will admit such things because you may feel sorry, or be extra kind, or even irritated; and these to me is a daily reminder and so I cannot live in the Present ..., I'm not alive.

Maxine Walters is in her 80s. Her voice is old, tired and sharp. Old people become sharp anyway. It's her time now.

Rock's photo
Tue 04/20/21 07:47 AM
Mad Maxine is beneath contempt.

She, and idiots like her, are
the reason the racial divide will
never fully heal.

jaish's photo
Tue 04/20/21 07:53 AM

If we could stop talking about it as a 'race' issue

and take it as a people's issue?

Maybe I'm naive

Smartazzjohn's photo
Tue 04/20/21 08:45 AM
1)The MAJORITY, 52%, of deaths by lethal force by police are WHITE.

2)The MSM DOESN'T report nationally on ANY white person killed by police....probably because it DEBUNK their narrative that police are racist and ONLY target black people.

3)The VAST MAJORITY, HIGH 90 percentile, of interactions people have with police are PEACEFUL REGARDLESS of race.

4)Maxine Waters should be held responsible for her words the SAME way as ANY white Republican.

5)The MSM, the left, many Democrats and now social media use different standards for people based on skin color (which is racist), political affiliation, gender etc. while openly calling for equality. There are calls for unity by people who's words and action seek to divide people.

There was a media personality who PRETENDS to be a "news anchors" that said Trump voters "need to be re-educated. China uses "reeducation camps" because they want unity......FORCED UNITY. That is the direction the left, the MSM and Democrats seem to be trying to take the United States.

jaish's photo
Tue 04/20/21 08:54 AM

1)The MAJORITY, 52%, of deaths by lethal force by police are WHITE.

The Black population in US is 18%

jaish's photo
Tue 04/20/21 09:19 AM
3)The VAST MAJORITY, HIGH 90 percentile, of interactions people have with police are PEACEFUL REGARDLESS of race.

In these peaceful interactions are the Black humiliated or not?

jaish's photo
Tue 04/20/21 09:24 AM
Maxine Waters should be held responsible for her words the SAME way as ANY white Republican.

I listened to her words, and tone; 'confrontation' - meaning face up to bullying.

She didn't say 'riot', 'storm', 'burn'

Of course when 100 unarmed men face two armed policemen this kind of word play is meaningless. Some people may die. She probably meant that's the price.

I could be wrong - she's a politician ...; but her tone left this impression and so this thread.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Tue 04/20/21 09:41 AM

1)The MAJORITY, 52%, of deaths by lethal force by police are WHITE.

The Black population in US is 18%

So you want to look at percentages?
OK lets look at percentages.

The black population in the US was 14.6% in 2019
55.9% of known murder offenders in 2019 were black
There were 7,484 black murder victims compared to 5,787
white murder victims in 2019
Total murders in 2019 was 13,927
Over half the murder victims were black
93% of black murder victims were killed by black perpetrators

Who should black people be MORE fearful of being killed by?
A cop? A white racist? Or another black person???

Rock's photo
Tue 04/20/21 12:57 PM

Maxine Waters should be held responsible for her words the SAME way as ANY white Republican.

I listened to her words, and tone; 'confrontation' - meaning face up to bullying.

She didn't say 'riot', 'storm', 'burn'

Of course when 100 unarmed men face two armed policemen this kind of word play is meaningless. Some people may die. She probably meant that's the price.

I could be wrong - she's a politician ...; but her tone left this impression and so this thread.

Hence my earlier post.

Bart's photo
Tue 04/20/21 01:50 PM
To many times she has reared her ugly head and incited violence and racism. The reason she does this is that’s who she is deep down. A hateful disgusting person who is unable to be civil unless it serves her wants. What she said makes Trumps words on January 6 sound like a pep rally. She should be removed from her position as financial services committee chair. She has only passed 3 bills in her 15 terms in the house. She has received the unhonerable mention of being the most corrupt member of congress 4 times by the group that keeps an eye on congress and rates the members. She’s as much a race baiter as Rev. Al. But to the liberals these two p.o.s. are hero’s in their eyes. They are an embarrassment to our country.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Tue 04/20/21 01:57 PM

Maxine Waters should be held responsible for her words the SAME way as ANY white Republican.

I listened to her words, and tone; 'confrontation' - meaning face up to bullying.

She didn't say 'riot', 'storm', 'burn'

Of course when 100 unarmed men face two armed policemen this kind of word play is meaningless. Some people may die. She probably meant that's the price.

I could be wrong - she's a politician ...; but her tone left this impression and so this thread.

So you know that when Waters told people to be confrontational she meant "face up to bullying"?????
This is the SAME woman who told people to get in the faces of Trump supporters at a gas station. She has been a supporter of bullying conservatives. She has justified the burning of businesses by supposed "peaceful protesters". She is nothing more than a rude loud mouth provocateur.

She has been a supporter of defunding police. There is the hypocritical irony that Water requested a police escort/protection to the rally that where she was condemning police and calling for confrontation if the verdict she wants isn't achieved.

jaish's photo
Tue 04/20/21 02:14 PM
Edited by jaish on Tue 04/20/21 02:53 PM

1)The MAJORITY, 52%, of deaths by lethal force by police are WHITE.

The Black population in US is 18%

So you want to look at percentages?
OK lets look at percentages.

The black population in the US was 14.6% in 2019
55.9% of known murder offenders in 2019 were black
There were 7,484 black murder victims compared to 5,787
white murder victims in 2019
Total murders in 2019 was 13,927
Over half the murder victims were black
93% of black murder victims were killed by black perpetrators

Who should black people be MORE fearful of being killed by?
A cop? A white racist? Or another black person???

Thanks for these numbers -

What I read here is while 93% murder - is black on black
and this has nothing to do with a single death during police encounters
but constitutes 56% of all murders in US

and therefore correlates with the 48% of total deaths caused by police
Meaning police are shooting down murderers most of the time.
Are they?

If we take a realistic figure that murderers are say 70% of police victims
in both white and black encounters (assuming rest are caught / imprisoned)

Then it is reasonable to assume that the rem 30% shot on a black population of 15%
is way higher than the 30% shot on a white population of 85%

One of two views is 'collateral damage' as in war
The other view is 'racial prejudice' which justifies Maxine's stand


In Trump's view, he correlated unemployment rates with crime - widely accepted
Seems that when unemployment rate is high, blacks feel more condemned to poverty - no way out - history kicks in and so the irrational murders.

This also means that if I'm a black cop, I'm more likely to shoot if the citizen is black which brings up the question, what is the percentage of black cops.

12% only!

should be at the minimum 35%

Maybe Maxine's protest is in the wrong direction.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Tue 04/20/21 03:30 PM

This also means that if I'm a black cop, I'm more likely to shoot if the citizen is black which brings up the question, what is the percentage of black cops.

12% only!

should be at the minimum 35%

Maybe Maxine's protest is in the wrong direction.

Should percentages be used or should qualifications be used for police? There is EQUAL OPPORTUNITY for black people to become cops yet many QUALIFIED black people DON'T apply to become cops.

From a Chicago Reporter article on February 2, 2018
"In 2017, the police department hired whites and Latinos at rates more than double that of African-Americans, who made up just 17 percent of the total 1,126 new hires.
Of more than 8,000 black applicants, nearly 30 percent didn’t show up for the written entrance exam, the first step in the recruitment process, while 17 percent failed the test, according to data analyzed by the Reporter. Many applicants who passed the test later dropped out of the process, which includes an extensive background check and physical, psychological and drug tests."

Should Chicago lower the standard to become a cop so they have more black cops or should qualifications continue being used so the best people are protecting the residents????

From a August 6, 2020 "nbc10 investigators" article

"According to Philadelphia police statistics, nearly 70% of applicants who show up to orientation to take the reading and agility tests are Black, Hispanic, Asian or other. And 31% of applicants are white.
Yet, in the last year, 71% of recruits who make it into the police academy are white. Only 29% were people of color. January’s recruit class had no Black recruits"

Should Philadelphia lower the standard to become a cop so they have more non-white cops or should qualifications continue being used so the best people are protecting the residents????

Then there is Detroit's police department which is a majority Black organization at 54 percent African American officers. Among black male and female officers, 62 percent of them live outside the city. Most black police officers DON'T live in Detroit that has 79% black population. Why is that the case? Once can only speculate but how unsafe cops know the city is need to considered.

jaish's photo
Thu 04/22/21 05:39 AM
Edited by jaish on Thu 04/22/21 05:40 AM

Should Chicago, Philadelphia lower the standard ????

" ..., includes an extensive background check and physical, psychological and drug tests."

I see your point and there's no argument against tests.
In fact, it seems easier to join the army than become a cop.

Detroit's police department which is a majority Black organization at 54 percent African American officers.

Among black male and female officers, 62 percent of them live outside the city. Most black police officers DON'T live in Detroit that has 79% black population. Why is that the case?

One can only speculate but how unsafe cops know the city is need to considered.

In India, we don't see a cop or any senior law official live in a city neighborhood unless it is one of those gated apartment blocks - at the minimum. Most cities have government owned housing reserved for cops.

I can imagine being a black cop in high crime cities in US - brings with it a compelling reason - the disrespect / distrust of young black to black cops in particular.

Thanks John.

jaish's photo
Thu 04/22/21 06:34 AM
Edited by jaish on Thu 04/22/21 06:48 AM

Worse than all these is I have to live with that burn from History.

Funny how the divide is global when the BURN has nothing to do with most other nations.

Instead of history of the British Empire, here's a story.

World Cup - Cricket used to be a big series among Commonwealth nations till the 90s. (Canada was not into Cricket). It was generally hosted by one country - similar to Olympics. Sometime in the 80s, India refused to play the match against South Africa citing apartheid.

Subsequent year or so, the International Cricket Federation banned South African team from playing. In those days - it was shocking news because these countries were heavily into cricket.

I believe this contributed to Mandela's release and franchise for Black SA.


Point is, burn does not have to come from physical chain. Black South African's were never in chains. NZ, Australia could've taken the lead; India did, because of our shared history with SA - felt their burn.

This type of burn is generated when one religion rules over another or different races - not the same within a race.

I agree with Rock that Maxine Walters political rhetoric backed by her authority to spend is likely to keep the Dems going for far longer.

Acquired Taste's photo
Fri 05/21/21 02:35 PM
ON a related note blm attached themselves to lgbtq and global climate change in essence making them a democratic arm. also causing more division when by not joining with them it would have had the desired effect. also joining with antifa or vice/versa doesn't help.
I live in a black city in a black community. I feel the tension most days when i go out, racism is a two way street. I get the stink eye, i get the elbow nudge and nod. all sorts of social cues and what not. ON the other hand there are the majority that are good. I can look at what i will, so i choose to look at the good and forget about the prejudice. On the hand it is not this way in the whole nation but i get a taste of what the problem is and in my opinion it has to stop with the individual and individual choices.
Thug life---the hate u give little infants f*cks everybody...a movie by that name explained the parents grow up teaching white hate, white parents teach black hate....bada bing....the kids meet and someone gets shot...