Topic: MLB all star game moving out of atlanta...
Acquired Taste's photo
Sat 04/03/21 05:08 AM
here is another can of worms/wind up moves all star game out of atlanta because of the recent state law stating you must have identification to in the world are you supposed to cheat if you have to show i.d. incredible...

bobtail76's photo
Sat 04/03/21 10:16 AM
Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, and Arod all support this move.

Is the point MLB trying to make, is that elections are not important?
Is Delta going to stop requiring ID on flights?
Are the cops going to stop asking for ID?

Sports have become irrelevant. Just another move to polarize the country. You don't root for your team anymore - you root for an Azz or an Elephant

Rock's photo
Sat 04/03/21 10:38 AM

Atlanta won't miss a thing.

Acquired Taste's photo
Sat 04/03/21 04:35 PM

Bart's photo
Sat 04/03/21 05:19 PM
Screw the MLB, we should cancel them from America’s game. How about cornhole for a replacement. Cornhole, Hotdogs, Apple pie and Chevrolet .

Smartazzjohn's photo
Sat 04/03/21 06:10 PM
Personally I won't EVER be watching any baseball again.
They gave NO specific reason for moving the game, probably because there is NOTHING in the bill that supports the lies being told by Biden and the left.
MLB KNOWS that New York has STRICTER voting laws. Delaware, where Biden was elected many times. has even STRICTER voting laws including NO EARLY voting. But hey why would Biden and the Democrats complain about the voting laws in state they win consistently????
MLB KNOWS they are hurting the minority residents and small minority own businesses in's racist to hurt any minority in any way according to Democrats and leftist.
But Democrats and leftist don't seem to care if MLB is doing something racist according to their own rhetoric as long as they doing something that could hurt Republicans. It seems it's always party and power before people with them.

I quit watching pro football, pro basketball and ESPN which I don't miss. I quit going to Dick's Sporting Goods. I couldn't care less how the players or the people who head these enterprises vote or who they donate money to.....but I won't tolerate them trying to influence how I or anyone else votes.

Acquired Taste's photo
Mon 04/05/21 06:52 PM
will call buy tickets online and have to pick them up at the stadium...because you don't have a printer or whatever...and you guessed it you need a photo i.d. to pick them up...b.i.n.g.o.

no photo
Mon 04/05/21 08:03 PM
I'm watching baseball more than ever, and I will continue.

Bart's photo
Mon 04/05/21 08:35 PM
Just another bad decision by brain dead Joe. People of Atlanta can blame him for the loss of millions of $$$ and many jobs that were pending for mostly minorities. The MLB officials were just thinking about pulling out until joe opened his mouth. He said he agrees very much they should pull out. Of course this is after he misstated the new law and made up fake provisions he said was in this law. He should be impeached for his blatant lies and the mistrust he brought on him and the rest of the DCDemocrats. Someone should advise the democrats that they should look ahead at what ramifications their decisions will bring in the long run, it’s called the ability to reason, it comes with common sense, something absent in many democrats.