Community > Posts By > greeneyeman

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Wed 05/18/11 06:13 AM
"What makes a Genius" hosted by BBC -

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Wed 05/18/11 06:09 AM
As time goes by I will post a few more versus for everyone to read and discuss.

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Wed 05/18/11 06:08 AM
2 billion people on our planet have chosen Christianity as a faith. Some just checked the box and don't even read the bible yet claim they are whatever denomination they choose to be. Some are self-proclaimed and others through tradition. It is your choice if you are such....yet open your minds once in awhile and truly understand what you have gotten yourself into. We heathens, pagans, witches, agnostics, and atheists have also read your bible and find many things appalling and hateful in it. Hopefully you can explain your reasons logically why you chose this religion when such verses appear in this book that is so called holy and written by men who claim to have been inspired by god to write it.

Let us start with this one:

It is the will of God to solve his problems with apocalyptic mass murder, including the horrible drowning of millions of people (including men, women, children, and babies) and billions of animals (though apparently sparing fish for some reason):

[The LORD said to Noah], “I will send rain on the earth forty days and forty nights. And I will blot out from the face of the land every living thing that I have made.” … Then the flood came upon the earth for forty days … The water prevailed more and more upon the earth, so that all the high mountains everywhere under the heavens were covered. … All flesh that moved on the earth perished, birds and cattle and beasts and every swarming thing that swarms upon the earth, and all mankind; of all that was on the dry land, all in whose nostrils was the breath of the spirit of life, died. Thus He blotted out every living thing that was upon the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky, and they were blotted out from the earth; and only Noah was left, together with those that were with him in the ark.

Found in Genesis 7:4, 17-23

Why can't a Christian study more about how the climate changes on Earth, natural catastrophes and why they happen logically as described by so many geologists, meteorologists, archaelogists, and other scientists who write books and create movies about it? Instead many usually rely souly on the bibles conclusions written by desert nomads that thought the planet was flat and understood little of how our planet functions.

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Tue 05/17/11 07:58 PM
Edited by greeneyeman on Tue 05/17/11 08:03 PM
I wanted to add that I am amazed how so many christians don't know where Lutheran comes from or let alone the different denominations of christianity.

In Germany there was a monk who found the courage to challenge the catholic church and nailed new rules to give those that had failed the canon laws from the catholics and give another chance to those that have failed those laws to be forgiven by god as a sinner. I think one of those new laws is to forgive those that have not stayed married with his or her partner and another chance to marry again. I think there are 14 changes that this individual monk posted at the Witenberg Castle at the time. Although the Catholic Church didn't take the new theses seriously, many followers did and before you know it the movement was big enough to have the splitting of opinion on what is taught in the bible, which led to the first beginnings of a different belief and rules for the bible.

Martin Luther was the name of the Monk

Luther = Lutheran

but no I think Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist.

It is from the same book but new changes were made that fitted the community of the area at the time.

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Tue 05/17/11 07:25 PM
Title of the thread is "God and Perfection".

Perhaps imperfection is perfection for it brings creativity to enjoy more variety.

So if a God existed, he wanted to create imperfection to perfect perfection.

For example: It is harsh to see a snake swallow a mouse alive. Doesn't look like perfection to most of us...but perhaps it is perfection for God. To be able to share ourselves even through death for the purpose of another to survive. A perfect combination of sharing ourselves for each other.

I know it is strange what I am saying....but it is one way to see why the world is the way it is.

What we see as perfection is probably only one side of imperfection and what another sees as imperfection is but for another eyes perfection. Therefore both work well together.

Of course buddhism has a great explanation for this, but that is for another thread to start one day. Unfortunately the Buddhist thread is as dead as the big rat I threw in the trash the other day. I think everyone is spending more time meditating then discussing about such issues. lol

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Tue 05/17/11 07:16 PM
Edited by greeneyeman on Tue 05/17/11 08:05 PM

i thought MLK was Lutheran?... isn't that a form of Catholicism?

Baptist if I recall....but it doesn't matter. It is a religion all from the same book that is changed and translated so many times that it ended up having over 38,000 denominations.

In the end, in my opinion...the only thing good you can get out of that book is what Jesus taught in his journey's and experiences. The rest is just a fairy tale fiction that can be discarded into the mythological vault. I mean even the supernatural events Jesus did shouldn't even be taken serious. It is more about (for me at least) on what he was trying to do as a human being. I also don't believe he is the son of god or THE god himself or any of that. I rather just take out the lessons he was trying to show to the Jews at the time that worshipped the old testament, which is a more harsher style of worshipping a God of Gods who wants obedience.

Of course this is how I feel about it and am aware that more then 2 billion don't agree with. Fortunately, I live in a time where I don't have to follow the mass horde of people to be accepted in society.

So yes if you want to take anything good out of that book then perhaps some of the attempts Jesus was trying to teach to his people. For example instead of a eye for eye, or tooth for tooth...but to turn your cheek and walk away is one way to avoid problems in the world.

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Tue 05/17/11 07:01 PM
I also believe the bible was written in such a manner to where no one can clearly understand it. I believe that there are alot of contradictions in it and the reason why over 38,000 denominations have been created because of its confusing translations and contradictions.

Just think about it for a moment.....

Why so many denominations?

It is because the one who truly studied it found contradictions in it.....

so they changed the bible around to create a new religion using with what the bible says.

Thomas Jefferson even tried to take out the supernatural events out of it to make it sound more realistic. How far he got with it I don't know, but you can't admire the man enough for spending so much time trying.

I truly believe Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. took the best parts of the bible, which is probably the experiences Jesus went through and used them for his own purpose.

By the way Jeannie it is self evident that Martin Luther King had many activists with him that helped his calling and many before him who tried to fight for some rights for the blacks at the time.

I agree with Abra that Jesusiasm would be the right movement in today's society and the religion should be called that. Christianity has died with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and I am aware that most people will not agree with me, but for me it has ended there.

Are there good people who practice Christianity. Sure there are. I am not saying that 2 billion people that worship a mediterrenean mythology are bad people, just like the 1.6 billion muslims are bad either.....although I wish they would get their heads out of the stone age philosophies they worship each day. They are simple and good people that just believe in a religion that should have been thrown into the mythological vault a long time ago.

Jesusiasm could be the new movement that unites the many denominations to one. Maybe it will be a more peaceful movement if they practice the true values of what Jesus taught and not the false notions of what Jews wrote about him to have tried to revive the old testament.

In the end yes Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. the last true christian has taken the religion with him.

So Christians change your title to Jesusiasm and try to unite the 38,000 denominations with the values Jesus taught. Afterall, they are probably the values Buddha taught in his missing years.

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Tue 05/17/11 03:36 PM
True Christian in terms of how he practice his rights as a human being. If you recall blacks in the southeast have had it very hard being denied many things we take for granted. He made a movement so big and so large it moved an entire nation. He preached and sung songs when blacks where being beaten down with sticks, hosed with water to where they were flipped off their backs and land on their face, to the Klu Klux Klan burning blacks on crosses.

Regardless of what happened to the blacks they continued to peacefully protest and demand the same rights as any human being. They wanted to not be treated as savages, as second class citizens if even that.

In 1961 they were even allowed to finally ride a Greyhound bus!

They finally could go to restaurants and bathrooms not segregated to them. They were allowed to buy a jug of milk for the first time!

If one needs to follow a bible then one should actually follow his example on how to resolve differences. It took a tremendous amount of courage to what he did and it costed him his life. I know people who don't follow the bible word by word for they don't agree with everything it says, yet they do follow the acts Jesus taught and I believe Martin Luther King Jr. studied that intensively to do the brave acts he and many thought was the right thing to do.

Nevertheless, he is for some the last true christian. I say this for so many christians do exactly the opposite. A eye for eye, tooth for tooth. They become irresponsible, arrogant, and allow themselves to do the actual acts that Jesus advocated against. They call themselves Christians or whatever denomination there is and in the end they become poor characteristic personalities.

Therefore the last christian that walked on this earth was Doctor Martin Luther King Jr and yes this is a personal opinion Jeannie.

Since then the religion has become a mythology lost in its translations and used for personal gains bringing negative impact to many lives around the world. It has waged wars, hindered technology, and made a strong movement in this country supporting creationism that aligns well with the bible that was written by frustrated desert nomads.

I may not agree with the bible, but I do agree with Jesus and his teachings (many of them) and honor Martin Luther King Jr. for following such footsteps to win what is only right for every EARTHLING that shares this world. The right to freedom, rights, and happiness.

Do not thrive on negativity but take what positive is available in every teaching mankind has offered. I will take Dr. Martin Luther King's teaching of non violence seriously, which was passed on with his studies of Jesus and others he may have followed.

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Mon 05/16/11 08:19 PM
Doctor Martin Luther King Jr.

He actually made movements without the use of violence just like Jesus tried over 2000 years ago.

I am happy that Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. has a holiday named after him.


and this message is provided to you from an agnostic man!

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Mon 05/16/11 08:13 PM

A friend of mine, who is very unwell, prays to god, but she isn't religious. Many ill people like to have faith that somehow god will help them heal. Even if they're not religious. They must believe in SOMETHING, then, just not knowing exactly what. A spirit? Maybe?

Could be! Native Americans often used spirits for help.

Some use faith because they believe in souls so they are praying that their soul will find strength for hardtimes.

Some use religion and there are literally hundreds of thousands of them in our world.

Some use inner willpower and do not believe in a supernatural identity or spirit, ghost, soul, etc.

The mind is a powerful instrument that can heal the body in many ways. It can also destroy it. How exactly? Scientists are working on conclusions, Guru's have their opinions, Pastors tell you it is a God, and Hindus say there are many. Buddhism believe in the wisdom of "The Awakened One" and use meditation.

I wish your friend to find her bliss to be happy and well again.

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Mon 05/16/11 08:06 PM
Edited by greeneyeman on Mon 05/16/11 08:07 PM
What does it mean to serve God?

I could imagine for the ladies it is very entertaining! lol

I mean such a question is very difficult to answer. There are so many religions out there. Christianity is at either 32,000 or 38,000 denominations with each a different idealogy of what works best to serve a god. For the Hindus they must spend the entire day honoring and serving various gods. lol

Buddhism honors Buddha for his wisdom, but they don't spend any time worrying about a god on clouds judging us. They are more interested in the "now" of life and how to enjoy the moments you have at this moment!

For me serving a hot goddess wouldn't be so bad if she rewards well, but of course I am not convince there is a god, goddess, or that anything supernatural exist. I actually don't waste time thinking about it either. I do know a huge meteorite the size of earth hit Jupiter a few years back and it was recorded. Now that is eye opening and awe aspiring! I hope that wasn't god playing baseball!

I think the best approach is that "we should serve ourselves" and find ways to be helpful to others. That is first class service if you ask me. And just for that I will pop open a bottle of champagne..pour it in my flute....and salute you and everyone else for a great day of happiness and enjoyment! :)

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Mon 05/16/11 07:37 PM
Edited by greeneyeman on Mon 05/16/11 07:44 PM

Wow seriously everyone has like over 8000 posts in here. Me with my few hundred (200) am wondering if you guys have a life! ha ha!

Don't tell me you spend the entire day looking in the forums. Am I talking with a bunch of retired folks in here. Just playing! I tend to crack myself up sometimes!laugh

Anyway now I know we have a bunch of Forum Genius's!

How about we have a look at your post count in 2015...after 4 years and see what your count is up to???laugh

At this rate you may be correct! I hope not! I have been planting palm trees the last two days, but it is simply too hot lately here in Florida. Whew! I can't imagine what you are experiencing in Australia....oh wait! You gals are experiencing winter now right?? lol

Did you know that the trees absorb our carbon dioxides! The reason why we have fossil fuels today. Our planet was full of carbon dioxide and the palm trees as of other plant species simply absorbed it all in and died. It eventually sunk into our earth to where we can dig it back up for our energy purpose.

It is interesting to also see that we have now (only 4 I think) nuclear plants that uses fossils fuels but actually maintains the carbon dioxide output by putting it back into our earth instead of letting it out into our atmosphere. In Algerian in the middle of the desert is such a plant available.

I will see if I can find a video if possible, but what a ((genius innovative idea)) right!

I have been planting palm trees the last two days

Smart thinking ahead into the future... someone to shake your hands in a few years. (The "palm" trees.)

It is interesting to also see that we have now (only 4 I think) nuclear plants that uses fossils fuels
ahem... did you not just finish saying that all plants use fossil fuels? Carbon dioxide? Which is it? all trees or only nuclear trees, that use fossil carbon dioxides as fuels?

I doubt anyone will shake my hand for planting two palm trees. lol

What I was talking about with Jess (which was carried over from another thread) is about a documentary called "Power Surge" that shows a scientist that uses certain fibers to catch carbon dioxide to clean our air. He cuts them in strips and attaches them together to form what looks like a pine tree. He wants to use them in the future to clean our air. Sir Richard Bronsan (owner of Virgin Records and Airlines) gives a reward each year of about 35 million dollars to the most innovative scientist on ideas to stop Global Warming, so the documentary shows the different ideas at hand. It starts with how the planet evolved and how our palm trees use to absorb the tons of carbon dioxides in the air, which eventually made them die becoming millions of years later fossil fuels in which we for the last 100 years take back out to harm our Earth's atmosphere.

Concerning the nuclear plants : We have some scientists who create industries that take the carbon dioxide for our energy uses but do not allow the carbon dioxides to escape into the air but instead back into the earth instead. There are supposingly only 4 plants existing that do this. One is in Algeria.

Our Nuclear plants (which is more then 4) are outdated. I think the latest was made in the 1970s. China is making so many...I think they will have over 400 of them by 2030?? They are more modern also with up to date technology of somekind to prevent such catastrophes like we just witnessed from Japan.

Anyway I have been chatting with Jess on ideas of how we can keep up with our planet by keeping it clean and viable for future generations. I have a video to watch on another thread concerning the topic called "The Home Movie Documentary". Check it out if you like. It is interesting. If you don't believe in global warming then at least enjoy the breathtaking videos of various land sceneries that the team created for the movie. The other video by NOVA is "Power Surge" Documentary created this year. You can find it on

I believe scientists who invent useful things are considered geniuses in many ways. If they attained it through hard work or are genetically born with brightness is something still debated today amongst many who study the brain function. There is a video on that also which is interesting on youtube! Here is the link - It is called "What makes a Genius" hosted by BBC -

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Mon 05/16/11 01:36 PM
One must first love yourself before you can love anyone else.

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Mon 05/16/11 02:11 AM
A god
A goddess
A energy or vibrations
Many gods
Many goddesses
Perhaps gods and goddesses

or nothing at all

We simply don't know.

I am sure you will get many different answers to contemplate and even question on.

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Fri 05/13/11 11:49 PM

Wow seriously everyone has like over 8000 posts in here. Me with my few hundred (200) am wondering if you guys have a life! ha ha!

Don't tell me you spend the entire day looking in the forums. Am I talking with a bunch of retired folks in here. Just playing! I tend to crack myself up sometimes!laugh

Anyway now I know we have a bunch of Forum Genius's!

How about we have a look at your post count in 2015...after 4 years and see what your count is up to???laugh

At this rate you may be correct! I hope not! I have been planting palm trees the last two days, but it is simply too hot lately here in Florida. Whew! I can't imagine what you are experiencing in Australia....oh wait! You gals are experiencing winter now right?? lol

Did you know that the trees absorb our carbon dioxides! The reason why we have fossil fuels today. Our planet was full of carbon dioxide and the palm trees as of other plant species simply absorbed it all in and died. It eventually sunk into our earth to where we can dig it back up for our energy purpose.

It is interesting to also see that we have now (only 4 I think) nuclear plants that uses fossils fuels but actually maintains the carbon dioxide output by putting it back into our earth instead of letting it out into our atmosphere. In Algerian in the middle of the desert is such a plant available.

I will see if I can find a video if possible, but what a ((genius innovative idea)) right!

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Fri 05/13/11 11:39 PM
Massagetrade your goal is to find a realist. Until then you will have to remain bored! ha ha

Just joking. :)

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Fri 05/13/11 11:30 PM
Edited by greeneyeman on Fri 05/13/11 11:43 PM
I watched just recently a great documentary called "Power Surge" (2011)

Innovations designed to combat global warming which includes artificial trees that absorb carbon dioxide and how to create cleaner coal.

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Fri 05/13/11 09:22 PM

Do like me and say to hell with religion! It causes more harm than good in this world.


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Fri 05/13/11 09:18 PM
What I can't understand is why would anyone represent a religion that has so much blood on their hands? From the witch trials in which I have cried so often about (yeah I am a wimp) to the persecutions of really intelligent people who just had a different belief system.

To the invention of such words as heresy, the word infidel, the word pagan, and heathen and used it as grounds to condemn innocent people.

To the torturing sessions by holy men or should I say ugly souled men!

If one needs to have faith in something supernatural wouldn't it be prune to believe in a faith that has no violence in its history or such gruesome experiences as justified in today's society. Wouldn't it leave you with a cleaner conscience if you followed a more peaceful religion or spiritual following?

What are your thoughts on this?

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Fri 05/13/11 10:00 AM

The core of Christian belief is based on the idea that everyone has sinned, and because you have done anything wrong that God will punish you by burning you with fire, or otherwise torturing you forever. If a 5 year old tells a lie and then dies, God will burn that kid in Hell forever.Out here in the real world, if someone behaved like God supposedly does, that person would be severely mentally deranged. We put people who behave like God in jail or mental institutions. In fact, many people are locked up every year for imitating the "Wrath of God".

It is you that needs to go reread the bible and see what it is.

and I say AMEN to that ********. lol

People who don't know about Christianity should stop making claims about the core beliefs.

If you've read the Bible, show me where I can find a reference to the word "hell" that was NOT translated from a proper noun....

Now we have a Christian who says that there is no such thing as a hell. Which of the 32,000 denominations do you belong to...or are you another who has created your own version.


Oh the Christians who have been brainwashed with their beliefs of what is right or wrong. Instead of just using their own common sense then a book full of fairy tales.

Good luck with that. :)

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