Community > Posts By > greeneyeman

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Fri 05/27/11 01:27 PM

at the rate on how these elections are happening you might just get that wish. lol

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Fri 05/27/11 01:25 PM
Don't the priests or bishops whip themselves sometimes to repent?? I so often see this in medieval movies. Do they still do this today funches? If so there is your answer to that. They do enjoy such treatment, but they do it to repent or be cleaned off sins they have done. Kind of a punishment onto themselves believing god is punishing them for their wrong doings.

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Fri 05/27/11 01:12 PM

Greeneyeman wrote:

Could it be that we humans have the same dilemma when it comes to a belief system not allowing us to open our minds to other possibilities? I ask because there are many that have such strong convictions to a faith that they don't let other possibilities for a spiritual practice or belief system to take place. They don't even try to look at other possibilities of a more peaceful practice that could perhaps benefit them even more in their lifetimes or accept the notion that some people don't need it at all and are perfectly happy without it.

I imagine there are many psychological reasons for why people do things, and those reasons could not be discovered via any simple tests such as you have described for the mice.

There are several huge attractions for the self-appointed position of Paper Pope.

1. It's a extremely easily-attainable position. (i.e. it's self-appointed)
2. It strongly appeals to the ego. (i.e. It carries with it divine authority)
3. It's easy to justify to ones self. (i.e. I'm just doing the work of God)
4. It's also addictive. (the more a person does it the deeper they bury themselves in it)
5. The Paper Pope can never be wrong. (i.e. God in on "his side")

I doubt that mice would ever consider any of these things. laugh

The test was to see if a certain gene that we all have gives the conclusion of why we think or learn certain ways. Why most people cannot accept other possibilities?

It took thousands of years before the catholic pope finally realized torturing in their basements was wrong, or the notion that aliens can exist announcing it on public television, or to apologize for wrong doings to scientists such as Galileo.

but perhaps the gene that I am talking about that some have more of or not has no role in it all. It was just a crazy thought of why people can't seem to open up to other possibilities. I mean how hard can that be?

but as you say...perhaps it is just convenience or the ego of power or strong convictions not allowing other thought processes of other possibilities to ensure.

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Fri 05/27/11 01:02 PM

By the way I am a advocate of peace and always will be, but I do see the dilemmas we suffer in this world and each country has them. Some worse then others. Education is the problem, stricter rules perhaps, and the chance to really improve societies is a struggle for most governments. If it can be done peacefully to resolve these issues is a question we all ask. I would like to believe there is such a way, but after traveling to over 43 countries in my life and seeing the eternal struggles many societies suffer it will take a world cooperation to make this work. The problem is most people are trying to make ends meet and cannot offer much on the table to help the next man. What ashame!

That is why I say all the time...Have you looked into the mirror and asked yourself what you can do today to help the next person? Many say yes, but nothing happens!

some days I feel so bad that its all I can do to help myself because I feel as if I cant help others BEFORE I am able to do it for myself

..but , when I am feeling especially well, when I feel like I am doing what is necessary to be at 100 percent myself and have some left for others, I do tend to not turn away anyone in need of something that I am able to do without,,,

I understand completely. It will take a united world mind set to do this anyway. I have been a humanitarian for a great portion of my life and there is never a time I experienced where everyone was happy. I did find some successes in my lifetime when it came to helping people, but many times there were times I couldn't help out or do enough for the next man. It is odd that we each go through this in different ways. Some don't see it and care less and others see it and do alot. It is a mind set I suppose.

Benjamin Franklin had a quote that I can't exactly recall how it is said but it goes along the lines as such: The more you know the more depressed you get.

Fortunately my enthusiasm on knowledge and life outweighs depression and I continue to preach the importance of peace in the name of every religion, spirituality, or not. It is so important we work on this. I hope great minds will be innovative and find ways to influence more minds on the importance of education that includes compassion and peace.

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Fri 05/27/11 12:43 PM
Edited by greeneyeman on Fri 05/27/11 12:49 PM
A laboratory has conducted experiments with lab mice trying to understand the functions of the brain. They claim to know why some people have better capabilities of understanding various thought processes better then others. They believe it lies in a certain gene. Everyone is probably wondering where I am going with this, but bear with me a moment.

As they put one mouse to walk around in a plastic container they put on a high sounding noise and shock the mouse if it moves. The mouse then jumps up in the air. The reason the scientists do this is because they want to find out if the mouse will learn to not move around when the noise happens again.

After testing this method many times the mouse finally freezes when it hears the noise knowing if it moves it will get shocked.

They have tried this on many mice and found out that not all mice will catch on. Some mice continue to move around even though the noise warns them to freeze and not move.

Could it be that we humans have the same dilemma when it comes to a belief system not allowing us to open our minds to other possibilities? I ask because there are many that have such strong convictions to a faith that they don't let other possibilities for a spiritual practice or belief system to take place. They don't even try to look at other possibilities of a more peaceful practice that could perhaps benefit them even more in their lifetimes or accept the notion that some people don't need it at all and are perfectly happy without it.

This gene that these scientist claim every mammal owns is available to primarily everyone yet some lack a great quantity of them making such people to only believe in one story no matter how illogical it may sound for many people. So perhaps this is the reason why we have those that refuse to see a different possibility of what may be or how something became because of this lack of gene they own.

It is just a thought I had and perhaps something to look into. Actually it would be a great question to ask. What makes a faith so powerful that it excludes other thought processes for possible possibilities of what could have been.

For example my mind says:

Perhaps there was a god that demanded obedience and the christians, muslims, or jews are right about it. Even though we can think of better worlds in a Utopia perspective we might just have a god that goes both ways or the god has challenges to overcome like these books entail. Does it sound logical to do I exclude the either! It is possible.

Perhaps Jeannie is right about the aliens that created mankind for slave labor and then abandoned us. We are a mutation of alien dna?

Perhaps the wicca goddess is the answer, or the buddha enlightenment, or the other 100,000 of religions.

Maybe there is nothing like Atheists claim. That nothing happens when you pass away.

Perhaps Jedism is correct about the positive energy and negative energy (force) idea that we are just one big particle of energy sharing amongst each other as one. A more pantheistic view perhaps?

There are endless of possibilities and my mind is open to them all.

yet for some reason......

we have those that claim their religion is the answer to it all.

yet if I see a priest claiming a certain day is doomsday and it doesn't happen...why do they still believe in their religion?

yet when a Anglican claims Jesus will come back on a certain day and it doesn't happen....why still believe?

yet if I see that stoning a woman to death in Iran is justified in the Muslim religion even today....then why follow that?

yet if I see that sacrifice is necessary to worship a god or goddess......then why are you following it?

What makes our minds think this is justified and why others can accept it with open hands and others not? Is it because those that have seen alot of crime and violence know it is not a good thing and others that have not don't understand. In otherwords, experience?

I truly wonder if it is because of our brain functions altogether. That certain gene that some have and others don't.

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Fri 05/27/11 12:15 PM
By the way I am a advocate of peace and always will be, but I do see the dilemmas we suffer in this world and each country has them. Some worse then others. Education is the problem, stricter rules perhaps, and the chance to really improve societies is a struggle for most governments. If it can be done peacefully to resolve these issues is a question we all ask. I would like to believe there is such a way, but after traveling to over 43 countries in my life and seeing the eternal struggles many societies suffer it will take a world cooperation to make this work. The problem is most people are trying to make ends meet and cannot offer much on the table to help the next man. What ashame!

That is why I say all the time...Have you looked into the mirror and asked yourself what you can do today to help the next person? Many say yes, but nothing happens!

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Fri 05/27/11 12:09 PM
Well wux you will get your wish when it comes to a war. I think we have 50 of them going on at this moment that are killing people as we speak. Everywhere from young 9 year olds taught to kill someone to join a guerilla clan in Congo to an all out war in Iraq and Afghanistan. We also have many parts of the world where the people are fighting for basic needs such as Indian ladies spending the whole day digging to find fresh water from a well to the 500 million desert nomads sparing their water to feed camels.

As the resources are being exhausted from the rich countries to the draughts that cover half of Australia, to Siberia's ice sheets that hold methane ready to be released into the air when the planet's temperature rises each couple of years. When our resources and basic needs are taken away from mother earth we will suffer anyway. Just because the greedy billionaire still needs that extra billion and will destroy lives to attain it. If they dump chemical waste in our rivers or dump our trash in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean we will destroy ourselves anyway.

Your wish to have war will happen when people can't get a glass of water or feed themselves.

History has shown when this happens diseases attack us eliminating the population and drastic measures are taken to get the necessary needs to feed a family, which includes killing to attain it.

I know this sounds so negative, but in reality at this rate it can happen if we don't change our attitudes on how we take care of our earth. The world population dilemma is a issue. We are popping out babies left and right without thinking of the future for these children. If you are making only $18,000 dollars in the United States then why are you having 6 children? If you don't have a job in South America then why are you having those 4 children? If there is not enough food to go around then why are you having a baby in Africa?

I know in many of the poor countries these children are a asset for the families as they are to work in the farms and keep up with the daily necessities leaving them with no education. The best they can do is write a "x" on a sheet of paper indicating they agree to whatever contract they are told to believe becoming slave labors for the rich.

In Cameroon there was once a fresh water lake. All the fish as of the lake is gone now. Now the people are forced to look elsewhere for water and many wars have been fought because of the lake for it was shared by another country in Africa.

It is a major issue in this world when we don't educate the population on how to be more responsible for ourselves and with others, but how can we teach the world to make this happen when every country, every person, has a different idealogy of what right and wrong is, what common sense means, and what is important to them because a tradition says it so when in reality it is harming the next man.

It is a real issue that many conferences are taking place in the UN, but only to be waivered off as another failed day amongst the elite rich who primarily don't care for it doesn't attain to them at the moment.

Yet I think the bubble will burst one day and the news will have plenty of reporting to do each day when people struggle to make ends meet.

By the way Europe's most wanted criminal was caught yesterday. The Serbian leader was responsible for slaughtering 8 million Muslims in the Balkan wars. You might consider him a hero, but most will call him a criminal.

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Fri 05/27/11 12:44 AM
Yes exactly. That is a big issue and the ones that suffer the most are the people who are waiting for the represenatives to agree together to actually make solutions work.

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Fri 05/27/11 12:39 AM

My goodness a strong independent woman savvy in politics and economics that can truly change this country around would be so great. I don't know how some of the radical countries would take it that a women is the leader of a country, but I think it will show that women can also achieve anything if they truly desire it. I am for it ever since Susan B. Anthony protested that women should be able to vote just like men in the 1920s!

Of course looking beautiful really is a bonus. I am not just saying this. In history beauty or truly being handsome has changed situations in history for worse or good. At the moment I can only think of Cleopatra but there are many more!

Condeleza Rice is really intelligent. She speaks Russian and a few other languages fluently and holds I think a PHD also. Her views are not supported by the liberals, but she held herself good in her years. If she would be a great president...I am not sure? Many say no others say yes.

Sharon Stone the actress has a very high IQ at genius level I once read, but I think she is probably saying I am too smart for politics and it is best to stay out of it! ha ha

If a women president will happen in my lifetime? I sure hope so!

I vote for ideals not image, but I think at this point a pretty woman might be a great image for this country and make other countries want to offer better prospectives for business just because world leaders would want to attend the meetings.

Persuasion, Intelligence, and the idea of helping the common citizen is what we need now.

I want the poor to eat good again
I want the middle class to come back
I want the rich to stop complaining

I want products made in the US
I want the unemployment to go down
I want new inventions to keep our country alive for business meaning we have to work on minds to think again in schools and colleges
I want real solutions to eliminate our countries debt

Why can't we get such basic needs done! So frustrating folks! Are we all so different that we can't agree anymore leading to split even stalemates in Congress many times.

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Fri 05/27/11 12:29 AM
Oh I know we have more parties but they don't get any seats in Congress. I am wondering if a third party will ever get some seats and represent that actual party they created.

For example "The Green Party" or the "Modern Whig Party" or what have you actually has 10 seats in the Senate and 30 seats at the House of Represenatives.

and through the years the seats get bigger.

Yes the media is the problem because the spotlight only goes to two parties or at least the major networks do that.

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Fri 05/27/11 12:27 AM
It could have been two aliens that created humans for slave labor purposes to find gold or other valuable materials to bring back to a dying planet of their race.

One alien wanted to eliminate the humans when they were of no use anymore and the other one spared some before leaving off with his partner.

In the end we are a species created by gods as we call it (aliens) and are long forgotten.

Now how does that sound to you? Fiction or Reality?

Anything is possible!

One thing I know it would make one great novel!

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Fri 05/27/11 12:22 AM
Edited by greeneyeman on Fri 05/27/11 12:23 AM
Will there ever be a third party that will take up seats in Congress?

Yes we see this power struggle between two parties. One half is always Republican and the other half Democratic (give or take) all the time with sometimes majority rule in some years, yet why isn't there a third party like many countries have?

I mean why are they excluded? Are we as a people only thinking two different ways?

Would it destroy our Congress to have a third opinionated party with ideals that take up seats in both the Senate and House of Represenatives?

Why isn't it happening? Please explain to us the reasons since so many on this site are canny & clever in the world of politics.

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Thu 05/26/11 10:30 PM
Oh come on! It can't be that bad! lol

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Thu 05/26/11 10:28 PM
jrbogie I think the only pretty one thus far is Sarah Palin???

Come on ladies step up and run for presidency!

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Thu 05/26/11 10:24 PM
I tell you "Common Sense" seems like a easy concept or really self explanatory, yet for some reason it is one of the hardest topics to discuss. It is a challenge!

Like I said before everyone has a different opinion on it due to the way they are raised and how they think.

I think if we can find a middle ground on the concept of "common sense" we might find a better way to understanding how we can deal with future dilemmas that we suffer around the world.

There are anthropologists that study their entire lifetimes trying to figure us humans out and why we act or react the way we do. It is not as easy as it sounds, yet I am sure one day we will find a middle ground on it worldwide.

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Thu 05/26/11 10:20 PM
Her strategy should be to put on a catwoman outfit like Halle Berry did in that movie and go to stage and say "America needs change and it is time to do it now! Vote for me and we will bring back the US to how it should be!"

then after that a cat purrr or a growl to turn the men on and even the women! ha ha

Presidential elections isn't about knowledge and ideas anymore. I wish it was but no one who votes seems to care anymore. They just want a interesting looking leader that shows charisma and humor.

At least I have that impression lately.

I wish it wasn't so though.

so ladies step up and go "raaar" or purr for us! lol

The first woman president would be awesome actually! I would love it if they really can change a country to better times. I could imagine she could get a whole congress to agree on her ideas if she really wanted to. Persuasion is very powerful and it is used in politics alot by lobbyists.

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Thu 05/26/11 10:15 PM
and here it is......




Love, Love, Love, Love



Love, Love, Love, Love


Love, Love, Love, Love







I love you

copyrighted 2011 by greeneyeman. lol

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Thu 05/26/11 09:49 PM
Edited by greeneyeman on Thu 05/26/11 09:50 PM
Go to google and type in ENERNOC and tell me what you think.

I think it is great Internet technology that shows how high tech communications help energy savings especially for big businesses.

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Thu 05/26/11 09:11 PM
Edited by greeneyeman on Thu 05/26/11 09:14 PM
I was watching a old 30 year old show called "Barney Miller" today and laughed alot. It was great to see so many religions, color, cultures, and lifestyles working together and showing humor along the way. If you observe closely it was one of the few shows at the time that had everykind of belief system work together in a effort to show how we should envision this country. A united people. Although there was still alot of racism, disagreements, prejudice, that are astray throughout the country, The Barney Miller Show aired anyway and it entertained and perhaps for some educated that it can be possible to be together regardless of race, color, culture, or belief system.

One didn't have to be a Christian for example and still be loved by a Christian. One didn't have to be a Atheist but still loved by an Atheist also. It didn't matter what religion you are on that show. It didn't matter what background either. It just mattered that everyone tried to understand and get along with each other. I am sure no one knows what I am talking about when I say the "Barney Miller" show, but just know even then on television there were shows that tried to show that it is possible to enjoy each other regardless of what religion, spirituality, or not and have a good time.

I believe that there is a reason why there are so many religions, spiritualities, and belief systems in the world. There is a reason there are so many cultures also. It is for us to learn about them and understand them. To show that we are a creative people full of imagination that can take the best out of every culture and belief system. Let us try to do something in this manner. Take the best things out of every culture, religion, lifestyle and add them to ours. Let us not be arrogant, high ego, and negative of others just because they are different or think differently. Let us educate ourselves and take what works best for us and what doesn't work we leave out. Only then can we start promoting peace when we can accept this thinking.

Let us not say "They" are not like us. "They" didn't have a chance to be saved by God if a believer killed them first. "They" are yet to learn but instead let us learn from them and take what is good for us.

Promoting peace we should say "we" as a people! Our forefathers started their most important document with "We the people". They didn't exclude a religion or belief system. They wanted a new country even if they didn't know how it would end up today. They had a dream and started something that people in the future can challenge and improve. Martin Luther King Jr. improved the lives of many with his " I have a Dream speech". Susan B. Anthony improved the rights to vote for anyone 18 years or older. The list can goes on when "We the People" try hard to improve the lives for everyone by showing compassion and love for other ideas that practice the same method.

This is why I mention to anyone don't just read one book, but many books. There are so many interesting philosophies and belief systems in this world! Enjoy life by broadening your mind.

Now for you Christians this message isn't guided to you only, but for everyone. I know you guys get very defensive at times thinking every message is guided to Christians. It is not so. I am relaying this message for every single human being on this planet. Let us open our minds and enjoy many spiritualities, religions if necessary, and belief systems. Let us learn from each other and not provide negativity for selfish uses. We can make this planet a better place if we really work on our happiness first. If you are not happy with who you are then how can you make anyone happy? How can you suggest anything in this world if you can't be open enough to accept every human being that is just as important as yourself?

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Thu 05/26/11 08:31 PM
I know everyone will probably disagree with me but I really like the space shuttles. I believe they could have been updated with more sophisticated technology to allow us to fly even further out in space. Maybe even to Mars. One small step for giant leap for mankind. Imagine that being said on Mars if possible!

These pioneer astronauts even mentioned that we should have been on Mars by now. Our space program has gone way to slow because of the constant approvals, regulations, and fundings in getting them going. It is because we as a people can't agree on basic fundamentals of life either making our governments at loss with their budget. It is a sad story for I really believe the US could have still led in alot more then just landing on the moon and taking a few pictures of the planets in our universe.

I wish we could have voted as a people to keep the space shuttle and just updated it with more technology. I think that the people would have voted for it to stay with us and not store the thing in a museum for memories.

If I am off subject then I apologize to the OP. I am very new with space programs and how they work.

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