Community > Posts By > greeneyeman
Farewell Minglers and thank you for the time. If you ever want to chat or find me then go to my website fantasychapters dot com to find me.
I wish everyone a great life regardless of what following or belief system you find most desirable and notworthy. It is a personal experience that only you will know if it works. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Who is with me?
Is there such a movement going on now where we can get 2/3rds of the votes to get the incumbents who are not doing their job out of office? Are there websites up or any strong movements doing this already?
If not then maybe we need to create such a website in the future. It is a good idea what you have going. You see ideas! There are ideas...just nobody is doing them. Nothing is stirring the pot and we need to stir that pot! |
Who is with me?
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Mon 05/30/11 05:52 AM
Yes very true that is disturbing. Also the debate about clean drinking water was a big issue we have. The infrastructure needs to be repaired but somehow the money is going elsewhere in places that has nothing to do with the people's welfare.
I think what is going on is one side wants less government meaning more privatization and the other side wants more government to be responsible for such things as repairing our roads, bridges, clean water...what have you. There is where the stalemate occurs and nothing is done in Congress. Of course the rich have money to get their roads fixed, clean water, etc so it is not in dire need of an issue to present to Congress. What we need to do is find out how to trust our government again and that only means to change it completed with a different political affiliate. I lost trust with Democrats and Republicans alike and I hope I am not the only American feeling this way then I need to reevaluate my citizenship for sure! If we want less government...fine but then we have to find a way to keep our communities going strong with employment, good infrastructure, that includes health care and education. If we want more government.....fine also but at least make sure that the government actually puts the money into the needs of the people like fixing our highways and bridges, staying out of expensive wars or get more help funding it without us going broke, providing education and a health care reform everyone can agree on. More government or less government...Republican or Democrat...really doesn't matter anymore. What matters is we get our priorities straight and really get started on fixing our nation to the extent where we can say we are not the laughing stock of the world in the future because we can't get along anymore. So that is why I ask what can we do as a people...forget the government at this moment. The question is what can we do personally. I am sitting in my office right now and ready to do something, but how? What can be done? When we collaborate minds we can perhaps make a movement so big that it could change our country for the better or is this just wishful dreaming again? So tell me what can be done physically...not just in typing of words here or verbally a little here and there when we go outside. |
Why can't we get along
I believe in the future of our children
treat them well and let them live their lives Show them all the beauty they possess inside Give them a world to live on and make it a better place oh sorry! I was singing a song from Whitney Houston! Ha ha! ![]() |
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Mon 05/30/11 03:31 AM
I find it highly interesting that believers of faith cannot understand the notion of a person who is perfectly happy in not having a faith in a higher power, but instead believe in what is actually available.
What happens here is they go and say " one day you will see" or one day " you will know" because I know now. Their evidence of knowing is: Bible written by men inspired by God's thought and words. A popular preacher who is using his interpretations of the Bible and his imagination Speaking with God mentally through a conscience not their own Why is it so bad for a person to say " we don't know" and still live a great life regardless of not following any specific belief system that religion offers? Why can't we have faith in oneself and take full responsibility for it and still live a great life. I certainly am doing it now. Yes I do wonder at times on the beyond but I don't go straight and say God created it. Many people use this method when they didn't understand how the planet functioned. They simply said God did it and don't even research further anymore. They are satisfied. Later scientists found out why and explained. Today is no different. There are explanations for things we don't know yet, but it takes time to find them, don't just go and say God did it and the day is over. That mind set would have still left us in the dark ages. We are humans who are naturally curious and look for possibilities just to exercise or minds and know more about life, yet I find it amusing that those of faith shake their head saying this is the answer pointing at a bible and are perplexed on why the one who doesn't believe to accept it. They don't want to go the distance of questioning their beliefs anymore because they are 100% sure they know even if it doesn't show any proof about it. It is just words written by many men. Not even a woman put in a verse in these books. Their view wasn't important at all. It is just amazing that this for me is a lazy way of just excluding logic and common sense and I am very happy that we have people that will go beyond the bible studies to experiment and see why things happen without resorting to the simple answer "god did it" and that is all you need to know. Today I will write 10 rules that I think humans should follow. I will write stories about them. Then I will bury it in the ground for archealogist to find 1000 years later. The book will say "holy molly" the true words of god. Watch how fast people will create a group of believers and influence the world to follow it. First and foremost believe in yourself and your own consequences. Do not go and pray god shed me light and strength to do the right thing, but tell your conscience that you have established through knowledge, experience, and studies and say "today I will do the right thing". There isn't a god snapping his fingers saying...yes today I will give him the ability to make 50 points in a basketball game just because he thought of me today and so it will be done!! How about practicing your butt off to become really good in basketball and establish a higher esteem of believing in yourself that you will do so well in a game. Don't look up and make that cross sign and say thank you god for letting me play so well. Thank yourself for the hard work you have accomplished in making it happen instead. Afterall you earned it! When people can start thinking in this manner we can't stop blaming others for wrong doings when we don't achieve what we like, promote peace for we believe in ourselves, and think more logically on current issues because we look into it and not look up demanding answers or praying for answers from a invisible god for the answers, then we can maintain a more stabile planet. The preachers who scream about dooms day, and Jesus coming back, and going to heaven if you do these things are preventing people to really enjoy their lives because they live in fear and superstitions as soon as others don't agree with them. They then use the excuse ...well they had a chance to go to heaven, or they didn't understand....poor soul....or any of these ridiculous notions they believe is true. This difference of thought from one person to another leads to misunderstandings and differences leading to the opposite of what we all want. Peace and Happiness. Think about it for a moment and ask yourself what you need to do to make it more logical for not just a select movement but for everyone. |
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Mon 05/30/11 02:14 AM
Perhaps there is no direction. Perhaps everyone regardless of belief is going the right direction. What happens after our life is the interpertation of either someone who dictated it on text or in their own words and one chooses to follow the guidance or belief in the figmentation of their own minds of what we want to believe. It is just more honest to say we don't know, yet for most people this is bothersome because they want answers now in the lifetime they are living. Then it is hard to understand why people with no faith can live a good life as of someone without faith can live a life of superstitions as they would put it. It is a conversation that can go on for another 5000 years. Will scientists know more then? Will Theologists know more then? Perhaps a simple innocent farmer will have the answers we seek on those hard questions. In the end it is our imaginations that has gotten us here were we are now. My friend....So you don't know today.... there was a time I didn't know either... ![]() Greeneyeman....God purposely created each one of us, with A measure of faith given to each and every man, so that man WOULD seek God. Religion is man's attempt at seeking God. Relationship is God's attempt at seeking man. Man may start off with religion in an attempt to seek God, but when man seeks God with His whole heart, is when God sees His heart, and then reaches down to just the right time. WHEN God sees that man is WILLING to RECIEVE Him, IS WHEN GOD IS ABLE TO MOVE. AND NOT BEFORE. Otherwise again, God would be intruding. ![]() ![]() ![]() The problem is you believe you know because you believe you have a direct relation with your conscience that you claim is a memory of its own(the god you think) is talking to you. Remember for many scientists this is illogical. I am not discrediting your belief, but don't think because one doesn't believe it to be logical they are missing out on a relationship of someone or something. We are not missing anything just because we don't believe in the idealogy of a relationship of a invisible god like you claim you do. I do believe in the relationship between one human being to another. That I take as a fact and seriously. This is logical |
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Mon 05/30/11 02:19 AM
My Friend...... ![]() God DID step down from heaven.... thru his SON... who btw, left ALL His Glory behind to become man. Yes....God COULD have stepped down in all his power and glory and burned us to smitherins..but since God is All Wise... what would have been accomplished..... Plus ,God already had a perfect plan in mind, in sending us His Son Jesus..... See.....God knows the beginning from the end and the end from the beginning. God KNOWS what was/is best for mankind. Always.... FATHER KNOWS BEST. ![]() ![]() ![]() btw....I like the name, MorningGlory ![]() MorningGlory is my favorite flower . ![]() Then Morning Glory it will be! lol You do realize that what you have stated is a personal belief right. You cannot expect people to just believe what you say or what the bible mentions. Like I have mentioned many believe in a god but not the christian way and preach compassion, love, and happiness. They have a relationship with their god that provides different stories. Some thousands of years older then the old and new testament combined. Just remember if you want to learn anything then understand that preaching your beliefs (for others mere fables) of a god stepping down from a heaven through his son is not logical for many. Or if he would have done it himself like you mentioned in the previous post he would have burned as ashes. Just review what you write okay. That is all I am asking. And you must also take in account that if you are wrong and walk on heaven's gate and are denied entrance that perhaps those that have been preaching other methods could be right all along. Therefore, I always mention open ones mind and look into other cultures, lifestyles, belief systems and see that they are all possible no matter how illogical it may sound to you. I am fortunate to have this opportunity in my lifetime to have lived and visited so many countries with different idealogies that are spiritual or not. By the way each want me badly included in their belief system, yet I say as soon as I join one specific organization I exclude another because of it. I therefore just smile and enjoy the best of each one and create my own works of happiness regardless if it is popular amongst the people in any community. I don't follow the sheep, I watch sheep. I don't eat only with one group, I eat with every group. I don't follow one knowledge, I learn from many knowledges and discard ones that lead to racism, prejudice, or any differential issues that could exclude a human being to make them a outsider when they are no different then anyone else when it comes to basic needs and happiness. That is the way of a good and healthy lifestyle. There have been many that have lived such a lifestyle before Christianity existed. They too have contributed to society that helped future generations live better. Never exclude their knowledge which was created by brilliant minds that use imagination, logic, and reasoning. |
why cow?
Why not a guerilla or chimpanzee instead. lol or maybe they have a sample of each. laughing here! The true aliens of this earth is..... all of us. We are aliens for we development much later before this planet existed. Actually some scientists believe that the huge meteorite shower this planet experienced at one time before life existed had the molecules or what have you to spark life. I am not claiming any of it is true...but it does bring food for thought. |
New Right Wing Rhetoric
right wing, left wing, middle wing...who gives a xoxoxo.
I want a chicken wing and honesty for once from a government we are suppose to believe is working hard for the people by the people...yeah right! |
yes certainly we are going somewhere. Actually this planet is going so fast right now as I once was told, yet since it is so large we don't feel it directly unless we close our eyes and spin in a circle for a minute. lol
You want to spin in a circle with me for a minute! ha ha |
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Mon 05/30/11 01:43 AM
Perhaps there is no direction.
Perhaps everyone regardless of belief is going the right direction. What happens after our life is the interpertation of either someone who dictated it on text or in their own words and one chooses to follow the guidance or belief in the figmentation of their own minds of what we want to believe. It is just more honest to say we don't know, yet for most people this is bothersome because they want answers now in the lifetime they are living. Then it is hard to understand why people with no faith can live a good life as of someone without faith can live a life of superstitions as they would put it. It is a conversation that can go on for another 5000 years. Will scientists know more then? Will Theologists know more then? Perhaps a simple innocent farmer will have the answers we seek on those hard questions. In the end it is our imaginations that has gotten us here were we are now. |
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Mon 05/30/11 01:49 AM
God could not have stepped out of heaven Himself ,without first being born in the flesh.... otherwise His Power would have burned us up to smitherings. Also ,God would have been going against His Word , had He Intruded into the "god of this world's" territory. God, in order to dwell among mankind, had to first BECOME man. If God had just wiped man's sin nature away, without going thru His Son Jesus.... He would have been INTRUDING upon man's free will. Think about this. This is why we still need to willingly believe and accept what Jesus did on that cross. Even though the price is paid in full..we still have to receive the free gift. God can't and won't force it upon us. My morning glory the one who claims to preach about the high and mighty glorious god that will save us all if we believe in him. To have a genuine faithful relationship with him. I think it would be easier for me if he was actually a she that looks like Halle Berry! ha ha yet you mention God could not have stepped out of heaven without first being in flesh or he would have burned to ashes! Reminds me of a vampire who cannot step out into the sun or he will burn and die! Nevertheless think of the logic about what you say and preach directly from your personal bible. If a god all powerful, king of gods, the ultimate creator of everything could not step out of heaven without burning to ashes then you are mentioning he is not all powerful and creator of everything unless he did that onto himself these special rules to not interfere with free will. but the logic of not having the ability to step onto earth if desired would mean he has lost powers as a god. God in most human minds is all powerful, all wise, all creation meaning he can do as he wishes if desired. I know you will say I don't understand like usual, because god transformed himself to a mortal flesh and was Jesus walking on earth. Now for me this is mythology all over again, but I like how Zeus occassionally visited earth to chat with one of his sons or daughters. Even though he preferred to land on Greek soil, which by the way is a beautiful country to visit, he could have stepped foot in the Middle East. And why go through all the commotion in the first place as our magician abracadabra mentions. Just imagine if a god did show himself how fast the world will believe in one religion. Wouldn't that just be the ultimate solution. For me it would be, but I guess we humans prefer the competition and the different idealogies of what we think a relationship is with a god or goddess. When you preach it is not about religion and it is about relationship ...just remember that many people on this earth have a relation with their own personal view of a god that is not christian. Are they bad to practice it if they offer love, compassion, and understandings they deem right? I think they are no different then the next man....Can you accept that notion or do you still feel it is never to late for them to change to the TRUE GOD which you interpret as the right direction. Do you understand MorningGlory or are you already quickly flipping pages in that bible trying to figure out how to answer this message in your limited time? lol |
abracadabra writes -
It was the angry religious zealots, the Jewish Pharisees that incited the mob to have Jesus crucified for blaspheme. Question: What do you think the reason was that the Jewish Parisees find it appropiate to crucify or kill Jesus? |
christianity =All it does is attempt to condemn anyone who refuses to support its ignorance. anti religion = All it does is attempt to belittle the intelligence of anyone who refuses to refuse it,,, and the human behavior continues Yes it does. It is the thought process of where I go with the thread "common sense". We each have a different interpretation of what common sense is to us. We have become a complicated species haven't we! Some claim Christianity is the only way to go. You have fundamentalists to more easier going believers of this faith. You have atheists who ultimately claim their is no god. Then you have the other 100,000 + religions and denominations each with their own claim of knowing. And then you have me......who simply says "I don't know"...anything is possible! ha ha have to laugh now...but yes we have it all that is for sure. One thing we cannot take away from the minds of humans is we have imagination and that has taken us a long ways. |
How to grow your own clothes
ha ha
![]() imagine wearing your clothes the whole day and later for dinner eating it. You don't have to wash clothes or dry them. Don't have to buy detergent. There is just one thing you might have to reconsider..... Make sure you never sit, lean, or lay anywhere that may be undesirable later when you do have to eat your clothes for a dinner meal. lol Okay enough imagination for me for today...but it amazes me what scientists sometimes concentrate their whole efforts on. |
I guess since he is now satisfied with his billions he is okay with dropping prices. Would he have asked this if he didn't have such tremendous amounts of money?
Greed is the doom of our planet. Unfortunately no one realizes this and so we will watch it get worser then better for everyone who doesn't have such tremendous amounts of capital. |
Yes it is possible for the religion existed a bit longer before Christianity evolved, but also it is possible that Jesus just thought of it on his own also. He then came back after long contemplations on how to be an example and hope others will follow it.
Anything is possible. Just imagine how much has not been written in the history of Jesus and what could have been. Of course this is just for those that believe he even existed also. Some believe he never existed. It does have you contemplating though. At least it does for me occasionally. I have bought a book written by historians that reevaluate the history of many events. One of them is titled "Christianity without the Crucifixion". How would it have faired if this happened? Would the world be better off or worse? Some say better and have their reasons and others claim it is impossible! I will start a new thread after I am done reading these stories. It is a big book! Title - The Collected "What If" edited by Robert Cowley. It is just a big book of eminent historians that got together to discuss the issues. I wish I knew where their forum is located. I think it would have been educational and more entertaining. lol |
Who is with me?
Who believes that both the Democrats and the Republicans are not working for the interest of the people of this country but more for the interest in staying in power for their own benefits and luxuries?
I really don't think both of the parties are honest with us. They are just working close with the media and corporations to keep us at bay. If you are with me, explain how we can get back our country based on the Constitution that our forefathers wrote. How can we get this country united like "Obama" so promised but failed to really make it a widely accepted nation amongst the world citizens. How can we make our budget stabilized, have work ensured for every American, Infrastructure Repaired, and a future for our children on education and health care reform. How can we make sure our veterans and seniors get the benefits they deserve? How can we get a third party to take over the country since the two party system failed us? What are your ideas? It doesn't matter if you favor more one of the two parties. Give us your ideas! |
If, we peons had the power to get the two parties out of their seats, we'd need new blood that would swear to lead in strict accordance to the Constitution. If, after elected, they decide to take special interest bribes, they could be fired and prosecuted. Yes exactly! But how can we make this happen? Any ideas? |
That is only true for those that believed Jesus was the son of a God or the God. And it is only true if one believes he did those actual supernatural events like many Christians believe. People like me don't believe he was a son of the God, but just a human being. No more and no less just like Buddha was.
But you have to also contemplate on his missing years. What did he do? Where did he go? What did he learn? This is not recorded in the bible or elsewhere. Some say he went to Egypt. Others say as far as India. If he did go to India he certainly saw different religious practices. Namely both Hinduism and Buddhism. Can it be possible that he took the ideas from these religions? Why not? Afterall if you cross reference both Buddhas experiences in the Tipitika which is 3 x bigger in volume then the Bible you will see that many of his stories are identical to the stories of Jesus. And Buddism existed for over 500 years before Christianity ever existed. |