Community > Posts By > Jimi366

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/04/06 01:40 PM
I believe that there are other life forms out there
but in our arrogance we fail to recognize them.
We are out there looking for another species that
has human qualities to them when maybe they don't.
Keep in mind that one of the first lifeforms on this
planet was one-celled and microscopic. Just because we
cannot see alien lifeforms does not mean it does not
exist. I also have a thought, doesn't the other planets
themselves qualify as lifeforms?

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/04/06 01:33 PM
I like that! laughed my ass off!

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/04/06 01:32 PM

My wife told me that one of my clients was dancing
with a girl at a club and discovered somehow that
this girl was not a girl at all. He must've reacted
pretty bad cos this "girl" shot him in the face and
he is now in the hospital.

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/04/06 08:34 AM
The heart goes where it wants to.
Some people would travel the ends
of the Earth to find love and acceptance.
I didn't have to travel far myself.
I met my wife about 2 miles from
where I lived at the time.
I would say tho do what your heart tells you
but don't be stuck thinking there is
NO ONE around you and that you MUST
travel a long distance to meet someone.
Yes, traveling a long distance to meet
someone or having someone travel to meet
you may seem very romantic,
but my theory is that love comes
to you when you least expect it
and from someone you never thought
it would come from.
At least that's what happened to me.
I met my wife at a t-shirt shop she
worked at. I actually had gone there
to ask her friend out. Her friend
politely declined but introduced me
to HER friend, who I've been married
to for 20 years.

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/04/06 08:23 AM
"A broken heart can always mend when it learns to love again."

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/04/06 07:52 AM
Where do I find
my faith when I've
lost my heart.
Is there an angel
out there to save me?
When loving ends
and hatred starts
which side will give
in first?
We have the ability
to destroy ourselves
but we also can be saved
with love for one another.
This world spins around,
time goes on no matter
what we do.
Why not make the most
of it. I want to heal,
don't you. Can you see
the irony in this.
Hearts apart can be
hearts together.
Why do we choose to
be alone? Are we really
so afraid of getting
heartbroken that we
will not take a chance
anymore? Baby there
in this life there
are no guarantees.
The winds blow where
they want to.
You can lay there
or you can try
to live again,
to give again,
to love again.

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/04/06 07:46 AM
Great writing!
We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
That is why God gave us his only son,
that we may not perish.
Truth be told we are all doomed without Jesus.

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/04/06 07:43 AM
Here I am,
back in this same old empty room.
Nothing to do
but close my eyes
and think of you.
We are worlds apart
but somehow you
still touch my heart.
Life is full of irony.
I want to feel
life's embrace
but no matter how
hard I try I end
up back inside this place.
A loving smile might be the key
to this jail cell.
I long so much just to be free.

I am caged in a prison
of my own making.
It's like a nightmare
playing over and over
and there ain't no
way of waking.

If you have a hand
reach it out to me.
I will hold on
like a man drowning in the sea.
I know there are many more
like me suffering
sentenced to life
in solitary.
A look into some
loving eyes might
be all I need.

I am caged in a prison
of my own making.
It's like a nightmare
playing over and over
and there ain't no way
of waking.

I long to be free,
free to find some
love again.
I'll send a message
in a bottle. Maybe you'll
find it, maybe then
I will come alive
once again.

I am caged in a prison
of my own making.

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/04/06 07:27 AM
"With a little love and some tenderness
we'll walk above the water, we'll rise
above the mess."
Hootie and the Blowfish

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/04/06 07:25 AM
Once in awhile we gotta swim in the shit.

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/03/06 08:30 PM
I read a post by someone who said this
site sucks and that they haven't met anyone.
I have to tell you that the best way
to meet people here, even better than
having a pic is to participate
in the community forums.
Here you really get to know
people well and they get to
know you too.
So either post a topic
or respond to a topic.
It will increase your chances
of meeting people.

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/03/06 08:27 PM
The Who- Who's Next is an excellent choice!

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/03/06 08:07 PM
Dude, you are funny! I've said it a thousand
times. You are the master of this forum.
You seriously need to consider doing stand up comedy.

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/03/06 08:02 PM
It cannot be measured in time, but rather in feelings.
You have to trust your feelings.
Not the feelings of fear
but rather your feelings for the
person you're with.
In some cases you may jump in too quick
and crash and burn.
In other cases you may wait too long
and end up being afraid to commit.
Listen to your heart.
It will tell you when the time is right.

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:58 PM
A life without love is meaningless.

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:57 PM
I did not know that. Never heard of that movie.
Good catch tho!

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:56 PM
If I could hold you in my arms
once again I could remember
what it feels like
to be a man.
If only I could run
my hands thru your
soft hair I would
find a way to once again care.
I know it's over now.
I know we're history.
Why the hell am I looking back?
Because I still love you.
The feelings won't go away
no matter how hard I try.
I wake each morning to
the same gray sky.
I wonder what you're doing.
Are you thinking of me now?
Have you found a way
to move on somehow?
Life is just a dance,
a game of chance,
you have to take a risk.
I just didn't count
on my heart feeling like it is.
You have a piece of my soul.
I know because I feel it.
You know you have it too
because you've revealed it.
Every tender kiss,
every soft embrace,
every time I looked loving
at your face is played
inside my mind.
Time after time.
I've got to find a
way to say goodbye
and leave the memories behind.

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:41 PM
Water falls.
I hear your call
but I can't see you anywhere.
Am I blind?
Could life be so unkind
that I got left behind
without you?
In the night
is when it hurts the most.
I am haunted by your ghost.
I can still smell your perfume
in the room where we made
love all night long,
so long ago.
So far away.
A distant memory.
It's here to stay.
I got to tell you baby
I still miss your loving touch
and the feel of your lips to mine.
Your skin was so soft
and your lips tasted just like wine.
You turned out to be so unkind.
I know
I'm not alone
in feeling the pain
of the memory that remains,
the one that stays inside your head.
I cry sometimes
when I realize the paradise
that we found and how
it went to Hell,
to be lost forever.
If I can learn to feel again
I will find love with another
and find new paths to discover.
Tonight I'll have to
find a way not to cry,
just close my eyes,
let the dreams of you
drift by
and tomorrow recover.

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:31 PM
It seems to be my
destiny in life
to feel the cut in
my soul from a
cold steel knife.
Where it all began,
I don't know.
What the fuck does it
matter anyway?
Pain has made itself a home
and I can't seem to get away.
Darkened streets, city lights
I smell the fear in the air tonight.
I should be laying warm
and tender in some loving arms,
yet I give in to Satan's charms.
Wrapped around my neck,
I feel the serpent.
I even know it's fucking name.
To you this may seem disturbing,
but it's my life I'm doomed to never change!
I hear a song on my radio.
It reminds me of you.
It makes me remember
how good it was when we were two.
No more!
Time, time, fucking time has
taken this damn soul of mine.
You walked out.
I'm sentenced to life.
You were the judge and jury.
Life in solitary.
Life in solitary Hell.
Sometimes I dream of you
each time I wake to find
that you've been gone
a long, long time.
You left with my soul.
With my soul.

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:21 PM
I hear ya! Life is precious. Every moment we live is
a gift from God.