Community > Posts By > Jimi366

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/13/06 05:44 PM
I am old. Will someone tell me what the fuck is emo?
I have no clue.

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/13/06 05:43 PM
That was beautiful.

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/13/06 05:42 PM
I like your style!
I would do almost anything myself. It's been twenty years
together and actually it would be quite refreshing is
she wanted to get freaky!

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/13/06 09:34 AM
Cash was and still is the man! I have Cash at folsom prison.
A great album! Now as far as beer....
I could drink beer and listen to even Paris Hilton. I take
that back. No amount of alcohol would make me buy or
even listen to that shit. Great recommendation man!

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/13/06 09:26 AM
I think there is a big red flashing neon sign in your head
saying MOVE ON!!!!!
Take a moment and reflect on whether this is true
and do what you need to do. If it were me I would
listen to that big red neon sign.

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/13/06 09:23 AM
Are you as sick as I am that the new music sucks
and is made by mostly people with a pretty face?
Do you think it's seriously fucked that Paris Hilton
gets to make a CD while thousands of other bands and
artists go unnoticed. Have you lost all hope in finding
new music worth buying? Are you like me and end up leaving
a music store empty handed or buying one of your old
favorites and feeling every year of your age? I have good
news! I discovered a CD by the band Tool called
"10000 Days". This CD grabs you by the soul from the
very first note! I haven't heard music this good in a
long, long time. It is a rock CD so if you're not into
rock it may not be for you but if you love good hard
rocking music buy 10,000 Days by Tool and play at maximum
volume!!! I finally found a CD made in 2006 that I enjoy.
I also recommend Hootie and the Blowfish Live in Charleston.
If you like rock and country this CD will appeal to you.
I've always liked Hootie. Anyone out there can buy
Hootie and the Blowfish Live in Charleston and dig it.
There is hope after all. If you bought the Paris Hilton
CD return it for a refund and demand better. That is
a major problem with our society today- We get fed slop
like we are pigs and are told it's gourmet food. This
is not just in music but TV, advertising,and politics too.
Demand better in every area of our lives. Let's tear down
that curtain of bullshit and lies! It can start here with
us. I know I got a bit off from a CD review but I am
known to get sidetracked now and then. The current music
scene reflects much of what is wrong with society these days.
You do not have to be beautiful, rich, or buy a bunch of
shit to be happy. That is the main lie we are told.
Demand Better!!!!!

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/13/06 08:25 AM
I was feeling down.
You saw me laying there
feeling sorry for myself
with my face in the ground.
You took away my cares.

You grabbed me by the balls
and said, "get back up! What
the fuck are you crying for?"
You made me realize
that just because someone hurt
me that they don't mean a fuck.
Life is just too damn short.

Your smile and the way you moved
got my feet back on the ground.
You put the sun back in my gray sky.
You took away the clouds.

You can move Heaven and Earth
where I am, tho you may be
a thousand miles away.
Your sould traveled the
miles and I caught it.
You wouldn't have it
any other way.
I wouldn't want it
any other way.
There is no other way
but to stop feeling sorry
for my fucking self and move on.
Thanks to you I moved on.
I'm moving on.

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/13/06 08:18 AM
as true as it gets.

Jimi366's photo
Thu 10/12/06 08:10 PM
The person who this is dedicated to already knows
who they are. I owe them big time!

I was down. I had a frown.
The world had gotten me down.
You turned it all around.
With just a look
and the way you smiled
you picked me right back
up again.
I saw another side
of you and it blew
my mind. You put the
words back in my soul.
I feel like I'm gonna
lose control. It's
so fucking great to feel
alive again.
Playboy has nothing on you
angel. You are my favorite
porn star. You're in my
dreams and fantasies and
at the same time your
still my friend.
What are friends for?
I don't know but I could
use more like you.
See what you did baby?
You gave me back my soul.
Knowing you is like being
invited to a very cool party.
Thank you for restoring me.

Jimi366's photo
Thu 10/12/06 08:01 PM
"When the light's out it's less dangerous.
Here we are now, entertain us."
Kurt Cobain

Jimi366's photo
Thu 10/12/06 05:38 PM
I got my first piece of fan mail tonight. It was from a
man who in his profile describes himself as a kind, caring,
understanding man. He titled his mail "get a life fuckface."
In the content of the email he called me a fucking loser.
Have you ever had people treat you that way? I have many
times in my life put up with shit like that. When I younger
I was very skinny and people bullied me. Now that I'm much
bigger people don't do that to me anymore. This guy made
me laugh with his email because fuck face is two words,
not one. What has happened to our public schools? Seriously
tho folks, I used to let people like that push me around
and make my life Hell. I already had the weight of my dad
abandoning me hurting me and then assholes like this guy
would come along and inflict more pain on me. Do you know
people who have done the same thing to you in your life?
Don't let people like the nameless person who sent me hate
mail hold you down for even a second. It is people like
this person who make our world as full of shit as it is.
It is time to rise up against the people who want to keep
us down. I won't mention this person by name because
his inability to form a coherent thought makes him unworthy
of any further attention. He is a bully plain and simple.
It is people like him who planted seeds of insecurity in
my mind as I was growing up. I'm sure plenty of you know
people just like that who did the same to you.

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/11/06 06:58 PM
I'm going to my site now-
to write some more.
It would be great to see you there.

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/11/06 06:56 PM
Oh baby don't you cry no more.
There's no need to call my name.
I'm right here my love.
I offer you my heart.
You took control of
my soul from the
very first kiss.
How could you not know
what you did to me?
Let me express it,
let me tell the whole
world right now
just how special you are.
I could look up in the
sky and see the brightest
stars but I'd rather look
for the stars in your sexy eyes.
You never fail to surprise
and girl I can't disguise
the facts any longer.
Each day my love for you
grows stronger.
Now come right here and
put your head on my shoulder.
Let me whisper in your ear
how much I truly care.
This world is much less colder,
knowing you are there for me.
Oh, kiss me baby!
Do that thing that
your loving does to me!
Let's make love like
it was our first time
once again. Tonight
my love let's become two.
I don't care about tomorrow,
do you?
All I know is what's true-
I always and forever love you.

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/11/06 05:33 PM
Edited by Jimi366 on Wed 10/11/06 05:33 PM
Darling tonight
under the stars
and the moonlight
we are finally together.
Feels like we have
waited forever.
You can feel safe
tonight my love
in each other's arms.
Just one look in your
eyes reveals everything
I need to know.
You don't have to say
a word. Just let
yourself go.
Let the world go
away. Forget what
you went thru today.
I love you.
You love me too.
Let's explode in ecstasy.
You and I together.
Our true love is
all we really need.
There is so much to
discover underneath
the covers on satin sheets.
It is not a dream,
there's no wishful
thinking here.
Close your eyes,
touch my lips,
and feel the
world disappear.
Making love to you,
baby, is all I want
to do. I can tell
my darling that you
feel the same way too.
Sweet surrender never
felt so good as it
does when I'm with you.
We have looked so long
for something real,
it was in front of
us all along. Now
all I want to do
is make love with you
all night long.

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/11/06 11:18 AM
That was pretty funny man!

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/11/06 10:05 AM
"Live, laugh, love because you never know
when you're gonna die."
Len Bias

Len Bias' story is very tragic. I went to high school with
him. He was an awesomely talented basketball player. He
got a scholarship to the University of Maryland where
he continued to play awesome basketball. On the night
he got drafted by the Boston Celtics as a top pick
AND signed a HUGE endorsement deal with Reebok he decided
to celebrate. Him and some friends smoked crack. Len
didn't stand a chance. The crack caused him to have a
massive heart attack. He died that night. He lived to
see his dreams come true only to have his life snatched
away before he could live them. In an ironic twist of
fate Len's brother, another talented basketball player,
got shot to death after having an arguement at the
local shopping mall. He was poised to follow his
brother's footsteps into college and then on to
the NBA. Some punk with a bad temper and a gun
took his life before he even had a chance to live
his dreams. The above quote is apparently the
Bias family motto. The family told each other
the above quote frequently.

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/11/06 09:56 AM
That was beautiful and makes me hungry too!

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/10/06 08:52 PM
Baby take my weary body
and put it to rest.
Another day has come
and gone. I long for
your caress.

This world can be
so unkind. I find
refuge in you and I.
Just when the walls
are caving in you
always seem to be
there saying "baby
follow me."

Your kiss takes me
to a sea of love
where the skies are
always sunny above.
Your smile light's me
up, brings me to a higher place.
Angel, I long for your embrace.

I'm going to sleep tonight
and last thing I'm gonna
see is your beautiful face.
I'm going to dream of you
under the watch of the moon
and slowly drift away.

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/10/06 08:46 PM
Another good one.
Visit my creative writing site
and feel free to post there anytime.
You have talent.
You capture emotion
and display it in words.

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/10/06 08:44 PM
"I said get up and let me see you smile."
Hootie and the Blowfish

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