Community > Posts By > Jimi366

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/02/06 10:14 AM
What CD do you think, in the last 20 years, had the most
impact on music as you know it. In my opinion,
Nirvana's "Nevermind" is that CD.
It laid waste to the mindless crap called pop
and forced other bands to write more meaningful songs.
If Kurt hadn't shot himself we may never have
seen the likes of Nsync, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears,

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/02/06 10:11 AM
For a brief moment in time Kurt Cobain and Nirvana
smashed the pop machine into the smelly, rotten corpse
it really is. Kurt died, Nirvana ended, and Insync
rose from the grave of pop music to fuck up my ears and
take the joy of buying new cd's from me.
I also think that music hasn't been the same since
Jerry Garcia died.
I walk into a store hoping to find some new music
and I almost always walk away with a CD of one of
my old favorites.
I have purchased at least 3 copies of Nirvana's "Nevermind"
cos I lost it or played it til it could play no more.

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/02/06 09:57 AM
I think I saw that is a shithouse once.

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/02/06 09:55 AM
Cool and funny.

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/02/06 09:37 AM
Thanks for what you wrote. It cheered me up.

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/02/06 07:50 AM
Blood pumps thru body
but my heart stopped
beating long ago.
I'm alive, but I'm not living.
Lost me soul so long ago.
Was it stolen from me
or did I just freely give
it away? Sun is shining
brightly outside but it
rains for me today.

Just what did you think
would happen when put your
fingers thru my skull
and fucked around with my brain?
Just when I think I am in'
the clear you come right
back and do it all again.

I am only human.
There is so much I can take.
Thanks to you I'm having
nightmares, even tho I'm
wide awake. I try to smile
and I feel good for a moment
until I realize just how
fucking fake the shit just is.

I died a long time ago
tho I walk the streets of home
looking for my stolen soul,
the one that left me long ago.
I'm in a house of pain that
I call home. In a room I
sit all alone, feeling
the blood pump thru my veins.

My veins!
My veins!

If you never felt this way
it may all seem so insane
but to those who've lived
this to they will tell you
it's just the truth.
Just the plain sad fucking truth!

Soaked in blood and filled with
sorrow I look for hope within
tomorrow but I know when I
awake I'll the same as did
today. On and on it goes.

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/02/06 07:34 AM
All alone in a cold, dark hell
I search for someone.
Am I the only one that's here.
Deep down I tell myself
that's no use, not to give
in to the fear. I broke
a mirror in my pain.
I wonder if I'll love again.
It took so long to find it the last time.

Trapped in chains I forged myself.
I lost the keys so long ago.
Maybe you can help me out
if you find me let me know.
I'll be the one that's made of stone.
Tired of feeling so damn cold.

I want to get away,
get away from myself,
from this lifeless life
I struggle to live.
Being is the state I am
and needing so much more
leaves me with little left to give.
My shelves were empty long ago.

What do you do when you hunger?
How do you satisfy yourself?
Let me know, make me stronger.
Shit it would just feel,
make my world so damn real again
if I knew I wasn't by myself.

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/02/06 06:46 AM
"War, children, is just a shot away."
"Love, sisters, is just a kiss away"
Rolling Stones

Jimi366's photo
Sun 10/01/06 08:10 PM
Let go.
I'm always told to let go
Put it behind they tell me.
You'll be fine they tell me.
You're so unkind they tell me.
Nevermind, they sold me.

A sea of souls I'm drifting in.
Where it stops I don't know.
Where did it begin?
We're all together in isolation.
We're all apart in separation.

See no evil.
Hear no evil.
Have no fun.
Tough luck son your life's begun.
You're in the air spread your wings and fly.
Don't cry.
You're gonna die
but not today so give living a try.

Jimi366's photo
Sun 10/01/06 07:47 PM
You call to me
when I'm laying here alone.
The ecstacy
and the feeling I've found a home.
I have found
what so many have been looking for.
I am done.
I've retired from the war.
I surrender to your loving arms.
I give in to your tender charms.
I promise that I will have sweet dreams tonight
they will all be about you.
When I wake up I will picture
you there by me.
Loving smile
and sexy eyes,
a moment in time
where I can let the world
get by without me.
I am lost in you
no place that I'd rather be!
Some people would prefer to wallow
in their sorrow.
I would rather lay by
you forever and tomorrow.
Thru fields of sunflowers
you and I can run.
We'll run together
til' the end of time has come.
If this is a dream
don't wake me up.
don't wake me up.

Jimi366's photo
Sun 10/01/06 07:39 PM
I TOLD you there's a poet in you!
This was just awesome.
You know how to paint a mental picture.
I really love this!

Jimi366's photo
Sun 10/01/06 07:37 PM
World has gotten to me again.
Seems it all's filled with sin.
All I want is to jump off
and start over somewhere
far away from the shit.

I hear the voice of an angel
calling to me.
Can she awake my sleeping soul.
Is it possible that I can live again
without losing all control?

Please baby take me in your
arms and comfort me.
Let me know it'll be alright.
Only you can help me make it
thru this cold dark fucking night.

Take me away.
Fly me in your wings.
High above my little world.
I know there's places that
you know of where I can be
myself and dream and love again.

...and feel no pain.
I feel so much pain.
The pain falls from
the sky like fucking rain.

The ghosts haunt me tonight.
Memories of what was wrong or right.
Do I give in or do I fight?
Would it matter anyway?
Tomorrow brings another day.
Fly me away
on your wings.
On your wings.

Jimi366's photo
Sun 10/01/06 07:29 PM
A night like this makes me think about you
and all the times we had
good and bad.
I want to feel but I feel nothing.
My emotions quit on me long ago.
I can't stop it now.
I wouldn't know how.

I look above
for a guiding hand.
No message in the bottle.
Would love to be in the promised land
and not this man-made hell.

If you can't tell by now
I'll tell you how
so very much
I feel down.
I feel down.

Cold streets hold the memories
of love faded and all the misery.
Bittersweet it all seems to me.
No happy ending for us to be.

If you can't tell by now
I'll tell you how
so very much
I'm feeling down.
I'm feeling down.
Down to the ground
I'm feeling dowm.

Dedicated to anyone feeling down tonight.

Jimi366's photo
Sun 10/01/06 12:30 PM
"No mind is too wrecked to think" is an awesome line from
what you wrote and deserves a quote of the day status!
I like how you also wrotewordstogether so that you really
had to concentrate on what you're reading.
I too applaud you!

Jimi366's photo
Sun 10/01/06 12:27 PM
Cool! It's like connecting with something on a higher
leve when I write and I hope it does for you too!

Jimi366's photo
Sun 10/01/06 10:52 AM
"We are all sensitive people with so MUCH to give. Since
we've got to be- let's live"
Marvin Gaye

Jimi366's photo
Sun 10/01/06 10:51 AM
"Gonna keep on trying till I reach the higher ground"
Stevie Wonder

Jimi366's photo
Sun 10/01/06 10:26 AM
Sorry to hear about that.

Jimi366's photo
Sat 09/30/06 09:15 PM
The other half of the bag is filled with air
to decieve you! The greedy corporations that
package that shit think we have the intelligence
of a monkey. Shit! Hold on! Now that I think
about it, monkeys are pretty fuckin' smart.

Jimi366's photo
Sat 09/30/06 07:19 PM
I look on the streets
and see the people suffering.
Some ain't got no homes
or no food in the oven.
but President George W. Bush
makes sure if you come illegal
you got food stamps for you
and your cousin- amigo!
Enron, Worldcom, MCI
they're the names of the ones
that got by commiting crimes
in the name of a dollar
while some average motherfucker
posseses some weed, sits in
a jail cell and hollers!
The schools today they
ain't worth shit.
All children get left
behind unless their parents
are rich.
Released on the streets
after high school,
your job's been outsourced,
your broke with no hope.
Ain't that a bitch!
I seen too much shit
that don't make no
sense, all in the name
of greed and arrogance.
The masses suffer when
it gets to the end
while George W. Bush
and some his friends
go out and buy themselves
a brand new Benz.
Don't make no fuckin'

My attempt at writing rap lyrics.
Hope you like!
By the way, I voted for Bush twice.
He has done a great job looking out
for other countries. It's time he
starting thinking about the people at home.