Community > Posts By > Jimi366

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/03/06 04:27 PM
If you were on a deserted island
what four CD's would you take with you?

Cracked Rear View by Hootie and the Blowfish
Nevermind by Nirvana
Willie Nelson in Concert
A bootleg Grateful Dead CD

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/03/06 03:37 PM
I laughed so hard I almost cried!
You're right. The professor can make a coconut radio
but he could never patch up a boat or shit, build one-
The fucking island was full of trees for wood!
and the Wile E. Coyote coulda bought burgers or something
with all that money he spent on Acme! Shit, come to think
of it 2 things come to mind-
1)The acme stuff always failed. Why did he keep on buying it?
2)How the fuck did he have the money to buy the shit
in the first place? He had no job! All he did was
chase that fucking roadrunner!
3)a third thing comes to mind- Why didn't the coyote just
buy a gun and shoot the fucking roadrunner?
and 4)There's no way something as skinny as a roadrunner
would've filled him up.
5)If he wanted a bird that bad why didn't he just go
to KFC?

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/03/06 03:28 PM

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/03/06 03:13 PM
I couldn't believe it when I heard it.
Couldn't believe that you said it.
My heart beats just knowing.
I am yours for the taking.
Girl there's so much
I wanna do with you.
There are places I
wanna take your loving soul.
I wanna walk along the beach,
get lost in some city streets.
I wanna lay in a field with you
and look into the starry sky.
Can I steal a kiss or two?
I know you feel the same way too.
Let's make love in the rain,
let the clouds be our waterfall.
Let's dry off and do it again.
We can go the whole night long.
Ever since I heard that you loved me.
All these things I just think about.
You drive me crazy.
I wanna love you out loud!

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/03/06 03:01 PM

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/03/06 02:54 PM
Last night
I cried myself to sleep.
I still can't believe you're gone.
You've left me all alone,
a naked soul
who has no choice
but to carry on.
I'll be strong,
I'll hold on
to hopes and dreams and prayers
but baby none of that
means anything if you're not there.
I hear melodies in my head
but you're the part that
completes my song.
I once heard symphonies
but now I hear only sad songs.
I can't say you were wrong
for leaving.
Sometimes life happens
while you're busy making plans.
All I know girl is I'd give
anything to once again
hold your hand.
Do you understand?
Have you felt that way before?
Have you had a love
so strong that you'd sell
your soul just to have one day more?
I know
I know
just how it feels.
Lover I miss you so damn much!
Since you left,
I've forgotten how to feel.
My whole world now is unreal.
I looked in a crystal ball last
night and I saw your face.
It brought so many tears!
It brought back so many memories.
It also made me insecure,
living in a world of fears
that you were the only
one and there just ain't gonna
be no more. I can only
hope someday baby that
a friendly face walks thru
my front door.
I hope it's yours.

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/03/06 02:43 PM
Baby I can tell
by the way you're trying
to smile that you need
to jump off this world
for awhile. Sometimes
this place can be too much.
Take my hand, let me love you.
I want to feel your touch.
We'll go someplace far away
and get lost in kisses,
together we'll embrace
each other. Wouldn't have
it any other way.
Our own special island.
A place where we can get away.
You can lay in your bed
and wait for Prince Charming.
I don't think he's gonna come
anytime soon. You can cry
yourself to sleep in mourning.
You can howl at the moon
or just simply take my hand
and let me lead you away.

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/03/06 02:14 PM
One look in your loving eyes
takes me away to friendly skies.
I'm floating on a cloud.
You are more than just an angel.
You saved my life there is no doubt.
When you sensed my soul in danger
you kissed me with your lips
and made my heart beat loud.
Thanks to you I've found a home.
Babe I feel in your caress
a place where I can feel so free.
Loving smile, a friendly voice,
clues to what a life can be

I looked from one end to
the Earth to the other.
Searched everywhere for
someone like you.
There were others in my path
but no other one could do.

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/03/06 02:05 PM
My soul lies bleeding
on the floor.
I hear laughter
on the other side
of the door.
Do you see the damage
you've done?
Do you do it all for fun?
It makes no difference
in the end- you're gone.
Woke up this morning
and the sun wasn't yellow.
It had a touch of gray.
Will I have a better
tomorrow? For that
I hope and pray.
Lord come and take me away!
I can't put up
with the sadness and the anger.
The world is just so mad these days.
Everything's fucked up and makes no sense.
It's all just too intense.
Reality's too fucking real these days.

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/03/06 01:27 PM
I have been inspired by each and every one of you.

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/03/06 01:12 PM
Very Cool!

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/03/06 01:11 PM

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/03/06 01:10 PM
I'm touched deeply when I read reponses like yours.

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/03/06 11:26 AM
Plant a seed of love.
Watch it as it grows.
Once it does mature
fireflies aglow.
Baby take me by the hand,
share with me in
this life's dance.
Do two against the world
stand a chance?
Find out with me.

Run my fingers thru your
long, soft hair.
I feel as if I a child
without a care.
My heart is light
we can declare
the fighting now is over.
I just want you in my arms
my friend, my lover.

Will there come a day
when we won't feel the same?
I can't tell you
but I doubt it.
Baby let your mind go free,
no time to think about it.

In a lover's dance,
you and I entranced
by the look in each other's eyes.
Baby come with me,
leave behind the memories
of days gone by.

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/03/06 11:21 AM
I am a dreamer.
I can dream again.
I am a seer.
I can see again.
I am a feeler.
I can feel once again.
The skies are blue,
the sun is shining.
I bask in the glow
of a day that's anew.
Not haunted by thoughts
or held back memories...
of you.

I am flying thru the air.
Flying on wings,
I am free from care.
Just got to be
sure not to fly
to high.
My wings would melt
and I would fall
to the ground and die.
Sounds alot like you and I.

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/02/06 08:55 PM
It's time for
the lights to go down
on this day.
Lay your head to rest.
Dream away.
Picture scenes
like a child.
Let your heart go free,
running wild.
Moon watches over you,
guardian angel.
What surprises come tonight?
Can you tell?
Tomorrow comes in it's
own time.
Breathe a sigh
..and float away
into the night.

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/02/06 06:08 PM
Never stop trying.
Don't give up on love.
Like a dove released into
the air it always finds
it's way back home.
Don't rush it,
it will happen in
it's own time.
You may not be aware
of the angel's song
that sings along the air.
Listen closely you will hear it.
All those thoughts of being alone,
all those dreams you dream
the desire to find your heart
a home will pay off if you
only let it happen.
I know there's times
you want to leave the
whole world behind.
You wish you could start over.
Every day brings a new sunshine.
It is possible.
It is possible
to be the person that you want to be.
It is possible to hear the wind
blow between the trees.
It is possible to set your soul
free to the wind so it can get kissed.
How do you know that your
best days are behind
when you haven't even looked into tomorrow.
There's no longer a need to cry.
Someone's seen you from inside.
You no longer need to hide.
Life is calling for you baby.

Dedicated to my Muse

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/02/06 05:55 PM
You know how to tell a great story.
You are funny and deep. You are multi-dimentional.

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/02/06 05:52 PM
Love me as I am
or let me fade away
into the sands of time.
I want a love that's
real not another bloody valentine.
Here are my scars.
What do you think now?
Are you gonna run away
or find the strength
somehow to say that nobody's perfect?
I'll never win a beauty pageant,
that is not to say I don't
have beauty inside.
Got to look a little closer
to see the swan I really am.
Sometimes I wish the whole damn
world was blind.
Maybe then I'd have half a chance.
Is it all about the outside?
Is it foolish pride?
Could it be that Your're
afaid to face the real me?
Just like it takes some time
to find a shining star
it takes awhile to see
the star in me.

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/02/06 10:20 AM
I also have to thank Eminem for killing off the
boy-band pop machine.