Topic: Saved
Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/04/06 07:52 AM
Where do I find
my faith when I've
lost my heart.
Is there an angel
out there to save me?
When loving ends
and hatred starts
which side will give
in first?
We have the ability
to destroy ourselves
but we also can be saved
with love for one another.
This world spins around,
time goes on no matter
what we do.
Why not make the most
of it. I want to heal,
don't you. Can you see
the irony in this.
Hearts apart can be
hearts together.
Why do we choose to
be alone? Are we really
so afraid of getting
heartbroken that we
will not take a chance
anymore? Baby there
in this life there
are no guarantees.
The winds blow where
they want to.
You can lay there
or you can try
to live again,
to give again,
to love again.