Community > Posts By > Jimi366

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/10/06 07:11 PM
Good words man. Simply good.
I like what you wrote.
Feel free to post anything you want
on my site-

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/10/06 07:09 PM
Everyone is welcome to post there!
I'm also going to continue to put
new posts here too.

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/10/06 06:28 PM
I take a look inside
and see the cobwebs of my mind.
In there is all the things I hid away.
Why the fuck am I looking there at all?
What do I expect to find?
Life is so unkind outside.
I thought I might find
some comfort on the inside- I was wrong.
Broken heart, broken dreams,
memories of falling apart
at the seams.
All those nights I didn't
dream, all the nightmares
they are all safely hidden

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/10/06 06:22 PM
I know you have an artist in you just dying to come out.
Go express yourself at
You don't have to be
an expert writer.
I'm not really looking for that anyway.
I'm looking for real people who have something to say.
Say it at

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/10/06 06:05 PM
After a night filled with depression and a day of hard
work, my website is up. It's at
It is completely uncensored. Write whatever comes
to your mind. It is your site as well as mine.
It's a place to freely express yourself.
Keep in mind that the site is in it's infant stages
and will only get better over time.
Now I need YOU there. There is also a link to my blog there.
The blog address is

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/10/06 06:01 PM
Another good one! We have some real talent here!

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/10/06 06:31 AM
Good One!

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/09/06 09:03 PM
You are the proud recipient of a
quote of the day award from me.
That quote is awesome!

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/09/06 08:53 PM
Now she's normally a nice person
and keep in mind she was mad at
me when she said it and I was
gonna say I deserved it but
I don't. It was just that
no one has ever said this to
me before. I thought I'd
put this in a poem but it deserves
it's own spotlight-
"You're a waste of skin"
My wife actually said this!
I didn't really hurt me
cos it just sounded so wicked.
"You're a waste of skin"
I thought I could come up
with some dark shit.
If I remember this tomorrow
I'll find a way to work
"You're a waste of skin"
into a poem. or.......
be creative, beat me to the punch,
and work it into one of your own.
It's a very clever line.
It is the most evil thing I know
anyone will ever say about me.

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/09/06 08:47 PM
Even I got a russian woman write me
I told her I'm married
and she still emails me.
I told her the US is great
and she should immigrate here.
If she tries to ask me for money
I will tell her to fuck off.
As for the green card,
So what's up there?
She still writes me.

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/09/06 08:18 PM
I can't think of nothing else
but your hand 'round my fucking throat.
I can feel you squeeze me.
I thought you were an angel,
you stole my soul instead.
Now I think you're the Devil,
except your blood don't bleed red.
How could I be so fucking stupid
that I built a life around you?
You're a whore, that's what you are.
Sorry if the truth hurts.
Like they say don't go
away mad, just take your ass away.
I'm not sure what else I
could fucking say!
I just know you're
aching to suck my
body dry of blood
with your last kiss.
Didn't you forget something?
Can't you see the knife
in my back.
You put it there and
laughed as my soul was bleeding.
I'm not gonna die,
just gonna feel
a bit empty inside.
Get it over with.
Turn around,
don't look at me-
just say goodbye.

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/09/06 08:10 PM
"I'll ride the wave where it takes me. I'll
hold the pain. Release me!"
Pearl Jam

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/09/06 08:07 PM
"Being married is hard fucking work."
Richard Pryor

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/09/06 08:02 PM
I like this.
You painted a sensual
picture and yet I
feel the angst at the same time.
Tom Petty
said it best "The Waiting Is the Hardest Part."

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/09/06 07:58 PM
Look into my eyes.
Do you see anything.
I've got to know
there's some life
left in me.
I woke up this
morning feeling carefree
but now as the darkness comes
I feel as I was born to feel
I swear I haven't felt
this way in many a year.
I've forgotten
I felt this
way not too
long ago.
It was all
wishful thinking on my part.
It may sound crazy
and I know it's not
normal but I find
a kind of comfort
in the sadness.
The madness!
The memories,
every hurt and pain
I ever felt
come back to me
when I get this way.
Maybe being blind
to everything
would make it
all go away.
Now that I think
about it
Right now I feel numb.

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/09/06 07:50 PM
If you thought you could
keep me down for more
than a minute.
I'm about to show you
now just how full
of shit you are.
Baby I see your smile,
but your teeth are
dead and rotting.
Bet you didn't know that.
You're beautiful outside
but inside they're
throwing a fuckin' funeral,
that's how dead inside you are.
Wanna check the mirror?
Yeah, that's your fucking corpse!
I am alive.
I survived the heartache.
You've moved on
to your next victim.
I'd send out a warning
signal but you'd only
intercept it.
Poor fucking soul's
gotta find out
for themselves
just what a bitch
you are!
Rise up!
A voice calls out to me.
It does not belong to you.
It's somebody else calling me.
Sounds more like a mob scene.
I can hear your victim scream!
Don't worry my friend,
they'll leave you alone
as soon as they're done
drinking every single
drop of your precious blood.
Then you'll be left like
me wanting to send a signal
out to the next victim.

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/09/06 07:42 PM
Finding my way home again.
Almost lost my soul, my friend.
I've resolved to just hang on,
stay alive to the bitter end.
Wind blows,
it blows free.
I wish that wind was me.
I would go so far away.
I would go to a better place.
In this lifeless world
is there such a thing
as love? Has it
been gone from here
since the Beatles broken up?
They used to say that love
was all you need.
Seems that not the case today.
Now the world is ruled by greed,
each one of us a faceless face
in a room full of numbers.
When I take the time
to think about the
horror of it all
it's enough to make
me want to give it in.
Give me a refund.
I don't need this worthless shit.
I don't want no money,
just the piece of my
soul I gave to you.
There are many more
like me. I feel it
in the air, another breeze.
I feel your presence
and it makes me stronger.
Maybe I can hold out
just a little bit longer.
The breeze caresses me,
makes me stronger.
I know you're out there.
I know all too familiar
the sound of an aching heart!
Just like me,
you are not alone.
Just like me,
you can find your
way back home.

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/09/06 07:30 PM
What you're selling
I don't wanna buy it here.
What you're telling
only fills my mind with fear.
A poison apple sounds
kinda good right now.
I hope it gets me high,
maybe then I can break out.
Holding me.
Fucking chains are holding me.
I'm locked inside
and where are you?
You know you hold the key.
Clever sayings,
you are just so full of them.
Desperate paintings,
painted by the worst of them.
Cherry filling drips from your lips.
A closer look reveals it's blood.
Blood is dripping from your fangs.
Blood that you took from me.
Fucking chains are holding me.
I'm locked inside and where
are you? You know
you hold the key.
Water drips from the walls,
it makes me feel the lonliness
of it all.
Nothing matters.
Never mattered anyway.
You're the Devil!
You're the bitch!
You created all of this.
Made it all and walked away.
Gonna break out of this jail someday.

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/09/06 07:20 PM
Let's hope we can steal the keys and break outta
this bitch soon!

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/09/06 04:42 PM
I know of the despair that went thru your mind
when you wrote this. Tonight pain is MY drug.
I am just in so much fucking pain!
Your poem hit home with me.
Keep on writing and posting.
You are among the best talented
on this forum, you and King.
I read writings from both of you
tonight and I feel every word.

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