Community > Posts By > Jimi366

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/06/06 04:50 PM
Thanks for providing this space for artistic sharing.

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/06/06 11:16 AM
"War is hell. When will it end? When will people
start gettin' together again?"
Marving Gaye

"You know we've got to find a way to bring some
loving here today."
Marving Gaye

"Say man I just don't understand what's goin'
down across this land."
Marvin Gaye

Jimi366's photo
Thu 10/05/06 08:56 PM
I can hear your voice
calling to me.
Lover let go
and come with me
to a place where your
shaking soul can let
go. It's alright.
Let yourself go free.
Abandon your cares,
let the world go.
You are safe with me.
I know you've felt
some hurt before
but I promise
you won't hurt no more.
We'll sail away to
distant shores.
You can finally
feel secure.
Our embrace
is the place
I choose to surrender
my soul to.
No one else but
me and you.
All alone,
just me and you.

Jimi366's photo
Thu 10/05/06 08:16 PM
Shit, here I go again
sayin' somethin' I shouldn't have said.
How many fucking times
does this have to happen
before I learn?
I didn't mean to make you walk away.
I should've known these
days it's a crime
to go and speak your fuckin' mind.
Gotta be careful
someone might be offended.
See no evil
hear no evil
have no life.
It's all become so Disney!
What happened to the human
hearts that used to
walk these city streets?
Did they all pack up
and move the fuck away?
Only to be replaced
by the smiles of a face
that doesn't feel a fuckin' thing
the size of their bank account
who they fucked over to get to the top
where's the fucking keys to the SUV?!
It's always sunny in Pleasantville.
We're so oblivious to the Hell
waiting to meet us on the other
side of the hill.
Glass smashed
right into my face.
I drove too fucking fast again
and I wasn't wearing a seatbelt.
I hear the drycleaners
can wash my blood from your fucking suit
so don't worry you'll be fine.
I wasn't driving at all.
I was just trying to live my life.
It was all so fine until you came along.

Jimi366's photo
Thu 10/05/06 08:03 PM
Romance and violence in the same poem.
Great writing!

Jimi366's photo
Thu 10/05/06 08:00 PM
The words you say
cut across my skin
and draw my very blood.
Can you see it flow
across the room?
Once you talked to
me of love now all
you ever talk about is
gloom and how you want
it all to end.
I have news for you
my lover, my soul
became numb long ago.
I'm living but I'm dead.
I will not feel a thing
if you decide to go.
Wrapped in a straightjacket
given as a gift I
find some comfort and
some warmth from cold reality.
Reality is just too
fucking real sometimes.
I watch you smoke a cigarette
telling me a story I'll
soon forget, if I ever
heard you say a thing
at all. You smile
at me now I feel as cold as ice.
This used to be a paradise.
Now I'm trapped in a living hell
but somehow I find amusement.
I've found myself here before.
Feels alot like deja vu
to me. I have some news
for you my lover. My
soul became numb long ago.
I'm living but I'm dead.
I will not feel a thing
if you decide to go.
will be felt
if you decide to go.
Leave softly.
Leave softly.

Jimi366's photo
Thu 10/05/06 07:46 PM
Call me a hopeless romantic
but I saw a picture of
you and it reminded me
of how me and you
used to be so close.
How did we grow so far apart?
I know I shoulda thrown
that picture out on
the day that you left
but I couldn't help myself
a faded memory I had to
hold on. Took me six
whole months to accept
that you were gone.
Baby do you ever think about me
while you're on the other side
of the world tryin' to find yourself?
I can't forget those hot summer nights
spent in passionate moments
we held each other tight.
We swore to each other
that we were our worlds.
I was so naive
I trusted you girl.
Now I'm sitting here alone
fantasizing that you might
phone but in reality
I know you're long gone.
It's time for me to move on.
Do you think in this world
full of broken hearts
that I can find another,
make a brand new start?
Is love a fairytale or
a dream that comes true.
I don't know right now
but I won't give up
until I find the truth.
In the silence of the night
I hear the beating of a heart
it belongs to someone
just like me.
A soul caught in passion
and wanting to be free.
I wonder if she
can hear the beat of my heart too?
Two hearts are better than one.

Jimi366's photo
Thu 10/05/06 07:37 PM
I'm reaching out.
I'm sending a signal
that I hope you'll intercept.
I wonder if you hear me.
Night time comes.
Darkness falls upon my
little world.
I'm starting the feel
the coldness,
the emptiness.
Overcome, but I'll
I'll live another day
for sure.
Just existing.
Looking for a smile
in a sea of faces.
Time comes,
time flies.
Now I live like
the dead alive.
My soul hungers for
some love.
All I can do is
have a drink,
take a sleeping pill,
drift off and hope
that within a dream
I'll find what don't
have in the world outside.
I'm empty.
So empty.
When the night is
gone I'll awake
and once again
put on my smile
and try to fake
the happiness that I don't have.
I'm empty.
So empty.

Jimi366's photo
Thu 10/05/06 08:56 AM
"A war can only last as long as we are willing to fight it."
Jimi 366

Jimi366's photo
Thu 10/05/06 08:55 AM
"Now people talk about saving the planet. How arrogant
is that? Who the fuck are we to think we can save
the planet? The planet is fine.
It's the PEOPLE who are fucked up."
George Carlin

Jimi366's photo
Thu 10/05/06 07:49 AM
I know I already posted several quotes but this one came
to me and I felt compelled to post it for fear I'll forget
about it tomorrow.

"In the end the love you take is equal to the love you make."
John Lennon/Paul McCartney

Jimi366's photo
Thu 10/05/06 07:11 AM
"When we quit dreaming we quit living."

"Choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil."
Jerry Garcia

"I've read somewhere that 77 percent of all the mentally
ill live in poverty. I'm more intrigued by the 23 percent
who are actually doing quite well for themselves"
Jerry Garcia

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/04/06 09:15 PM
I have many fond memories of going to the Georgetown
section of Washington, DC. I would get wasted and dance
and stay until the lights came on. Those were some
great times!

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/04/06 08:58 PM
Thanks! I needed some laughs tonight.

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/04/06 03:35 PM
"Day after day I search for rain cause raindrops cover
my teardrops and no one'll know I'm crying"
The Temptations

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/04/06 03:29 PM
I don't see a thing.
I don't hear a thing.
I feel nothing right now.
You're constant bombing of
my soul has left me numb.
I will never be good enough
for you.
When will you realize
that perfection doesn't
equal happiness?
I know I spend to much
time smelling the roses.
You always were so serious
and I am not.
Does that mean I don't belong?
I'm drenched in tears
wondering what the hell went wrong.
I'm no angel,
I'm more like a fool.
A fool who's crazy enough to think
that a little love all you
need to see things thru.
You want more than I
have to offer.
I can only do so much.
I cannot be in the dark
crying myself to sleep.
I'm lonely for your touch.
When will you learn that
unconditional love means
love without conditions?
Am I a fool to think it is.
You make me feel so helpless,
like I'm not good enough.
Am I supposed to suffer
until I please you?
Is it me you love
or is it the me you want me to be?

Yes! This is how I feel right now
to the very core of my soul.

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/04/06 02:14 PM
Did this really happen?
I have to agree with the one guy who said
1)Why didn't the girl have a helmet to begin with?
2)Why didn't he make attempts to slow the bike down?
That story almost made me cry.

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/04/06 02:03 PM
20 years and still going, albeit a bit rocky at times.

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/04/06 01:55 PM
I would say if you're rich like Bill Gates or Donald Trump
then a pre-nup may be necessary, but think about it-
most people do not have anything worth putting in a prenup.
A pre-nup is a pretty straightforward way of saying to
someone that you don't trust them. To love is to trust.
There are no guarantees in love. Love is alot like rolling
dice- sometimes you're lucky, sometimes you roll snake-eyes.
A pre-nup is kind of a way of taking a chance without taking
a chance. It gives you a sense of false security. Look,
even with a pre-nup the other person could take away something
more valuable than money or property- they can royally
fuck up your heart and soul. If you think you have to get
a pre-nup that already means you don't trust the other person
so I would question at that point whether or not you really
love them as trust is part of what love is.

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/04/06 01:48 PM
Do you think that animals have souls? I do. What really
consists of a soul? Well I think that at least part of
a soul consists of the individual's personality. I also
think a soul consists of perception and emotions. I firmly
believe that animals have personalities, they percieve things,
and they feel. That leads me to the conclusion that animals
have souls. I think that we humans are pretty arrogant
alot of times and think that we, and only we have a soul.
What is your opinion on this?