Community > Posts By > Jimi366

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/09/06 04:38 PM
Whoa! King, I felt every word of what you wrote.
You managed to put how I feel tonight into words.
What you wrote is great! When I get my website
going I would LOVE to have you post in there.
You are awesome!

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/09/06 04:34 PM
I know that there are people out there who look
for my writings and to you I am very humbled and grateful.
My heart is just not into writing tonight.
I do have a new blog entry at
and I did manage a post here called "Utter Darkness."
I may try to write later on tonight but right now
I feel very much the way I wrote in Utter Darkness
and in my blog entry. Darkness is gripping at my very soul.
The sadness is real. I am as down as it gets.
I try to post every night and really try to write more
than a few things, as I appreciate those of you who
take the time to read what I wrote. Sorry to have
let you down tonight.

Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/09/06 04:26 PM
The dark finger of depression
touches my soul and has
brought me to that place
where nothing makes sense
and hope does not exist.
It is a place full of
tears, fears, and regrets.
It is the lonliest feeling
in the world.
You've been there too, I'm sure.
I am not alone in suffering
and despair.
I pray to God, you gotta
help my fly away.
I long to be lifted up
by you, the angels that
care. I yearn to be lifted
up on wings so I can go
above the storm clouds and
see the sunny skies above.
Tonight I sit in a cold, lonely cell
and sit, waiting for release.
This isn't fiction,
I am living the words
you're reading.
I am opening up my soul
to you, hoping that by
doing that it can release the

Jimi366's photo
Sun 10/08/06 06:11 PM
Everyone's a critic these days.

Jimi366's photo
Sun 10/08/06 06:09 PM
I am in the process of starting a website dedicated
to writing. It is in it's infant stages. I have a
blog on there if anyone wants to check it out go to (NO www)

Jimi366's photo
Sat 10/07/06 04:25 PM
Baby I'm trying to hold on.
I'm really trying to be strong.
You wouldn't know it
from the tears streaming
down my face.
I can't help it.
I wear my emotions on my sleeve.
Welcome to another day in paradise.
It was built for two
but only houses one.
Missing you ain't no fun.
In fact it's killing me
You're in the air I breathe.
I can feel blood in my body,
I can feel my heartbeat,
anything else I feel doesn't seem
quite real. It scares me.
The night comes and I go
soul searching.
I come up empty.
Did you take my soul
with you when you walked
out on me?
No drugs seem to dull the pain.
Alcohol keeps me sane.
Thoughts of you destroy me.
Rain falls, I can hear it
against my window.
I can hear your voice too.
Takes me a moment to realize
it was all in my head,
you're not here in this
bed. You're on the
other side of the world
from me. I don't understand
why I don't hate you, but
still have love for you
in my broken heart.
In my broken heart.

Jimi366's photo
Sat 10/07/06 04:14 PM
I liked this alot!
Poetry is a great way to release emotion.
It sure is cheaper than therapy!
Actually when poets share their
words with each other and the world
it becomes like group therapy.
I like dark poems.
The raw emotion laid out
in what you wrote was awesome!
It is writers like you that inspire me.

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/06/06 10:20 PM
That was funny as shit. You are the King of this forum!

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/06/06 10:13 PM
This night had a very strange feel to it.
It's raining here in DC and I thought
that would give me the inspiration
to write but I had to work extra-hard
tonight to make the words come out.

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/06/06 10:07 PM
Thank you.

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/06/06 09:30 PM
You want something romantic from me
but the words just don't come.
This world is just damn
cold and I feel like I wanna run.
Baby take my hand we
can get out of this place
where everyone's an
expert on the affairs
of the human race.
Everybody's got an answer
to questions that
haven't been asked.
They're out there saying
I'm wrong for you,
ain't no way our love will last.
Let's prove 'em wrong tonight
my love. Let's go to
Vegas and get hitched.
In that wedding chapel
we'll profess our love
and show the world that
it's full of shit.
There's better places
than this loser's town
we just gotta find 'em.
A place on a map to call home.
A place where we're free
to love and got lost
in each other's arms.
A place to let our passion roam.
Destiny is close enough
as the passenger seat
in my car. Baby come on!

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/06/06 09:16 PM
Midnight strikes
and I hear your screams.
There stuck inside my head.
I lay down and hope for sweet dreams.
I find you instead.
Your face puts a chill on my soul.
I start sweating and wondering
if I'm gonna lose control.
You were once part of my life
but checked out way before you died.
How the fuck could you do such a thing.
At your funeral I cried.
I said I forgave you
as your lifeless body
laid in front of me.
Dad I meant it.
I can't say I don't
have regrets.
I wish you were a bigger
part of my life.
You had your reasons,
but I can't figure them out.
I gotta harden my heart to survive.
You left me behind
to deal with the pain.
You told people you were
proud of me but I don't
think you even knew my
telephone number.
Say what you want it
doesn't change the facts.
You were afraid to get too close.
I only know you in memory
now. You didn't even leave
behind your picture.
I remember every single moment.
I remember looking for you
at the front door of
Grandma's house wondering
when you would take me home.
That day would never come.
You scarred my heart
forever. Abandonement
tends to do that to a soul.
I waited for you.
Now you're gone.
The wait is no more.

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/06/06 08:55 PM
"Yellow moon is madness and PMS is real" is a very
profound line in your poem. It touched my soul.
You put your soul into this one
and it shows.
Great Work!

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/06/06 08:42 PM
I really like this.
You have talent!
You reached into your soul
for this one and I FELT it.
I look forward to seeing more
from you!

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/06/06 08:39 PM
Preacher man on the TV
offers me the price
to save my soul.
He says if I send him
some money I just might
escape Hell.
Something that this preacher
doesn't know- I've
seen hell and I know
it's right here.
Here on Earth.
I live it everyday.
Sun rose this morning.
It was black as night.
I was almost blinded
by the lack of light.
Will I find love today?
I would settle for indifference.
At least it wouldn't be rejection.
Am I making any fucking sense?

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/06/06 08:26 PM
I have nothing to give.
I gave it all away long ago.
I am all that's left.
Just a restless soul.
Another rainy night,
another time to dream.
I know I'll lay awake
all night cos I'm
afraid to close
my eyes for fear
I'll see your face again.
My mind feels like
a haunted house.
Your ghost lives inside.
I cannot hide.
You come back to me
everytime I think
that I am ready
to move on.
Broken Glass.
Daybreak and then
you're gone.

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/06/06 07:19 PM
Being gay is not my sexual preference but who am I
to judge anyone? I really don't know anyone who's gay,
or at least admits it but I wouldn't think any worse
of them if they were gay. Who knows what makes people
attracted to one another? Humanity itself, and sexuality
in particular, is a complicated thing. There are no easy
answers. We do what we do. Shit! That is an easy answer,
isn't it?

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/06/06 07:14 PM
I can only say what everyone else has said.
If you're nervous that's ok. Tell him you're nervous.
He will be as nervous as you I guarantee.
Don't prep yourself on what to say.
Don't rehearse anything.
Just go with the flow.
Good luck!

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/06/06 07:09 PM
I think that the breakup of the long term relationship
really hurt you and you are having fear of commitment
issues now. The truth is that to love is to risk
being hurt. There are no guarantees in love. What's
happening is you're afraid you'll get hurt if you
get too close to someone so when you feel like you're
getting close you do what I would call a preemptive strike.
You break up with them before they have a chance to
break up with you. Until you get over this you will
be single.

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/06/06 04:51 PM
Very, very cool!

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