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Topic: B4 U Read This Think About If U Do It
Loves2Please's photo
Mon 10/02/06 07:45 PM
Before you read should think about; would i do this??

Girl: Slow down, I'm scared.

Guy: No, this is fun.

Girl: No it's not. Please it's too scary!

Guy: Then tell me you love me.

Girl: Fine I love you. Slow down!

Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.

Girl : *hugs him*

Guy: Can you take my helmet off and put it on yourself? It's bugging me.

Girl: Alright, now slow down

Guy: I love you babe

(in the paper the next day):
A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of brake failure. Two
people were on it, but only 1 had survived.

The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his
brakes broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had
her say she loved him and felt her hug one last time, then he had her
wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he
would die.

RoxyGrl84's photo
Mon 10/02/06 07:56 PM
Awwwwwww...I'm gonna go cry now, that's so sad. :(

no photo
Mon 10/02/06 07:58 PM
there really ain't no ther choice. i'd do it every time.

Tejasgirl's photo
Mon 10/02/06 08:06 PM
Thats the saddest thing ever. I cant believe that, thats awful.

RJPugz's photo
Mon 10/02/06 08:10 PM
wow... now that is sad i mean really sad..what a terrible thing to

no photo
Mon 10/02/06 08:16 PM
This were so sad truly brought tears to my eyes:(

Usadad's photo
Mon 10/02/06 08:18 PM
Well, yes it would be sad because the guy was apparently an idiot. He
had time to have a conversation and have his helmet taken off and put on
someone else.... but couldn't figure out how to slow down the bike?
Like.... switch it off for one....
shift into lower gears.....
even lay the bike down and get scraped up a bit.... but no... he rides
into a wall.....
and if he's so loving and caring... why did he allow her on the bike
without a helmet... and why was he apparently speeding???

So, NO... i would not have done that because I would never have been in
that position....

RJPugz's photo
Mon 10/02/06 08:21 PM
you still cant say that isnt sad thtas cold hearted

stormberry's photo
Mon 10/02/06 08:22 PM
dam! that was some love there! that was sad but some times things happen

Usadad's photo
Mon 10/02/06 08:27 PM
The premise is sad... but it's not plausible that it ever happened.

ShagnaC's photo
Mon 10/02/06 09:05 PM
I have to stop reading your posts I always wind up crying my eyes out,
and I have no ones shoulders to cry on .:O(

Loves2Please's photo
Mon 10/02/06 10:04 PM
fokes I hate to say im not trying to make yall cry or be sad,,its all in
what could happen,,and how things dont last,,even if it is love or
something else,,its hard to think of things for us to be safe,,as we
think of others,,befor us,,,,,Love to all,,,,

no photo
Wed 10/04/06 02:04 PM
Where did you find that story. It is so sad. It seems like that guy
really loved his girl.

Jimi366's photo
Wed 10/04/06 02:14 PM
Did this really happen?
I have to agree with the one guy who said
1)Why didn't the girl have a helmet to begin with?
2)Why didn't he make attempts to slow the bike down?
That story almost made me cry.

Teufelhunde's photo
Wed 10/04/06 03:25 PM
I'm stuck in the middle of everyone's posts. It's easy to say "why
didn't he attempt to slow down the bike, or to lay it down and get
scraped up. If this is a true story, we don't know the entire

How fast was he going when he found out that the brakes weren't working?

Was he going down a steep decline to where the bike wouldn't slow down
enough? What about other traffic?

Did he have a death wish? Were things in his life not all peaches and
cream and he wanted one last moment with his true love?

What was his experience on a bike? How long has he been riding? I
believe a more experienced rider would've thought about these things
through the years of riding and so when something like your brakes
failing would happen, then your response would come to you like second

If true, it's very sad that it happened.

Usadad's photo
Wed 10/04/06 05:13 PM
Well, Snopes appears to agree with me. Here is the information that they
have on this specific story. If you wish to see it all, you can read it

Origins: This tearjerking tale of teen love and traffic tragedy began
appearing in our inbox in February 2005. Often titled "What is Love?" or
"The Meaning of True Love," it remains unattributed at this point, its
author unknown to

The story appears to be a work of fiction in that we've been unable to
find any news stories of such an accident. (Mind you, the lack of
details such as the names of the people involved, the approximate date
of the accident and so much as a rough idea of which city or even
country it happened in make searching for information akin to looking
for a needle in a haystack.)

Numerous folks who know far more about motorcycles than we do have
pointed out that most (if not all) bikes have two braking systems which
are independent of one another, so it would hardly be likely for both to
fail at the same time. Even if they did, a motorbike that has lost its
brakes can be brought to a stop through downshifting (gearing down) or
even through turning off the engine (although the fact that a brakeless
bike traveling at high speeds can be safely halted doesn't necessarily
rule out this account, because panic could cause the driver to think he
had no other option but to crash into something).

As the narrative has passed from one person to another, it has picked up
a coda that has since become part of what now gets forwarded:
"Love is not selfish so
Love is not being happy
it is to make happy to whom you love
even if you are unhappy with it."

So take five minutes out of your time to tell someone you love them
because you really never know if this is the last day of your life....
Hope everyone realises and feels what true love is....
Another coda, one less often seen, reads thusly:
No one really knows what tommorow holds in store for you, you might not
live to see the next day and sometimes you have to tell someone
something but run out of time to do so. So take five minutes out of your
time to tell someone you love them because you really never know if this
is the last day of your life.
These endnotes explain the moral of the tale, that it is important to
frequently reassure the folks who are important in your life that you
love them. While you won't catch us preaching against the value of
constantly repeated expressions of affection in successful
relationships, the premise of the story about the helmetless swain is
flawed — failure to utter "I love you" does not mean you risk your
nearest and dearest not knowing such information if you were to suddenly

metoyou's photo
Wed 10/04/06 06:46 PM
and sometimes giving of one's-self means that we have to give up our
very-selves. Imagine if the whole world wasn't selfish. thank you.

sheena's photo
Wed 10/04/06 07:24 PM
it's just the whole idea of the story. it's suppossed to make you think.
would you, could you do this for a girl that your "in love" with. i
honestly could say i would do but if that were to happen could you do

Usadad's photo
Thu 10/05/06 08:08 AM
In all honesty, I'd like to think that I would.. but you're never going
to know for sure until you're in the situation. It's pretty easy to talk
the talk, but when your life is on the line.. it's only then that you
find out if you can walk the walk.

vafyredawg's photo
Thu 10/05/06 10:31 AM
Scrape too many youngsters off the road every year. In EMS we refer to
motorcycle riders as "organ donors".

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