Community > Posts By > Starsailor2851

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Fri 07/11/08 10:42 AM
There are bad politicians in each party, each side of the political fence. Essentially, enough of them really suck to say they all suck.

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Fri 07/11/08 10:41 AM

and you wonder why gas is so hi i dont,

Yet, every oil companies stock has been on a downward spiral. Odd, isn't it? yawn

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Fri 07/11/08 10:40 AM
Congressman William Jefferson with $90k found in his freezer during a search warrant, oh wait, he was a Democrat.

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Fri 07/11/08 10:26 AM
It was actually "Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001" that won him the Pulitzer Prize.

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Fri 07/11/08 10:24 AM
I suppose Fanta is smarter than Steve Coll and knows much more than he does as well. He must have the inside men and resources to get such information.

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Fri 07/11/08 10:23 AM
A GREAT article on Massoud, the CIA in Afghanistan and their relationship with Massoud, and the search for bin Laden there:

Steve Coll wrote a great book, much more lengthier than the lengthy story from the source above called Ghost Wars.

Steve Coll is a Pulitzer Prize-winning American journalist and writer.

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Fri 07/11/08 10:13 AM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Fri 07/11/08 10:13 AM

Short Version:

Osama essentially got to the holy war on US idea when it was the US that Saudi Arabia came to during the first Gulf War. When Kuwait was invaded the Saudi royal family feared that Saddam might not stop for they were pushing closer and closer to the border of Saudi Arabia through Kuwait. Osama came to Saudi Arabia offering his assistance, for the right price and approval of the Saudi royal family, to assemble his own personal army and defend them from Iraq.

Saudi Arabia declined and went to the US instead. This extremely ticked him off, his ego trip, and he created vast problems following for both Saudi Arabia and the US.

power, greed, intolerance...etc...:wink:

Pretty much, Osama wasn't even the real hero of the Russian defeat in Afghanistan. The rich and highly educated Osama took all credit for the successes that were actually Ahmed Shah Massoud, the Northern Alliance leader who was tracking Osama in Afghanistan for us prior to 9/11. Mossoud HATED Osama with a passion for what he did to him and according to him Osama was a horrible field commander, as is evident by the very poor battlefield training of al Qaeda.

Again with the no real knowledge gang!!laugh laugh laugh

Try again!

Prove me wrong.

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Fri 07/11/08 10:04 AM
Just an observation, but I SWEAR that 9 times out of 10 a US airstrike on suspected militants hits "a wedding party". Don't know what it means. Not saying anything but that.

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Fri 07/11/08 09:58 AM

Short Version:

Osama essentially got to the holy war on US idea when it was the US that Saudi Arabia came to during the first Gulf War. When Kuwait was invaded the Saudi royal family feared that Saddam might not stop for they were pushing closer and closer to the border of Saudi Arabia through Kuwait. Osama came to Saudi Arabia offering his assistance, for the right price and approval of the Saudi royal family, to assemble his own personal army and defend them from Iraq.

Saudi Arabia declined and went to the US instead. This extremely ticked him off, his ego trip, and he created vast problems following for both Saudi Arabia and the US.

power, greed, intolerance...etc...:wink:

Pretty much, Osama wasn't even the real hero of the Russian defeat in Afghanistan. The rich and highly educated Osama took all credit for the successes that were actually Ahmed Shah Massoud, the Northern Alliance leader who was tracking Osama in Afghanistan for us prior to 9/11. Mossoud HATED Osama with a passion for what he did to him and according to him Osama was a horrible field commander, as is evident by the very poor battlefield training of al Qaeda.

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Fri 07/11/08 09:52 AM
Short Version:

Osama essentially got to the holy war on US idea when it was the US that Saudi Arabia came to during the first Gulf War. When Kuwait was invaded the Saudi royal family feared that Saddam might not stop for they were pushing closer and closer to the border of Saudi Arabia through Kuwait. Osama came to Saudi Arabia offering his assistance, for the right price and approval of the Saudi royal family, to assemble his own personal army and defend them from Iraq.

Saudi Arabia declined and went to the US instead. This extremely ticked him off, his ego trip, and he created vast problems following for both Saudi Arabia and the US.

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Fri 07/11/08 09:45 AM

If everyone is so strapped for cash, how exactly is it that Obama has been getting record amounts of cash from the American public? That ontop with how much Mccain, Clinton, and others have received. Something seems odd that records would donate and such, though supposedly everyone can barely survive each week.

It didn't occur to you that the average Joe is not the one donating money to the campaigns? Maybe it is the well off?

Many Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.

Obviously you are not a single parent with house payments.

If an individual is only allowed to donate $2300..... yeah, that idea of yours just doesn't add up. Even if these 'well off' people donate $2300 for the primary and $2300 for the general, the top that it is allowed, it still does not add up.

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Fri 07/11/08 04:43 AM

I honestly think you would have to be a blind man to not be able to see that we are in a recession. I mean seriously, how high does everything have to get before everyone gets it?noway

Technically, we are not in a recession, from a pure economics point of view. Things are rough, that is obvious, but we are not in a recession.

There needs to be two months of consecutive decline in GDP for their to be an economic recession. The US economy grew by 1% in the first quarter of this year. So, technically, we are not in a recession.

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Fri 07/11/08 04:22 AM
If everyone is so strapped for cash, how exactly is it that Obama has been getting record amounts of cash from the American public? That ontop with how much Mccain, Clinton, and others have received. Something seems odd that records would donate and such, though supposedly everyone can barely survive each week.

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Thu 07/10/08 12:56 PM
Here is the Bloomberg Aritcle Reich used in his story. I will post his Salon article and the Bloomberg article as well.

"Why Democrats are afraid to raise taxes on the rich" -


Bloomberg Article:

"Hedge-fund employees also gave more to Democrats in the 2002 and 2004 elections, though not to the same degree as this year. In 2004, executives at the 50 biggest hedge funds gave about 62 percent of their donations to Democrats." -

The trend has always been that Hedge-funds have donated big time to Democrats and the article talks about the 2-1 split for Democrats. The reasoning according to the Bloomberg and Reich articles is because of cities and Democrats, most of the time, being in control of them.

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Thu 07/10/08 12:50 PM
This might be the most ridiculous story I have ever read. Talk about politically correct on drugs.

Article is from Dallas City Hall Blog

"Dallas County officials spar over 'black hole' comment"

5:34 PM Mon, Jul 07, 2008

By Kevin Krause

"A special meeting about Dallas County traffic tickets turned tense and bizarre this afternoon.

County commissioners were discussing problems with the central collections office that is used to process traffic ticket payments and handle other paperwork normally done by the JP Courts.

Commissioner Kenneth Mayfield, who is white, said it seemed that central collections "has become a black hole" because paperwork reportedly has become lost in the office.

Commissioner John Wiley Price, who is black, interrupted him with a loud "Excuse me!" He then corrected his colleague, saying the office has become a "white hole."

That prompted Judge Thomas Jones, who is black, to demand an apology from Mayfield for his racially insensitive analogy.

Mayfield shot back that it was a figure of speech and a science term. A black hole, according to Webster's, is perhaps "the invisible remains of a collapsed star, with an intense gravitational field from which neither light nor matter can escape."

Other county officials quickly interceded to break it up and get the meeting back on track. TV news cameras were rolling, after all." -

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Thu 07/10/08 12:47 PM
Hedge-Funds, the richest of the very rich, donate to Democrats 2 to 1.

"At the very least, you might think that Democrats would do something about the anomaly in the tax code. ... But Senate Democrats recently backed off a proposal to do just that," he writes. "Why? It turns out that Democrats are getting more campaign contributions these days from hedge-fund and private-equity partners than Republicans are getting. In the run-up to the 2006 election, donations from hedge-fund employees were running better than 2-to-1 Democratic. The party doesn't want to bite the hands that feed." -

The quote is from Robert Reich, secretary of labor under Bill Clinton.

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Wed 07/09/08 04:31 PM
The point is that his wording came off as one should be FORCED to have their kid learn a second language, and if not, how dare you, you are surely not a fit parent. And, how dare you for not learning a language you will likely never use. It's the elitist, I'm better than you and look, I can speak French, you can't cause you suck attitude.

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Wed 07/09/08 03:36 PM
Lost was "Lost" years ago.

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Wed 07/09/08 03:23 PM
"But, understand this, instead of worrying if immigrants can learn english, they'll learn english, you need to make sure your child can speak spanish"

Just watch the video. No wonder Obama doesn't want to do townhall forums with Mccain. This was obviously one, and he stuttered so badly, and after he finished that quote you could hear him saying "Oh S!*&" in his head. He then went on to try and cover up what he had just said. Look at the people in the back when he finished that quote, count how many people are clapping.

There are about 40 people back there. I saw 3 people clapping enthusiastically, one clapping sorta, and one guy in front barely opening his hands to clap and never raises them. However, when he tells the joke at the end they are all back with him and laughing and clapping. What zombies, did they forget what he said 30 seconds ago?

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Wed 07/09/08 03:17 PM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Wed 07/09/08 03:24 PM
disregard this one.

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