Community > Posts By > Starsailor2851
Lobbyists on Obama payroll: Teal Baker and Brandon Hurlbut -
"Until recently, Hurlbut had a voice mail greeting at B&D Consulting informing callers that he was on “a temporary leave of absence” to work for Obama’s campaign." - ---- And, your golden boy, even more golden than Obama. Mr. Edwards links to lobbyists, who quit their jobs, so they aren't lobbyists anymore...riiight. Till the campaign ended for them and they went back to it. Two members of former Sen. John Edwards’s (D-N.C.) staff were registered as lobbyists for the first six months of this year. Adam Jentleson lobbied on behalf of the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank headed by John Podesta, the White House chief of staff during the Clinton administration. Matthew Morrison registered as a lobbyist for the American Federation of Teachers in 2007. "Colleen Murray, a spokeswoman for Edwards, said both aides have ceased lobbying. Employers often keep in touch with former colleagues who depart to work for presidential candidates. And more often than not, they are eager to see their protégés return." These aides were Adam Jentleson and Matthew Morrison. You can read about it all right here: |
You cant tie Obama to any Ethanol companies lobbying efforts, anyway sailor. Just because he comes from the second largest corn producing state in the nation, and thinks reliance on Oil is a bad idea doesn't mean he takes money from lobbyist! Your argument is weak and based upon association to Daschle only. He does not accept lobbyist money and is just more Republican rhetoric! Now as far as the messiah, that was Edwards. I dont agree 100% with any candidate in particular but Obama is a dang site better than any Republican! So, the New York Times is now a shill for the Republican Party now, like you are a shill for the golden boy and the Democratic Party? The article you are claiming shows proof does not! Simple equation! Sailor makes claim-poster who reads claim see's it shows nothing substantial-sailor makes claim again, and again, and again!!! Sheeple believe the claim if sailor says it enough, Free thinkers with an inkling of comprehension read the article and see it contains no evidence! Sailor ignores the poster and repeats his bogus claims again, and again, and again!! Kinda hilarious! So, did you not read the post before yours to see that I indeed did link lobbyists, well i didn't, a PROGRESSIVE group did, that you often are elated to see articles posted on here written by them. Till now. Direct links, but you look the other way, only to go onto belittle me, lie outright, and use those wonderful emotion icons that really add great insight and worthiness to your posts. |
9 Percent Approval, first time in history of single digits ever for the US government, and Congress took the prize. Prove it! This is a lie! Claiming me a liar without first making sure you weren't setting yourself out to be made out to be a foolish shill once again: |
No...republicans are not out of control...they are trying to keep our country safe from terrorists. It's people like the ACLU who are out of control. Using our freedoms to bring destruction on us. What happened to freedom WITH responsibility? Sometimes discretion is neccessary. I wonder what you are going to do when there's no one around to do the heavy lifting for yu? OH! I know! You'll have to actually think YOUR way out of the problem.... Now there's a concept! I'm betting you would come up with the same ideas we did. It's too easy to be the back seat driver. It's another to have the responsiblity to actually do the driving. The only thing counter culture anti Americanism will do is destroy our nation & its freedoms. The Republicans are keeping us safe from terrorists? Why didn't they notice that there were no terrorists threatening us in Iraq? I think, therefore, I am Democrat. Ummm... Democrats authorized too, so doesn't that crush the "I think, therefore, I am Democrat". Granted I am a Democrat as well, but I'm not going to belittle and demonize a large sect of our population. That's childish and foolish. How old are you again? Why is it the older and 'wiser' people in this forum resort to the most childish and unsubstantiated attacks, often personal and belittling to others? Shouldn't that be something us 'young-ins' do, include posting stuff we pulled out of nowhere as well as lacking concise, well thoughtout arguments? It seems both sides of the aisle here, the older you are, the more rude, angry, and hostile you are towards others and fill entire posts with childish emotion icons. It's ridiculous. |
9 Percent Approval, first time in history of single digits ever for the US government, and Congress took the prize.
You cant tie Obama to any Ethanol companies lobbying efforts, anyway sailor. Just because he comes from the second largest corn producing state in the nation, and thinks reliance on Oil is a bad idea doesn't mean he takes money from lobbyist! Your argument is weak and based upon association to Daschle only. He does not accept lobbyist money and is just more Republican rhetoric! Now as far as the messiah, that was Edwards. I dont agree 100% with any candidate in particular but Obama is a dang site better than any Republican! "Not long after arriving in the Senate, Mr. Obama himself briefly provoked a controversy by flying at subsidized rates on corporate airplanes, including twice on jets owned by Archer Daniels Midland, which is the nation’s largest ethanol producer and is based in his home state." - Reduced rates flying on a CORPORATE JET, owned by the nation's largest ethanol producer? Oh, that's nothing at all. And, he never took money from lobbyists? I don't think so. He lies, very badly. "Although Obama took no money from Exelon’s Washington lobbyists, he accepted $1,000 checks from lobbyists John P. Novak and James Monk of Springfield. In Springfield, Novak represents Exelon., and Monk is president of the Illinois Energy Assn., a trade group that represents Commonwealth Edison. Monk and Novak said they do not lobby in Washington. But their clients care about federal issues, including where to store nuclear waste and what restrictions to place on coal-fired plants" - That is even from a Progressive News site. Novak and Monk describe themselves as lobbyists, but they don't lobby in Washington so that's okay, right? Or, how about this? "State and federal issues often are related, as noted by the law firm Akerman Senterfitt, whose Florida-based members donated $7,000 to Obama. On its website, Akerman notes it combines Tallahassee connections with “an involved federal political action committee” to provide its clients “with an enviable level of access.”" - And then, what about the Hedge Funds, which donate to Democrats 2 to 1 over Republicans. You should see how much Edwards and Dodd got from these uber rich types. "The $1.8 trillion hedge fund industry donated $50,450 to Obama last month when the Illinois senator won wide support among voters in early caucuses and primaries, new data show." - Yes, that did say LAST MONTH, in one month alone these uber rich pumped $50k plus into his campaign. |
You cant tie Obama to any Ethanol companies lobbying efforts, anyway sailor. Just because he comes from the second largest corn producing state in the nation, and thinks reliance on Oil is a bad idea doesn't mean he takes money from lobbyist! Your argument is weak and based upon association to Daschle only. He does not accept lobbyist money and is just more Republican rhetoric! Now as far as the messiah, that was Edwards. I dont agree 100% with any candidate in particular but Obama is a dang site better than any Republican! So, the New York Times is now a shill for the Republican Party now, like you are a shill for the golden boy and the Democratic Party? |
Give me a break! Bush refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol! Maybe you should do a little research! Aye? Maybe you should actually have read the article and look into the results of the Kyoto Protocol. It is an absolute failure, even with those who did sign on. It would have crippled our economy and private enterprise and resulted in dismal results to the environment. - "Scientists say Kyoto Protocol a failure": The Kyoto Protocol also transfers wealth from nations to third world countries and allows them, as 'developing' to spew out as much emissions as they could ever want. China and India among those. "Its restrictions have been so gerrymandered that only 36 countries are required to limit their pollution. Just over a third of those – members of the former Eastern bloc – can pollute at will because their limits were set so far above their actual emissions. China and India, whose fast-rising emissions easily cancel out any cuts elsewhere, are allowed to keep polluting." - I suggest reading that full article. It was a very good thing we did not sign onto this ridiculous Protocol. |
I ain't Voting for anyone with the Middle Name of Hussein! it's a very common name Not in America! I only know of two and they are/were Barack and Saddam. I think Barack was named that before most Americans even knew of Saddam! Maybe had his mother been able to see into the future she wouldnt have given him his Nigerian fathers middle name! Maybe! He is the messiah afterall, that could very well mean his mother was an oracle or maybe even a fairy! |
You do realize Ill is an Agri state dont you? Of course. But, if a Congressman of a huge coal or natural gas state pushed hard for it and had lobbyists of those companies all around him you'd cry foul in an instant. And, if he surrounded himself by people close to it as well you'd have a field day. |
He is the hope! Golden? Golden Brown maybe.... The best man running for leader of the free world! For sure!!! Exactly, steer away from the evidence that proved you are a blind follower. |
Edited by
Tue 07/08/08 07:43 PM
Bush is against Global warming?? He is. Maybe you should do research before acting like a child. Here is just a tiny snippet: "My worry is, however, that a low price of gasoline will make it complacent - make us complacent about our future when it comes to energy, because I fully understand that energy is going to help determine whether or not this nation remains the economic leader in the world. We are doing fine now. We have got a really strong economy, and in order to make sure it’s strong tomorrow we need to make sure we work on how we use energy. Energy is - look, let me just put it bluntly: We are too dependent on oil. We are a - (applause.) And see, low gasoline prices may mask that concern. So, first, I want to tell you that I welcome the low gasoline prices, however it’s not going to dim my enthusiasm for making sure we diversify away from oil." - ---- I suggest reading that entire article on a solely dedicated alternative energy site. |
Russia Threatens
They are responding to a threat initiated by Bush, and since NATO 's main supporter and Russia's Cold War adversary was NATO and the US, they are saying hey, remember us? We wont stand by while you do this! What do you expect them to do? Act like a civilized country. If they don't act like that, why treat them like one? A threat of a DEFENSE shield, does Russia want one as well and are having a fit because they are a country that has fallen so behind to what they had once been? You think Russia would truly threaten the entire European Union because of a missile DEFENSE shield? They aren't stupid. They will stand by and will do nothing besides wave around their outdated weapons and through nostalgic war parades. |
You are always running to the NeoCon's defense! Yet, somehow I am not a NeoCon, so very odd don't you think? I don't support saving the world from global warming, they do. I don't believe in an increase in the size of government and increased social programs, they do. |
Vote Obama! Zero corporate ties or influence! Of course since you've researched his campaign, you already know that. Right? Wrong, and I've proven that to you. He and his campaign have direct ties to BIG Ethanol companies and their lobbyists. Big Ethanol companies? You mean individual farmers trying to compete on Bush's terms? No, have you already forgotten? VeraSun Energy among one. And, these Big Ethanol producers aren't the small famers, these are the huge companies that own millions of land and produce the vast amounts that he pushed hard for subsidies for. He is closely linked to Big Ethanol, no different than that 'evil' Big Oil. But, since it has to do with the messiah Obama it matters not with you, not one bit. He's golden no matter how fake he is. Rezko |
Russia Threatens
So, the fact that Russia has flown long-range bombers over Norway and other countries in Europe is nothing? It's all Bush's fault, of course, who else could it be but him. He is the cause of hurricanes and tornadoes as well. It could be nice and sunny all day but he forces day to turn to night as well. Exactly!!! Now you're getting it! They weren't doing that until Bush, against their objections, started installing a missile defense program in former USSR countries! They were flying over countries that weren't even going to get the missile defense shield. So, that doesn't add up. Norway is one of the major oppositions to the missile defense shield in all of the EU as well. |
Leftist bullies
Have you become a shill for the Democratic Party now? A 'Karl Rove' attack dog? Just keeping it honest! The Republican Party is dangerous. Dangerous for America's Reputation and security! So, in other words, yes. |
Leftist bullies
Have you become a shill for the Democratic Party now? A 'Karl Rove' attack dog?
Russia Threatens
Edited by
Tue 07/08/08 07:17 PM
Is Russia motivated to attack some sovereign country? When Kosovo declared independence it was a bit sketchy. And we have Chechnya and Russia really always on the edge of another war. Russia has so outdated military weapons and technology they are using old stuff, but still have a significant force. Go talk to Putin and ask him if he does, cause he still runs the show, just make sure you have someone taste test your food for you from then on. |
Russia Threatens
So, the fact that Russia has flown long-range bombers over Norway and other countries in Europe is nothing? It's all Bush's fault, of course, who else could it be but him. He is the cause of hurricanes and tornadoes as well. It could be nice and sunny all day but he forces day to turn to night as well.