Community > Posts By > Starsailor2851

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Wed 06/18/08 07:44 PM
In 2000 a barrel of oil cost $25.

According to the CNN program I watched a company can only make domestic profit for a barrel of oil when I believe it was something around $55-75 for a barrel of oil.

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Wed 06/18/08 07:40 PM

McCain is flip flopping and the oil drilling will cost him big.
McCain will lose anyway but this is the golden nail in his coffin!

I'll bet it wont pass!

The last time he opposed a barrel of oil was not at $140 and it WAS NOT economically feasible for domestic oil production for it would not bring profit, it would have been an economic loss.

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Wed 06/18/08 07:39 PM

In California, the drilling issue is just as volatile, said Sal Russo, a veteran Sacramento, Calif.-based Republican consultant.

“California got really sensitive about these issues since the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill. And I don’t think it’s changed much since then,” he said. “There are strong feelings on the issue.”

Indeed, an overwhelming 64 percent of Californians opposed opening up more of the state’s coast to oil drilling, according to a February 2006 survey by the Public Policy Institute of California. That figure was up 14 percentage points from 2004.

So? Don't drill there then. GREEN RIVER BASIN

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Wed 06/18/08 07:38 PM

We dont need oil what soever, people survived before plastic was invented

That is ridiculous. Yeah, people survived without computers, microchips, cheaper advanced television sets, and gosh so many other things as well. Give up oil and give up computers. Go for it, but don't subjugate everyone else to pre-modern era technology. Oh yeah, and I'll see you on the highway in my steel

Mean estimates from the [Minerals Management Service] indicate that technically recoverable resources currently off limits in the lower 48 OCS (Outer Continental Shelf) total 18 billion barrels of crude oil and 77 trillion cubic feet of natural gas....
The projections in the OCS access case indicate that access to the Pacific, Atlantic, and eastern Gulf regions would not have a significant impact on domestic crude oil and natural gas production or prices before 2030. Leasing would begin no sooner than 2012, and production would not be expected to start before 2017. Total domestic production of crude oil from 2012 through 2030 in the OCS access case is projected to be 1.6 percent higher than in the reference case, and 3 percent higher in 2030 alone, at 5.6 million barrels per day. For the lower 48 OCS, annual crude oil production in 2030 is projected to be 7 percent higher—2.4 million barrels per day in the OCS access case compared with 2.2 million barrels per day in the reference case (Figure 20). Because oil prices are determined on the international market, however, any impact on average wellhead prices is expected to be insignificant.
At America's current consumption rates (20.8 million barrels of oil per day), the oil resources made available from lifting the moratorium would last this country less than two and a half years.

2 1/2 yrs sailordrinker

Destroy ecosystems and eliminate species for 2 1/2 yrs of oil!

You forget the Green River Basin. And destroy ecosystems and eliminate species? Who are you kidding? The animals in Alaska move around the pipeline like it was always there, they live near the thing for it is warmer. They are not under threat. Polar Bears now are like 13,000 greater than 1960.

And, THERE WERE NO oil leakages from the 109 oil platforms destroyed in the Gulf of Mexico during Katrina and Rita, and in fact, there is NATURAL oil seepage always in the oceans from this stuff. Oil leakage from the earth is natural, let's save the oceans and suck that stuff out of there before it pollutes it! HAH!

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Wed 06/18/08 07:33 PM

MIAMI _ John McCain's support for offshore drilling could hurt his prospects in the nation's largest battleground state, where voters have long favored safeguarding Florida's economically and environmentally precious coastline.

In a sign of the issue's volatility, several high-profile Florida Republicans in Tallahassee and Washington broke with their party's presumptive presidential nominee.

For anyone to represent that someone drilling off the coast in Florida is going to lower gas prices here or anywhere in this country is disingenuous and a flawed argument," said Republican House Speaker Marco Rubio, who added that he supports drilling off Florida's coast if it can be done safely.

"Oil drilling could take 10 years before any oil is pulled out of the ground
(Assume 10 yrs sailor, and never lowering oil prices)

and there are a large number of leases held by oil companies that are not being exploited now. We can't say we need more until we've exploited those."

And look thats a Republican saying that!!noway

10 years is a lie, when Democrats themselves said today 6 months. It's a ridiculous notion that you believe without any question, just like the 100 years in Iraq bull. Just because they have an R or a D doesn't mean they aren't complete dumbass. So, now you are doing the party knows best thing? When did you become such a tool? Big government, let's trust government to mandate what is best for us all. That's how you sound. Let the people and states decide, not Washington restricting us and now wanting to nationalize oil refineries like a Marxist state.

By the way, when there are more polar bears than there have ever been in recent decades, Artic Ice greater than seen in a long time, unprecedented snow in Canada and CHINA, as well as a shocking decrease in sun spots on the Sun similiar to the last little ice age. Global Warming hype is all a ploy by the big government types to lock up greater power in the central government and make people like Al Gore extremely wealthy off real fear mongering.

You ask all the firefighters I know how much they love the electric cars and hybrids. They fear electricution from those things.

Why aren't mass cars that run solely on hydrogen alone then being mass produced and marketed? We live in a green society now where the propaganda machines of the media flood us with green colors, shows run with renewable energy stunts (though VERY dim and all this other stuff. I can't turn on the TV nor go to my grocery store without seeing some "Green Movement" market campaign by all companies crap. Even Fox News is falling in line with the junk now because Murdoch himself is a big greenie. It's ridiculous.

Market to me a SOLELY hydrogen car that looks cool, runs just as well in all aspects as my current one, if not better, is CHEAP to purchase and I'm sold. But, that hasn't happened yet. For now, gas is expected to climb higher and higher, something has got to be done before everything shuts down.

Truckers cannot survive for much longer and without them transporting everything that everyone needs around this country this country will have foot shortages, supply shortages, companies will fall behind on production, and it will be absolute chaos. We need cheap OIL and we need it NOW.

We did it in World War II.

Completely change the economy till we get a grasp.

Drill Drill Drill

Build Build Build new refineries.

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Wed 06/18/08 07:18 PM

We dont need oil what soever, people survived before plastic was invented

That is ridiculous. Yeah, people survived without computers, microchips, cheaper advanced television sets, and gosh so many other things as well. Give up oil and give up computers. Go for it, but don't subjugate everyone else to pre-modern era technology. Oh yeah, and I'll see you on the highway in my steel

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Wed 06/18/08 03:49 PM
That's a hard one. Wasn't the one guys name like Balky or something like that?

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Wed 06/18/08 03:42 PM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Wed 06/18/08 03:43 PM
"Among other things, the Democrats called for the government to own refineries so it could better control the flow of the oil supply." -,2008-06-18

Copying Venezuela? Government seizing control of private enterprise? Whoa. Nationalization. Marxist policies brought to you by the Democratic controlled Congress. CHANGE.

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Wed 06/18/08 02:57 PM

Does the Exon-valdez oil disaster of 1989 in Prince William Sound ring a bell? Ill be damned if anyone will destroy my home (earth) over the all mighty dollor. Theres that barabaric way of thinking again lol

And, how many of those have happened recently? What percentage are disasters to non-disasters?

Volcanoes produce many more times over more pollution than any oil disaster ever could. Hurricanes as well with all the devastation and pollution that occurs because of them.

Call me a barbarian all you want, but to think that we puny humans can have any real impact that this mighty Earth cannot fix or control is ridiculous. One lightning bolt, one hurricane, one volcano eruption, one earthquake put us all in our true place. Mere pests, the Earth controls us, not the other way around. We are held by its leash, we are the controlled creatures of this mighty world.

It is a world of self correction and balance, and even it is not the most powerful being, the Sun runs us all, with a slight change in any aspect and our lives will be turned upside down.

Hurricane Katrina and Rita destroyed 109 Oil Platforms in the Gulf and there was NO significant contamination of the Gulf of Mexico. Our technology is far superior today.

Call me a barbarian all you want, but it is types like you that want to strangle the average American to take on inefficient modes of energy and "sacrifice for future" meaning we all must suffer for some nostalgic feel good ideas.

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Wed 06/18/08 02:30 PM

McCain already has my vote and YES the ban should be lifted. If we have our own resources then why should we not be allowed to use them.. that's just pure stupidity not to do so!!

the United States has their resources, sure, but they insist on dominating ALL the oil globallygrumble

Prove it.

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Wed 06/18/08 02:16 PM

Same thing goes for the Haditha incident. Not guilty ya got to feel me. Well, you won't hear any apologies from Murtha or the media who played these men as guilty before trial. All members, besides one who are charged, have been found NOT GUILTY. One is still awaiting trial or verdict, I forget which.

Talk about hate-mongering and anti-American stances that step all over the rights and protections of US citizens.

Non-US citizens, captured terrorists treated better by the lefties than our own US servicemen. Horrible.

And, this put all US servicemen and women in danger for all future conflict. Can they fire on the likely enemy or should they wait for a lawyer first to tell them it is alright? For they surely know that no matter what they do they'll be demonized by the press and radical lefties.

Yes, this sort of thing has already led to deaths.

Marc Luttrell and 19 other soldiers caught three goatherds in Afganistan while they were on a mission. Although they knew the goatherds were working with Al Queda, they allowed the goatherds to go free (instead of killing them). Sortly thereafter, the Americans were surrounded by hundreds of Al Queda and slaughtered. Only Marc Luttrell survived to tell the tale. They let the goatherds go because they were afraid of being accused of murder. 19 brave Americans died, because they choose to do what liberals tell them to do, rather than what good sense says to do.

I actually read his book and he talks extensively, numerous times, about this and how their fear of the media and how they would be portrayed likely got his friends killed.

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Wed 06/18/08 02:10 PM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Wed 06/18/08 02:13 PM

I think the ban should stay in place permanently and our government should be forced to go after alternative fuel sources. Our consumption of petroleum has us stuck in the dark ages, its old, outdated and extremely harmfull to the enviroment (hey sounds just like John McCain) and the idea needs to be scraped anyway so i think NOW is the perfect time. There is opprituniity in Cellulose, Hydrogen, Solar, i could go on and on. The use in Petroleum translated would be like all of Americans forced to watch movies on BETA knowing theres BLUE RAY!

I make my own bio-fuel, its really suprisingly easy

Aye, aye!!

Why destroy the environment for a temporary fix

First, you are assuming it will destroy the environment, and second you are thinking it will be a temporary fix. And, then you assume it will take 5 years to effect prices.

All of those are bareless assumptions and theories based off of others who feed us propaganda based off of feel goods and environmentalists that want us to live like the 19th century. In fact, all those theories may be incredibly wrong and the opposite may be true. And, there is plenty to back that up by doing a bit of your own research on Global Cooling and the Decline of Sunspots.

If you were to watch the Democrats counter to Mccain and Bush today they're even grabbing for anything to hold onto.

For one, theories are changing on the climate issue and more are seeing a possible ice age coming. Recent studies have shown that sun spots are VERY low, this is the same activity that occurred on the Sun that caused the Little Ice Age that led to the deaths of millions from ruined crops and starvation, as well as led to bitter cold temperatures.

Second, a temporary fix? The presumed oil supply in the Green River Basin is up to a trillion barrels of oil. 800 billion is likely.

"One acre of corn produces the equivalent of 5 to 7 barrels of oil. One acre of oil shale produces 100,000 to 1 million barrels." - Senator Orrin Hatch

In other places we have significant reserves of oil as well. I was watching a program on CNN where they were drilling for oil in North Dakota. They were talking about how the time to drill is now because production is so high compared to before. The owner of the drill said that there would be profit, viable for drilling for oil, as long as a barrel of oil stay above $70. And, they said that drills and oil production in places like ANWR and off shore could begin in 6 months.

The Democrats today following Mccain and Bush's speech on drilling for oil said this was no quick fix, if there was drilling now it would take 6 months for production. Wait a minute, only 6 months to drill and to begin tapping? That's not like at all!

DRILL NOW, and build more REFINERIES NOW or allow the majority of Americans to continue to suffer from high gas prices.

And, do NOT block the tapping of the huge domestic natural gas reserves we've found.

Drilling today DOES NOT hurt the environment. It is simple and easy to do, we can even drill under the ground horizontally for hundreds of miles so the real impact is so far below the surface of the Earth that know one will even know.

In Alaska the overwhelming majority are FOR drilling.

The Alaska Pipeline did not hurt the caribou, in fact they move right around the pipeline like its a natural thing and even sleep and rest near it.

The story we are always told that drilling and pipelines destroy and damage the natural environment and harm animals is a LIE.

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Wed 06/18/08 12:05 PM
"For someone who was never meant for this world, I must confess I'm suddenly having a hard time leaving it. Of course, they say every atom in our bodies was once part of a star. Maybe I'm not leaving... maybe I'm going home." - Vincent in Gattaca

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Wed 06/18/08 12:04 PM
"You've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?"

Dirty Harry

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Wed 06/18/08 12:00 PM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Wed 06/18/08 12:02 PM

Global Poverty Act. One further step to Political Globalism. Step towards a world government and disaster for the rights of the free man.

do you have a link

I'll give you a pro and con site.



Glenn Beck has a long transcript on his coverage of this on his radio program, but that has more shock stuff. But, it is very good. Do a google search of Global Poverty Act and it is a few down from the top as are many takes on the thing. And, this act has been passed by Congress now.

EDIT: It has passed in the House, don't think it has in the Senate.

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Wed 06/18/08 11:57 AM

well it only does not effect you because they are not enforcing it to its full enforceability

That's because they never can nor will take it to the level of what occurs in Europe already with cameras on the street watching and telling you to move along or stop what you are doing and government revamping the rights of the free man.

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Wed 06/18/08 11:55 AM
Global Poverty Act. One further step to Political Globalism. Step towards a world government and disaster for the rights of the free man.

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Wed 06/18/08 11:51 AM
Hasn't and won't effect me or 99.9999% of the US population so I have no issue with it. And, if you want to tap the NON-US citizen who called me from overseas go for it.

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Wed 06/18/08 11:49 AM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Wed 06/18/08 11:50 AM
Same thing goes for the Haditha incident. Not guilty ya got to feel me. Well, you won't hear any apologies from Murtha or the media who played these men as guilty before trial. All members, besides one who are charged, have been found NOT GUILTY. One is still awaiting trial or verdict, I forget which.

Talk about hate-mongering and anti-American stances that step all over the rights and protections of US citizens.

Non-US citizens, captured terrorists treated better by the lefties than our own US servicemen. Horrible.

And, this put all US servicemen and women in danger for all future conflict. Can they fire on the likely enemy or should they wait for a lawyer first to tell them it is alright? For they surely know that no matter what they do they'll be demonized by the press and radical lefties.

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Wed 06/18/08 11:34 AM

There is also an Ant-Man movie coming out in 2010:

Yet another Avengers member. The guy who directed Shaun of the Dead is scheduled to direct this Love that movie.

Simon Pegg? He is awesome. Gonna be Scotty in the new Star Trek movielaugh laugh laugh Hot Fuzz was awesome.

Ahh Hot Fuzz was alright, but Shaun of the Dead was far superior :)