Community > Posts By > Starsailor2851

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Tue 07/15/08 12:30 PM

Bush made us into what he deplores. We are now the major player in the evil of this world. We have waged war in countries who did not strike us first. So we are now the evil of this world thanks to Bush.

So, you can only attack people who have attacked you first? Are those the new rules? You must wait for death and destruction on the population you sword to defend before defending yourself against it?

Nobody believes the big lie that Saddam had any links to Al-Queda anymore so why didn't we attack Saudi Arabia since all the hi-jackers were from there and being financed by people from there?

Did I say that? No.

But, everyone in the intelligence agency believed he had WMD and was hiding banned items (which he was with illegal missiles and such). And, he was financing terror by sending $25,000 to families of martyred suicide bombers in the Palestinian territories (that money I doubt got into the hands of families, more likely got in Hamas' hands).

If you need a reason why we didn't attack Saudi Arabia you are not adept at international affairs. Think in reality, not in the fantasy world.

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Tue 07/15/08 12:27 PM
Ukraine is strong! lol, great scene from Seinfeld

Isn't the Ukrainian government really corrupt? I remember reading a piece where it said like George Soros practically 'owns' the government. He bought a seat in it.

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Tue 07/15/08 12:24 PM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Tue 07/15/08 12:25 PM

Bush made us into what he deplores. We are now the major player in the evil of this world. We have waged war in countries who did not strike us first. So we are now the evil of this world thanks to Bush.

So, you can only attack people who have attacked you first? Are those the new rules? You must wait for death and destruction on the population you swore to defend before defending yourself against it?

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Mon 07/14/08 12:58 PM

According to The Book of Revelations the anti-christ is:

The anti-christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, will destroy everything. Is it OBAMA??

where did you find this like to know!!!!!?????

The "I'm With Stupid" Bible, a very odd version I must

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Mon 07/14/08 12:52 PM

Hello wise politicians of the future,

Obama gave a speech that every parent should be teaching their children to learn Spanish.

Why do you think he said this? Is it because he thinks he cannot fix the immigration problem. Is it because he believes Americans should be trying to learn more languages. Is it because of the votes he will need.

Do you believe it to be true or false about the subject of learning Spanish? Why do you believe this?

could it be because English is the #1 language spoken in the USA and spanish is the #2nd language spoken most frequently in the US.

Has nothing to do with immigration, the US has no official language.

I didn't know that. I thought English was the official language and was voted also for it?? I could be wrong but I remember they had a vote if English or German would be the official language of the country and German lost by one vote. This was in the late 1700s or early 1800s when Germans were one of the biggest immigrations at the time.

Of course I don't have links or anything to prove it as it was always told to me when growing up.

but thank you for your insight. I didn't know this country doesnt' have a official language.

Yeah, I read that somewhere as well. I studied German-American history extensively because I have a German-American heritage. My family came here from Germany in 1748. And, I live in Pennsylvania, a state where many people in my area can speak Pennsylvanian German as well. Everything in this area was done in German until English became the official language of the governments and markets. Everyone converted to English to adapt and flourish, schools were the first to do so.

no photo
Mon 07/14/08 12:46 PM
Everyone should learn English in the US and that be that. Yes, learning another language will broaden your vocabulary and allow you to travel to a country WHERE IT IS THE NATIONAL LANGUAGE AND THE MAJORITY SPOKEN and use it there.

However, to suggest that parents SHOULD make sure their children learn a second language is ridiculous. Why not make the monopoly public education system do it better? They are doing a marvelous job with all other forms of education they should be able to do such a great job teaching languages as well.

Obama said something like:

"Immigrants will learn English, but parents SUOULD make sure their children speaks a second language."

Immigrants will? Yeah, the smart ones.

English is the national language, even if it doesn't have the formal title of being so.

no photo
Mon 07/14/08 12:38 PM

Im through!
You ignore the facts and Im tired of showing them over and over to someone intent on only believing Bush Propaganda!
When you are ready to acknowledge any truth or facts Let me know!drinker

There is only truth in my last post. Unless you have something to dismiss it, to simply suggest you do without proof, is propaganda on your own part. You are no different than the evil Bush and NeoCons that you claim to do the same exact thing you just did. Just like when you claimed you knew the truth about Afghanistan and knew more than Steve Coll and blasted the Pulitzer Prize, which is given to top professionals in fields for their work by Columbia University.

no photo
Mon 07/14/08 12:26 PM

1991-2003-0 dead pilots
How many dead American since then!

So, in other words yes, you have no problem with a foreign government firing on US pilots. Good one.

Not the way they did it.
No success!
And if you want to get it to it deep, it was illegal and a violation of the seize fire we signed at the end of the Gulf War!
The success the Iraqi's enjoyed shooting at our aircraft, Zero, only proves that Saddam was incapable of being a threat to his neighbors.
If I'm remember right this was what all the military advisers said to Bush when they told him Saddam was contained and there was no reason to invade!

His assets were not contained though and we were not sure that he was disarmed with WMD. You know darn well that the UN officials were getting kickbacks from Saddam. They were getting rich off the Oil for Food program, as was Saddam, while the people of Iraq were being kept void of the food and supplies. In the meantime Saddam's sons, instead of dispensing food and goods to the people were raping, pillaging, and torturing citizens for the pure pleasure of it. The one video I saw, his son's men having a blast throwing people off rooftops.

UN members, just like UN peacekeepers in Africa raping women and children leaving bastard children behind, were doing the same thing in Iraq but this was for monetary profit. They were essentially raping the people of Iraq. They would also ship in BANNED supplies to Iraq. And Russia, was in Iraq immediately prior to our invasion doing who knows what, but there is strong reason to believe they were doing shady trade dealing and other such things.

We went in because of WMD, all evidence said it was there, but it suddenly wasn't. When the bet is 100 to 1 would you not take the odds? The odds all pointed to it being a sure thing he had WMD. Now, he did have banned items, but it was not linked to WMD, but it was on the banned list. He, as well, did have missiles that were from the '90s, and obviously compiled after the first Gulf War, but they were missiles that had nothing to put on them. Had he the WMD it would be a different story for those banned missiles he had.

He was still sending 20k to families of suicide bombers in the Palestinian territories. And, he was sending money all over the place, I wonder where all his funding went. I'm sure Hamas got a good penny ontop of the families of suicide bombers.

no photo
Mon 07/14/08 12:03 PM

1991-2003-0 dead pilots
How many dead American since then!

So, in other words yes, you have no problem with a foreign government firing on US pilots. Good one.

no photo
Mon 07/14/08 12:02 PM

bush is evil. but his bid to save the world, is really very funny.

Playing the Iraq Oil Card
Friday, May. 09, 2008 By ROBERT BAER,8599,1738883,00.html?iid=sphere-inline-sidebar

I hope that is true, for some reason my Mutual Fund is on the heavy slide for over a year now thanks in great part due to the decline in the stock of Exxon. You'd think with all that stolen oil the Exxon stock would be going through the roof.

no photo
Mon 07/14/08 11:58 AM

Unprovoked war is Anti-American!

Peace Brother!

Firing on US and British jets = what? I suppose they accidentally leaned on the wrong button.

Good training for the pilots and suicide for the person doing the shooting.
In the end, one less air-defense system and 4100 less American dead!!

So, a foreign country firing on another, breaking yet another UN Resolution that allowed a tyrannical dictator to remain in power, is not an act of war anymore?

Should we have waited until a pilot had gotten shot down, or only if that pilot had gotten shot down and killed?

no photo
Mon 07/14/08 11:43 AM
Weed smokers are supposedly more docile. They themselves use this to show that it is a safe, calming drug. But, isn't that exactly what the government would want you to be, a much more docile populace?

no photo
Mon 07/14/08 11:40 AM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Mon 07/14/08 11:44 AM

i,m surprised bush has not added those who disagree with him. to his axis of evil list.

He added them to his terrorists list .
rofl rofl .

That is an incredibly ignorant statement.

But incredibly true

As proven by what evidence?

My life is too short to get into a discussion with you about this.
I dont have Fanta's obsessive gene when proving you wrong.

So, in other words, you don't have any. I want just one piece of evidence where John Kerry has made Bush's terrorist list.

no photo
Mon 07/14/08 11:39 AM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Mon 07/14/08 11:41 AM

Islamists, Communists, Tyrants, Nationalists, Billionaire Socialists, and the Politically Correct Apologists that allow them to thrive.

That's the real axis of evil.

Dont forget the biggoted christians.

they are all evil

Did you just say all Christians are biggoted and evil?

Reason I ask because wouldn't 'biggoted' Christians' not be evil by definition?

christians who oppose same-sex unions, abortions, and a damn good shag on a Sunday afternoon just after lunch when you are not married are biggoted christians ... they are all evil.

What? Because a Christian does not believe in same-sex unions and abortions they are evil? Like pure evil? What? Wow, and what do you suppose we do to these evil Christians, huh?

Keep them out of any legislature.
Give people the choice to live their life without the oppressive behaviours of christianity

That logic is flawed. Religion is an internal belief that one discovers, just like their views of the world and what is right and wrong. Everything is intertwined. Religion is no different from morality that one gains by experience than one learns by studying a religions beliefs. Not all Christians are strict followers of Christianity as not all atheists are strict followers of everything 'non-Christian'. You are painting Christians like mindless zombies stricken to a set rule of laws that they cannot interpret what they can support and not support based on their core values.

no photo
Mon 07/14/08 11:35 AM
You know what, I'm getting INCREDIBLY tired of those anti-smoking commericals on TV. They are getting incredibly annoying, so much so I can't wait until they make a commercial where a guy is smoking and they have all the actors or maybe the cute animated babies and bunnies falling around dead around him and then horns pop out of the guys head. It is getting quite ridiculous.

no photo
Mon 07/14/08 11:32 AM

i,m surprised bush has not added those who disagree with him. to his axis of evil list.

He added them to his terrorists list .
rofl rofl .

That is an incredibly ignorant statement.

But incredibly true

As proven by what evidence?

no photo
Mon 07/14/08 11:32 AM

Islamists, Communists, Tyrants, Nationalists, Billionaire Socialists, and the Politically Correct Apologists that allow them to thrive.

That's the real axis of evil.

Dont forget the biggoted christians.

they are all evil

Did you just say all Christians are biggoted and evil?

Reason I ask because wouldn't 'biggoted' Christians' not be evil by definition?

christians who oppose same-sex unions, abortions, and a damn good shag on a Sunday afternoon just after lunch when you are not married are biggoted christians ... they are all evil.

What? Because a Christian does not believe in same-sex unions and abortions they are evil? Like pure evil? What? Wow, and what do you suppose we do to these evil Christians, huh?

no photo
Mon 07/14/08 11:30 AM

i,m surprised bush has not added those who disagree with him. to his axis of evil list.

He added them to his terrorists list .
rofl rofl .

That is an incredibly ignorant statement.

no photo
Mon 07/14/08 11:29 AM
Communism by ideology is not necessarily evil as well. Those that live and die by the doctrine of communism are though for it is a highly flawed ideology that does not work with humanity for evil turns it into a brutal regime.

Same with Islamists, tyrants, nationalists, and billionaire socialists (which is the oddest thing, "Socialism is totalitarianism with a human face" - Thomas Sowell)

no photo
Mon 07/14/08 11:26 AM

Islamists, Communists, Tyrants, Nationalists, Billionaire Socialists, and the Politically Correct Apologists that allow them to thrive.

That's the real axis of evil.

Did you forget the Zionists ,the neo cons and and the racists ?.

NeoCons are not necessarily evil by definition, nor are Zionists. Just because you disagree with them does not mean they are immediately evil.

The political ideology of Neoconservativism has no 'evil' intent in it. It is the people of Neoconservatism that can be evil, but not the ideology.

And, a Zionist, by definition, is anyone who supports a State of Israel. So, that would mean all Israelis are evil and all those that support a Jewish state are evil?

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