Community > Posts By > Starsailor2851

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Wed 06/18/08 11:33 AM
SANDURZ: It's Mega Maid. She gone from suck to blow.

Spaceballs :D

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Wed 06/18/08 11:29 AM
Shoot!!! They took down besides the last three I think. Well, guess I'm waiting for the season DVD now. Best way to watch TV series anyways, back to back :D

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Wed 06/18/08 11:26 AM
I still have to catch up on MANY of the episodes on the website, I hope they are still there. I kinda stopped watching, I plan on buying the season anyways. The last episode I saw was when the chief's wife handed the kid over and got jetisoned into space. Crazy ending for that one.

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Wed 06/18/08 11:24 AM
There is also an Ant-Man movie coming out in 2010:

Yet another Avengers member. The guy who directed Shaun of the Dead is scheduled to direct this Love that movie.

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Wed 06/18/08 11:19 AM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Wed 06/18/08 11:19 AM
lol probably, they are going to see how each plays out with cash flow and see if they can save a few by nixing characters in the Avengers I don't see Thor doing too well, and Nick Fury unlikely as well.

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Wed 06/18/08 11:11 AM
I've heard things about an Avengers movie. And, I haven't seen the Hulk yet but I certainly want to. Yeah, you see Stark in one of the TV commercials. I was watching TV, a TV ad came on and I was like, hey wasn't that Robert Downey Jr?!?! That's awesome.

We need Iron Man 2 by Christmas! :D Not happening, but I already want another.

But, as to Avengers there have been talks, I did a quick google search. Rotten Tomatoes article:

A Thor movie is in works for 2010:

Nick Fury movie for 2010:

And look at this new movie announced for 2011:

The First Avenger: Captain America -

All Avenger members having movies coming out in the next few years, including another Iron Man, so you really have to wonder about an Avengers movie.

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Wed 06/18/08 11:02 AM
Scooby Doo and Shaggy

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Wed 06/18/08 09:02 AM

Will Oil Hurt Obama? - NO, BUT IT WILL MAKE HIM REAL SLICKlaugh laugh laugh laugh

I told the other guy to stick to topic with his posts, but you get a pass. That is hilarious...hahaha

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Wed 06/18/08 09:01 AM
It shows incredible stupidity), a police-state argument is ridiculous though. Tell someone who truly lived in a police-state that we live in one as well with this example and see what they say, or tell you when they've might have had members of their family and friends imprisoned, beatened, tortured, murdered, or simply disappear. Sure there are very close similiarities. Goodness.

A side-note, people who excessively cheer at graduations are very annoying though. They slow down the process, prevent following names to be heard, and as graduates will tell you the faster the ceremony ends and they can get the heck out of there the better.

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Wed 06/18/08 08:54 AM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Wed 06/18/08 08:54 AM

Petroleum has its purpose in the production of Plastic. I completly understand that 100%. Ive made my own cellulose based Bio-fuel the last three years, ive never had a issue with it at all. In fact my Mercedes gets better "gas" mileage now. They cant be the supplier, nature is the supplier, walk outside your house and pick it up off the ground after the lawn boy mows that yard! Go to you favorite eatery and ask for there used cooking oil, they will be happy to give it to u. Stop this, somebody else has to "service" me and become self suffient, it can save u a ton and you dont have to worry about S*hit

The fact is UNTIL alternative sources of energy are found to be as efficient, can be mass produced as cheaply, and can produce all the same if not better results than oil with transportation we need oil, and as cheap as possible as well. We do not have the mass biofuel available to us, corn is one of the least efficient, if not the worst of all towards ethanol production. And, when we use it the next result is to send food prices up.

A rise in gas prices continued will cripple every aspect of our society. All food prices will go up and goods will as well due to transport cost increase.

We do not have the capabilities to have a cheap and efficient alternative source yet that can be massed produced. Most of us do not have the time to make our own bio-fuels, nor do most of us drive Mercedes or pick up after the lawn boy, which we don't have as well.

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Wed 06/18/08 08:40 AM

I think the ban should stay in place permanently and our government should be forced to go after alternative fuel sources. Our consumption of petroleum has us stuck in the dark ages, its old, outdated and extremely harmfull to the enviroment (hey sounds just like John McCain) and the idea needs to be scraped anyway so i think NOW is the perfect time. There is opprituniity in Cellulose, Hydrogen, Solar, i could go on and on. The use in Petroleum translated would be like all of Americans forced to watch movies on BETA knowing theres BLUE RAY!

I make my own bio-fuel, its really suprisingly easy

Also, with that dark age oil thing, do you know what a major component that makes that Blu-Ray disc is as well? hahaha

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Wed 06/18/08 08:37 AM

I think the ban should stay in place permanently and our government should be forced to go after alternative fuel sources. Our consumption of petroleum has us stuck in the dark ages, its old, outdated and extremely harmfull to the enviroment (hey sounds just like John McCain) and the idea needs to be scraped anyway so i think NOW is the perfect time. There is opprituniity in Cellulose, Hydrogen, Solar, i could go on and on. The use in Petroleum translated would be like all of Americans forced to watch movies on BETA knowing theres BLUE RAY!

Let me ask you how you typed all that? Do you know what evil component is used to make that keyboard of yours?

Oil is the only most efficient source of fuel for motor transportation. Until that is changed it will and should be the only real source. Oil companies have put billions into the research of new sources of energy for use in transportation. The discovery of some new energy will not put them out of business for so many goods are made of oil, but they will also become the supplier of these news sources of energy as well.

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Wed 06/18/08 08:30 AM
Muslims barred from picture at Obama event:

"Two Muslim women at Barack Obama's rally in Detroit Monday were barred from sitting behind the podium by campaign volunteers seeking to prevent the women's headscarves from appearing in photographs or on television with the candidate."

"I was coming to support him, and I felt like I was discriminated against by the very person who was supposed to be bringing this change, who I could really relate to," said Hebba Aref, a 25-year-old lawyer who lives in the Detroit suburb of Bloomfield Hills. "The message that I thought was delivered to us was that they do not want him associated with Muslims or Muslim supporters." - Full Politico Article:

Very interesting CHANGE and HOPE.

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Wed 06/18/08 08:27 AM

"Genesis teaches stewardship of earth: sacrifice for future" - Barack Obama, Compassion Forum at Messiah College in Grantham, Pennsylvania,

So, we are to sacrifice our bank accounts, our livelihood, and standards of living for a future, one that following all these things will be what exactly?

this next election is so critical..........we are headed for a race war in this country........i feel it and have felt it for sometime time now...........we, the people have got to take a stand against the evil government we have...........each and everyday there is more of our rights being able to live freely, taken away from us........there are 2 sets of laws, do as i say and not as i do..........:angry: :angry: :angry:

Thanks for insight, but can you please stick to topic of oil and energy?

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Wed 06/18/08 08:18 AM
"Genesis teaches stewardship of earth: sacrifice for future" - Barack Obama, Compassion Forum at Messiah College in Grantham, Pennsylvania,

So, we are to sacrifice our bank accounts, our livelihood, and standards of living for a future, one that following all these things will be what exactly?

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Wed 06/18/08 08:14 AM
"Voted YES on removing oil & gas exploration subsidies. (Jun 2007)" -


Supports it for E85 ethanol production. A proven HIGHLY inefficient source of fuel, which has and will continue to send food prices higher hurting all Americans.

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Wed 06/18/08 08:09 AM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Wed 06/18/08 08:10 AM
It is people like Obama who have prevented a new refinery being built in over thirty years. Our refineries are running at 85+ percent of capacity and are incredibly out of date. Gas prices are continuing to soar.

In a speech today Bush wants the bans on oil drilling lifted and the insane application process revamped to make it much more simplier.

John Mccain wants the ban lifted, each individual state sitting on oil will decide if they want drilling and refineries. State rights, not federal mandates.

Barack Obama says the federal ban should remain in place, the lengthy application process in effect as well.

With the ever increasing rise of gas prices and Obama doing NOTHING about it besides saying go green, mandating emission levels (has some stupid thing that says by 2050 emissions down 80%, which he most likely won't even be alive to see in 2050), mandating companies for mpg standards (cripple a US auto industry, forcing standards on them when they are already in the tank because of horrible business practices, real smart). Supports the highly inefficient corn-based ethanol, which has just taken a HUGE hit from all the flooding, and has raised food prices for most food goods have corn in them. And, though he says he support nuclear energy his stance is very on the fence for he is weary with what to do about the waste it produces.

The average American hearing from many media sources, professionals in the fields, that we haven't produced an oil refinery in over 30 years and are sitting upon tens of billions of oil and doing nothing with them, who will they support?

Those who favor drilling and increasing oil supply, or those who do not?

I don't think it is an incredibly out there position to take, that Americans, especially truckers, and those who have to drive distances to get to jobs and perform those jobs, would LOVE to have us drill for our own oil and decrease the price of gas, and stop feeding the anti-American oil sheiks and the anti-American Venezuelan marxist dictator.

So, with Obama's anti-domestic oil stance, as well as his anti-coal and natural gas stance, will this hurt Obama?

I say YES, and very much so.

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Sun 06/15/08 06:45 AM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Sun 06/15/08 06:45 AM
Also, just for kicks, Fox News has been #1 for 77 consecutive months!

O'Reilly #1 in timeslot for 90th consecutive month
Hannity and Colmes #1 54 consecutive months
Greta #1 73 consecutive months

FNC has 11 out of the top 13 cable programs


They are completely annihilating CNN and MSNBC, even as CNN puts all its weight on Anderson Cooper and MSNBC puts all its weight on Olbermann and Matthews.

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Sun 06/15/08 06:37 AM

huh What about the terrorist fist jab ??huh

By the way, it wasn't the Fox News reporter who came up with that thing (I can't think of her name right now, but she was formerly on Fox and Friends), it was a blogger it was taken from. And, it wasn't like she put it through as she believed it, she ended the line with a questioning. And, obviously the whole thing was off a teleprompter.

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Sat 06/14/08 08:32 AM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Sat 06/14/08 08:40 AM

What makes socialism bad? Oh, darn, someone else in this country giving back to the people that are less fortunate and allowing a level playing field! shucks, Capitalism breeds selfishness, thats one reason for these 2 ton people in America. As far as wealth redistributing, look what it did for the state of Louisianna at the turn of the last century, it works. The Brain child of Huey Long did wonders for the state of louisianna and it can work for this country 2

So, take from me and give to you? Thanks, but no thanks. Our country does have a level playing field. Look at Obama, great example of it. Capitalism bred, our country bred the most giving country in all the world.

Oh yes, Louisiana is a very upscale place, very low crime and poverty most certainly and no corruption. Seriously, all sarcasm aside, that state is a prime example of what you shouldn't do when running a state. Hopefully the new Governor Bobby Jindal, an INDIAN-AMERICAN (level playing field again), will turn that state around.

Socialism are not the principles this country was founded on. You can be whatever you want to be, do whatever you want to do. And, if you choose, give back to the community and those less fortunate. This country does just that, in amazing amounts of donations in our own communities, country, and even to those around the world.

Ask us to give and we shall.

Socialism has never bred success. It has only led to further corruption, breakdown of efficiencies of an already inefficient state, and an eroding of the liberties of men.

Socialism is totalitarianism with a human face.

Read "Road to Serfdom" by F.A. Hayek

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