Community > Posts By > Starsailor2851

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Tue 07/08/08 07:05 PM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Tue 07/08/08 07:06 PM

Vote Obama!drinker

Zero corporate ties or influence!

Of course since you've researched his campaign, you already know that.

Wrong, and I've proven that to you. He and his campaign have direct ties to BIG Ethanol companies and their lobbyists.

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Tue 07/08/08 07:05 PM

You couldnt tell by your support for Bush!!

Are you confused?

Who said I even support Bush other than just support for the President of the United States?

I vote for the individual, not the party. When it comes to local and state, as well as Congress, most times I vote for Democrat. Voted for Senator Bob Casey, now thinking it was a big mistake, real quickly, but I wanted to give the guy a chance.

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Tue 07/08/08 06:59 PM

Republicans sure are desperate!!!noway noway

Democratic Congress. Breaking the pork barrel spending record and they have a 9 percent approval

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Tue 07/08/08 06:58 PM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Tue 07/08/08 06:58 PM

Posted the story yesterday along with the fact that Saddam's 550 tons of uranium was finally safely removed from Iraq as well as another good news report.

This is certainly good news. Today, the state department rejected a withdrawal without conditions, since the Iraqi government does want the US to remain a close security partner.

This whole thing shows that the Iraqi government is becoming a diplomatic player along with the economic discussions they have been in with other foreign governments. They are growing and becoming a viable economic, diplomatic, and surely secure, by their own military and security forces as well, since they are in sole military control of over 9 of their provinces.

Attacks are down. Roadside bomb attacks and fatalities down 90%, attacks in general down 80% from a year ago.

Anbar Province, the once hotbed of Sunni insurgency and al-Qaeda attacks, is now fully under Iraq Government control. Iraqi security forces are maintaining its security.

"Iraq ready for "final" battle with al Qaeda: PM" from REUTERS -

What you have posted here is slightly twisted towards your agenda but even with what you have posted, we need to leave them to taking care of their country. They asked us to leave a couple years ago and we are still occupying their country AGAINST THEIR WILL.

That's his MO Dragoness!
Distraction from the truth with BSdrinker

That's all the Republican's have left!

I'm a registered Democrat, thank you very much.

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Tue 07/08/08 12:48 PM

As well, you said in your post a statement about signing an agreement on troop withdrawal. There are two issues with that. Iraq has stated they wanted a continued security detail, which would maintain some US presence there in some capacity, though much much more limited than the current state. Whatever that means to them I do not know.

I don't know either.

But why not?

A continued security detail to check progress and keep watch on trouble as it arises.

There is no reason for the President to oppose a timetable other than it's not in the best interest of the Republican Party, it's corporate handlers and lobbyists.

Or, like you hear stated in all press time and time again. There is that worry if you state, "Hey, we are fully pulling out on August 1st (for example)", that the enemy will then just sit back and relax waiting for that date when all forces are out and go on a spree. I don't think it likely, but it of course weighs on the strategerists minds. The newsmedia is surely shoving that one down our throats, many with hope it will happen just so they can do a Vietnam-style celebrating of defeat.

Come on Starsailor.

Do you really think the Iraqis will set a timetable of August 1st of this year?

They may be optimistic but I doubt they are THAT optimistic.

No, of course not. I was just using a random date as an example to the point I was covering.

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Tue 07/08/08 12:42 PM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Tue 07/08/08 12:43 PM

Aye Chihuahua!

Oh no, you did not say that...............


lol, everyone always says that those dogs NEVER stop barking and have among the most annoying barks. Granted what was done is absolutely sadistic and cruel, but just saying.

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Tue 07/08/08 12:32 PM

As well, you said in your post a statement about signing an agreement on troop withdrawal. There are two issues with that. Iraq has stated they wanted a continued security detail, which would maintain some US presence there in some capacity, though much much more limited than the current state. Whatever that means to them I do not know.

I don't know either.

But why not?

A continued security detail to check progress and keep watch on trouble as it arises.

There is no reason for the President to oppose a timetable other than it's not in the best interest of the Republican Party, it's corporate handlers and lobbyists.

Or, like you hear stated in all press time and time again. There is that worry if you state, "Hey, we are fully pulling out on August 1st (for example)", that the enemy will then just sit back and relax waiting for that date when all forces are out and go on a spree. I don't think it likely, but it of course weighs on the strategerists minds. The newsmedia is surely shoving that one down our throats, many with hope it will happen just so they can do a Vietnam-style celebrating of defeat.

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Tue 07/08/08 12:28 PM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Tue 07/08/08 12:29 PM

Truly if the government wished a high approval rateing all they would have to do is put Bush and his controllers on trial for treasone and war crimes. You would hear a round of cheers from the atlantic to the pacific and then accross Europ and Asia, markets would rebound, gas prices would drop and people would be spending money on party hats and HD TV to view the trials and sentencing

Far-fetched mistruth. Seriously, such a thing would cause turmoil and uncertainties that would send the markets into a huge downslide. Markets would tumble. Your assumption has no precedence with history. The trial of one of the President of one of the biggest trade partners throughout the world, threaten trade deals and so forth, would cause great uncertainties. Uncertainty always sends the markets in a downward spiral.

It didnt when Lewinski got caught sucking a Billy-pop and he was threatened with impeachment.

Bush IS a war criminal and a very stupid one at that

Wrong, I was really hoping someone was going to state that. Here is just one of many articles on the issue, big worries, and real hits taken.

"THE CHIEF economist of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development yesterday warned that the US impeachment crisis could hit world growth, as financial markets shrugged off the raids on Iraq and focused on the position of President Bill Clinton.

Ignazio Visco at the OECD said: "The US political crisis could have a serious effect on world growth because stock markets could react."

Mr Visco said stock markets in US, Canada, Italy and Germany were all overvalued. He argued that a market fall of 20 per cent - which could be triggered by President Clinton's impeachment - would wipe 1 per cent from US growth. Concern about President Clinton's political future weighed heavily on the dollar, which had fallen another 1.3 yen to 115.08 yen by lunchtime in New York, but later rebounded to post modest gains, closing at 116.10 yen. The Clinton crisis also hit US government bonds, with the yield on 30- year Treasury bonds up 2 basis points at 5.03 per cent during afternoon Wall Street trade." -


I suggest reading the full article as well.

Here is a BBC article about it as well:

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Tue 07/08/08 12:22 PM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Tue 07/08/08 12:24 PM
Shoot, I doubletapped and posted the last one twice.

Just remember after WWII things were not rosey in Japan and Germany. However, unlike then you did not have an ever present media getting news and such to us in mere minutes, if not seconds, from when it happened. Most news of the reconstruction in both never got back to the states back then until days, weeks, months, years, or never at all.

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Tue 07/08/08 12:22 PM
As well, you said in your post a statement about signing an agreement on troop withdrawal. There are two issues with that. Iraq has stated they wanted a continued security detail, which would maintain some US presence there in some capacity, though much much more limited than the current state. Whatever that means to them I do not know.

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Tue 07/08/08 12:18 PM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Tue 07/08/08 12:19 PM
The victory is at hand. There is just no way to turn over complete control of the approximately 8 remaining provinces not under complete Iraqi military control in 4 months unless it is dangerously rushed.

Yet, victory is never assured as well. But, to live in a mental state where you only hope and see defeat, despite evidence that suggests progress is wrong as well.

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Tue 07/08/08 12:16 PM

Truly if the government wished a high approval rateing all they would have to do is put Bush and his controllers on trial for treasone and war crimes. You would hear a round of cheers from the atlantic to the pacific and then accross Europ and Asia, markets would rebound, gas prices would drop and people would be spending money on party hats and HD TV to view the trials and sentencing

Far-fetched mistruth. Seriously, such a thing would cause turmoil and uncertainties that would send the markets into a huge downslide. Markets would tumble. Your assumption has no precedence with history. The trial of one of the President of one of the biggest trade partners throughout the world, threaten trade deals and so forth, would cause great uncertainties. Uncertainty always sends the markets in a downward spiral.

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Tue 07/08/08 12:10 PM

Darn Bush and the US putting up missile defense shields to protect Israel and all of Europe (as we have for decades now) from outside missile and foreign military threats.

who cares...we should stop screwing with other countries and worry about ourselves...I could give a crap about Israel and Europe

We need the economic partnership for our own economy to survive. They fall, we fall. That's what happened when everyone wanted to be interconnected. Stupid I think, but can't put the blinders up now that it is the truth.

I disagree and think Ron Paul had the right idea on many of these foriegn policy issues. By US getting too involved militarily, we sometimes cause more problems than we solve.

I don't disagree with you or Ron Paul on many issues. I use to be a big 'screw Europe' care only for us person for quite awhile. Granted I'm not that old, but I'm talking a few years back, which is quite awhile in my terms..haha. Anyways, the more I've been reading various amounts of material both historic and modern in nature, as well as understanding global economies in an honors course on International Political Economies I know we can not simply shut off what has already been opened.

If the 1997 East Asian Market Crisis caused by a very small economy of Thailand and Malyasia nearly took down the Japan, China, Russia, Brazil, and even a trace in the US national economies I do not even want to think what something of significant nature happening in Israel or Europe would do to us all, especially the US.

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Tue 07/08/08 11:55 AM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Tue 07/08/08 11:59 AM

Could post hundreds of these, pictures, and many more surrounding other events such as the first time Iraqis voted, around the Constitution, and when Saddam was executed by Iraqis for his crimes against his people.

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Tue 07/08/08 11:53 AM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Tue 07/08/08 11:53 AM
I seem to remember Iraqi-Americans and Iraqis throughout Europe dancing in the streets, waving US and Iraq flags, and celebrating the liberation.

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Tue 07/08/08 11:51 AM

wana know why we are pissed at congross? because that traitor Pellosi has gone along with that criminal bush and helped enable this stinking nightmare

Gotta love it, don't ya? And, then they also decided to defeat the highest pork record ever this year as well. Talk about a grand accomplishment.

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Tue 07/08/08 11:50 AM

Posted the story yesterday along with the fact that Saddam's 550 tons of uranium was finally safely removed from Iraq as well as another good news report.

This is certainly good news. Today, the state department rejected a withdrawal without conditions, since the Iraqi government does want the US to remain a close security partner.

This whole thing shows that the Iraqi government is becoming a diplomatic player along with the economic discussions they have been in with other foreign governments. They are growing and becoming a viable economic, diplomatic, and surely secure, by their own military and security forces as well, since they are in sole military control of over 9 of their provinces.

Attacks are down. Roadside bomb attacks and fatalities down 90%, attacks in general down 80% from a year ago.

Anbar Province, the once hotbed of Sunni insurgency and al-Qaeda attacks, is now fully under Iraq Government control. Iraqi security forces are maintaining its security.

"Iraq ready for "final" battle with al Qaeda: PM" from REUTERS -

What you have posted here is slightly twisted towards your agenda but even with what you have posted, we need to leave them to taking care of their country. They asked us to leave a couple years ago and we are still occupying their country AGAINST THEIR WILL.

If we were 'occupying' them, why are we increasingly handing over whole provinces to their full military control ontop of their already full government control?

Sorry but you cannot get away from the all important fact that they did not ask us to "free" them in the first place. That makes all your defenses a wash.

We went to a country that did not strike us and invaded and occupied them. Makes us no better than Saddam.

The Iraqis that fled to the US and throughout the world to get away from Saddam and his iron fist have been asking us and others for many years now.

How can the people in Iraq have asked us when they were ruled under an iron fist? Those who did so were quickly thrown into prisons for torture and killed slowly if not simply dragged out in the street with a bullet put to the back of their head. Or....they were gased or bombed.

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Tue 07/08/08 11:46 AM

Darn Bush and the US putting up missile defense shields to protect Israel and all of Europe (as we have for decades now) from outside missile and foreign military threats.

who cares...we should stop screwing with other countries and worry about ourselves...I could give a crap about Israel and Europe

We need the economic partnership for our own economy to survive. They fall, we fall. That's what happened when everyone wanted to be interconnected. Stupid I think, but can't put the blinders up now that it is the truth.

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Tue 07/08/08 11:45 AM

Sounds like Cuban Missle Crisis in reverse.

Although those missiles were offensive/attack whereas the Missile DEFENSE Shield is solely available for blowing other missiles out of the sky.

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Tue 07/08/08 11:42 AM
Darn Bush and the US putting up missile defense shields to protect Israel and all of Europe (as we have for decades now) from outside missile and foreign military threats.

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