Community > Posts By > Starsailor2851

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Wed 07/16/08 10:01 AM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Wed 07/16/08 10:04 AM

How about there was no such thing as a Muslim when the book of Revelations was actualy written. Kind of makes you wonder who exactly changed the wording and to what goal. YOu think maybe it happend during the crusades when the catholic church was trying to protect "Christiandom"?

History people, its written down for a reason.

Copies of the books of the Bible all dated as older than the Catholic Church exist. The Catholic Church didn't change the meaning of the scriptures, if they had, it would be easily verifiable.

But maybe you could use a history lesson, because by the time of the crusades, 3/4 of the Christian world (Christendom) had been converted to Islam by sword and fire. Those who refused to convert were given reduced status (dhimmitude) to being on the level of livestock. Their lands and possessions were given to Muslims. It's only because of the Crusades that Europe wasn't fully taken by the Muslims. Did you know that Saudi Arabia is the only Muslim country which was peacefully converted? The Palestinian people (including most of the Middle East) were Christians before Islam was spread violently through the Middle East. To see some sort of ulterior motive in the Crusades requires that you ignore about 500 years of history.

The Christian crusades were a barbaric and cruel treatment of humans .They killed scores of innocent people .It is a fact Christianity spread violence and hatred for centuries .

And, those innocent Islamic Empires conquered the lands and pushed west into Europe by throwing flowers and hugging everyone they came upon.

Ridiculous. They were not wars of religion, they were wars of state power, responses to foreign intrusion, demand for greater influences, and desire for wealth coupled by greed. Religious institutions were just tacted on top of it all, religion just got carried along for the ride.

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Wed 07/16/08 10:00 AM

Anyways, I've said what I need to on this topic. And, I'm off to bed. I know many people personally and myself included who would jump on the opportunity to enter into energy fields of oil and natural gas if there was a huge increase of employment opportunities and benefits.

But those people and you are ignoring the facts provided by experts. You are only listening to what the NeoCons and the oil companies are telling Bush to say! He too is ignoring the experts opinions just like he did before invading Iraq!

Also, we do have the technologies, a combined number of them needed to change in less time than we can lift the oil from the ground! Plus these technologies, combined, will produce far more employment opportunities than oil drilling!

Even if Congress lifts the law keeping them from drilling tomorrow. They will still have to battle every State government who's shores they wish to drill off of, negotiate deals with the ones that let them, destroy natural wilderness refuges, and battle every ecological group in the nation before they can even move an oil drilling platform into place!

This is not Russia, Venezuela, or Cuba where the government can just do what they want without confronting the people or following proper procedures!


I agree.

While additional drilling might serve our short-term needs, it will not solve our energy problems in the long run.

We need to increase efficiencies and develop more alternative sources of energy.

And yet this same time last year the excuse for the rising gas prices was lack of refining capability. Has that suddenly changed?

Or do people think oil just magically turns into gas once its drilled?

Of course the building of new oil refineries would be included in the drilling for oil. To not do so would make absolutely no sense. Problem is, like the environmentalist lobby that has put the notion in government that drilling is evil and killing us all, so have they argued even better that you can't build new oil refineries, which we haven't done so since the 1970s! We continue to only update the old, worn out refineries with new stuff. It's ridiculous.

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Wed 07/16/08 09:57 AM
What was the purpose of this? I'm sure to bring intelligent and deep discussions on the topic of a few a-holes in a force of over 500,000 that have served in Iraq. No, I doubt that was even slightly close to your intentions.

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Wed 07/16/08 09:48 AM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Wed 07/16/08 09:49 AM

France, Canada, Germany, Sweden (conservatives in power now), Poland, Czech Republic, Kosovo, Chechnya, and Albania's increase in pro-Americanism and pro-Bush leaders shed a different light on the opinion of us and Bush in the world.

As to security we have not been hit by a terrorist attack since 9/11. And, we have a highly trained military should any real world conflict arise. Battle hardened military.

As to economy there is nothing earth shattering. In an economics standpoint we have not hit a recession. The first quarter was a 1% GDP growth. Better than most countries in the world, including Europe. Europe has higher fuel and food prices, and much higher unemployment. Our unemployment, with 5% being considered full employment, is just slightly higher than that. The economy is not good, not good at all, but most of the world economy is pretty crappy. Economies will rise, hit a ceiling, decline, hit bottom and then rise again. It is a healthy economic cycle.

It is far too early to determine what the result will be of all decisions. Iraq's economy and stability are on an impressive rise. Investment is heavily flowing into it and oil production is set to far exceed what had ever been produced before in that country. Iraq has always been a far more diverse economy than just oil as well, and should it go into full production and trade it will assist to the future rise of the world market, which will happen in time.

I suggest everything not be in doomsday mode, history repeats itself, we've been in this spot before, and we will be in it again, but what follows are times that are high and prosperous for us all as well.

If America goes to war on Iraq there will be a draft and hopefully you will be drafted to fight all the terrorist who doens't like America taking what ever they want. And that is exactly what this is about, not "war on terror" but oil war and all you seem to care about is the oil being produced in Iraq. And as I said before, the cost of this war in human life and monetary value was never worth it.

I'm guessing you meant Iran, not Iraq. The way you are saying that "doesn't like America taking whatever they want," you are forgetting something. It is the UN who is imposing these sanctions and restrictions. Not just the US, but many countries all around the world that make up the UN as well, including all of the EU. We are not imposing OUR will, there is a collective congregation of will to stop Iran from enriching uranium that can be used for nuclear weapons.

How can you say all I care about oil being produced in Iraq when I just said, in my previous post, "Iraq has always been a far more diverse economy than just oil as well, and should it go into full production and trade it will assist to the future rise of the world market, which will happen in time." You are distorting my words and not understanding my reasoning for the hope of a success of the Iraq economy.

Iraq is a democratic state, and now I hope it becomes the economic powerhouse that it can be as well. This will lead to a rise in exports of oil and other goods that will contribute to the world economy, and many goods will flow into Iraq as well. Iraq will become a very rich country with its oil production. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis will have middle class jobs in the oil sectors, trade sectors, energy sectors, shipping sectors, technology sectors, and so forth based around oil and their diverse economy. The Iraqi education system is good, it has always been so. Iraqi has always been an advanced technology country as well.

High-Tech Iraq on the rebound -

This boom in oil exploration, drilling, and shipping will enrich IRAQ and enrich the Iraqi people. Massive middle class citizens will be a high buying, spending, and investing society that will make Iraq a gold mine. The citizens there by majority will live in a true democratic capitalist state, even more than Kuwait who were considered a long time as the model for democracy of the Middle East. Thank you western influence, especially that of the US. Democratic influences bring prosperity and happiness for the citizens of those countries.

Allowing a free people to live freely, having free will, and with the entrance of multiple private sector markets that will bring them economic success and betterment to their lives, I believe it was a good thing and will be a good thing when Iraq becomes the next rich, oil rich, technology rich, trade rich country of the Middle East and world.

Iraq is not a democracy. How can it be a democracy when it is being controlled by occupation of America?

Even American officials are seeing the reality and curbing their vision for democracy in Iraq.
The officials now say they are willing to settle for a government that functions and can bring security.

What makes you think this is possible in a war torn country when it is not even a reality in America...."Massive middle class citizens will be a high buying, spending, and investing society that will make Iraq a gold mine. The citizens there by majority will live in a true democratic capitalist state"

And we are not in a civil or geurilla war.

You need to watch the documentary No End in Sight.

I can't predict what is going to happen with Iran but the way I see it is that Iraq is closer to Iran now than they are America. Maybe they think that they went down, America destroyed their country, killed their loved ones, humiliated them in prisons, and America can come down with them.
I don't think they are thanking America. They want America out of their country. And Russia is backing Iran, so figure that.

Bush took America in over our heads and now our economy is a mess. The only people he helped are the wealthy and corporations. Our country has lost all respect in the world. The whole world has their eyes on us and how stupid this country is for electing that idiot twice and if we are stupid enough to stay the course of disaster.

Talk about starting out with unsubstantiated propaganda. Is South Korea a democracy, how about Germany, how about Japan? Is Kuwait a legitimate sovereign government, how about Qatar? We have bases and presence in each. Iraq has a very complex government now, I suggest going on the government website to see just how complex it is. They even have an Environmental Ministry Division.

Can't seem to find the English version of the cabinets and ministries right now, but here is the Arabic version:

Iraqis are in full military control of over 9 of 18 provinces, and in full governmental control of them. We only provide the assistance to the officials and security. Many of those remaining to be secured are peaceful, but have not all the manpower in government and so forth to control it absolutely yet.

Foreign Investors are throwing millions of investments into Iraq for they see the security and feel there are great possibilities for returns on their investment in the Iraqi government, people, and businesses. They aren't just going to throw money into something they don't see great possibility in. These people aren't so blindly stupid to waste their own money. 500 million invested, at least 1 billion dollars invested by end of this year. -

And, with the ever increasing rise of the Iraqi currency, the Iraqi Dinar, this shows that Iraq's economic and government successes are true. A rising currency that started at 0 is the sign of a country that will prosper. And, they will.

Violence is down in Iraq by huge percentages. Most of the countries provinces are nearly 100% violence free, if not totally. Sectarian violence is way down, and in fact, Sunni's are now actively participating in government.

Iraqis are now returning to Iraq in great numbers once having fled the violence. 1000 a day, and this is from November of 2007, and violence is way down since that time.

"An estimated 1,000 people a day are returning across Iraq's borders having previously moved abroad to escape the violence, Iraqi authorities say. " -

If there is a civil war and it is all doom and gloom, they would not be returning in waves of a THOUSAND A DAY.

Iraq has paid every debt they've had, way ahead of schedule as well. They are becoming the economic success I know they will become and as many Iraqis and foreign investors see coming as well. -

Just like festivals and carnivals taking place in Baghdad, where the streets are full of people enjoying the festivities, kids running around enjoying it all, and no explosions to be seen, others are bringing out old hobbies, living the way they want, enjoying life and prospering in an Iraq that is very different from even 2 years ago.

Education is UP as well: "Education. Primary-school enrollment has jumped 20 percent over the Saddam years, according to the Brookings Institution's Iraq Index." - And this article, report from the Brookings Institution was from 2005! Much is for the better since then.

The news from Iraq, though not rosey with gumdrops, is VERY good and impressive considering what they came from and what they've gone through.

Iraq is successful and will even be more successful in the future.

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Wed 07/16/08 09:22 AM

i guess that's why ESPN fired him. guess that was a democratic fault to.

After ESPN fired Rush, other correspondents on ESPN and in sports columns around the country posted the same commentary as what Rush said. They were discussing why Donovan McNabbs performance was so poor lately and Rush responded "You know, I think the sum total of what you're all saying is that Donovan McNabb is regressing. He's going backwards. And my -- I'm sorry to say this. I don't think he's been that good from the get-go. I think what we have here is a little social concern in the NFL. I think the media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. "

His comment isn't racist. He's not saying that a black man couldn't be a great Quarterback, he's saying that Donovan McNabb isn't a good quarterback and that the media is saying his is only because he's black. Many sports commentators have parroted Rush Limbaugh. Many have outright agreed with Rush.

Exactly. I would have argued the exact same thing, but whatever I post nowadays gets blasted by the most intolerant replies. Hope the same doesn't happen to this one for it is the truth. Though, when people here most often believe that a black conservative is most likely a self-hating black man or someone who sold out their race you got to wonder. What Rush said wasn't politically correct and good for him, political correctness is becoming far too rampant in the media nowadays and it a dangerous thing to avoid looking into something real for fear of being labelled as something you're not.

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Wed 07/16/08 08:27 AM
And, Obama has an extensive economics background? What?

Mccain MUST put Romney in the VP slot for the economy aspect.

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Wed 07/16/08 06:13 AM

France, Canada, Germany, Sweden (conservatives in power now), Poland, Czech Republic, Kosovo, Chechnya, and Albania's increase in pro-Americanism and pro-Bush leaders shed a different light on the opinion of us and Bush in the world.

As to security we have not been hit by a terrorist attack since 9/11. And, we have a highly trained military should any real world conflict arise. Battle hardened military.

As to economy there is nothing earth shattering. In an economics standpoint we have not hit a recession. The first quarter was a 1% GDP growth. Better than most countries in the world, including Europe. Europe has higher fuel and food prices, and much higher unemployment. Our unemployment, with 5% being considered full employment, is just slightly higher than that. The economy is not good, not good at all, but most of the world economy is pretty crappy. Economies will rise, hit a ceiling, decline, hit bottom and then rise again. It is a healthy economic cycle.

It is far too early to determine what the result will be of all decisions. Iraq's economy and stability are on an impressive rise. Investment is heavily flowing into it and oil production is set to far exceed what had ever been produced before in that country. Iraq has always been a far more diverse economy than just oil as well, and should it go into full production and trade it will assist to the future rise of the world market, which will happen in time.

I suggest everything not be in doomsday mode, history repeats itself, we've been in this spot before, and we will be in it again, but what follows are times that are high and prosperous for us all as well.

If America goes to war on Iraq there will be a draft and hopefully you will be drafted to fight all the terrorist who doens't like America taking what ever they want. And that is exactly what this is about, not "war on terror" but oil war and all you seem to care about is the oil being produced in Iraq. And as I said before, the cost of this war in human life and monetary value was never worth it.

I'm guessing you meant Iran, not Iraq. The way you are saying that "doesn't like America taking whatever they want," you are forgetting something. It is the UN who is imposing these sanctions and restrictions. Not just the US, but many countries all around the world that make up the UN as well, including all of the EU. We are not imposing OUR will, there is a collective congregation of will to stop Iran from enriching uranium that can be used for nuclear weapons.

How can you say all I care about oil being produced in Iraq when I just said, in my previous post, "Iraq has always been a far more diverse economy than just oil as well, and should it go into full production and trade it will assist to the future rise of the world market, which will happen in time." You are distorting my words and not understanding my reasoning for the hope of a success of the Iraq economy.

Iraq is a democratic state, and now I hope it becomes the economic powerhouse that it can be as well. This will lead to a rise in exports of oil and other goods that will contribute to the world economy, and many goods will flow into Iraq as well. Iraq will become a very rich country with its oil production. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis will have middle class jobs in the oil sectors, trade sectors, energy sectors, shipping sectors, technology sectors, and so forth based around oil and their diverse economy. The Iraqi education system is good, it has always been so. Iraqi has always been an advanced technology country as well.

High-Tech Iraq on the rebound -

This boom in oil exploration, drilling, and shipping will enrich IRAQ and enrich the Iraqi people. Massive middle class citizens will be a high buying, spending, and investing society that will make Iraq a gold mine. The citizens there by majority will live in a true democratic capitalist state, even more than Kuwait who were considered a long time as the model for democracy of the Middle East. Thank you western influence, especially that of the US. Democratic influences bring prosperity and happiness for the citizens of those countries.

Allowing a free people to live freely, having free will, and with the entrance of multiple private sector markets that will bring them economic success and betterment to their lives, I believe it was a good thing and will be a good thing when Iraq becomes the next rich, oil rich, technology rich, trade rich country of the Middle East and world.

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Wed 07/16/08 05:42 AM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Wed 07/16/08 05:54 AM
Massive credit card debt is the government's fault, didn't you know Chaz? We are a blame everyone but yourself society, a spend till your pockets are empty society. This was not the case until the '90s. Something drastically changed. People buying homes, second homes, way outside their ability to afford is the government and private sector's fault as well. And, people amassing huge credit card debt is surely the lenders fault as well. That's bull.

Yes, there were criminals in the lending institution, but it was extremely limited. The home buyers, just like credit card users, were given precise documentation on how much they would have to pay in monthly mortgage payments and loans. They knew exactly what they would need and willingly went with it.

What does the left do as a result of what has happened?

Blame mortgage lenders and credit lenders. That is ridiculous. It is blaming anything but the source of misery. The people brought this on themselves. The credit card companies and mortgage lenders did not hold guns to their heads telling them to spend. They did so very willingly, and very over indulgently.

The people knew all too well they had not the money to afford what they were buying and yet kept on spending.

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Wed 07/16/08 05:34 AM
Russia, China, Canada, and other countries jump on the opportunity to tap their untapped oil reserves and our government dismisses allowing the private sector from doing the same as unnecessary and with no benefit. Huh?

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Wed 07/16/08 05:31 AM

why celebrate these child killers?

and are you sure its not just disinformation designed to make them look good?

Calling Israeli Jews child killers makes you look real good, especially considering you reside in Egypt.

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Tue 07/15/08 08:10 PM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Tue 07/15/08 08:12 PM

I'm here for debate. I want to solely debate the issues with concise arguments based on studies from outside sources and personal opinions backed by some experience or education. However, there are too many that choose to do anything but that, they will target individuals for personal attacks within the group or attack a whole group of people outside this group. It is childish, rude, and demeaning to what should be a friendly forum for agreeing and opposing minds to discuss issues of the day.

When people continue to deter such processes it really ticks me off that we can't act like educated grownups and debate the issues rather than target the individuals putting them forth for discussion.

Get real now.
I'll argue you out of your socks, but you have a nasty attitude when your shown wrong and ignore the facts if they dont agree with your way of thinking!

I think you just described your own tactics and those of a couple More. Not mine, I just get tired of your tactics from time to time.

Now, I just apologized for my actions tonight, are you man enough to do the same or do you plan on continuing with your insults?

Insults are different than direct personal attacks. Insults when someone says "NeoCons rule the world and Bush put you on a terror list" and I respond calling that an "ignorant statement" could be considered an insult, but it has warranted stances with the definition of ignorant. They cannot base it on any evidence and thus fill the definition. It is not politically correct, but it is not a direct personal attack on the individual.

MY attacks, counterarguments, NEVER go after the individual person. You attack my age, my education, experience. People ask me if I'm a Jew. People insult my social status making claims. And, just general insults and assumptions they do not have reason to use, labelling me into groups centered around the very harsh opinions they have for them.

I don't agree ideologically with socialists, communists, liberals, but I never hold the same connotations as others do when they call people a NeoCon or Zionist. They consider those people the most evil, cruel, dangerous, murderers and so on. It is an offensive, very bigotted connotation to say "You're a Zionist, You're a NeoCon." My saying "You're a liberal" or "You're a socialist" doesn't even have a slightly close same level of negativity for I view the ideology as flawed though sane, legitimate and so forth, no harsh opinion of the morality or being of that person that people use with the other rightwing labelling.

I have never had a "nasty" attitude. I have never, like yourself, gone off on a pure personal attack in result to someones presentation of argument or sources. Unlike yourself, who is never wrong and believes they are far superior intellectually than myself, STEVE COLL AND COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, a thread you disappeared from when you called the Pulitzer Prize pretty much an illegitimate award by likely republican neocons. You hold yourself on a platform of superiority among all others of this forum and anyone who differs from your opinion quickly gets a label (usually NeoCon, a label that does not stick) and attacked personally.

I do not accept your apology for you have not done this once, twice, just tonight either. You've been doing this for weeks and longer now. Calling people sheeple, NeoCons, robots, Zionists, propangandized fools and so forth over and over again. You will NOT see the same from me. The only direction of label upon yourself I have given is following your attacks first, or when I call you a "shill" for Obama. If you look up the definition and the fact that Progressive sites linked lobbyists to Obama you huffed and puffed, pretty much said they were lies (from Progressives mind you, Obama's own side of the spectrum), and outright left the thread after further insults. If you look up the definition of a shill it is a label that befit your stance, and isn't exactly negative, but shows that there is obvious unwavering bias based on extreme loyalty.

There is so much more that is all wrong with you're attempt to say "hey you're as bad as me" or "I'm a victim too". I don't buy your apology one bit. It doesn't add up. You suddenly apologize after you not only personally attacked me and threatened a joy of violence, but you did it excessively so in a short span. I truly believe you are playing the card that you want to cover your butt from the punishment for breaking a whole series of forum rules tonight. You can prove me wrong by a new direction in your responses by choosing not to continue the one-liners where you insult with the sheeple, robot, NeoCon, or other usual jargon than my opinion of your intentions will change as well. But, till then, unless you post at length (which your post about oil is the first one in a long time you posted at length based on your own opinion, suspicious for timing when surrounded by tonight's events) on topics I will not expect a change in your tactics and so forth.

Now, I'm really off to bed.

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Tue 07/15/08 07:47 PM
Anyways, I've said what I need to on this topic. And, I'm off to bed. I know many people personally and myself included who would jump on the opportunity to enter into energy fields of oil and natural gas if there was a huge increase of employment opportunities and benefits.

no photo
Tue 07/15/08 07:42 PM

Read the Report!
Then tell me how smart you arent!

Explain to me how you know better than them that drilling for more oil will affect the price we pay at the pump. They say it wont, but we are supposed to beleive you??? LMAO

At least tell me you opened your eyes and read the government report!!

I have read it, but stuff just doesn't add up. They just recently found absolutely massive natural gas supplies in NY, PA, and Ohio. They just discovered massive oil shale in the Green River Basin that has up to 1 trillion barrels of oil in it. They have already begun and been drilling for natural gas in northern PA for awhile now, soon to survey my own land up north as well. There is supposedly massive amounts of natural gas there.

Increase of supply draws price down.

In WWII we were not set up for a war economy. However, after Pearl Harbor and all our ships were hit in the port we went into massive production of iron, steel, ship production, military good production, consumer good production, ammo production, weapon production and so forth. What the government did to create this big business economy shift was use patriotism but also huge monetary incentives. The US government has used this numerous times since then.

We can do the same thing for oil and natural gas. I just saw this Dateline or 60 Minutes episode where this guy went to Canada to assist in the oil fields up there and is making $150k a year and he doesn't even have a college degree. Make incentives like that, they don't even need to be half that, and our huge labor force will go running to overwhelm those jobs. Huge labor in the oil and natural gas industries and the supports that create platforms and such will cause production and time stamps to be moved up significantly.

National economic campaign operated by the private sector though backed by the government incentives.

No, what they did was turn civilian production facilities into war supply and equipment facilities!

Auto manufacturers began producing tanks and airplanes. Ship yards concentrated all their production to building ships, and all rubber, metals, and such were redirected to the war effort! Women took the jobs of MEN who were drafted and people rationed!
And the Government installed massive price controls.
They had to do what they had to do.

They didn't waste years and money destroying the environment and going off on wild goose chases for fossil fuels that will not be lifted from the ground in time to help the economy. They did not practice election year politics to cover up for something that is directly related to their failed foreign policies and greed! And they did not lie to the American public about their reasons!

Esp. when we possess the technology to become energy Independent in less time with a Government and public sector cooperative effort! A Greener, cleaner, renewable energy source that we will eventually have to have anyway!

Yes, an efficient alternative source that far exceeds the benefits of oil will be necessary. But, we do not have it yet, and until than for the security and surviveability of our nation and people we must get massive amounts of energy. Propane costs have doubled, natural gas has doubled, and gosh we all know how much oil has gone up. We need to drill for these reserves and with the technology we have today we can do so very safely.

Drills today can go down and then completely horizontal to the ground for many many miles, not ruining the natural environment whatsoever, but going deep underground where it effects absolutely no one. We need to allocate resources to energy sources (natural gas and oil) immediately before the next world world or international crisis occurs that disrupts our supply. It will happen for it has happened time and time again in history. Resources and natural commodities are necessary for the surviveability of our nation, the lack of it, it being cut off in the past, and the desire for it has caused the vast majority of conflicts throughout the span of human and animal history.

We are putting ourself in a very dangerous situation and unncessary danger by not tapping into the resources we have. Tap all our resources throughout the vast expanse of our country and invest heavily in the building of new refineries and energy industries.

We should have drilled decades ago, but most of it we simply could not reach before. We have far superior technology to drill vertically and horizonatally now, as well as better technology to draw it out of the ground. People keep saying "Peak Oil" and "Peak Natural Gas" yet they've been saying this for over a decade now. Everytime we are told we found the last big supply we seem to find another big supply.

This is true in the stretch of Ohio, New York, and Pennsylvania huge natural gas reserves and the huge oil reserves in the Green River Basin.

We have found it, and we will find more. But, with those two sources there alone we are talking decades of supply. Decades more to invest and develop true more efficient, cheap, and 'better' energy sources.

no photo
Tue 07/15/08 07:31 PM
I'm here for debate. I want to solely debate the issues with concise arguments based on studies from outside sources and personal opinions backed by some experience or education. However, there are too many that choose to do anything but that, they will target individuals for personal attacks within the group or attack a whole group of people outside this group. It is childish, rude, and demeaning to what should be a friendly forum for agreeing and opposing minds to discuss issues of the day.

When people continue to deter such processes it really ticks me off that we can't act like educated grownups and debate the issues rather than target the individuals putting them forth for discussion.

no photo
Tue 07/15/08 07:27 PM

I wished you were standing in front of me right now!
Id show you a personal attack!!laugh laugh laugh

And love it!bigsmile

Threats? A Desire for violence dealt against me?

No. That's Fanta's humor. There are too many smileys to be taken seriously.

Oh yes, ontop of all the other personal insults in multiple threads and the fact that he has no editted the post. It isn't humor, it is bigotry.

Bigotry? Fanta is not a bigot.

First, look up the definition of a bigot.

Then, look at his insults, personal attacks, threats, and language towards those who have differing opinions and there is enough evidence to argue he is.

I don't need to look it up. It is a prejudiced person.

He gets wild. He plays with people. There a few Repubs on here that make him look like an angel. They are downright mean.
He just gets rude.

Oh, so there are Republicans that are far worse than him, make him 'look like an angel', and so it isn't that bad that he ruins debates by resorting to solely based personal attacks against individuals of this forum or whole groups of people. It's all okay. They are mean, he's just rude, there is nothing mean behind it.

Give me a break. If he was a nice Republican, though I don't think you think there is such a thing, you'd be calling him an evil and mean person.

no photo
Tue 07/15/08 07:18 PM

i guess if i look at you hard. that would be a threat to.

That makes no sense. I feel bad for having allowed people to ruin the thread starters original intent of the points he put forth for discussion. I put my own opinion in a lengthy arguments of opinion, based off of my studies, it was others who hijacked this for either tirades of a personal nature or defending highly improper before both as a human being and debater.

no photo
Tue 07/15/08 07:15 PM

I wished you were standing in front of me right now!
Id show you a personal attack!!laugh laugh laugh

And love it!bigsmile

Threats? A Desire for violence dealt against me?

No. That's Fanta's humor. There are too many smileys to be taken seriously.

Oh yes, ontop of all the other personal insults in multiple threads and the fact that he has no editted the post. It isn't humor, it is bigotry.

Bigotry? Fanta is not a bigot.

First, look up the definition of a bigot.

Then, look at his insults, personal attacks, threats, and language towards those who have differing opinions and there is enough evidence to argue he is.

no photo
Tue 07/15/08 07:11 PM

I wished you were standing in front of me right now!
Id show you a personal attack!!laugh laugh laugh

And love it!bigsmile

Threats? A Desire for violence dealt against me?

No. That's Fanta's humor. There are too many smileys to be taken seriously.

Oh yes, ontop of all the other personal insults in multiple threads and the fact that he has no editted the post. It isn't humor, it is bigotry.

no photo
Tue 07/15/08 06:55 PM

I wished you were standing in front of me right now!
Id show you a personal attack!!laugh laugh laugh

And love it!bigsmile

Threats? A Desire for violence dealt against me?

no photo
Tue 07/15/08 06:51 PM

France, Canada, Germany, Sweden (conservatives in power now), Poland, Czech Republic, Kosovo, Chechnya, and Albania's increase in pro-Americanism and pro-Bush leaders shed a different light on the opinion of us and Bush in the world.

As to security we have not been hit by a terrorist attack since 9/11. And, we have a highly trained military should any real world conflict arise. Battle hardened military.

As to economy there is nothing earth shattering. In an economics standpoint we have not hit a recession. The first quarter was a 1% GDP growth. Better than most countries in the world, including Europe. Europe has higher fuel and food prices, and much higher unemployment. Our unemployment, with 5% being considered full employment, is just slightly higher than that. The economy is not good, not good at all, but most of the world economy is pretty crappy. Economies will rise, hit a ceiling, decline, hit bottom and then rise again. It is a healthy economic cycle.

It is far too early to determine what the result will be of all decisions. Iraq's economy and stability are on an impressive rise. Investment is heavily flowing into it and oil production is set to far exceed what had ever been produced before in that country. Iraq has always been a far more diverse economy than just oil as well, and should it go into full production and trade it will assist to the future rise of the world market, which will happen in time.

I suggest everything not be in doomsday mode, history repeats itself, we've been in this spot before, and we will be in it again, but what follows are times that are high and prosperous for us all as well.

Do me a favor!

At least untill you know what the heil your talking about!

A personal attack. Not surprising.

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