Community > Posts By > Starsailor2851

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Thu 07/03/08 10:28 AM

He didnt ask Obama and talk about a NeoCon!
Chris Mattews???laugh laugh laugh

And they keep interupting the man!

Matthews keeps interupting him because he won't answer the question. He dodges for as long as possible until he finally confesses he can't answer the question.

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Thu 07/03/08 10:18 AM
lol, okay, sheesh I'll use the formal name, NeoConservative aka NeoCon.

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Thu 07/03/08 10:16 AM

You'd make a fine Independent Chaz!!drinker drinker

Vote Obama!!!

I can't lol, he is pro big government. :cry: I want my Ron Paul.

Write him in. Just dont vote for McCain!!!noway noway

I am not gonna throw my vote away lol. I will give them both a fair shot and see who impresses me the most at the debates. And when I say who impresses me the most I really mean who I dislike the least lol.

You seem smart enough to go ahead and chalk you down in the Obama column then!!drinker

Mr. Empty Suit, who is only on tune when he has a speech memorized, with no legislative accomplishments sounds like a wonderful choice.

Chris Matthews asking State Senator Kirk Watson, Obama supporter, to name one legislative accomplishment has to have been the funniest thing I've ever seen.

*crickets chirping* Uhhh....

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Thu 07/03/08 10:11 AM
Before you toss the word around you should really know the ideology and know that I am not one, nor are most people you claim to be one. Just a suggestion. Becoming educated would never hurt you, though reading vast amounts of information may be too much for some of you to process, when anything above how something makes you feel and a click on an emotion icon most surely makes your brain hurt.

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Thu 07/03/08 10:06 AM

Someone should have just shot him in the head and got it over with..... Now taxpayers will support him the rest of his life.

But but that's wrong, we are a civilized people. We should keep him in prison and all him great healthcare, edible food, recreation and games, all the books he could ever want, a good window with a view, and cuddly hugs as well. He is just corrupted by our horrible society, we must care for him like a troubled child.

I'm kidding, just talking like a leftist (insert word that would get editted, but the second part of the word is bag)

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Thu 07/03/08 09:51 AM

flowerforyou I dont want this stupid war. flowerforyou In a lot of ways these fools that fight deserve each other.flowerforyou maybe both sides will figure out a way to wipe each other out and leave the world in peace.flowerforyou

I don't want disease, murder, and lack of morality in the world either, but guess what, it isn't happening. To so shut yourself off from the realities and find ways to understand and work to fight such violence that seeks the slaughter of all non-believers will damn a whole society. As the French schools taught students that all war was horrible and told them all the horrors of war after WWI that led to their swift defeat and occupation in WWII so will the same happen when Americans are taught the same.

The will to fight is most often broken by the internal forces who have not the stomach and have not the wisdom to know that they are putting forth the own doom of their society. And, with that doom of the society the slaughter of millions and imprisonment of society follows. It has always been the best decision to think critically and act upon it immediately than to speak like a defeated people.

This is not a tale of Christian vs. Muslim, this is the tale of the radicalization of the religion of Islam that has seeped throughout the world and taken hold just as violently and widespread now as ever before. It is a dangerous curse of dangerous people and it is a threat we cannot so quickly dismiss. Thomas Jefferson didn't, John Adams didn't, and so haven't those who have seen this twisted hijacking of a religion that has been seen for 1400+ years.
:smile: The Founding Fathers were Not against Islam :smile:

:smile: As a matter of fact some of them may have secretly studied Islam :smile:

flowerforyou Why did Thomas Jefferson have his own Koran?flowerforyou

:smile: Why are Senators sworn in on it?:smile:

:smile: Why is Mohammed's image enshrined in the nations capital alongside Moses and Jesus?:smile:

:smile: The Founding Fathers were Enlightened Philosophers not anti-Muslims :smile:

:smile: Even if its true, i dont care.:smile:

:smile: I dont worship the Founding Fathers:smile:

Knock off all the emotion icons. It is ridiculously annoying and shows a true lack of intellect. Your assertion is so clearly wrong, showing real sign you did not even read what I wrote. The 'facts' and stuff you throw around are absolutely unsubstantiated. Seriously, why do I even bother with such childish foolishness that lacks any real intelligent dialogue?

Did you not read John Adam's words? Do you not see clearly that Jefferson had a Koran for the fact to know thy enemy, which were Islamic radicals called the Barbary pirates.

You say they were not anti-Muslim, and I don't think many of them even knew anything about Islam, but the point you put forth is so full of holes.

"Even it is true, I don't care"

Seriously, how much more ridiculous can you get besides lying blatantly amongst a pathetic amount of icons? I doubt you even read my initial post.

I know Sam surely didn't.

I don't worship the Founding Fathers either, but I do hold their words of enlightened wisdom very high.

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Thu 07/03/08 09:42 AM
Just wait until Israel is forced to show its hand and hit Iran's nuclear sites and Iran causes oil shipments to stop. Then you all will be crying for war for oil. Just like recent polls have shown a dramatic shift in opinions to drill for oil.

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Thu 07/03/08 04:33 AM

flowerforyou I dont want this stupid war. flowerforyou In a lot of ways these fools that fight deserve each other.flowerforyou maybe both sides will figure out a way to wipe each other out and leave the world in peace.flowerforyou

I don't want disease, murder, and lack of morality in the world either, but guess what, it isn't happening. To so shut yourself off from the realities and find ways to understand and work to fight such violence that seeks the slaughter of all non-believers will damn a whole society. As the French schools taught students that all war was horrible and told them all the horrors of war after WWI that led to their swift defeat and occupation in WWII so will the same happen when Americans are taught the same.

The will to fight is most often broken by the internal forces who have not the stomach and have not the wisdom to know that they are putting forth the own doom of their society. And, with that doom of the society the slaughter of millions and imprisonment of society follows. It has always been the best decision to think critically and act upon it immediately than to speak like a defeated people.

This is not a tale of Christian vs. Muslim, this is the tale of the radicalization of the religion of Islam that has seeped throughout the world and taken hold just as violently and widespread now as ever before. It is a dangerous curse of dangerous people and it is a threat we cannot so quickly dismiss. Thomas Jefferson didn't, John Adams didn't, and so haven't those who have seen this twisted hijacking of a religion that has been seen for 1400+ years.

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Thu 07/03/08 04:25 AM
Welcome "Progress"

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Wed 07/02/08 01:41 PM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Wed 07/02/08 01:43 PM

Pretty sure that our soldiers are not killing innocent unarmed civilians.

The media and the Administration propaganda turned a whole nation to a bunch of ROBOTS , blind to see the reality .
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl .

This coming from someone who keeps repeating the exact same lines and has major overuse issues with animations.

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Wed 07/02/08 12:59 PM
Told by a Founding Father during the days of the 1200 Year Old War against Islam. On this July 4th, 2008, 193 years after we defeated the radical Islamist pirates, The Barbary Pirates, or the Ottoman corsairs as they are often known, I say we reflect on the fact that there is a war that has gone on for 1400 years with this hostile religion of war. A religion twisted further following the death, and most likely the assassination of the Prophet Mohammed by his own once faithful followers, after he was believed to have had a final revelation following his final pilgrimage.

A religion of close ties to Christianity through Jesus and ties to the Archangel Gabriel, twisted by those same followers that killed the great prophet. These people who took the reins, with the passing of their prophet and founder of Islam, twisted it much the way the Catholic Church did to use it to garner power throughout Europe. However, the twisting of Islam went much greater to one of constant war and great violence, of the fundamentalists and those in power, against all those who were not Muslim as well, or were not 'Muslim' enough. The brutal onslaught came to the same levels of the 'state' influence of the Christian religion, which faltered in strength as the rise of democracy took true hold when it was the people, and not the leaders who held the absolute controls.

This has not been the same case in the Muslim world, in Muslim states, where the religion controls and runs every aspect of society. It has taken such a hold that the Barbary Pirates of the Ottomans lived by the standards in the 18th and early 19th century that had been instituted and mantained as status quo ever since the 7th Century when the subsequent leaders of Islam brokered and transferred controls all over the Middle East, Asia, Northern Africa, and even Europe as far into it as it hit Spain hard with the invasion of the Moors.

It was the pressing of a very strong, centralized and controlled Islamic Empire that pushed so viciously against a Europe broken by internal and European issues that caused the Catholic Church to achieve its greatest state of power. The rise of a nationalism in a Church atmosphere broke way to the Crusades yes on religious adventure and discovery, pursuit of wealth, but just as much equally the defense against a powerful Islamic state that had become the true achievers of technological advancements, such as compasses and other future techs, that eventually made their way to Europe who got the hand me downs.

Europe rose with all these influences and had the new technologies of gunpowder and metal works inherited from the East and from the Silk Road to put into major mass production. It is geography that allowed Europe to rise against the beating of war drums and the push of the Islamic Empires to the WEST after they were slowed by the Asian armies. Europe's abundance in raw metals added to their new discoveries, and hijacked technology of the East into mass metal works created the far better swords, armor, and even gunpowdered weapons that would overwhelm the Islamic armies for years.

With the wars of the Crusades, a term which comes into question for it has been for too long purely associated with a war of religions when there is so much more political influences into it, the West absolutely decimated the Islamic Empires. Yes, eventually the Europeans were pushed from Jerusalem and most of the Middle East because of overwhelming numbers, but just as much the internal European issues that brought wars and political games among them. However, following the Crusades the East would never be what it once was, the Islamic Empires continued on a steady decline in strength, technological achievements and expansions of power. It is only the Ottomans who garnered future strength that would last for so many centuries at that. Yet, their own holds on power was in great part to their maintaining presence in Europe and desire to be moderate in fundamentals of Islam to trade and partner with Europeans.

Yet, they would soon begin their own decline from an aged Empire, as with most, broken so greatly so by being overstretched and having poor Emperors/Sultans to maintain control. The wars they fought in the 19th Century, especially the Crimean War they united with the British and others against Russia, but they were absolutely decimated. They lost so many battles and were routed so many times, despite being so greater in numbers and having three Empires in assistance (French, British and there was one other I do believe). Their technological superiority gone, ability to wage wars ruined, they were an Empire on a decline and it would only continue to the first World War when it was over for them.

In the 20th Century, with the influence of Western states in the Middle East, with modern imperialism heavily influencing the states, those leaders in those states gained great wisdom. They rekindled the radical Islam that had always been there, but mixed it with Communism, Fascism, Monarchy, and whatever else they could toss around to make it work. In WWII they united strong with Hitler, particularly The Mufti. (Sidenote: look up a man named Emir Faisal, a very different position taken following WWI by this man. Very interesting character. He was a descendent of Mohammed's tribe as well, and his position of peace with the West, with Christians and Jews and staunch anti-Ottoman position is very interesting.)

Present-day we know what is going on, well most of us who live in a realist world of Machiavellian realities and realpolitiks. But, besides all that I wanted to get a whole bit of my own dive into history and into interesting aspects I have and would like to explore so much more. Now, my entire rant, as some will see it, may sound like an attack on Islam. And, it might rightly be categorized as such. However, I want to put forth the point that my attack is MUCH MORE on the STATE RELIGION and hijacking of it from what I believe was Mohammed's first intended purpose. We know not the writings of Mohammed, we know only of those who said they knew the writings and true belief of the prophet Mohammed and we are suppose to take them for their word. The same can rightly be said about Christianity and my challenge and aspect of some of my rantings have been paralleled to the state and powerful people hijacking religions for their own use as they see fit.

Whatever the case, whatever the original intent of Mohammed, whatever should the revelation, or the word, he received from the Archangel Gabriel be true, be noted that the man was a war leader, a tride leader, and unlike Jesus his conquests were that of violence against violence. He was a realist, he was a warrior, it is a different path of Islam than Christianity. Christ turned a cheek while Mohammed met sword with sword. This is reality, but I take nothing bad from that on the surface level for I have Machiavellian beliefs that marked my own Christian soul with a bit of darkness I know. I am a sinful person, but aren't we all. Maybe this is the hell for it is a world marred with beauty and great evil and we are the mice running through its maze trying to reach the prize at the end of salvation. We all take different routes yet there is nothing to say that only one route in the maze leads to the finish though many do lead to tragedies and dead ends for sure.

Whatever the case may be I like to think I at least question realities and the real aspects of the history of the human being. Not politically correct to say what I did I know, but aspects of truth can be found among staunch beliefs and opinions as gold can be found among mud. My points were biased, but truth laid in all that was said, and pure opinions in others. I did not lie about the historical points, and put my own takes and opinions among the many possibilities of events we do not know.

Hope you all take something from it, if anything a burning anger towards me beyond what already exists than so be it, at least I left you with something to ponder and think about.

However, what I will leave you with last is probably the most harsh critique of Islam that was the reasoning to me even posting the FIRST paragraph in the first place. The subsequent ones were NEVER suppose to happen, I just got carried away with myself for I had much to say. And, I wrote this all on the fly, none was planned, nothing was or will be editted. At most I made sure to select all and copy in fear of losing it

Here are the words of John Adams, President and Founding Father. Written many years following the wars with the Barbary Pirates, the radical Islamists of the Ottoman Empire. Essentially they were the Hezbollah of Iran. Wow, just thought of that now, but looking at them both, what they do, who they are, and who both call masters there are some really significant similarities. The only difference is the Ottoman Empire at this time was heavily influenced and linked to European state politics whereas the Iranian government absolutely hates the West.

And, we all know that Thomas Jefferson had his own Koran. However, people are mixing that one up as well, he had it because he wanted to know it, and know the beliefs of his enemy. The war with the Barbary Pirates had significant impact on him and his Presidency, if he hadn't been a Founding Father and the writer of the Constituion and so forth he likely would have been run out of town, and from the words of Congress during the day it did not seem to matter what he had done prior.

Anyways, finally, like I said I would be getting to until a near added two paragraph rant, here is the quote from President John Adams on Islam, AS HE SAW IT FROM WHAT HE EXPERIENCED with the Barbary Pirates and many other likely influences.

“In the seventh century of the Christian era a wandering Arab, of the lineage of Hagar, the Egyptian, combing the powers of transcendent genius with the preternatural energy of a fanatic and the fraudulent spirit of an imposter, proclaimed himself as a messenger from heaven, and spread desolation and delusion over an extensive portion of the earth. Adopting, from the sublime conception of the Mosaic law, the doctrine of one omnipotent God, he connected indissolubly with it the audacious falsehood, that he was himself his prophet and apostle. Adopting from the new revelation of Jesus, the faith and hope of immortal life, and of future retribution, he humbled it to the dust by adapting all the rewards and sanctions of his religion to the gratification of the sexual passion. He poisoned the sources of human felicity at the fountain, by degrading the condition of the female sex, and the allowance of polygamy; and he declared undistinguishing and exterminating war as part of his religion against all the rest of mankind. The essence of his doctrine was violence and lust; to exalt the brutal over the spiritual part of human nature. Between these two religions, thus contrasted in the characters, a war of more than twelve hundred years has already raged. That war is yet flagrant; nor can it cease but by the extincture of that imposture, which has been permitted by Providence to prolong the degeneracy of man. While the merciless and dissolute are encouraged to furnish motives to human action, there never can be peace on earth and good will toward men. The hand of Ishmael will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him.” - President John Adams, The American Annual Register 1827-1829, page 269,,M1

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Wed 07/02/08 11:38 AM
Or putting the radical Islamists in their place for about a 150 years when the US absolutely demolished the Islamist Barbary Pirates whose lost profits, goods, and slaves added weight to the delcine and future collapse of the last great Islamic Empires, the Ottomans.

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Wed 07/02/08 09:48 AM
George Carlin had always been the chief of the bull**** department.

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Wed 07/02/08 07:17 AM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Wed 07/02/08 07:18 AM

“sleep deprivation,” “prolonged constraint,” and “exposure.”

Wow, real bad stuff there.

And, I want proof. There isn't even a source named at all in this one. They don't even use a 'top unnamed Pentagon' or 'top CIA' source. There is no mention at all.

To just believe anything you are told to believe is ridiculous. Much more so than the profile picture of yours.
flowerforyou Dont take my word for it.flowerforyou Its all over the news about U.S. interrogators working with and using Communist Chinese torture techniques.flowerforyou The same torture that was used on American POWs in the Korean war.flowerforyou Dont believe me, look it up yourself.flowerforyou

That's not what I said. I watch the news 24/7 so I know it is on there, its all over the cable and newspaper media. But, who are the sources for this report? They don't even use the unnamed sources in the article. There is no mention of where this came from.
:smile: Its troubling that the accusation would even be made.:smile: This is not the America I read about in the history books. :smile: We are better than that (or used to be).:smile:

What is troubling is that you would immediately believe any accusation anyone would state. That is what you just said.
flowerforyou This isnt the first time this has been said.flowerforyou

Yes it is. Never heard about these Chinese torture techniques before. We've waterboarded three guys, Khalid Sheik Mohammad and two other big timers along with him. But, we have not heard about this Chinese thing before.
flowerforyou They apparently copied the Communist Chinese manual for torture verbatim.flowerforyou

Apparently, according to who? A newsreporter? Because that's all we have from that article. I'm going to guess it was a 'top Pentagon official who will go unnamed' as they usually do to get away with anything. Who knows there even was an unnamed source?

Going so gungho off of reports that have no named source or evidence to support it is very weak.
flowerforyou Its being reported by many reliable sources.flowerforyou All of the major television and print mediaflowerforyou

Yes, that is because it is fireworks of news. Do remember fantastic news was reported first by the New York Times and then carried elsewhere on numerous stories that were later retracted because of horrible journalism.

And, DO REMEMBER the case of the scientist, Steven Hatfill, who was immediately accused and found guilty by all press, all major media, as being behind the anthrax case. He was guilty before even a trial and with practically no evidence to pin it on him. He has now been found 100% and is receiving $5 million in damages from the federal government. Steven Hatfill was an innocent man and the reliable sources ran with the firework story to destroy his life and reputation.
:smile: I get your point:smile: I just seen on the news a video of American soldiers teaching the Mexican military these torture techniques.ohwell Actual video.:smile:

We live in a different world than these people who must deal with individuals who would mow down families with gunfire, strap bombs on children, and boobytrap children's toys for their own gains. These Mexican officials were being taught how to deal mentally with harsh interrogation and torture should they be captured by drug cartels. Just like CIA and our special forces are waterboarded and given brutal training to prepare them to withstand very harsh torture and interrogation so they won't divulge delicate information.

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Wed 07/02/08 07:02 AM
Government employees are often the most inept and rude people around.

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Wed 07/02/08 06:59 AM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Wed 07/02/08 07:00 AM

“sleep deprivation,” “prolonged constraint,” and “exposure.”

Wow, real bad stuff there.

And, I want proof. There isn't even a source named at all in this one. They don't even use a 'top unnamed Pentagon' or 'top CIA' source. There is no mention at all.

To just believe anything you are told to believe is ridiculous. Much more so than the profile picture of yours.
flowerforyou Dont take my word for it.flowerforyou Its all over the news about U.S. interrogators working with and using Communist Chinese torture techniques.flowerforyou The same torture that was used on American POWs in the Korean war.flowerforyou Dont believe me, look it up yourself.flowerforyou

That's not what I said. I watch the news 24/7 so I know it is on there, its all over the cable and newspaper media. But, who are the sources for this report? They don't even use the unnamed sources in the article. There is no mention of where this came from.
:smile: Its troubling that the accusation would even be made.:smile: This is not the America I read about in the history books. :smile: We are better than that (or used to be).:smile:

What is troubling is that you would immediately believe any accusation anyone would state. That is what you just said.
flowerforyou This isnt the first time this has been said.flowerforyou

Yes it is. Never heard about these Chinese torture techniques before. We've waterboarded three guys, Khalid Sheik Mohammad and two other big timers along with him. But, we have not heard about this Chinese thing before.
flowerforyou They apparently copied the Communist Chinese manual for torture verbatim.flowerforyou

Apparently, according to who? A newsreporter? Because that's all we have from that article. I'm going to guess it was a 'top Pentagon official who will go unnamed' as they usually do to get away with anything. Who knows there even was an unnamed source?

Going so gungho off of reports that have no named source or evidence to support it is very weak.
flowerforyou Its being reported by many reliable sources.flowerforyou All of the major television and print mediaflowerforyou

Yes, that is because it is fireworks of news. Do remember fantastic news was reported first by the New York Times and then carried elsewhere on numerous stories that were later retracted because of horrible journalism.

And, DO REMEMBER the case of the scientist, Steven Hatfill, who was immediately accused and found guilty by all press, all major media, as being behind the anthrax case. He was guilty before even a trial and with practically no evidence to pin it on him. He has now been found 100% and is receiving $5 million in damages from the federal government. Steven Hatfill was an innocent man and the reliable sources ran with the firework story to destroy his life and reputation.

no photo
Wed 07/02/08 06:56 AM

It does not say when he came out of heart bypass surgery. It says he did so recently. That does not necessarily mean it was minutes or hours. It could have been many days, maybe a week or so on. Who knows what recently means. Many individuals recover different from this surgery as well. I know people who've had 3 heart bypass surgeries. Some were quite capable after a day, some a wee bit longer.

And, who knows the health of the 80 year old besides the heart thing. I've seen 80 year olds who looked like early 70 year olds. I've seen an 82 year old guy jump in the air and do a heel kick. I can't even do that as well as he

so you agree, tazering an 80+ yr old man, in hospital, after surgery is justified???

Doesnt matter what you've seen with other people, some are stronger and some are weaker than others, you stand by their actions? justified??? If so, ok, I just dont. I think other means should have been used, but it's only my opinion. :smile:

No, I'm saying it is quite possibly justified. We do not know every particular factor in that incident that took place. I'm just giving some fair balance as the initial post and the following was so incredibly one-sided. I was just putting in every possibility of the dangers they saw that they did not want to risk their own health and safety for that of someone else who was armed.

no photo
Wed 07/02/08 06:22 AM

“sleep deprivation,” “prolonged constraint,” and “exposure.”

Wow, real bad stuff there.

And, I want proof. There isn't even a source named at all in this one. They don't even use a 'top unnamed Pentagon' or 'top CIA' source. There is no mention at all.

To just believe anything you are told to believe is ridiculous. Much more so than the profile picture of yours.
flowerforyou Dont take my word for it.flowerforyou Its all over the news about U.S. interrogators working with and using Communist Chinese torture techniques.flowerforyou The same torture that was used on American POWs in the Korean war.flowerforyou Dont believe me, look it up yourself.flowerforyou

That's not what I said. I watch the news 24/7 so I know it is on there, its all over the cable and newspaper media. But, who are the sources for this report? They don't even use the unnamed sources in the article. There is no mention of where this came from.
:smile: Its troubling that the accusation would even be made.:smile: This is not the America I read about in the history books. :smile: We are better than that (or used to be).:smile:

What is troubling is that you would immediately believe any accusation anyone would state. That is what you just said.
flowerforyou This isnt the first time this has been said.flowerforyou

Yes it is. Never heard about these Chinese torture techniques before. We've waterboarded three guys, Khalid Sheik Mohammad and two other big timers along with him. But, we have not heard about this Chinese thing before.
flowerforyou They apparently copied the Communist Chinese manual for torture verbatim.flowerforyou

Apparently, according to who? A newsreporter? Because that's all we have from that article. I'm going to guess it was a 'top Pentagon official who will go unnamed' as they usually do to get away with anything. Who knows there even was an unnamed source?

Going so gungho off of reports that have no named source or evidence to support it is very weak.

no photo
Wed 07/02/08 06:20 AM
It does not say when he came out of heart bypass surgery. It says he did so recently. That does not necessarily mean it was minutes or hours. It could have been many days, maybe a week or so on. Who knows what recently means. Many individuals recover different from this surgery as well. I know people who've had 3 heart bypass surgeries. Some were quite capable after a day, some a wee bit longer.

And, who knows the health of the 80 year old besides the heart thing. I've seen 80 year olds who looked like early 70 year olds. I've seen an 82 year old guy jump in the air and do a heel kick. I can't even do that as well as he

no photo
Wed 07/02/08 06:15 AM

“sleep deprivation,” “prolonged constraint,” and “exposure.”

Wow, real bad stuff there.

And, I want proof. There isn't even a source named at all in this one. They don't even use a 'top unnamed Pentagon' or 'top CIA' source. There is no mention at all.

To just believe anything you are told to believe is ridiculous. Much more so than the profile picture of yours.
flowerforyou Dont take my word for it.flowerforyou Its all over the news about U.S. interrogators working with and using Communist Chinese torture techniques.flowerforyou The same torture that was used on American POWs in the Korean war.flowerforyou Dont believe me, look it up yourself.flowerforyou

That's not what I said. I watch the news 24/7 so I know it is on there, its all over the cable and newspaper media. But, who are the sources for this report? They don't even use the unnamed sources in the article. There is no mention of where this came from.
:smile: Its troubling that the accusation would even be made.:smile: This is not the America I read about in the history books. :smile: We are better than that (or used to be).:smile:

What is troubling is that you would immediately believe any accusation anyone would state. That is what you just said.
flowerforyou This isnt the first time this has been said.flowerforyou

Yes it is. Never heard about these Chinese torture techniques before. We've waterboarded three guys, Khalid Sheik Mohammad and two other big timers along with him. But, we have not heard about this Chinese thing before.