Community > Posts By > Starsailor2851

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Fri 06/20/08 03:49 PM

Thank god they didnt find oil..................THE HADLINES WOULD READ .WMDS found on mars.....Bush poised to strike first

I don't know what is more sad, the bad joke, or the fact that I already heard it before.

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Fri 06/20/08 03:42 PM

Eventually, all you'll have left is, well, at least he's not old!

All you have is smoke and mirrors!
Nobody is buying it but the 28% Bushies that are left in this country sailor!

Everybody is sick of the Bushies and the Republicans have nothing to offer but another Bush!
A flip flopping old man. A has been who offers nothing different than the same old crap we've had for 8 yrs.
The same old crap that has destroyed Americas reputation around the world and the economy at home!

They have already lost the election. They might as well go ahead concede and save them self the embarrassment that's coming in Nov.


Talk about smoke and mirrors.

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Fri 06/20/08 03:40 PM
Barack and Lobbyists and PACS:

"In Obama's eight years in the Illinois Senate, from 1996 to 2004, almost two-thirds of the money he raised for his campaigns -- $296,000 of $461,000 -- came from PACs, corporate contributions, or unions, according to Illinois Board of Elections records" -

"Nufarm wasn't the only beneficiary of Obama's efforts to reduce customs fees and duties. In early May of 2006, two Washington lobbyists registered to work on behalf of Astellas Pharma, a Japanese-owned drug company which also has offices in Illinois.

The lobbyists' task? "Introduce legislation to temporarily suspend customs duties for the importation of a pharmaceutical ingredient," they wrote on their lobbying forms. Less than three weeks later, the men had earned their $20,000 fee, thanks to Obama. On May 26, he introduced S. 3155, a bill specifically exempting Astellas' key ingredient from tariff payments. The bill cost the federal government more than $1 million in lost revenue, according to government estimates.

Together, Obama's obscure measures -- known as tariff suspensions -- steered more than $12 million away from federal coffers, according to government estimates." -

I could just keep on going.

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Fri 06/20/08 03:29 PM

Hedge fund managers are not Washington Lobbyists.

I suggest you read up on them your self!

Never said they were.

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Fri 06/20/08 03:29 PM

Ive been busy!

Hedge funds are unregulated!
They are a group of private investers!
They arent owned by corporations.
They aare very risky!
Do you know what a Hedge fund is?

Oh well if you are too busy then, although you did do background checks into all the authors of the articles (which I doubt you did), then maybe I should just post all the lobbyists he is linked to and the corporations funding his campaign as well.

Gravel singled out Obama fundraiser, Robert Wolf, America's chairman for Swiss-based UBS Investment Bank, which Gravel criticized as "a foreign-owned bank" with "lobbyists in Washington." Employees of UBS have given at least $142,000 to the Obama campaign." -,1,5894874.story?coll=chi_tab01_layout

One bank whose employees have donated $142,000. Who knows how many of them donated the top limit of $2,300.

no photo
Fri 06/20/08 03:26 PM
Eventually, all you'll have left is, well, at least he's not old!

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Fri 06/20/08 03:23 PM

Let's see how you can spin this one.

What is there to spin?

Are Hedge funds corporate lobbyists? No!
Are hedge funds illegal? No!

Are Hedge fund profits taxed? Yes!

That's it? That is all you have after all that time?

Should I post the list of lobbyists linked to Obama for ya next? Or, do you want to do a bit of research on your own about this man for once?

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Fri 06/20/08 02:40 PM
HUGE news from NASA just came on the I heard about these prints they were looking at today and how it looked like there had been ice one check and then the next it was gone. They believed it had evaporated. So they did another dig and got the sample, and it was ICE!

"Martian Ice Discovered Beneath Red Soil, NASA Says (Update2) "

By Demian McLean

"June 20 (Bloomberg) -- The existence of ice on Mars was confirmed today by NASA scientists, the first time frozen water has been sampled on another planet. Water in liquid form is an essential ingredient for life." -

Amazing stuff!

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Fri 06/20/08 02:33 PM

Yeah, thanks for the translation, but I got it the first time... I don't need you to decipher the vomit/propaganda you are throwing at me..

Vomit and propaganda? What the heck are you talking about? So the truth, when it comes to link to Obama, is vomit and propaganda no matter what it is? I used only four, of the MANY sources I could have that told the exact same tale. And yet, huh? I can understand you are getting defensive cause you took the wrong side of the truth, but sheesh.

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Fri 06/20/08 02:27 PM

So there are wealthy people, who are probably normally republican voters that can see that McCain is a moron .... And that makes Obama a bad person? What about Bush and Cheney? backed by some of the biggest corporations in the world and handing out government contracts to companies they will have a stake in once again after they are out of office... Spin that one..

It says it right in the bottom half of the article:

"In a word, access. Unlike Mr. McCain and Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Obama is relatively new to national politics and is therefore open to bringing new people — and new money — into the tent. For money types who want a table, or at least to look involved and get an invitation to the right parties, Mr. Obama is the candidate.

As one of the hedge fund managers on the Alpha list said, “To be in Hillary’s inner circle, you had to be giving a decade ago, when Bill was president.” The same goes for Mr. McCain." -

So, in other words, they are doing this solely to get into the inner circles, power trip, and want to get into all the cool new parties.

no photo
Fri 06/20/08 02:26 PM

So there are wealthy people, who are probably normally republican voters that can see that McCain is a moron .... And that makes Obama a bad person? What about Bush and Cheney? backed by some of the biggest corporations in the world and handing out government contracts to companies they will have a stake in once again after they are out of office... Spin that one..

It says it right in the bottom half of the article:

"In a word, access. Unlike Mr. McCain and Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Obama is relatively new to national politics and is therefore open to bringing new people — and new money — into the tent. For money types who want a table, or at least to look involved and get an invitation to the right parties, Mr. Obama is the candidate.

As one of the hedge fund managers on the Alpha list said, “To be in Hillary’s inner circle, you had to be giving a decade ago, when Bill was president.” The same goes for Mr. McCain." -

no photo
Fri 06/20/08 02:23 PM

So there are wealthy people, who are probably normally republican voters that can see that McCain is a moron .... And that makes Obama a bad person? What about Bush and Cheney? backed by some of the biggest corporations in the world and handing out government contracts to companies they will have a stake in once again after they are out of office... Spin that one..

I suggest actually reading the articles, especially the last one, before you speak.

no photo
Fri 06/20/08 02:19 PM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Fri 06/20/08 02:19 PM
Let's see how you can spin this one.

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Fri 06/20/08 02:19 PM
Fine, I decided to wade into the HUFFINGTON POST to prove to you that Hedge-fund managers, the VERY wealthy, are lining up to support Obama.

Here is the article on the HUFFINGTON POST, written by a NY TIMES author.

"And yet for all of this, many of the wealthiest hedge fund managers are lining up behind the Obama campaign." -


"Many of the top 10 managers on Alpha magazine’s mind-blowing 2007 rich list, which was released last week, have put money on Mr. Obama, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks campaign contributions. They have each given the maximum donation allowed, $2,300. (Let’s face it, this is pocket lint to these guys.)

Mr. Obama’s hedge fund contributors include:

John Griffin, the founder of Blue Ridge Capital, who made $625 million in 2007, according to Alpha. Mr. Griffin is backing Mr. Obama after initially supporting Mitt Romney.

Kenneth C. Griffin (no relation) of the Citadel Investment Group in Chicago, who earned $1.5 billion. He contributed to the Obama campaign after the senator came to his office last year.

Stephen Mandel of Lone Pine Capital, who took home $710 million last year.

And, of course, George Soros, who earned almost $3 billion last year. It is no surprise that Mr. Soros, a Democratic stalwart, is backing Mr. Obama. Mr. Soros campaigned against President Bush in 2004, and, which the billionaire investor has plied with tens of millions of dollars, endorsed Mr. Obama in February." -

no photo
Fri 06/20/08 02:12 PM

Look at the author sailor, and follow some of HIS links in the article!

All of them? The Reuters author, The Chicago-Tribune article authors? Not sure which one you are talking about.

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Fri 06/20/08 02:07 PM

Thats a Republican web site you are reading sailor.
Try something not quite so bias, not quite Bushie Indoctrination, the truth is out there if you'll just look past the sheeple reading material.

Ive lived through a lot of Presidents. Ive served this country. Im an independent and I read both sides in a search for truth. I see McCain flip flopping like a fish thrown on the bank, and I see him losing bad in this election.

You throw out a link for a Republican sponsored web-site, spread obvious lies accusing Obama of being a muslim and a terrorist. You throw out a bunch of sheeple propaganda straight from the Bushie Indoctrination manual and expect people to believe your studied and they are the blind!
Give me a break! Its obvious listening to you just how desperate the Republicans are!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

Reuters is Republican website so is the Chicago Tribune? Have you been drinking koolaid? I think someone put something in there.

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Fri 06/20/08 01:51 PM
Now let's see you laugh Fanta, or will you just ignore the truth and go back to attacking me instead of anaylzing the information for the truth that it is and the implications of that truth?

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Fri 06/20/08 01:50 PM
"Among the high-level fundraisers on a list that the Obama campaign posted on its Web site late Tuesday is Kenneth Griffin, head of the Chicago-based hedge fund Citadel Investment Group LLC and among Mayor Richard Daley's top financial patrons. Griffin's $1.4 billion pay in 2006 made him the second highest-paid hedge fund manager in the country, according to Institutional Investor's Alpha Magazine." -,1,5894874.story?coll=chi_tab01_layout


"Gravel singled out Obama fundraiser, Robert Wolf, America's chairman for Swiss-based UBS Investment Bank, which Gravel criticized as "a foreign-owned bank" with "lobbyists in Washington." Employees of UBS have given at least $142,000 to the Obama campaign.

Obama's fundraisers include many other financial industry executives. At least 17 of his major fundraisers are managers at either hedge funds or private equity funds, two loosely regulated financial service sectors that recently have stirred political controversy because of the soaring pay of fund managers and a legal loophole that allows them to pay lower tax rates on their earnings." -,1,5894874.story?coll=chi_tab01_layout

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Fri 06/20/08 01:46 PM

"Barack Obama is the number one recipient of hedge fund money in the '08 campaign for president." -

Why dont you spread more lies for the Republican web sites?

Sounds like they have the blinders on you tight! LOL

Now tell us what a terrorist he is sailor!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

It's true, he has received more hedge fund money than all others. Go out and look for yourself.

"The $1.8 trillion hedge fund industry donated $50,450 to Obama last month when the Illinois senator won wide support among voters in early caucuses and primaries, new data show.

Clinton, who lost Iowa but defied pollsters by winning the New Hampshire primary, took in $18,800, the lowest donated to either party's front runners.

In comparison, hedge funds gave $26,400 to Republican front-runner Sen. John McCain in January, according to the data compiled for Reuters by the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan campaign finance research group." -

I suppose Reuters is a Republican shell too? Come on.

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Fri 06/20/08 01:40 PM
"Corporate money favors Obama over McCain" -