Getting Along
but when they're real dumb, don't you have WAY MORE fun at their expense without them really knowing it, because it's more fulfilling than a confrontration with an idiot that will never change his mind? again if they're not (obviously gross)? I do. I have had on here...I have played some serious hardball on here...tongue in cheek nimble you well know. In face to face?... Confrontation? that what it is called?... telling some dipsh * te he or she is being a dipsh * te is easy...they may find that confronting...but I don't...and really we aussies don't take too kindly to stuck up arseholes, arrogance or victimhood ridiculousness...we tell it how it's a mark of respect over here...unlike the US where everyone is so PC. |
sierra locos.
| very soon...
H.O.M.E!!! |
I own my behaviours, am accountable for my behaviours, and if I have hurt someone I care for, can feel it, do it, and most certainly speak my remorse for harming someone.
Getting Along
I get along fine in my world...
not so great in the world 'out there'... I do what I do...and what is right for me...and have zero inclination to 'keep the peace' not speaking my truth....I learnt a long time ago, to not speak is to lose your voice, quite literally... and when you talk as much as I don't ever want to lose your voice! So no, I don't get along with most people much...they don't like my version of the world very much. |
Lynx....if it helps, I changed my 'looking for' woman for friendship, so I could be excluded from searches made by men.
Unfortunately many people don't read headlines, profiles, what one is or isn't looking for...and it does my head in contantly thankyou...not partnered... so I elected to put looking for a woman for friendship... I wonder how many other women have done the same. |
I cheat at Go Fish!
well...actually I don't...but I tried to. As to who is more monogomous gender wise.....neither. We aren't wired to be monogomous...we are conditioned to believe we are. If as a species humans were monogomous...this site would not exist...we would all have one love....and only our whole lifetime. Splitting hairs and attempting to justify saying, 'Oh I have ALWAYS been faithful when with a partner, he/she was the dirty dog who couldn't keep their pants up' just that. If you took the whole 'ownership' of another's genitals and where they put them, out of a may find the whole focus and fear surrounding 'cheating' disappears, and people would find themselves comfortable, AND satisfied with their partner of choice. Too much victim mentality exists in your country, and as a consequence, others who blindly follow your culture...seriously...if half your population would toughen up, take accountability for their actions, you would be considered admirable, as a country. |
sierra locos.
Edited by
Sun 07/10/11 03:41 AM
65 hours!
I can survive another 65 hours. I cannot survive two and a half days They feel like centuries long And the clock does not tick in days. Bring now, Now, please. How is it possible that this time apart could be so unbearable and empty? How is it possible that your voice can transport me, fill me and empty me all at the same time? The longest 15 days are almost gone, centuries long, whole eons passed. Although we are reprieved of 4 days in centuries they matter not. Bring now, Now, please. |
Edited by
Sun 07/10/11 03:27 AM
Why don't you give us some examples of what you think things mean that women think differently about? My, God! Are you always on?! For someone who doesn't like me, you're right there when someone says something about me, aren't you? Kind of strange you always seem to pop up. <----ith the pop up queen...ith magical!...ith mythtical...!!! always?...all ways???...any ways... |
Tobacco....married with a really good coffee....somehow they are a partnership.
The ocean...rarely does a day go by without me placing at least my feet in the ocean...each night I fall asleep with the sound of the ocean, and with a south easterly breeze can smell it. Growing food....seems to be my latest obsession/addiction/love...I've always grown food for my family, but am now completely enamoured/addicted to the garden. |
Long term relationship...more than a meaningful overnight relationship.
For me, long term means a year or so, or longer...usually means a committed relationship, live in, married or serious and monogomous... But then I don't spreak americanese anyway...and have trouble interpeting the americanese engrish rangruage at the best of times. |
Why don't you give us some examples of what you think things mean that women think differently about? My, God! Are you always on?! |
His name!...if I called him someone else's name I suspect he would not like it very much!
Women sure do want a lot in a man but lets turn the tables real quick. Women what do you feel you contribute to a man? We are jerks for sex holding so much importance but if it is the man who; makes the money, protects the family, leads the conversation, plans the dates, make repairs around the house, ect. So what is really left for the woman to provide? I'd say woman should feel lucky that sex weighs so heavily on the minds of men or else we would all be gay. As unnatural as it sounds really think about it guys. If you take sex and attraction out of the equation all the stuff that would get done if you partnered up with a man. Women should be happy that men think of them the way they do and love sex so much. Hmmm....I asked.... he said....I contribute stimulating conversation, income, repairs to the house and yard, food that I grow, laughter, and a sense of joy to his world...and equal in the bedroom. I say...he contributes stimulating conversation, income, repairs to the house and yard, food that he grows, laughter, and a sense of joy to my world....and yes...he rocks my world in the bedroom. Which is most important? Laughter, joy, conversation, everything. If it was just sex, we'd be bored as all get out with each other by now. |
older women with children
Edited by
Sat 07/09/11 01:33 AM
hahahaha! Joel!....between us there are 11 kids, one almost granbaby, and if we include the kid's partners there are 7 partners also...that makes, so far 21 for dinner when they are all home....I need a really loooooong table!!! PLUS my darlingheart bestest girlfriend in the world moving back in, and she's knocked up! That is why we have the floor. And the yard. Sounds like you are having your wild ride...That's swell. Have you ever seen the movie "You can't take it with you"? I am, H....the most wildest of wild...11 kids ranging from 26 down to 4...with a granbaby in September, and my darlingheart girlfriend's little one due Christmas day...what an amazing treat for all of us...and apparently all the kids and partners are home for Christmas, without any of Stephen's or my extended family...we are looking at holiday renting the house next door, to fit us all in... |
I love watching the set's been a constant for over three years now...fascinating...and obviously a deeply entrenched aspect... who said predictability was boring? |
This has been a community service announcement for anyone with any form of opinion...other than one specific opinion...
"The mind is now closed....repeat....the mind is now closed...please make sure all appendages are safely inside the vehicle....the mind is now closed." Thankyou for your esteem...please leave it in the receptacle supplied upon exit. |
I have found my own kind here, my own herd, my people, my family....from a tentative hello, to lifelong friendships.
Some came with me from another site...some have moved off into their own worlds, others we have had to say farewell to this lifetime, others are merely waiting to be seen...and others will be knocking on my front door wondering if this is the outback... This site, here, the more of each other...we learn each other, we earn each other...we love each other....for our quirks, our hearts, and our humour. |
older women with children
Edited by
Fri 07/08/11 01:28 AM
I haven't experienced that and am now partnered with a man who is 53 with 7 children, I have kids, his kids are a gift, and if anything they enhance our relationship... I would be more suspicious of a man who had no children, wanted no children, finding me remotely attractive...because we are a package deal, and cannot separate me from my children...a man has to fit in with the dynamics already in place, as does a woman with her man. Old man and the just like sailing the pirate ship and enjoy your mutinous sailors!!! ARRRRGGHH! hahahaha! Joel!....between us there are 11 kids, one almost granbaby, and if we include the kid's partners there are 7 partners also...that makes, so far 21 for dinner when they are all home....I need a really loooooong table!!! PLUS my darlingheart bestest girlfriend in the world moving back in, and she's knocked up! |
Can we be?
I am extremely good friends with my ex....he is still extremely attractive to me....I love him without condition....we chose to part mutually...he has a new partner, with whom he is completely in love with, I have a new partner I am completely in love with...and both of us are cheering for each other.
Love doesn't just softens, and becomes a more kinder love, with an ex. |
older women with children
I am having trouble meeting people on many web sites because it seems no one is interested in a woman my age with kids at home. I am not looking for a father for my kids , or someone to support me, only some real companionship. Are men my age just looking for supermodels?Any thoughts? I haven't experienced that and am now partnered with a man who is 53 with 7 children, I have kids, his kids are a gift, and if anything they enhance our relationship... I would be more suspicious of a man who had no children, wanted no children, finding me remotely attractive...because we are a package deal, and cannot separate me from my children...a man has to fit in with the dynamics already in place, as does a woman with her man. |