Community > Posts By > cabot

cabot's photo
Mon 07/13/09 06:59 PM
Breaking News! "It appears we all survived Monday (the 13th)".

Friday the 13th scary? No, they should come out with a Monday the 13th series where people are not kiled, but forced to endure a lifetime of nothing but Mondays....bigsmile

cabot's photo
Mon 07/13/09 06:56 PM
Only if there is public the stockades. Ahh, the good ole days.:smile:

cabot's photo
Mon 07/13/09 06:54 PM
I ate a pizza that reminded me of my first girlfriend. Everyone called her "pizza face" ....biggrin

cabot's photo
Mon 07/13/09 06:51 PM
Wow, suddenly I am pain free. My neighbors ears are probably bleeding though. Thanks for the tip. Who needs a friggin doctor now.

cabot's photo
Mon 07/13/09 06:46 PM

You are cursed! Be gone, foul Beast!!!

Is there some sort of curse lifting possible? scared

For a small fee... Eye of Newt...nose wart from a woman named Hagatha (bigsmile )...& $19.95...but you must ACT NOW!!!

Shoot, I got a nose wart from Agatha. No wonder I am still cursed. frustrated

cabot's photo
Mon 07/13/09 06:44 PM


Depends on the chemistry between us. I usually wait 3 months to make sure she is not pregnant. :smile:

cabot's photo
Sun 07/12/09 10:56 PM
Physically, I see no resemblance to the child Michael Jackson. This will be a year long saga, with the kids being the true victims. The webs we weave. Paparazzi will eat this up.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/12/09 10:49 PM

I put on the oldies station or pop in some tunes at work and dance my fool @ss off at work for 4-5 hours....I even installed a lil disco ball in our bottling room! We are seperate from public areas where customers might see us, so when a good song comes on...we looks as stupid and ungraceful as white boys can be. But, it definitley makes work more fun.....makes me wanna hear "Play that Funky music White Boy"

Krupa, you have a "disco ball" ?! I'm shocked. laugh

cabot's photo
Sun 07/12/09 10:47 PM
When I said "Father's Day can be confusing" I am speaking from my own life. Two ex's both tried to pin someone else's kids on me for the money. Long story and off topic. Sorry I brought it up as it goes both ways. I still have my DNA results for proof for the future.

My comment was more directed at the 20 year olds now. More and more "grandparents" are raising the grand kids.

As far as Michael goes, he hopefully, but probably won't RIP for awhile. I believe in Purgatory.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/12/09 10:41 PM
Obama will so beat Oprah in talk show ratings, after Washington DC that is. laugh It's coming. He is very media savvy. Al is not.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/12/09 10:32 PM
War, Are you insinuating Al has Ulterior Motives? I am shocked. He was such a vocal VP, we should trust his word now...sarcasm..laugh

cabot's photo
Sun 07/12/09 10:30 PM
Father's Day can be confusing nowadays.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/12/09 10:28 PM
Well look at it this way, "Breaking News".....One day closer to Friday!:smile:

cabot's photo
Sun 07/12/09 10:26 PM

Look how many women have two and three kids with two or three babies daddies.

Men too. Getting multiple women pregnant with multiple babies!

Not a clue in the world how to raise them to be responsible adults. It just keeps compounding from generation to generation.
Parents more concerned with being their children's best friends than actually teaching them respect or responsibility. Afraid the kid might tell them they hate them!

You hit the nail on the head. Young women keep popping out kids that they can not afford to raise, and if all else fails abort them. Crazy...sorry for being off topic.

As far as Michael Jackson goes, I would not let my kid spend the night with him at Never Happened Here Land. So all you people that say he did not do it because he was not found guilty are the same ones criticizing courts for not convicting people who you "believe" are guilty. Get it? Hypocrites.

WOW, now were judging single mothers... sounds like somebody is grumpy tonight.indifferent

You are tight, deadbeat dads suck too. I put the blame on one when it should have been both. Off topic too. Damn, I do sound grumpy.

Michael wrote out some big checks to shut up parents and their kids. That to me is a sign of guilt. I don't pay some one money to shut up unless I did something wrong. Enough of it though. He is dead and will face his demons now. Whatever they are. I did not care for him, but in a small way feel bad for his state of constant confusion he lived here on earth.

:smile: Famous people pay out settelements because they dont want their reputation destroyed by false accusations.glassesIt happens to stars all the time.:smile:Michael was told to do this by his attorney to avoid the public spectacle.:smile:He faced the accusations the second time and was aquitted.:smile:The guy from the first accusation is now saying his dad told him to lie and is suing his own dad now.:smile:

If my attorney told me to pay some one off to help my reputation, I would fire him on the spot. If you are innocent that attorney should be able to prove it, if they are worth their salt. Easy on there Mirror.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/12/09 10:12 PM

Look how many women have two and three kids with two or three babies daddies.

Men too. Getting multiple women pregnant with multiple babies!

Not a clue in the world how to raise them to be responsible adults. It just keeps compounding from generation to generation.
Parents more concerned with being their children's best friends than actually teaching them respect or responsibility. Afraid the kid might tell them they hate them!

You hit the nail on the head. Young women keep popping out kids that they can not afford to raise, and if all else fails abort them. Crazy...sorry for being off topic.

As far as Michael Jackson goes, I would not let my kid spend the night with him at Never Happened Here Land. So all you people that say he did not do it because he was not found guilty are the same ones criticizing courts for not convicting people who you "believe" are guilty. Get it? Hypocrites.

WOW, now were judging single mothers... sounds like somebody is grumpy tonight.indifferent

You are tight, deadbeat dads suck too. I put the blame on one when it should have been both. Off topic too. Damn, I do sound grumpy.

Michael wrote out some big checks to shut up parents and their kids. That to me is a sign of guilt. I don't pay some one money to shut up unless I did something wrong. Enough of it though. He is dead and will face his demons now. Whatever they are. I did not care for him, but in a small way feel bad for his state of constant confusion he lived here on earth.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/12/09 10:06 PM
The issue is the Tazers. They are not a cure all weapon. Electric shock can kill. Get rid of the Tazers. I was tazed in training, and survived, but like I told by bosses, I am, or at that time was a, young fit person. I did not want to use Tazers, Pepper spray or Mace. But try tackling a big guy strung out on Crack, Meth ain't easy. Look at both sides people. It's not the cops, it the damn Tazer, take them away until they are proven to work.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/12/09 10:02 PM
Al couldn't say a word when Bill was getting Head by Monica, now you can't shut him up. His Carbon Footprint is huge. Have you not seen his house! He's a moron who somehow got a Nobel, of course the Nobel is a joke anyways. Is Al living off of solar and wind power at home? Does he drive a Prius? Lead by example. jmo

cabot's photo
Sun 07/12/09 09:59 PM

Look how many women have two and three kids with two or three babies daddies.

Men too. Getting multiple women pregnant with multiple babies!

Not a clue in the world how to raise them to be responsible adults. It just keeps compounding from generation to generation.
Parents more concerned with being their children's best friends than actually teaching them respect or responsibility. Afraid the kid might tell them they hate them!

You hit the nail on the head. Young women keep popping out kids that they can not afford to raise, and if all else fails abort them. Crazy...sorry for being off topic.

As far as Michael Jackson goes, I would not let my kid spend the night with him at Never Happened Here Land. So all you people that say he did not do it because he was not found guilty are the same ones criticizing courts for not convicting people who you "believe" are guilty. Get it? Hypocrites.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/12/09 09:28 PM
Sounds like bigger Government to me. Control? you bet. They (Government) want to tell us what to drive, what to eat, what to wear and on and on.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/12/09 09:24 PM
"Anchor Babies" are nothing new. It's the biggest loophole in the immigration system.