Yellowrose, that's funny. Replace us.
I heard the Australians have almost perfected the artificial womb. The cloning and DNA and stem cell research is taking us in a god like area where we can create. scary. |
so ummm yea
So I'm looking through the threads and trying to see where I would fit in... And well needless to say I don't think I fit in anywhere. There seems to be a lot of "cliques" so to say... Is it just me? Or does anyone else see it? Maybe I'm just a little crazy who knows! I hear ya girl. Maybe we belong on the Island of Misfit Toys, like Rudolph... ![]() |
That is a Texas sized June bug Krup. Something tells me your buddy will not live down his less than stoic reaction to a bug anytime soon. Know you know how to pull a prank on him. A couple of June bugs in his bed should be entertaining.
People wonder why some of us
I sleep alone, or if I am with someone, I sleep with one eye open. usually my left eye, but sometimes my right eye.
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As a life long capitalist child and adult, I see capitalism as this, like my dad said, "Everyone wants to take the money from your wallet and put it in their wallet." Remember that and all will be well.
What Can You Make Out Of...
A mosquito net for my face.
Micheal Jackson died!?
OMG! I hadn't heard. ![]() |
Supercalifragililisticexpealodotios. Probably misspelled but I hope some one gets it.
Something to Ponder
Colorado found an out for that. They can't increase taxes here by much because of a law we voted in so they are now increasing fees on everything associated with the government. I do understand why we need the increases with population growth so I believe we should increase taxes and cover the programs we have. Taxes or fees, is there a difference when it is associated with the Government? They are killing us here in Wisconsin. |
Who owns you?
Many people voted for Obama on his transparency promises. Are they seeing the sun now?
Blinded by the light or the fog is thick as pea soup? What is it? |
russia vist
As far as their leadership...Putin played Bush like a pawn.
russia vist
Russians play chess while we play checkers. Never underestimate the Russians. Look at history. They are three steps ahead. Afghanistan? They have been there, done that.
Thanks Laura, now duck. Sharpnel is heading your way. Sticking up for straight guys in the military can get you fragged here. I thought this was a serious site, with open discussion. However I see it is a my way or the highway site. I said the current poilicy is fine. However to some it is not. I have not seen one post saying me or Thomas are even remotely right, just a couple of bigots who happened to serve, by a bunch of people who know people who have served. It has gotten to be funny. Thanks for the laughs to all the "all knowing" veterans here on Mingle. Geeze. she said that was for gays serving as well seriously?? you think it's funny???? don't disrespect my dad's death that way. why did you serve??? was it not because you loved this country and fought for freedom???? if so...then you should be more understanding I served because I love my country and thought it was an honorable thing to do Yellow. I did not disrepect your dad, directly or indirectly. I salute him. Peace and happy 4th of July. My final tribute goes out to all the soldiers that have served, gay and straight. I thought the original discussion was on the Policy of "don't ask , don't tell" and my comments were based on that. |
Edited by
Sun 07/05/09 11:24 PM
Thomas3474....did you stop to think that maybe they aren't attracted to everyone???? maybe it's not the gays that are the problem...but the homophobes that stereotype No rose it's the idea that you are stuck on a command for 4-6 years with people you spend more time with then your own families.All this liberal non sense that somehow we have to accept everyone and their lifestyle and like it is nothing but a pile of BS.Birds of a feather flock together and the military has never been a gay friendly origination.The military has a good image of rough,tough,brave,and second to none.I don't think anyone wants to see that image brought down by a bunch of homo's who want gay pride parades on bases,drag queen nights at the NCO club,and all the other problems they complain about.They don't belong. Man you are one insecure puppy, Thomas. You don't have one clue what your talking about. Check out your own pic on this site buddy, you look more gay than some of the gay men I know, and they aren't as insecure as you are. You admitted you are afraid someone will think your gay!! Typical. What does'nt belong is extreme ignorance, and your comments qualify in spades. Rough tough and brave? so only straight men are rough tough and brave? That makes no sense at all considering gays have served in the military for years including in the wars that Cabot mentioned. Come visit me some time, Thomas, I'm gay and a woman, let's see how your comments work to my face. Wow Boo, way to get off topic. Have you been in the military? Or is it just the Gay issue. C'mon people, military people are telling you the "don't ask, don't tell" policy works. Do you really want to change that now? in the current situation with Muslims, that have ZERO tolerance for gays. Thomas has said his piece and so have I, and have been ridiculed by people for it. Whatever, Go see your recruiter tomorrow and shut up. I served 8 years and will not shut up. I have earned the right to speak, so have others. Happy ****ing Fourth of July. You can't have your way yet. Deal with it. Go to Camp Pendalton and say what you are saying here Boo. I dare you. Cabot from one Veteran to another I salute you!!!! ![]() I am also done debating people who wouldn't give one hour serving the in military let alone 8 years and have no idea what they are talking about. ![]() ![]() I respect what our service men and woman have to say, their feelings, and their experiences... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thanks Laura, now duck. Shrapnel is heading your way. Sticking up for straight guys in the military can get you fragged here. I thought this was a serious site, with open discussion. However I see it is a my way or the highway site. I said the current poilicy is fine. However to some it is not. I have not seen one post saying me or Thomas are even remotely right, just a couple of bigots who happened to serve, by a bunch of people who know people who have served. It has gotten to be funny. Thanks for the laughs to all the "all knowing" veterans here on Mingle. Geeze. |
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Thomas3474....did you stop to think that maybe they aren't attracted to everyone???? maybe it's not the gays that are the problem...but the homophobes that stereotype No rose it's the idea that you are stuck on a command for 4-6 years with people you spend more time with then your own families.All this liberal non sense that somehow we have to accept everyone and their lifestyle and like it is nothing but a pile of BS.Birds of a feather flock together and the military has never been a gay friendly origination.The military has a good image of rough,tough,brave,and second to none.I don't think anyone wants to see that image brought down by a bunch of homo's who want gay pride parades on bases,drag queen nights at the NCO club,and all the other problems they complain about.They don't belong. Man you are one insecure puppy, Thomas. You don't have one clue what your talking about. Check out your own pic on this site buddy, you look more gay than some of the gay men I know, and they aren't as insecure as you are. You admitted you are afraid someone will think your gay!! Typical. What does'nt belong is extreme ignorance, and your comments qualify in spades. Rough tough and brave? so only straight men are rough tough and brave? That makes no sense at all considering gays have served in the military for years including in the wars that Cabot mentioned. Come visit me some time, Thomas, I'm gay and a woman, let's see how your comments work to my face. Wow Boo, way to get off topic. Have you been in the military? Or is it just the Gay issue. C'mon people, military people are telling you the "don't ask, don't tell" policy works. Do you really want to change that now? in the current situation with Muslims, that have ZERO tolerance for gays. Thomas has said his piece and so have I, and have been ridiculed by people for it. Whatever, Go see your recruiter tomorrow and shut up. I served 8 years and will not shut up. I have earned the right to speak, so have others. Happy ****ing Fourth of July. You can't have your way yet. Deal with it. Go to Camp Pendalton and say what you are saying here Boo. I dare you. |
problem... HELP
I agree Rose, Me, I call my parents when I want to or need to. They call me once a week if they don't hear from me. Perfect relationship.
you know what I see when I see a soldier or a vet???? someone that loves this country and is willing to die for our freedoms. I don't see that in here....and I'm becoming VERY disillusioned by it. male, female, gay or straight...if they can pass they physicals and boot camp and can do the job....they ALL should have the right to fight for our country. it seems to me that homophobes are the ones with the problems and can't do the jobs they need to do because of stereotyping and worrying that they will get hit on. come you REALLY think you are all that to have someone that is gay want you that bad???? My dad served and died because he loved this country and wanted the freedoms this country has to offer. He was proud to do so...and if that meant getting in a foxhole with anyone...he wold do that. he would do his job the way he is supposed to with anyone Yellow? I think your dad had some barriers. I thank him for his service. So do you not agree, it should be up to the current active soldiers what the policy is? Not us or Washington or the State Department.? Just asking. Disillusioned? About what? Gay people have not been universally accepted yet. Don't force it down a soldiers brain. jmo |
Good points Thomas, but you are a vet, like me, so what the heck do you know. Its the same in the military as it is in San Fran...right? Being sarcastic PEEPS. at least 2 sides to every debate, or am I wrong? Obviously there are gays in the military but are they welcome?No.Officers and enlisted are all in agreement with this.This is true for all branches of the military.If you were to vote on this issue I believe over 90% of the active military would be opposed to gays serving in the military. And from what I've heard from the service people I know and their friends, what you believe would be completely wrong. No surprise there, you do tend to pull numbers like this out of thin air a lot. I normally don't debate you because your ideas are so far out there they are not worth responding.But if think you are rose are right why don't you go to a website or chat room where there is a large number of active military members and say you are gay and see how many people support your idea of gays in the military. You don't debate me because I generally ignore you. Go anywhere in the world and I'm certain you will find that it is your ideas that are "out there". As for the suggestion for a website, I see no need. I know plenty of service men and I trust their first hand accounts more than the BS posted by people like you on websites. Remember just because someone says they are a service man doesn't mean they are. But you go ahead and search the website if you like. I'm done, never was much on talking to people who can't see past what they are told to believe ![]() You ignore me, and I ignore gays in the military. Simple one there dude. A typical liberal arguement, "I do not hear you" so argue with the military, they are the only one that should have a voice in it. It is their lives. Right. What do you care? Volunteer and serve and vote. |
problem... HELP
It goes for guys as well, anyone see "Raymond" lately? Man what an overbearing mom she is.
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