Community > Posts By > cabot

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:58 PM
As Thomas said...YES THERE ARE GAYS IN THE MILITARY. I get it, but probably about 10% or less. Geeze people, get over it. Gays in the military and Gay marriage is not the "NORM" yet. Lets go over every exception to the rule here. The majority of the Military is not gay. Sorry to tell you, but its true.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:53 PM

Rush is a shock jock...plain and simple frustrated

Yep, just like Howard Stern. Pure entertainment and not meant to be taken seriously.

Wrong there Girlfriend, Howard Stern too a leap on satelite radio and came up short. Limbaugh is on free AM and rakes it in. Apples and Oranges. Does Sharpton have a radio show? Or Jesse?, Where do they fit in the rankings...just asking.

I wasn't talking about their incomes. I was talking their style and that they were both shock jocks and neither should be taken seriously.

Sorry Winx, I did not mean to offend, if I did. My point is Howard Stearn crashed his fortune and Rush is making money. I'm not a fan of either of them. Just saying more people believe Rush than Howard. I listen to local talk radio, It;s all I can some of this. :smile:

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:48 PM
I've been called worse. Three legged dog, just plain dog.noway

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:42 PM
Edited by cabot on Sun 07/05/09 09:50 PM

Rush is a shock jock...plain and simple frustrated

Yep, just like Howard Stern. Pure entertainment and not meant to be taken seriously.

Wrong there Girlfriend, Howard Stern took a leap on satellite radio and came up short. Limbaugh is on free AM and rakes it in. Apples and Oranges. Does Sharpton have a radio show? Or Jesse?, Where do they fit in the rankings...just asking.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:39 PM

lol winx...focus...the reason the guy wants to forget it is because her mom doesn't like the whole idea. and is a problem when she lives with her mom

I think the guy is acting immature. If he's mature and likes her, he'd deal with mom.

A mature guy will ditch the girl with mommy.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:36 PM

Thomas3474....did you stop to think that maybe they aren't attracted to everyone???? maybe it's not the gays that are the problem...but the homophobes that stereotype

Yellow, I know I said I would leave, and I lied, my credibility is shot. But do you honestly believe you want to tinker with a military that took down Hitler and Japan, at the same time. Go ahead, but the military has always been best, left alone. That is the best policy, I gave my personal opinions and take the bashing from non vets. But I have yet to see a large group of vets support overturning the way things currently are. The vets are the ones that I listen to, because they know. Sure a few are against it, but hundreds of thousands currently serving are for it...easy one here. I will leave now. It takes me a while sometimes. Sorry for hogging the thread.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:30 PM

There is a reason Rush Limbaugh is the most popular talk show host in America.The reason is because he talks the truth and says it the way it is.All your left leaning liberal talk show hosts are so far down in the ratings nobody has even heard of them.Your second and third most popular talk show host like Dan Savage and Mark levin also have millions of listeners.They are only going to get more popular and I fully support them.

You can't listen to AM when you are hip hopping and clubbing. AM is for working people. They only get soundbites on their Ipods on Rush. Most of his stuff is taken out of context, I agree. He still has a show. and is getting rich off of it. Good post, new angle. The old "beat him" card. Love it.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:26 PM
Good points Thomas, but you are a vet, like me, so what the heck do you know. Its the same in the military as it is in San Fran...right? Being sarcastic PEEPS. at least 2 sides to every debate, or am I wrong?

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:20 PM

Well, let's see... I have been talking to this guy, let's call him Bob, and I really feel like this could work. He is a few years older than me and lives on his own. I on the other hand still live with my mom, who by the way still tries to control my life even though I am 22. Ok so here's the problem... My mom hates the way I "met" him (mingle2) and I know she is going to have a fit when I want to actually see him. I told him all this because honesty is key. Now I believe he wants to just forget the whole thing. What should I do? Please give what advice you can I would appreciate it. I really like this guy so far. :(

Your Mom, Your Mom, Your Mom. Listen girls. I mean 20 year olds. I have been married twice. And divorced Twice. Me? Maybe, but all I know is that both of my exe's had to talk to their mom everyday, usually more than once a day. For what! Cut the umbilical cord. Hell, I know what my dad would say, I listened. I don't need to talk to him everyday to get his "thoughts" I hear them in my sleep. jmo

BUT...she lives with her mom in her mom's house.

Move out. Easy one there. Even if she moves out will her mom continue to nag her or will the mom let her liver her life?

Isn't that the real issue Yellowrose? Many mothers will not let the kids live and learn on their own. Always giving advice and bailing out, the guy is fighting a 2 on 1 battle from the start. That is just my personal experience. Young Women sometimes have a hard time letting go of mom, and in our society, single mothers have been raising the kids. It seems to be a byproduct. Maybe not in this case but in many cases. Like I said, it's just my experience, but I talk to alot of guys and many are frustrated with the mother daughter connection. I don't see too many fathers calling their kids daily and wanting to be involved in all the drama. We are happy to get rid of it. I know, I am a gender basher to some, but mars and venus is true in some ways.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:12 PM
Edited by cabot on Sun 07/05/09 09:13 PM
7 years younger...give or take a few. 5 years older...if she can keep up. jmo

Not sexually so much as daily work and outside stuff.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:08 PM

Well, let's see... I have been talking to this guy, let's call him Bob, and I really feel like this could work. He is a few years older than me and lives on his own. I on the other hand still live with my mom, who by the way still tries to control my life even though I am 22. Ok so here's the problem... My mom hates the way I "met" him (mingle2) and I know she is going to have a fit when I want to actually see him. I told him all this because honesty is key. Now I believe he wants to just forget the whole thing. What should I do? Please give what advice you can I would appreciate it. I really like this guy so far. :(

Your Mom, Your Mom, Your Mom. Listen girls. I mean 20 year olds. I have been married twice. And divorced Twice. Me? Maybe, but all I know is that both of my exe's had to talk to their mom everyday, usually more than once a day. For what! Cut the umbilical cord. Hell, I know what my dad would say, I listened. I don't need to talk to him everyday to get his "thoughts" I hear them in my sleep. jmo

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:03 PM
Limbaugh vs Sharpton. Looks like overtime...just me. Limbaugh speaks too much, Sharpton speaks too little.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 08:17 PM

As a vet I am perplexed over this. Personally I do not want to be in a foxhole with a gay male. Not homophobic, just want to be sure he wants to get home alive to see his girl as much as I wanted to live to see mine. Instead of, why worry about that when I have a lover right here. Sounds twisted, don't bash me, but I did it and those were my thoughts at the time. What are my teammates (someone who I am putting my life in their hands as I cat nap at 3 am) Is he looking at me or looking for the enemy. I know it does not make sense to many, but I would not want to be in a foxhole with a female either.

Well with your paranoid views I would not want to be in a foxhole with you either. I would worry you would be more suspicious focuses on my intentions than doing what your supposed to do. I don't know many men that are that paranoid. But I must say that you flatter yourself way too much. Not all gay men are going to be attracted to you and even if they were, I imagine they prefer living to doing something stupid in a dangerous situation.

I gave a first hand opinion. Did you serve? Flattered? No. I just said if I were serving with an openly Gay male in a foxhole, I would question his priorities. But since ther are no records of openly gay men in the military you are saying it would be different. Listen Pal, it has worked pretty damn good for decades, We defeated Hitler, Japan and many fierce enemies with the current policy. But I am sure you havew a better solution. whatever. Tolerance and Liberals are are downfall, not Communism, or Hitler or the likes. jmo. I will not say another word here, so bash me all you want. I don't see former gay military memebers of any sugnificant number saying the current poicy deprived them of anything. Just a fringe group. and rightfully so. Go through basic training everyone. Try it. Bye

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 08:04 PM
Hello people, any military vets here know that "fraternization with the opposite sex is not allowed also. It is not a one way street. jmo

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 08:00 PM
Revisiting is not overturning or changing...yet. It is a chipping away at process. They (Supreme Court) are the 3rd branch and will have a sway, I mean say in final matters involving our life. Gore vs Bush to name one.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 07:57 PM

My dog has four legs and sometimes five.tears

Does he walk funny at times? :laughing: rofl

I wouldn't exactly call it "walking".laugh

More like stabbing in the dark at anything.sad

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 07:44 PM

cabot...with all due respect....just because someone is gay doesn't mean they look at everyone the same sex that way. it's no different than guys looking at girls...some are attractive some aren't

Sorry Yellowrose, I just have seen very few, OK some women I would not do in a foxhole, in my life. I'm not camping on "Brokeback Mountain" with anyone...Just kidding. Don't be sensitive people.

As far as Gay Marriage, I say go for it. Seriously, it's really not all it's cracked up to be. The divorce lawyers are just waiting for this bubble to grow. Don't do it!...jmohappy

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 07:21 PM
My dog has four legs and sometimes five.tears

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 06:52 PM
As a vet I am perplexed over this. Personally I do not want to be in a foxhole with a gay male. Not homophobic, just want to be sure he wants to get home alive to see his girl as much as I wanted to live to see mine. Instead of, why worry about that when I have a lover right here. Sounds twisted, don't bash me, but I did it and those were my thoughts at the time. What are my teammates (someone who I am putting my life in their hands as I cat nap at 3 am) Is he looking at me or looking for the enemy. I know it does not make sense to many, but I would not want to be in a foxhole with a female either.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/05/09 06:47 PM

**** canning unions would be a good start. Productivity would increase and all the outrageous minimalizations of work responsibilities coupled with undue wages (compared to non-union) would certainly help level out the job market and actually require (gasp) a work ethic and personal responsibility.

To the union people...don't get too ticked off at that brother is union in an admin position and he agrees with me.

Unions are the scapegoat here Krupa. Jmo. Unemployment going up in the summer is really strange to me. That is my barometer on the economy. Jobs are always created in the summer, and decrease in the winter in 4 season states. Wait till this winter, jobs will be lost still. Our so called free trade policies of the last 15 years have totally cut the legs out of the American worker. Soon it will be upper class and lower class, no more middle. Just like the rest of the world. After all it is a "Global Economy" not a US economy.