Community > Posts By > cabot

cabot's photo
Mon 07/20/09 07:35 PM

have we really learned from vietnam debacle!

I truly thought we did, but as an 8 year vet, I am disappointed. The only difference between these two wars, is one was a "Draft" war, one was a volunteer force. significant.

cabot's photo
Mon 07/20/09 07:29 PM
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. I choose Venus...I like the odds..biggrin

cabot's photo
Mon 07/20/09 07:24 PM
Thanks temp... My mind says paraphrasing is a type of quote. but I am ignorant. peace again. Geeze.

cabot's photo
Mon 07/20/09 07:13 PM
You quoted me and ended with "all manner of ignorance" as a statement. Comparing people to penguins is ignorant, was my first thought. And yes you have been quick to dispel my posts as ignorant or naive'. just my observation. Like I said. We can agree to disagree and debate. Just don't take a higher position than anyone else. Otherwise it sounds degrading. Who knows, we might both be wrong. I just give my opinion here. I seen "March of the Penguins" and commented on the movie, seeing how penguins were brought up in the start of the thread. Peace.

cabot's photo
Mon 07/20/09 06:43 PM

Thank you... I did the post [My 23yr old son is coming home at my Request!]

Everyone gave me great advice, then i said what i was doing.. then all of a sudden I was my own post.

I was talking more then i was Listening... I have to stop that.. LOL

I have learned a lot from a few people on here and they have been very forward with me.

I wrote controlling because I was controlling my own post. Trying to jusify everything i was doing and saying and thinking.. Wrong move.

So this time i am reading.. and thinking.. then leaving it at that.

Admitting you are wrong or at least kinda wrong is a big step in parenting...jmo

cabot's photo
Mon 07/20/09 06:40 PM
"It takes two to fight" and I won't be that second person. Especially with emotion based fights. Be logical.

cabot's photo
Mon 07/20/09 06:39 PM

i may be the only one. but we have waited to long for our government to get its head out of its ***. and build a wall to protect this country. all they do is talk. while people bring disease in to the country. along with there drugs. its time to stop bullshitting and build the wall.

8 plus years on the "War on Terror" and still our borders are wide open. This topic gets my blood pressure up. Terrorists entered through Maine and did 9-11. Yet the Southern and NORTHEREN borders are wide open. We focus on the southern border, but if I were a terrorist, I would come from Canada...jmo

cabot's photo
Mon 07/20/09 06:06 PM
Cheers to that guy. Mark Martin is doing well at 50 with the Nascar/Sprint/Nextell cup as well. Tom Watson at 59. Gives me hope. I believe Col. Sanders made his first dollar on chicken at 65.

cabot's photo
Mon 07/20/09 06:03 PM

He was an Icon. I remember him as a news man. No opinion, just the news.

cabot's photo
Mon 07/20/09 05:55 PM
Edited by cabot on Mon 07/20/09 06:14 PM

Cut the umbilical cord and learn how to cook. I am a better cook than my mom.

I feel you pain, but do you seriously want mommy to cook for you.biggrin

Hummmm don't think it has anything to do with him not being able to cook if he had it read up he is out of work and out of food.

My son has been there and yeah he came home for a while till he got on his feet. Even though he has moved out he still comes by to see me and eat lmao.

Honestly my son is a great cook taught him well bigsmile

It is always nice to know you have parents or at least someone to go home to when in need. And I must say it does make me proud to know my kids know they can always count on their mom.bigsmile :thumbsup:

I was a bit harsh, and yes I understood the op and the thread. But as Krupa said, $20 at the grocery store goes along way for me too. I would rather have mom give me $20 and I'll cook for myself. jmo

My mom cooked for me for years, now she likes to go out for dinner. I can't blame her. She taught me well, my sister can feed an army, and it's really good. Thanks mom. She is happy to see me feeding myself well. Unless you have a "Everyone Loves Raymond" mom...biggrin

cabot's photo
Mon 07/20/09 05:51 PM
Edited by cabot on Mon 07/20/09 06:30 PM

Penguins probably do not kill or otherwise harm other penguins because of sexual preference. Only humans do that. I don't think March of the penguins discussed anything about gay penguins or whether they would survive. We do know that gay humans do survive and thrive despite all manner of ignorance.

Boo, I see you have made a couple of thousand plus posts. I am new here but seem to notice you are quick to jump on my posts whenever "Gay" is the subject. Please don't put me down with the "ignorance" comments. We can agree to disagree. You have your view, I have mine. I will not change any time soon, nor will you. jmo

cabot's photo
Sun 07/19/09 06:08 PM
Cut the umbilical cord and learn how to cook. I am a better cook than my mom.

I feel you pain, but do you seriously want mommy to cook for you.biggrin

cabot's photo
Sun 07/19/09 05:30 PM

That can be honest with others, no matter how harsh your words may be, yet can't handle the truth when given to you?

The truth is allusive...many people can not handle the logical truth. jmo

cabot's photo
Sun 07/19/09 04:55 PM

On unsuccessful pics.

Fun pics are fine. Show sides of your personality.

But for face shots or "this is what I look like" photos, here are a few things to think about.

Loose the hats. Unless it is part of a costume.

Guys, long hair is great, but please brush it before taking a photo. And get the ends trimmed so it doesn't look scraggly.

Facial hair. Keep it nice looking. If you have a long beard, trim and shape it. If short, shaping is still good. Mustaches should suit your face. Not be an inch and a half longer than your mouth on each side unless you are actually cultivating handlebars for some reason.

You have a nice beard or nice mustache, get rid of the scruffy shadow around the rest of the face. 5 o'clock shadow only really works on people with clean shaven faces and then not on everyone.

Don't take your profile pics in t-shirts with stains and REALLY don't use a mirror shot. I good photo where you hold the camera out and do a self photo is better than a mirror shot.

Demanding. Aren't we. I shave if I want to, I brush my hair if I want to. Do this, don't so that...hows that working out for you?

cabot's photo
Sun 07/19/09 04:52 PM
I killed the jealous emotion in me years ago. Same time I had my tear glands removed. biggrin

cabot's photo
Sun 07/19/09 04:51 PM

I was talking to my roommate and told him that the people on here were so much more interesting than the people I meet irl. He looked at me and said, "Maybe they're not... maybe they're just being THEMSELVES online."

It made me think. I'm certainly different online than in person. I'm WAY more outgoing and willing to talk to strangers.

...even cute boys...

So, how are YOU different online, if you are? And if you're not, why not?

I'm the same here as in real life. No masks.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/19/09 04:50 PM
Neil Young, I would love to party with him.

cabot's photo
Sun 07/19/09 04:48 PM

Since you think Obama is failing, what do you think McCain would have done? Any better? I don't think so.

I didn't like either one of them, but I still think Obama was the lesser of two evils.

Not much "Hope" or "Change" there. jmo

cabot's photo
Sun 07/19/09 04:44 PM
Edited by cabot on Sun 07/19/09 04:45 PM
So people are being compared to penguins? seriously?

A pair o zoo penguins at that, I seen "March of the Penguins" and didn't see gay penguins surviving there.jmo

cabot's photo
Sun 07/19/09 04:42 PM
It’s his choice, not yours. Surgery costs too much. Make do with the painkiller

Or if you have cancer, take hospice and give up. This health care plan is being fast tracked, like the stimulus and Sotemyer (misspelled) where is the transparency?

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