Community > Posts By > AGoodGuy1026

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Wed 05/26/10 12:53 PM

Well I made a small attempt of taking care of myself and then got into a nasty car accident in 2003 in which I had severe injuries to my knees, back, and neck; my doctor said I wouldn't walk again. After 4 long years or recovery; I realized just how fragile a human body is. So, now I exercise a lot; eat right, and even cut back on the drinking. So, I won't take my body for granted after coming so close to ending up in a wheel chair.


ok, back to the topic at hand...

OP: Yes, I put much effort into taking care of myself... never smoked, drink socially (more in the summer months, go figure)... I exercise 4-6 days per week, I enjoy cycling very much - spin during the winter... light workouts with weights, cycle and spin for cardio - I am up early - usually to bed early (11:00pm)... I sleep well, eat right, no fast food, no soda pop, no added sugar or salt for me. I try to eat no or as little trans fat as possible (only natural and unsaturated fat) I try hard to eat normal "real" foods, not processed foods... I feel good, I think I look good - I have lots of energy and I am told consistantly that I look 8-10 years younger than I am...

Why do I do this? I like living and breathing !! :)....

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Mon 05/24/10 06:33 AM
Edited by AGoodGuy1026 on Mon 05/24/10 06:34 AM

i was angry and upset at my boyfriend the other day because of stupid insecurities as you sometimes do and i was talking to my mum and a friend that i was thinking twice about being in a relationship and im better being single and thinking about the future and how i couldn't see a life with i'm feeling guilty because i know that it was selfish and i was being ungreatful because he really is the best thing that has ever happened to me and that was the first time i had ever thought horrible things like that when it comes to him and because of the guilt i don't know whether to tell him what i was thinking or not it's weird but it's like i feel like i want to apologise to him...

Hmmm, interesting... first - you were angry and upset at his actions, second - you were feeling insecure, third - you were contemplating that he is the wrong guy, lastly - you think you should not talk to him about it and/or feel uncomfortable sharing you feelings with him, and you want to apologise for something he knows nothing about?!?!?...

not sounding positive...

Good luck, sounds like you will need it!!

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Mon 05/24/10 06:29 AM
Edited by AGoodGuy1026 on Mon 05/24/10 06:30 AM

I have a question for everyone out there. If you saw someone and before you met them you knew two things:

1) That you would fall in love with them if you met them
2) That they would die of a illness within the next five years

Would you still go for it and meet them or would you stay back and miss out on the relationship to save from the pain?

i would hope it would be vise a virsa on my end
if i met someone that was willing to prove they cared and accepting my health issue that i have now..if they can be emotionally supportive then thats great

above quote: conditional love = sucks...

OP: I too lean toward the romantic side... I would go for it!...

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Fri 05/21/10 10:26 AM
Interesting... however, the laws of nature are very real... the physical world is very real...

Jump off of a 30 story building... you will fall (gravity is real), you will hit bottom and come to physical contact very abruptly and likely die (your body is real, and quite soft as it turns out)... you breathe (air is real) and you eat (the requirement for energy is real)...

The things you feel and perceive in the physical world are measurable, and most definately real...

I do agree, that your particular perception of that physical world is your own reality - although if you believe you can fly... it may be your reality - but it will not serve you well once you jump off of that building, no matter how you perceive yourself (or how fast you flap your arms)!...

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Thu 05/20/10 09:55 AM


$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 05/18/10 02:20 PM
that they just dont "get it".. men do have feelings, we are simply not compelled to talk about them CONSTANTLY!!...


$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 05/18/10 08:35 AM


$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 05/18/10 08:14 AM
bleh, people are people - they are who they are, and do what they do... I don't see that age has that much to do with it...

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Thu 05/13/10 12:43 PM
LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol)

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Thu 05/13/10 12:37 PM
OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Wed 05/12/10 12:57 PM
kill to contribute ratio... 10:1...!!

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Wed 05/12/10 12:05 PM
Edited by AGoodGuy1026 on Wed 05/12/10 12:05 PM
Eliminate income tax....

National Sales Tax, everyone pays...

This problem solved, next problem?...

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Wed 05/12/10 11:48 AM
Edited by AGoodGuy1026 on Wed 05/12/10 11:50 AM
dude, if you have to ask you will ruin the romance of the moment... learn to "listen" to her words, but more importantly her non verbal cues and body language... meeting someone new, connecting with them... listening, observing as you interact... making your move... getting close... her breath, her smell, her touch... looking deep into her eyes... touching her hand(s)... touching the back of her neck, fingers through her hair... kissing for the first time, feeling what she wants and how she wants it... it's not the stuff of asking, it's the stuff of listening, moving, taking action...

Make sense?

Well, I guess you could say "how about in the back of my stang"... *sigh*....

Frankly, if you have to ask -- your not ready! frustrated rofl :banana:

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Wed 05/12/10 10:53 AM

chain collar and bracelet,held together with master locks.noway :wink:

also, Maltese Cross necklace.

silver hoops,almost always.


$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Wed 05/12/10 10:47 AM
Edited by AGoodGuy1026 on Wed 05/12/10 10:49 AM
Yes, I enjoy jewelry... most all the time I wear a ring (middle finger, right hand)... a bracelet (left hand)... and on occasion a necklace...

all are silver, or platinum... I don't wear gold...

On a woman, tasteful - expensive jewelry I find very attractive (I think "costume jewelry" is gaudy... yes, I am a jewelry snob) -- I enjoy "real" jewelry".... I think those Tiffany "heart on a chain" choker type necklace are very sexy on the right woman... I think personality and jewelry need to match... pearls, diamonds, bracelets... belly button rings, toe ring... it's all good if it matches their personality...

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Wed 05/12/10 05:33 AM
Edited by AGoodGuy1026 on Wed 05/12/10 05:34 AM
I must say, I have purchased things from folks on Criags list. Many of them are just plain 'ol dumb about it. Many of them freely gave me their address, and invited me into their home to show me what they were selling. I would never go alone, always took a friend, I have passed up locations that I thought were shady..., I would always stand at the front entry way and never enter their house, and kept my cell phone in my hand..., the most I would do would be to walk into their open garage...

Often it was a Man and woman, with a young child in the house....

I feel sorry for these people but - People need to be smarter. They made themselves an easy target.

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Wed 05/12/10 05:27 AM
hmmmm, if she wanted to stay - she would have. Sounds like she let you down easy.

Good luck man!

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 05/11/10 12:21 PM
I agree with many here... this seems easy to me - remove age from the equation, after doing so - is his behavior any more acceptable?

Being treated badly is not representative of one's age, but more so of their character...

To answer your original question - yes, they work all the time.

Luck to you...

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 05/11/10 12:11 PM

This is the only thing he has ever done. They throw the book at him..he got 22 years!! He robbed a store at gun point an the gun went off, he didn't mean for it to go off. The female was shot but did not get hurt bad. She is still alive. I just don't understand why he got so much time, that's crazy! I did all of my research on him an there is nothing else in his past. He has been locked up for 11 years in November. An he is going to try to file to get out in 2 years. 22 years is a little much for first time offense. I know a lot about him, his past an his plans for when he gets out.

you are young, you are pretty, but you are justifying the act of a convicted fellon? And justifying his actions to yourself and everyone else?

Perhaps you should look inward and ask yourself why you feel the need to enable him... he's in prison for goodness sake - for a violent fellony where a person was shot!



$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 05/11/10 12:04 PM
yeah, and you might want to find something more interesting to chat about than your automobile...

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