Topic: Everyone lives in a different reality | |
I have been getting thoughts lately that everything is fake. That reality is something we do not actually experience.
Everything we know to be real is based on our 5 senses. Each of these senses go through barriers to get to our brain. For example things we see go through our eyes and are then processed by our brain. Things we feel goes through our body and is processed by our brain. Things we hear go through our ears and are then processed by our brain. Things we smell go through our nose things we taste go through our tongue But what really is everything aroound us? Some animals see in black and white but we see in color. animals cannot imagine a world with color. Bats see with by making noise and seeing objects through the noise vibrations, they cannot imagine the sight we have and we cannot imagine the sight they have, What other possibilities are their to see? We can see things like thermal by using new types of technology. can technology be developed that sees things for what they actually are? I believe that reality is only a perception. In the long term our lives are meaningless. Celebrities lives are meaningless. Everyones lives are meaningless. The point to life is to live it. This view only applies to facts, if you bring the bible into play these statements do not apply. I do not want to start an argument of science vs. the bible i want people who read this to respond based on science even if they believe in god. We do not know where we came from. When did time begin? where did space come from? when did space begin? where does space end? when did beginning begin? This could also be said for god, when did God begin? where did god come from? He could not be here forever if their is no beginning. Time is only a perception it is not real. These are all things our current level of thinking cannot comprehend. We cannot fathom forever. I believe the human race is at the stage of the world is flat. People used to wonder where the world ended. Now we have much bigger questions that i believe we will figure out at a much later time. I also believe that answers will only bring more questions. Just some deep rambling i thought I would post. I have been thinking about this really hard lately lol |
beautiful words, a few points i have said for years that people around me couldn't grasp, what if life is meaningless, well fine, we dont need a reason, we live and enjoy it, take in the experience, advance as a species, not directed by our imaginations, haha. If our life is an accident in the unfathomable eternity that is the universe, then i dont care, its a beautiful and amazing accident that we must cherish ^^ so all in all i agree with these wonderful words
go read Descartes; he had some similar problems.
Thank you very much emily
Jones you are right I just looked up Descartes and he says some of the same things I do "Descartes concludes that he can be certain that he exists because he thinks. But in what form? He perceives his body through the use of the senses; however, these have previously been unreliable. So Descartes determines that the only indubitable knowledge is that he is a thinking thing. Thinking is his essence as it is the only thing about him that cannot be doubted. Descartes defines "thought" (cogitatio) as "what happens in me such that I am immediately conscious of it, insofar as I am conscious of it". Thinking is thus every activity of a person of which he is immediately conscious.[16]" I find this very strange how we both think about the senses. I would not call these problems more speculations and observations |
"problems" was not the best word to use. did you get to the part about the evil guy?
Edited by
Wed 05/19/10 06:24 AM
Now my brain hurts ...
Cogito cogito, ergo cogito sum. |
My wingy friend, you raised a very powerful question that most of the Humanity is still pondering over, namely WHAT IS THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH? The question has preoccupied the humanity ever since the times immemorial. (Welcome to the ranks!) And we're yet to discover the answer...
Strangely enough, the answer to that question is in the INFINITE question itself, i.e. WHAT IS IT? Most of people give up pursuing the idea of ever finding the answer -- being caught up in the every-day living. Yet, some are hard to break... and embark on an Infinite ROAD which goes up and down and side-ways. As long as you continue pressing for the answer to that question, you will keep on moving along that road, where you will discover many indefinite answers at some of its points, and only partial truths at some other points. And that, my friend, IS THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH!!! Akways keep on going, and... I'll see you around! ![]() |
There are no absolutes.
There are no absolutes. I thought you wanted a cheeseburger ... |
I do.
Actually, I want McDonald's breakfast... but that time has passed for me. |
Actually, I want McDonald's breakfast... but that time has passed for me. But if time is only a perception, then it is always time for McDonald's breakfast. |
Actually, I want McDonald's breakfast... but that time has passed for me. But if time is only a perception, then it is always time for McDonald's breakfast. Even better, the new KFC 'Double Down' ... |
The KFC double down looks both delicious and frightening.
Maybe I'll call a friend on the west coast and have them mail me a breakfast burrito. Time exists as long as you perceive it. Kinda like saying don't you care if you live or die? Well... yeah... so long as I'm alive. Hard to care about it if you're dead. |
Interesting... however, the laws of nature are very real... the physical world is very real...
Jump off of a 30 story building... you will fall (gravity is real), you will hit bottom and come to physical contact very abruptly and likely die (your body is real, and quite soft as it turns out)... you breathe (air is real) and you eat (the requirement for energy is real)... The things you feel and perceive in the physical world are measurable, and most definately real... I do agree, that your particular perception of that physical world is your own reality - although if you believe you can fly... it may be your reality - but it will not serve you well once you jump off of that building, no matter how you perceive yourself (or how fast you flap your arms)!... $.02 ![]() |
There are no absolutes. That sounds like an absolute to me.
Just sayin', ![]() |
The KFC double down looks both delicious and frightening. Maybe I'll call a friend on the west coast and have them mail me a breakfast burrito. Time exists as long as you perceive it. Kinda like saying don't you care if you live or die? Well... yeah... so long as I'm alive. Hard to care about it if you're dead. I once contemplated the philosophical conundrum posited in the question "How high is a mouse when it does?" only to conclude after weeks of thinkin' and conjurin' and juju magick that the only proper answer is "Three feet eight inches because a football has no hair" ... I mean, it couldn't be anything else ... |
You are on a search, obviously. Reality does not appear to be the question. As others have mentioned, you are searching for truth. It is unlikely that you will find it but you might. It has been my experience that we find a small part of it every day.
95% of what is stored in our minds is lies....the 'reality' of those who came before us. The domestication of fit into societies standards, or our parents expectations, or church leaders, or to please our teachers.
Keep asking questions, keep seeking, even when your solar plexus hurts...especially when it hurts because that's when you'll know it's important. |
You're right. Its all fake. It is the illusions of light and sound. We (consciousness) create it. It is a dream. |