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Topic: A serious question
ShadowShaker's photo
Sun 05/23/10 10:20 AM
I have a question for everyone out there. If you saw someone and before you met them you knew two things:

1) That you would fall in love with them if you met them
2) That they would die of a illness within the next five years

Would you still go for it and meet them or would you stay back and miss out on the relationship to save from the pain?

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 05/23/10 12:55 PM
Depends if the relationship would be a guarantee until they passed.

Phuque2's photo
Sun 05/23/10 01:01 PM
Ya beat me to it Fear.......She may get killed in a fiery car crash on the way to the meeting.

Pata's photo
Sun 05/23/10 01:06 PM
I would back away to save from the own!!

unless maybe I die in my sleep or something and the illness bears no pain....then maybe...smokin

buttons's photo
Sun 05/23/10 01:08 PM
3> how can you fall in love with someone you have not met? even if you think you can.. or thought that in the past there was never any guarantee that that is what would of happened, and just cause something ma have happened before doesnt mean it will happen again

StillLooking29's photo
Sun 05/23/10 01:10 PM
i worked with a lady who found out her husband had cancer a month before their wedding. She, of course, went thru with marrying him. He died not even 6 months later. I got the pleasure of taking care of him his last visit in the hospital before he died. He was a wonderful man and I could see the love and dedication she had for him. I was busy that day but did everything I could to stay and talk to them- help them make the visit and trip home easier. We knew he was going home to die. Anyway....even in this hard situation they faced- he was positive and she jumped threw hoops to take care of his last needs. I think everyone deserves that kind of love in their life. Even if it is short lived. I believe it is better to love and be loved then to need know it at all

ShadowShaker's photo
Sun 05/23/10 03:08 PM
Yeah, I am not talking about a virus or something like that. I mean an illness like heart problem, or stroke or something like that.

Srp92580's photo
Sun 05/23/10 06:44 PM
Garth Brooks - The Dance

Looking back on the memory of
The dance we shared beneath the stars above
For a moment all the world was right
How could I have known you'd ever say goodbye
And now I'm glad I didn't know
The way it all would end the way it all would go
Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain
But I'd of had to miss the dance
Holding you I held everything
For a moment wasn't I the king
But if I'd only known how the king would fall
Hey who's to say you know I might have changed it all
And now I'm glad I didn't know
The way it all would end the way it all would go
Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain
But I'd of had to miss the dance
Yes my life is better left to chance
I could have missed the pain but I'd of had to miss the dance

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 05/23/10 06:46 PM

Depends if the relationship would be a guarantee until they passed.

Looooooove the new pic!!!!

I wouldn't meet them for more than a friend...

skydancingA's photo
Sun 05/23/10 06:49 PM
Yes my life is better left to chance
I could have missed the pain but I'd
of had to miss the dance...

Well, that nailed it.
What price are you willing to pay..
I believe I would go for it.

toastedoranges's photo
Sun 05/23/10 06:51 PM
i'd probably avoid the situation. i take a while to get over love and death of one i love damn sure wouldn't make it easier

number96's photo
Sun 05/23/10 06:53 PM
It doesn't matter how she would die, if I knew we would fall in love, I'd go for it. The only exception would be if I also knew I wouldn't be able to be by her side in her last days, if it were due to illness or injury.

'It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all'

MelodyGirl's photo
Sun 05/23/10 07:01 PM

Depends if the relationship would be a guarantee until they passed.

Looooooove the new pic!!!!

I wouldn't meet them for more than a friend...

Me too on digging the new pix Fear! drinker

I also agree with Joy - and would only meet the person as a friend.

Knowing too much can be a bad thing. winking

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 05/23/10 07:02 PM
Stayed with one till his death...I could not it again.

Queene123's photo
Sun 05/23/10 07:03 PM

I have a question for everyone out there. If you saw someone and before you met them you knew two things:

1) That you would fall in love with them if you met them
2) That they would die of a illness within the next five years

Would you still go for it and meet them or would you stay back and miss out on the relationship to save from the pain?

i would hope it would be vise a virsa on my end
if i met someone that was willing to prove they cared and accepting my health issue that i have now..if they can be emotionally supportive then thats great

ShadowShaker's photo
Sun 05/23/10 09:08 PM
srp, while I love that song, it illustrates the concept of not knowing. I am saying if you KNEW the person would die within 5 years before you ever fell for them.

Thank-you all who answered this rather odd post. It helps me proove my point to my family about why I will not have more then friends.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 05/23/10 09:23 PM
That is a tough call reality you don't have that choice before you actually fall in-love with that person.........So really no point has been proven for the only proof one would have is if they knew they only had a short time to live. From there one must let nature take it's course love can not be predicted at times what started as a friendship could turn into love...

But if one knew they only had a short time to live and they isolated themselves from others for the fear of not finding someone then the only point they have proven is that they can't deal with the reality of it if it did happen. And in the long run could in fact be missing out themselves..........whoa

ShadowShaker's photo
Sun 05/23/10 09:32 PM
I do know that I only have a few years left. Five is an optomistic number. Therefore, I refuse to really date as I feel it is just wrong to chance letting someone vest emotions in me when I know that I am going to die fairly soon. It just seems cruel. I am not afraid of not finding someone, I am afraid of the pain I would cause them if I did find them and everything went wonderfully. Trying to minimize the collateral damage from my death.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 05/23/10 09:39 PM
Not saying that you should try to find someone. But what I'm saying is if it was to happen naturally then it would be up to the other person if they could in fact deal with it.

For there were several here that said they would take that chance if only it was for a short time.......bigsmile

I admire you for your strength not sure how I would deal with that situation if it was me. Most likely the same way meeting as friends only but at times one can not predict what the heart will do.....noway

ShadowShaker's photo
Sun 05/23/10 09:47 PM
Maybe not, but I can control keeping anything from ever happening.

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