Community > Posts By > AGoodGuy1026

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Wed 06/30/10 03:56 PM
I admit it, I am a label whore... although, I like to get a good deal!!

I find that, with many things (labels or not) there is the cheapest, the most expensive, and the best value "level"... I try to find the best value...

I mean, Johnson and Johnson baby powder is better than the "store" brand!!!

(ack, too much info!!)...

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Wed 06/30/10 12:24 PM
I use an iPhone for personal, and the BOLD 9700 for business.

At the 10000 foot view, I like the iPhone...

In so far for business use, I have used the Curve 8310, 8520, 9000 and the 9700 - the 9700 is by far and away my favorite blackberry. I like the "touch ball" instead of an actual track ball. It has a fast CPU, lots of memory - the screen resolution is fantastic (although small), it's light and the battery lasts a long time (4 days on standby)...

Although I must say, if it was for personal use - I would not want a Blackberry, for personal use I would check out a droid based phone, or an iPhone (more apps, bigger screens, touch screens)...

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Wed 06/30/10 05:41 AM
noone is perfect!

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Wed 06/30/10 05:35 AM
Edited by AGoodGuy1026 on Wed 06/30/10 05:37 AM

My Computer was acting up in May.So my son's girlfriend ran Upgrade your Windows Vista Software that came with the computer in 2007 and Since then it tells me that it is not the right one,to use the solution center disk,also to re-installation package, for the product solution center can't be found. I HOPE YOU UNDERSTAND THIS BECAUSE I DO NOT NOT. Also It tells me that I need to put my product key number into the computer to activation my windows vista,that it has to be done before 30 days is up. The number is already on the back of the computer,so how can it will wrong,they put it there. I have 2 disc that came with the computer. [Microsoft Upgrade your Windows Vista] and [ emachines-Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic 32-Bit/ Operating System Disc]

What this sounds like to me:

1. your computer (e-machine) came with windows vista - and you used a product key to activate it (or they did). This would be a full "OEM" version of vista... you typed in the product key that came with your computer - and the people that sold it to you put the key on the back of the computer.

2. along came your son's girlfriend who brought over her "upgrade your windows vista" CD with her (this would be a retail or consumer version), when she ran the upgrade it is now asking for an upgrade key... OEM and Retail keys will be different, as is the contents of the CD. Hence, the key is not valid (it's the wrong type - you are usging an OEM key with a retail DVD)...

3. "Can I just go back to the beginning". You can format your disk, and use your ORIGINAL OEM DVD, with the ORIGINAL OEM Key -- up to 3 times I believe, before microsoft will "block" the online registration verification.

I am a Mac/Linux guy - but this is my basic understanding of microsoft licensing. I believe you can call microsoft for help on this as well... I hope this helps, good luck to you...

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 06/29/10 01:27 PM
Edited by AGoodGuy1026 on Tue 06/29/10 01:29 PM

The answer to #3 is yes, one direction will be shorter than another. The main factor in play isn't the earth's rotation, but the Jet stream, thus East-to-West flights (against the jet stream) take longer than West-to-East (with the jet stream) flights.

My view on #2.

Some smarty physics guy should be able to apply Newtons laws and tell us the answer on this one? Sadly, calculus is not my thing :)..

My view on #3.

The distance will be the exact same both ways (not shorter) as measured on the ground. 5000 miles is 5000 miles either way...

I agree with the above, headwind/tailwind will be the driving factor of the duration of the flight.

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Mon 06/28/10 01:09 PM
for me it was never a specific timeframe... basically, e-mail enough to see if there is enough interest to talk. Then, talk enough to see if there is interest to meet. Then, meet and talk enough to know if there is interest to meet again....

it was different with different people... some never made it past e-mail, some never past the phone, some never past the meet... some after a few dates...... nature of the beast!

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Fri 06/25/10 07:37 AM


AGoodGuy1026's photo
Fri 06/25/10 06:10 AM
I just cannot seem to learn that I should not wear white sox with dress shoes!!


$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Fri 06/25/10 06:01 AM
Edited by AGoodGuy1026 on Fri 06/25/10 06:06 AM

what does God think about gay people? Some have given biblical references... to which I ask "did God write the bible???"....

anyway, when you meet God, ask him - and be sure to let us know the answer....

everything else is heresay...

$.02 drinker

With your logic is like saying Did the president/king of the country write all the laws for that country. And if all laws that were not written by the ruler of that country would be hearsay with your logic.

I agree with some your comment, so if the OP had asked "what does the king think about gay people" - I would respond "you would have to ask the king"....

The OP did not ask "what is the biblical context of the beliefs on being gay within the christian faith, and how do other christians view them"... She asked of God directly...

Do you know, specifically what God thinks? Men wrote the bible, and it has been modified by men... to which I make my original point.

P.S. thank you for correcting my spelling, it is in fact hearsay not heresay.

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Fri 06/25/10 05:52 AM

I tend to gravitate toward women with some kind of edge, be it a girly girl edge, or a tomboy edge... just not total plain jane wall flower type.... the "princess" type seem to be attractive to me as well... strong personality, a point of view - passion for life and for things other than themselves...

I have found I am attracted to some women, who initially I though I would not be attracted too, but after getting to know them... I agree with earlier posts, it's mostly a vibe thing...

I am not attracted to overly thin women, it's a turn off for me. I am very attracted to intellectual types, although they do not have to be formal about their education, just smart. Independent, strong, oh my!.... love

Of course, bouncy never hurts!!

$.02 drinker

Just curious, what's the attraction to the princess type?

Good question, for me it is mostly it's the challenge - the banter, it's interesting, usually never dull... of course it vary's from perosn to person... and I'll admit it... I also enjoy the shopping! I must be honest though, she has to have other endeering qualities - not just a "total princess"... perhaps I sould qualify that with "edgy intellectual with princess tendancies" rofl

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Wed 06/23/10 01:08 PM
what does God think about gay people? Some have given biblical references... to which I ask "did God write the bible???"....

anyway, when you meet God, ask him - and be sure to let us know the answer....

everything else is heresay...

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Wed 06/23/10 12:57 PM
Edited by AGoodGuy1026 on Wed 06/23/10 12:58 PM
I tend to gravitate toward women with some kind of edge, be it a girly girl edge, or a tomboy edge... just not total plain jane wall flower type.... the "princess" type seem to be attractive to me as well... strong personality, a point of view - passion for life and for things other than themselves...

I have found I am attracted to some women, who initially I though I would not be attracted too, but after getting to know them... I agree with earlier posts, it's mostly a vibe thing...

I am not attracted to overly thin women, it's a turn off for me. I am very attracted to intellectual types, although they do not have to be formal about their education, just smart. Independent, strong, oh my!.... love

Of course, bouncy never hurts!!

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Wed 06/16/10 08:23 AM
Edited by AGoodGuy1026 on Wed 06/16/10 08:24 AM

I've never understood what "Mr. Right" means.

It always seems to mean, "I'm looking for someone that fits my formatted specifications of what I think will make me happy."

I can almost do handstands. Top that, Mr. Right.

LOL - "Seeking Mr. Right" means: "I am a woman, slightly crazy - seeking perfection in others where I lack it myself, my self esteem is so low that I depend upon others to "make me happy" and want prince charming to rescue me, and 'date' me for the rest of my life - and provide me fulfillment which I cannot provide for myself"...


$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Wed 06/16/10 08:20 AM

I feel tha same ! I have yet to find a guy that can keep me as happy as i am, or bring me up ! I feel like i chose the wrong guys in the past and they did nothing but tear me down. I want to know where i can find Mr.Rite ! Thats jus gunna keep it real with me & be MiNE >=/ i know im young but COME ONNNN !!

because you are responsible for your own happiness, it's not a mans job to "keep you happy"...

OP: Seems like your decision maker is faulty... examine yourself and your choices... seems what you think is a 'good guy' is in fact not (as you describe)...


$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Fri 06/11/10 12:26 PM
it's obvious that it takes much more than that...


$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 06/08/10 04:43 AM
Novell SuSE Linux Enterprise, Open SuSE... I like them... easy install, although my X60 laptop has some issues with the integrated NIC on v10... v11.x solved it for me...

Some CentOS (appliances), RedHat... Personally, I lean towards open SuSE myself...

Mac's at home (LOL)...

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 06/08/10 02:39 AM

I've always had the cold feet, hands issue but the whole feeling of freezing got worse after the heart surgery when I woke up fighting the face mask freezing to death. I still haven't put up my fleece blankets and will grab one and curl up with it if the ac and fan make the room cold right now. It can be a 100 out.

"cold hands, warm heart"... (unknown author)...

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Mon 06/07/10 01:27 PM
Edited by AGoodGuy1026 on Mon 06/07/10 01:29 PM

Depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain. How much you have or don't have doesn't really make a difference.

I would debate this point slightly... once characteristic of depression is a "chemical imbalance within the brain" - but modern medicine has yet to prove if the imbalance is the root cause - or if their is an underlying issue that is causing the imbalance.

Mental health is much like physical or spiritual health, it must be maintained to be "good". Lack of phycical or spiritual health can cause mental health issues (i.e. like depression)... I for one am not so quick to push it aside as a simple chemical imbalance...

Many of us forget to do things that make us mentally "feel good". So many influences in modern society are driven by fear, anger and greed - which are all detrimental to the mental health well being of an individual (well, unless you are a true sadist - in which case those things would bring you pleasure)...

It's a multi-faceted and very individual issue - which is real, but surely is not so easy as a simple "chemical imbalance"...

One must activly seek activities that promote good mental health just as much as physical or spiritual... even when they are on depression meds... a pill cannot fix a person... they do help, but it's not a "fix"...

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Mon 06/07/10 01:14 PM

Have patience and keep hanging takes time for people to get used to will happen. relax and have fun

sometimes they never get used to you, but it's still a fun place to relax and have fun!

Good Luck!!

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Thu 05/27/10 01:19 PM
Edited by AGoodGuy1026 on Thu 05/27/10 01:20 PM

we are 13 trillion dollars in debt. 90% of GDP...

we have over 100 trillion in unfunded liabilities..

If you are going to fear something, fear that..

uhmm, debt to GDP is interesting, but not significant.

debt (liabilities) needs to be compared to assetts

debt 14 trillion, assetts 73 trillion. Debt to GDP is a cast flow issue, assetts to liabilities is a more realistic comparison.

P.S. interest is 1.4 trillion, so the US can pay more than it's "finance charges"...

The US Government is in way better of a cash position, cash flow, balance sheet than most american housholds...

Frankly, you should be more concerned that only 1/3 of the us population pays taxes...!!


$.02 drinker

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