Community > Posts By > AGoodGuy1026

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 05/11/10 09:59 AM
Edited by AGoodGuy1026 on Tue 05/11/10 10:00 AM

is that people want to tell you after that fact that you have been cheated on? Why is they can not tell you about the deceit you are living, so you can end it then. And what is the point of upsetting someone after the fact, by finding out they were deceived later? I think if they are disrespectful enough not to tell you while you are together, why rub it in afterwards?

I am not attempting to justify someone else's actions here, but... it's a no win situation for the friend...

If they tell you while you are "in it" you just may shun the friend in lieu of your "new or current love"

If they tell you after the fact, the same can happen...

It's a no win for anyone... the person who is really at fault it the cheater... the rest is simply collateral damage...

Luck to ya!

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Mon 05/10/10 01:11 PM
why don't you just ask him, "Why do I always have to initiate the conversation"...


$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Fri 05/07/10 08:50 PM

I am friends from folks 19 to 68, good people are just that, good people!!flowerforyou flowerforyou

and some are ********!!

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Fri 05/07/10 08:47 PM
Edited by AGoodGuy1026 on Fri 05/07/10 08:48 PM

flowerforyou blushing :heart: :heart: love :banana: pitchfork

p.s. she has the BEST pics in her profile!!!

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Fri 05/07/10 08:42 PM
Edited by AGoodGuy1026 on Fri 05/07/10 08:43 PM

a common problem, especialy to men. Is it ever ok 2 cheat? Say u want to cool of from a fight, or just a 1 night stand with a friend? A nobody has to know basis..?

common, really? have you conducted a survey or are you trying to make yourself feel better...

it's a question of your own character an morality.. if you want to hit everything in sight, just be up front and honest with your partners... you can have morals and good character and have casual sex - as long as it is conveyed honestly, frankly and up front.

the problem only happens when you betray yourself and pursue a relationship with someone - say you want a monogamous relationship - when you know in your heart you only want to hit and run...

be honest, be a man... convey your needs and adhere to your limits... there is nothing wrong with casual sex as long as it is honest, safe and what both parties want...

get my drift?

p.s. "especially for men"... uhm, you have a LOT to learn about women!! ROFLMAO!!!!

se ya... playa...!

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Thu 05/06/10 08:24 PM

How many people have ever been so enthralled with someone intellectually/conversationally...they became sexually attracted afterward? And did it take you by surprise?

Just curious...

*raises his hand*

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Thu 05/06/10 08:13 PM

When a woman meets me it takes her all about 15 minutes to figure out that I have "stuff going on"

Silly me, I was under impression the OP was about maintaining the relationship with a "big spender", not picking one up!

Certainly, if you "pulled a wool over the girl's eyes" when you first met her, then you better live up to the image. However, after a year of living together, most of the financial "I's" better be dotted!

On the other hand, I would be very cautious before taking an advise from a 42-year Young (already-divorced) person -- regardless of how many cars he has!

if you need it spelled out, the OP seemed (IMHO) to be asking why it seems it takes money to attract a woman...

interestingly enough I must say that I do hope that when "you" read - you do not gleen only that what you want to see...

Since 'you' have taken it to a 'personal' level, In the future I will attempt to dumb down my post to a 9th grade reading level - you obviously missed the context of what I wrote... I would add that you should re-read my whole post -- if you need further clarity just send me a private message - I would be happy to explain it you slowly, and at length...


p.s. I LOVE being taken out of context... tongue2

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Thu 05/06/10 05:28 PM
Ok, time for me to chime in...

for all those guys that *whine* and *moan* about "awww, whaaaa, I have no money and she wont go out with me"... OR even better, "whaaaa, I gave her my credit card, and she left me in debt, then left me"... I have some news for you...

1. if you project the fact that you have lots of money, and you give a woman your credit card to act like the 'big man on campus' you get what you deserve. Likely it's the same poor decision making that let you give her your credit card as it is to lack your education enough to do so in the first place....

Women respond to confidence, intellect, drive and passion. Guess what? The confident, intellectual driven - passionate men... turns out they often make a lot of money... get used to it....

If you want a woman that likes nice things?? Uhmmm, go do the work and make enough money to buy her nice things.

Why should a woman settle for your un-achieving dumb *** just because you are "a nice guy"... ?? oh please... go see mama and borrow $200 for a date and see how far it gets you.

We live in AMERICA, the home of the capitalistic system... you go and get - or you loose out...

buck up, grow a pair, learn something and become successful... you just might achieve all that you hope for...

ME? I own a Benz, a jeep, a honda CIVIC, a big house and I am confident, educated and in my own mind - successful. When I go meet someone I go for coffee - I go dutch, and I drive my CIVIC. When a woman meets me it takes her all about 15 minutes to figure out that I have "stuff going on" -- it has nothing to do with flashing money, cash, cars or a house... it's all about WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOUR CHARACTER is made of...

good luck to you! (for those like me, welcome to the party!!)...


$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Thu 05/06/10 12:43 PM
Cinco de Mayo is a date of great importance for the Mexican and Chicano communities. It marks the victory of the Mexican Army over the French at the Battle of Puebla. Althought the Mexican army was eventually defeated, the "Batalla de Puebla" came to represent a symbol of Mexican unity and patriotism. With this victory, Mexico demonstrated to the world that Mexico and all of Latin America were willing to defend themselves of any foreign intervention. Especially those from imperialist states bent on world conquest.

Cinco de Mayo's history has its roots in the French Occupation of Mexico. The French occupation took shape in the aftermath of the Mexican-American War of 1846-48. With this war, Mexico entered a period of national crisis during the 1850's. Years of not only fighting the Americans but also a Civil War, had left Mexico devastated and bankrupt. On July 17, 1861, President Benito Juarez issued a moratorium in which all foreign debt payments would be suspended for a brief period of two years, with the promise that after this period, payments would resume

For the record, St. Patrick's day has been celebrated since AD 347 - some 1500 years before Cinco de Mayo... it offends me that they were grouped together by the above post!!! GRRR!!

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Thu 05/06/10 12:14 PM

SO ok heres the story its 4 30 and im trying to unwind with a lil modern warfare 2 then i get this text from my best friend saying shes locked in a trunk and shes too scared to call and i asked her who took her and all that well she didnt know much so i called 911..and talked to them for 11 minutes

then my cell phone gets this voice mail and i hear her in the background asking her ****ING RETARD OF A ****ING THUNDERCUNT BOYFRIEND who is he calling!apparently he was drunk and thought it would be funny to text me and act her saying shes been kidnapped

this girl is like a sister to me we grew up together and i ripped into her saying "do you know how many people die like this?!your boyfriend really needs to grow up and stop being so immature!"

so do i keep talking to her or distance myself just a lil?

you should not be so gullible... end the drama *sigh*...

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Thu 05/06/10 11:56 AM
sounds like your not being a team player... perhaps you should just quit?... rofl

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 05/04/10 08:22 AM

it takes a lot of patience and acceptance and, although it isn't something i'm capable of with everyone, somehow i've managed to love robin unconditionally all these years.

i truly love him without condition and have accepted and cherished every single moment that we've had together. there are no expectations on either of us, no demands on the relationship, we enjoy each day as it comes and don't look too far into the future, just the realization that, for today at least, we are in love with each other, and that we both imagine tomorrow will be no different.

i have no desire to change anything at all about him. sure, there are things that drive me crazy but if i tried to change that piece, somehow all the parts would get mixed and i might lose one of the components about him that i adore.

i just take him as he is and enjoy him while i have him. it's as difficult, and as simple, as that.

awwwww is she awesome or what?

beauty AND brains!

that or you have a BIG d***..., perhaps all three are true!!

rofl rofl

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 05/04/10 07:54 AM

to be compassionate, to love someone unconditionally, to be able to laugh together, cry together? to be there through the good and the bad. good men have vanished.

frankly, it is very difficult indeed...

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 05/04/10 07:53 AM

Was telling my ex, who decided to retire/ not retire/ retire/ etc. about the position.

and now you "wonder why"... uhm, really??!!??

slaphead slaphead

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Fri 04/30/10 12:28 PM

Well, Melody, believe it or not, there is a whole world that exists outside of yourself. I wanted to know about the Mingle2 patrons' experiences.

I find it hard to believe that you dedicated bloggers (one can tell from your number of posts) have time to meet actual humans off of the computer.

I don't get what INSITE means? Either you meet people on this site and have face to face meetings or you don't.

I am not older than you. You make the claim that you can "hang with twenty something" year old women in the looks department. If that were true, you would probably have a man and no time for blogging.

uhmmm $.25 for you! flowerforyou

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Fri 04/30/10 10:39 AM
you have no proof that I did! HA!!


$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Fri 04/30/10 07:16 AM
being supportive to a friend, coffee... or even the smell of a fresh breezy warm spring day (like today)...

Happy Day to everyone!

:banana: flowerforyou

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Fri 04/30/10 07:05 AM
Understood, thank you for the additional information.

Your basic problem is this -- you have a linux machine with 2 interfaces (eth0 (WiFi), eth1 (NIC)).

Broadcasts on the eth0 network will not be forwarded to the eth1 network. The two interfaces are connected to two different "physical" networks.
In essence, they are seperated.

In order to accomplish what you need, you must configure your LINUX machine to be a router. This will require your linux machine to have 2 ip networks, one on each interface.

Also, since your eth1 network will be in a different subnet, your AP will have to be configured to "route back" to the eth1 network. Many AP's do not suppoprt this functionality.

My suggestion in this scenario would be:

1. configure LINUX to be a router
2. configure LINUX to "translate" all eth1 traffic to eth0 ip subnet, eliminating the need for the AP to "route back"
3. IP PC2 on eth1 network...

Suggested steps (specific)

### PC2 ###
1. Give PC2 an IP address of, netmask, gateway

### LINUX ###
1. enable packet forwarding - 'echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward'
2. enable iptables to translate eth1 to eth0 network '/sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE'
3. save iptables settings 'service iptables save'
4. ipconfig eth0 (or whatever AP's subnet is)
5. ipconfig eth1
6. ip route default gw (or whatever AP's ip address is)

That should be about it. I am a SUSE guy, so UBUNTU may be a bit different...

Good luck, hope this helps, Let us know your progress!!

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Thu 04/29/10 06:50 AM

Jill what will happen if wife kicks him out he'll go to your friend.Some people are very good in manipulation and i bet he has both these women convinced he loves them.He loves himself.He's using your friend and keeping his options open
And my friend is allowing this all to happen which really upsets me.
I guess I felt like if I was "barb" I would want to be told. But I can't seem to justify contacting her and stirring up all these problems. I feel like I would be causing even more drama and problems to an already bad situation. I just feel guilty for "barb". For all I know right now, she's innocent in this... but maybe she's not. I just don't know. I do believe that all cheaters will eventually get caught. Maybe I should wait it out and let him get caught up on his own.

It's their life, not yours... why do you feel the need to try to "rescue" someone... perhaps you should mind your own business? I mean, these are two adults... not like they are children or something (who may actually need a rescue)...


$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Thu 04/29/10 06:45 AM
Edited by AGoodGuy1026 on Thu 04/29/10 06:45 AM
yes, I do... but I rather enjoy the more colorful... Mother F**ker!!, and sometimes I digress to the Son of a B**CH!! The occational GD!!... as well as... (oh dear, I am rambling again...)

But then again, my father WAS a sailor so I guess I was taught well!! rofl

$.02 drinker

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