Community > Posts By > AGoodGuy1026

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Thu 04/29/10 06:39 AM
perhaps not "cut off" but limit what you share with them?

mutual respect - and some omissions when it comes to family may be best... after all, blood IS thicker than water...

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Thu 04/29/10 06:02 AM
Ok, your post is a little confusing... so I will make assumptions and comment...

1. if you have a wireless network (an access point somewhere) why are you trying to "share you network with eth0 on the XP machine" this is not making much sense to me, why not simply join the other computers to the WLAN? THEN share out your windows resources?

2. two computers on the same subnet do not need a router to talk (i.e. if you have one pc setup as, and the other setup as - you do not need a gateway).

3. if you have a straight cable you will not "build a network" you would need a "crossover cable" between the two PC's in order to have connectivity...

4. if you are connecting with a WLAN - and you are trying to ping each other and cannot, the following can be problems:

a) you have connected to the wifi - but are using the wrong encryption key, therefore you are not really connected... I suggest using an "OPEN" ap configuration for testing first, then enable encryption later (just for troubleshooting I would never run an OPEN ap setup)

b) ensure that local firewalls are DIS-abled on the linux as well as the windows pc

c) I would suggest configuring DHCP on the WiFi AP, this will help you separate connectivity problems (if you do not get a Dhcp address - then the wifi is not configured properly) - as well as allow your AP to be "the router"...

Let us know how you progress~~

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Wed 04/28/10 12:35 PM

i've been told, i blow the lid off the casket, and other times, sleep like the dead. no worries about a significant other being bothered, for i sprall, and they can't sleep with me anyway. not sure what i do when i sleep, so i lock myself in to protect others. scared, that one night, i might wake-up and find someone ripped to pieces in reality from a vivid dream i might have, thinking in the dream, that they are a "dream monster that i'm destroying".....that would truly beyond suck. i get hotel rooms when i travel to meet people to avoid that. i can control many things, but not my strength or what i do when i'm sleeping.....scared spock surprised

So basically you're not a snuggler huh? rofl

on contrare, a snuggler, but don't let me fall asleep in your bed. i have incredible defense mechanisms. scary stuff, i think it's from sleeping out in the woods when i was homeless, from 87-89. from what i've been told, i broke someone's arm back wards, and picked them up over my head, and threw their back against a tree. i never want to experience that again!

i can see it now, murdering someone in my sleep, and waking up! oh god! my ultimate nightmare!!!!!.....i often thought that i should just go to be induced into prison so it doesn't happen, and if it happens there, so friggin what! i keep a few idiots from getting back on the street. i'm still debating this matter......but right now, i can lock myself in and be totally isolated, and i plan to keep it that way. i don't talk about this much, for it frightens me, and nothing can help this.

scared scared scared
scares me too, I was just talking about snoring!! rofl

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Wed 04/28/10 11:29 AM

snoring = sleep apnia.

considering the reasearch I have done - it may be a possibility, but they can be mutually exclusive...

An obstacle to be overcome or tolerated.flowerforyou


$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Wed 04/28/10 08:04 AM

Well.. I'm not a guy but I have friends that are gay... both male and female... And I'm cool with it

well too...drinker

:thumbsup: people are people, everyone deserves to be happy...!!

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Wed 04/28/10 07:20 AM

wouldnt matter to me....I snore like hell.embarassed

:banana: rofl rofl :banana:

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Wed 04/28/10 05:15 AM
So.. be honest...

Do you snore? Does your S.O. snore? Has it ever been a deal breaker for you when a new love turns out to snore??...

Oy Vey!

Me? Yeah, I admit it - I snore sometimes... sometimes not... the rest remains to be seen!!! :laughing:

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Mon 04/26/10 12:29 PM

First of all you can't fall in love through phone calls & email. At least I don't believe you can. Yes, you can sort of get to know them & then meet & see how it goes. But, I could never allow someone I haven't even met break my heart. Why confront them? You're the one who allowed them to enter your heart through a bunch of empty words written on a computer generated screen? Sort of like falling for a robot when you think of it!! To me they're not lovable subjects until I have met & gotten to know them in a real life setting, until then they are just objects on a screen!! People can be anybody they want to be & say anything they want to say on a screen. It's not always who they are!!

she speaks the truth... :thumbsup:

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 04/20/10 12:18 PM

thank you all!... FYI - they were very well received!


flowers for everyone!! flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 04/20/10 08:51 AM
what program are you using?... that would help a lot in andwering your question(s)...

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 04/20/10 08:14 AM

Dad's shotgun and the .45 pistol. Fun. I'm more a knife person myself.

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 04/20/10 08:00 AM
:banana: rofl :banana: showing my cheezy, campy side...! (I'm really NOT!!!)...

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 04/20/10 07:59 AM
Ok,--- cheezy or still "en vogue"...?? Thoughts???

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 04/20/10 07:18 AM
at least he's being honest about what he wants!! LOL!!

keep his number if you want a booty call, but other than that move on!!!

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 04/20/10 07:11 AM
ME? Coffee... 'cuase I can drink it all day, every day!!!

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Thu 04/08/10 12:15 PM

im saying i was falling for a girl and she put everything on a dumb game she had her friend do on me and now its over... :(

sounds like you took the bait!... slaphead

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 04/06/10 07:31 AM
I have personally attended some tea party "protests" in Washington DC. I travelled with a group of 8-9 people. They are not "radical fringe elements", nor were they "violent anarchists"...

Frankly, the group of us were professionals, catholic, and very dissapointed in the direction the government is taking on health care... the men were conservative, the women were typical "soccer mom" types...

The "protests" that I atteneded were peaceful, respectful, clean (no trash all over the place" and INFORMED...

Don't believe everything you read... research and find out the truth for yourself. If you believe everything you see on TV - you are a fool...

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 04/06/10 06:43 AM
Edited by AGoodGuy1026 on Tue 04/06/10 06:44 AM
hmmmmmm, kissing? no... sleeping with? uhhh - yeah, at least 1!!

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Mon 04/05/10 01:27 PM

If for some unforeseen reasons everything that we have before us today as far as technology and the things we have was no longer there.

This does not include food or family just those things we have become accustom to having within our every day lives.

What three things in your life would you miss the most?whoa

I would miss my job, becuase my chosen profession is technology! rofl

$.02 drinker

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Mon 04/05/10 12:07 PM
Edited by AGoodGuy1026 on Mon 04/05/10 12:11 PM

thing is he lied to me.. then i found out that he cheated on me... i talk to the girl and i discover everything.. he wants me to believe everything he says.. that he loves me.. convincing! but still im glad i found out the truth and it really hurts! now he wants us to talk.. im so confused.. :( thats why i ask some opinions here to uplift my spirit.. so i can decide which best way i can do. thanks to all of you.. this really helps..drinker

It sounds like you love him, he may also truly love you - but you may want to ask yourself, seperate from love - is his behavior acceptable to you?

Personally, if I am in a relationship with someone, it is not acceptable for them to sleep with other people. If I am in a relationship with someone it is not acceptable for them to lie to me. If I am in a relationship with someone, it is not acceptable for them to disrespect me....

I think you see my point, it takes more than love to make a relationship work.

I feel for you that this has happened - I wish you the best of luck...

$.02 drinker

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