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Topic: Sticks and Stones
Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 04/24/11 04:03 PM

Matt 8:5-13

5 And when Yahshua was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him,

6 And saying, Master, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented.

7 And Yahshua saith unto him, I will come and heal him.

8 The centurion answered and said, Master, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.

9 For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it.

10 When Yahshua heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith , no, not in Israel.

11 And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven.

12 But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

13 And Yahshua said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.

the fact that the centurion asked Yahshua to heal his servant meant that he was already a believer

No it doesn't. He may have been a weak believer or he may have been trying to challenge Yahshua.

I had a relative who took their child with palsy to a so-called evangelic healer and the boy was not healed. She was told it was because she lacked enough faith in God that he would be healed.

faith only applies to God and God along ..to weld faith other than to God turns faith into witchcraft

according to whom?

These so called evangelic healers are frauds.. Take for Instance Benny Hinn. Claims he has healed the blind and almost anything he wants. Yet when 20/20 did a special on him not 1 confirmed healing could be found.

People believe in the man. so the mans faith is what they get. the faith of your friend even though she believed I would say. does not glorify Yahweh with a healing in jc. Yahweh's ways are higher than our ways. IMO Benny Hinds ministry is being exposed as a fruad by no verifiable healings.. I am nobody yet people have been healed to this day like 30 years later that had been given death sentences. It was not me.. but I did fervently believe they would be healed and I do not know when this will happen the words just come out that you are ok, don't worry and every time the person recovered very rapidly and the drs. were stumped because thier x-rays and mri's and test ect. almost over night showed a dieing person to be completely well.. they can not explain it and neither can I or anyone else. but it was always for soemone else. not me. but hospital records and drs. are thier and yet i am nobody but a follower and believer that with Yahshua anything is possible..Blessings..Miles

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 04/24/11 04:12 PM

Don't we all have faith in something? The faith that the roman soldier had was that his servent could be healed and from what he had heard and maybe seen he believed Yahshua could help him.

Just like if you take someone to the hospital you have faith that thier they will get help and probally help them.. Faith is believing even though you may not know for sure but something tells you it can be done.. Blessings..Miles

"Milesoftheusa"...if there are no Atheists in a foxhole then there shouldn't be any believers in the hospital

Thats true. But scriptures even tell us why believers are sick.

James 5:13-18

Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms. 14 Is anyone among you sick ? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of Yahweh. 15 And the prayer of faith will save the sick , and Yahweh will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. 16 Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. 17 Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. 18 And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit.

no photo
Sun 04/24/11 04:13 PM

Matt 8:5-13

5 And when Yahshua was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him,

6 And saying, Master, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented.

7 And Yahshua saith unto him, I will come and heal him.

8 The centurion answered and said, Master, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.

9 For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it.

10 When Yahshua heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith , no, not in Israel.

11 And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven.

12 But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

13 And Yahshua said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.

the fact that the centurion asked Yahshua to heal his servant meant that he was already a believer

No it doesn't. He may have been a weak believer or he may have been trying to challenge Yahshua.

I had a relative who took their child with palsy to a so-called evangelic healer and the boy was not healed. She was told it was because she lacked enough faith in God that he would be healed.

faith only applies to God and God along ..to weld faith other than to God turns faith into witchcraft

according to whom?

These so called evangelic healers are frauds.. Take for Instance Benny Hinn. Claims he has healed the blind and almost anything he wants. Yet when 20/20 did a special on him not 1 confirmed healing could be found.

People believe in the man. so the mans faith is what they get. the faith of your friend even though she believed I would say. does not glorify Yahweh with a healing in jc. Yahweh's ways are higher than our ways. IMO Benny Hinds ministry is being exposed as a fruad by no verifiable healings.. I am nobody yet people have been healed to this day like 30 years later that had been given death sentences. It was not me.. but I did fervently believe they would be healed and I do not know when this will happen the words just come out that you are ok, don't worry and every time the person recovered very rapidly and the drs. were stumped because thier x-rays and mri's and test ect. almost over night showed a dieing person to be completely well.. they can not explain it and neither can I or anyone else. but it was always for soemone else. not me. but hospital records and drs. are thier and yet i am nobody but a follower and believer that with Yahshua anything is possible..Blessings..Miles

Yes I know they are frauds.

I was making a point that the failure to heal was blamed on the one who did not have enough faith.

But my point was what Yahshua said.

And Yahshua said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee.

He did NOT say that anyone would be healed.
He did NOT say the HE was doing the healing.
He said

This completely lets him off if hook whether the servant was healed OR NOT.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 04/24/11 04:22 PM

Matt 8:5-13

5 And when Yahshua was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him,

6 And saying, Master, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented.

7 And Yahshua saith unto him, I will come and heal him.

8 The centurion answered and said, Master, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.

9 For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it.

10 When Yahshua heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith , no, not in Israel.

11 And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven.

12 But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

13 And Yahshua said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.

the fact that the centurion asked Yahshua to heal his servant meant that he was already a believer

No it doesn't. He may have been a weak believer or he may have been trying to challenge Yahshua.

I had a relative who took their child with palsy to a so-called evangelic healer and the boy was not healed. She was told it was because she lacked enough faith in God that he would be healed.

faith only applies to God and God along ..to weld faith other than to God turns faith into witchcraft

according to whom?

These so called evangelic healers are frauds.. Take for Instance Benny Hinn. Claims he has healed the blind and almost anything he wants. Yet when 20/20 did a special on him not 1 confirmed healing could be found.

People believe in the man. so the mans faith is what they get. the faith of your friend even though she believed I would say. does not glorify Yahweh with a healing in jc. Yahweh's ways are higher than our ways. IMO Benny Hinds ministry is being exposed as a fruad by no verifiable healings.. I am nobody yet people have been healed to this day like 30 years later that had been given death sentences. It was not me.. but I did fervently believe they would be healed and I do not know when this will happen the words just come out that you are ok, don't worry and every time the person recovered very rapidly and the drs. were stumped because thier x-rays and mri's and test ect. almost over night showed a dieing person to be completely well.. they can not explain it and neither can I or anyone else. but it was always for soemone else. not me. but hospital records and drs. are thier and yet i am nobody but a follower and believer that with Yahshua anything is possible..Blessings..Miles

Yes I know they are frauds.

I was making a point that the failure to heal was blamed on the one who did not have enough faith.

But my point was what Yahshua said.

And Yahshua said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee.

He did NOT say that anyone would be healed.
He did NOT say the HE was doing the healing.
He said

This completely lets him off if hook whether the servant was healed OR NOT.

Yahshua offered to go with him.. He was not trying to get off any hook.. Yahshua had faith that anything coulkd be done.. the soldier had faith that this man was for real.. His faith that a healing would take place with out doubt healed the man.

Healings can take place now. we need faith without doubt that we know it will happen. Yahweh in the beginning said the EARTH and everything was under his control if we believe that the like Yahshua said if you say to this mountain move and you know it will without doubt it will but who has such faith that this will happen and if it does not be labeled a fool. But I believe the earth and everything is under our feet and that the power of the earthj has to do as we say if we have no doubt.. but its a OJT training to get such belief. which takes 1st a belief the scriptures are the essence of life on earth. like a formula a scientist does.. if all ingredience are not properly doene right his experiment or solution will not work.. so he tries again untill he truely believes/knows without a doubt do this and this will happen.. no doubts.. doubts is what holds us back.. Blessings of Shalom...Miles

no photo
Sun 04/24/11 04:52 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 04/24/11 04:53 PM
Yahshua offered to go with him.. He was not trying to get off any hook.. Yahshua had faith that anything coulkd be done.. the soldier had faith that this man was for real.. His faith that a healing would take place with out doubt healed the man.

Not my point Miles.

I did not say he was trying to get off the hook. I said that according to what he said, he was already off the hook whether or not the servant was healed.

The scriptures go on to say that the servant was healed. But who verified that? Who witnessed that? Who wrote that statement?

In any case it would not matter. Yahshua knew that according to Universal law as one believes, so it is.


This is universal law. It has nothing to do with faith in the scripture or even faith in any particular healer.

It is the belief itself that can move a mountain.

"Yahshua said if you say to this mountain move and you know it will without doubt it will but who has such faith that this will happen and if it does not be labeled a fool."

Yahshua is saying that ANYONE who has that much faith can cause a mountain to move. --->Anyone!

Yet people do not understand that he is telling them that it is their own faith and belief that creates miracles... not him.

But they would all fall to their knees and worship him because they believed he could do these things and they did not believe what he told them, that they could also do these things.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 04/24/11 05:10 PM

Yahshua offered to go with him.. He was not trying to get off any hook.. Yahshua had faith that anything coulkd be done.. the soldier had faith that this man was for real.. His faith that a healing would take place with out doubt healed the man.

Not my point Miles.

I did not say he was trying to get off the hook. I said that according to what he said, he was already off the hook whether or not the servant was healed.

The scriptures go on to say that the servant was healed. But who verified that? Who witnessed that? Who wrote that statement?

In any case it would not matter. Yahshua knew that according to Universal law as one believes, so it is.


This is universal law. It has nothing to do with faith in the scripture or even faith in any particular healer.

It is the belief itself that can move a mountain.

"Yahshua said if you say to this mountain move and you know it will without doubt it will but who has such faith that this will happen and if it does not be labeled a fool."

Yahshua is saying that ANYONE who has that much faith can cause a mountain to move. --->Anyone!

Yet people do not understand that he is telling them that it is their own faith and belief that creates miracles... not him.

But they would all fall to their knees and worship him because they believed he could do these things and they did not believe what he told them, that they could also do these things.

Hey kiddo! That's MY story! drinker

You don't even believe Jesus ever existed remember? bigsmile

He was a totally made-up fable of the Piso family.

Now you're talking like he was an enlightened Mahayana Buddhist. laugh

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 04/24/11 05:17 PM

Yahshua offered to go with him.. He was not trying to get off any hook.. Yahshua had faith that anything coulkd be done.. the soldier had faith that this man was for real.. His faith that a healing would take place with out doubt healed the man.

Not my point Miles.

I did not say he was trying to get off the hook. I said that according to what he said, he was already off the hook whether or not the servant was healed.

The scriptures go on to say that the servant was healed. But who verified that? Who witnessed that? Who wrote that statement?

In any case it would not matter. Yahshua knew that according to Universal law as one believes, so it is.


This is universal law. It has nothing to do with faith in the scripture or even faith in any particular healer.

It is the belief itself that can move a mountain.

"Yahshua said if you say to this mountain move and you know it will without doubt it will but who has such faith that this will happen and if it does not be labeled a fool."

Yahshua is saying that ANYONE who has that much faith can cause a mountain to move. --->Anyone!

Yet people do not understand that he is telling them that it is their own faith and belief that creates miracles... not him.

But they would all fall to their knees and worship him because they believed he could do these things and they did not believe what he told them, that they could also do these things.

Hook.. it was faith. like you said anyone can do anything if they believe they can.. Thats what Yahshua was spreading.. an Evangel where doing good to others and not being selfish like the religious leaders of the day and Miracles will happen.

No hook just knowing without a doubt.. don't need anyone bt Yahweh to teach you but then as is today the Religious teachers do not want you to learn belief and faith on your own.. They have the knowledge and you need to follow them.. This denies the Holy Spirit will work and show anyone who desires that knowledge. No hook needed.. Blessings..Miles

no photo
Sun 04/24/11 05:39 PM
Hook.. it was faith. like you said anyone can do anything if they believe they can.. Thats what Yahshua was spreading.. an Evangel where doing good to others and not being selfish like the religious leaders of the day and Miracles will happen.

I don't agree with your interpretation that the story was about "doing good to others" rather than "being selfish." That was not what it was about at all. Don't know how you arrived at that conclusion.

Oh well.ohwell

josie68's photo
Sun 04/24/11 06:48 PM
Edited by josie68 on Sun 04/24/11 06:49 PM

Funches, honestly you crack me up

If God is God, which we havent established that he is except as a character in a book, then the character could pull it out of anywhere he please.
Surely he wouldnt have just sat their in the Dark..so the substance must have come from somewhere and if there was nothing before God then was there space, as if there wasnt any space he would have been squashed.
so there must have been something..

hmmm and if things apeared when he spoke then what was it made of, not him, but something..

even the character God in the book is still under the jurisdiction of logic but not under the jurisdiction of the laws of physics but space is under this jurisdiction which mean that space would not effect God or a lack of it would not squash God.and according to Genesis God existed in the darkness and only for his creations did he create light...

which means that "In The Beggining" nothing else existed, not space nor light only the darkness that is God existed...

even if things as you said appeared when he spoke the substance that they were constucted of still would have to come from God since nothing else existed

so if nothing existed but God...then where did the substance that he made his dinner come from? ..if it was not from him?

the answer will show that all creation is "begotton" from God but not actually God....

Ok, Well he must have been pretty bored when he was sitting there in the dark..
I have absolutely no idea where anything came from..

so I think I will put some serious thought into it..

Nope couldnt find the answer

josie68's photo
Sun 04/24/11 06:54 PM

Yahshua offered to go with him.. He was not trying to get off any hook.. Yahshua had faith that anything coulkd be done.. the soldier had faith that this man was for real.. His faith that a healing would take place with out doubt healed the man.

Not my point Miles.

I did not say he was trying to get off the hook. I said that according to what he said, he was already off the hook whether or not the servant was healed.

The scriptures go on to say that the servant was healed. But who verified that? Who witnessed that? Who wrote that statement?

In any case it would not matter. Yahshua knew that according to Universal law as one believes, so it is.


This is universal law. It has nothing to do with faith in the scripture or even faith in any particular healer.

It is the belief itself that can move a mountain.

"Yahshua said if you say to this mountain move and you know it will without doubt it will but who has such faith that this will happen and if it does not be labeled a fool."

Yahshua is saying that ANYONE who has that much faith can cause a mountain to move. --->Anyone!

Yet people do not understand that he is telling them that it is their own faith and belief that creates miracles... not him.

But they would all fall to their knees and worship him because they believed he could do these things and they did not believe what he told them, that they could also do these things.

Hook.. it was faith. like you said anyone can do anything if they believe they can.. Thats what Yahshua was spreading.. an Evangel where doing good to others and not being selfish like the religious leaders of the day and Miracles will happen.

No hook just knowing without a doubt.. don't need anyone bt Yahweh to teach you but then as is today the Religious teachers do not want you to learn belief and faith on your own.. They have the knowledge and you need to follow them.. This denies the Holy Spirit will work and show anyone who desires that knowledge. No hook needed.. Blessings..Miles

Hmmm but wouoldnt it be faith according to Gods will..
I cannot really see how my faith if it is going against Gods will will work.
But then if it is only according to Gods will, it is only what God wants anyway.
So its still him..

Because surely if i have faith that my ex is going to be struck dead by lightning , its not going to happen

josie68's photo
Sun 04/24/11 06:59 PM

God uses a replicator to make his food. Like the ones on Star Trec. The food just appears out of nothing. Probably comes out of a black hole.

if nothing else existed but God...then where did the materials for the replicator and the black hole come from if not "begotton" of God?

Hmmmm Maybe, he just spat it out..

josie68's photo
Sun 04/24/11 07:10 PM

Now you're just twisting my words again. You're getting fairly good at that :)

Lies told so far
Satan 0
Funches uncountable.

While Jesus was on the earth in the flesh, he was a man. He was the word made in FLESH. He came to bring the new covenant, not to judge and or rule. And besides all that Jesus does have the authority. If Jesus hadn't been willing to do the will of God he could have fairly well destroyed them all. But in doing so, would have been doing his own person agenda and not doing the will of God in completing the prophecies.

Cowboy...since you claim that I'm twisting your words then I guess I have to provide proof that you are lying..here are two posts from another thread where you claim that Jesus did have the authority...here's the link to it


here's what you post in the second post of that thread page

posted by Cowboy:
No it doesn't. Jesus is the judge of all. When a "judge" carries out a judgment it is far from vigilantism

you just posted that Jesus was not here to judge and/or rule...which mean you got busted in a lie and a contradiction

here's what you posted in that same thread page in post 7

Jesus didn't declare himself the judge. God told us a long time ago that we are judged by the word. The word then was made flesh, Jesus. So the law has and always will be in the hands of Jesus. Still not vigilantism.

you posted that Jesus was not here to rule ..which means you got busted in another lie and a contradiction

since the subject was about Vigilantism....that would indicate that we were talking about the Laws on Earth

when means you once again got busted in two lies and once again preaching a false gospel

Satan 0
Cowboy 7

You're still not listening Funches. While Jesus was on the earth in the flesh he was not here to judge anyone. Yes Jesus is the judge, but that was not his intentions while he was on Earth. He was here to fulfill the old covenant and bring forth a new. Not to judge anyone. So please I ask you stop spreading your hateful lies and twisting of words. Please listen, half a person's obligation on a forum is to listen. So please if you're going to discuss, learn what you truly are talking about.

Cowboy(s) .. sorry but everything you post is a contradction....

Cowboy(1) said that Jesus was not on Earth to Judge
Cowboy(2) said that yes Jesus is the judge
Cowboy(3) said you're not listening Funches

are you The Cowboy Version of The Trinity?

but anyway all you were trying to do was get the debate away from why Jesus failed to tell Pontious Pilate that he was the law of anything

he had a chance to tell Pilate that he had authority over Heaven and Earth but didn't do so because the logical conclusion is that he was either scare or preying on the Jews only ....and this is supposed to be the son of God?

Cowboy,, I think that Funches does listen to you , he is just very skilled at pushing your buttons and frustrating you.

Remember to rest in God's pease, smile and laugh at what he is saying and reply.
Funches will always come out on top, we really dont have anything that he cannot turn around as thats just how the Bible is.
So keep putting your knowledge in there and let funches reply, because I have learnt so much from both of you..Coming in here will either destroy your faith or build it.

So just look at it like you are here on a bulding mission, whatever you say will help people who come in here, either to believe or to not believe.

I believe but can very easily see why it is so hard to believe.
So look at it from both sides and its much easier.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 04/24/11 09:42 PM

Yahshua offered to go with him.. He was not trying to get off any hook.. Yahshua had faith that anything coulkd be done.. the soldier had faith that this man was for real.. His faith that a healing would take place with out doubt healed the man.

Not my point Miles.

I did not say he was trying to get off the hook. I said that according to what he said, he was already off the hook whether or not the servant was healed.

The scriptures go on to say that the servant was healed. But who verified that? Who witnessed that? Who wrote that statement?

In any case it would not matter. Yahshua knew that according to Universal law as one believes, so it is.


This is universal law. It has nothing to do with faith in the scripture or even faith in any particular healer.

It is the belief itself that can move a mountain.

"Yahshua said if you say to this mountain move and you know it will without doubt it will but who has such faith that this will happen and if it does not be labeled a fool."

Yahshua is saying that ANYONE who has that much faith can cause a mountain to move. --->Anyone!

Yet people do not understand that he is telling them that it is their own faith and belief that creates miracles... not him.

But they would all fall to their knees and worship him because they believed he could do these things and they did not believe what he told them, that they could also do these things.

Hook.. it was faith. like you said anyone can do anything if they believe they can.. Thats what Yahshua was spreading.. an Evangel where doing good to others and not being selfish like the religious leaders of the day and Miracles will happen.

No hook just knowing without a doubt.. don't need anyone bt Yahweh to teach you but then as is today the Religious teachers do not want you to learn belief and faith on your own.. They have the knowledge and you need to follow them.. This denies the Holy Spirit will work and show anyone who desires that knowledge. No hook needed.. Blessings..Miles

Hmmm but wouoldnt it be faith according to Gods will..
I cannot really see how my faith if it is going against Gods will will work.
But then if it is only according to Gods will, it is only what God wants anyway.
So its still him..

Because surely if i have faith that my ex is going to be struck dead by lightning , its not going to happen

wishing harm to someone is not faith. all things that are good come from Yahweh.

anyone has the power to have faith in the Good of mankind of nature.

Yahshua stoped the storm on the sea. Peter stood on water untill he got scared and his faith started to sink him.. he had lost faith.

striking your ex dead is witchcraft congering up spirits of demons..

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 04/24/11 09:50 PM

Hook.. it was faith. like you said anyone can do anything if they believe they can.. Thats what Yahshua was spreading.. an Evangel where doing good to others and not being selfish like the religious leaders of the day and Miracles will happen.

I don't agree with your interpretation that the story was about "doing good to others" rather than "being selfish." That was not what it was about at all. Don't know how you arrived at that conclusion.

Oh well.ohwell

Yahshua said thier is one who is Good your father in heaven.

Yahshua would never of said I have not found such faith in all of Israel if thier would of been selfish motivation thier.

He was concerned for his friend.

So he said as you believe let it be.. he had nothing but good intention and went to who he believed could help his friend.

not well who is this guy.. he believed that he was special.. someone to respect. said he did not have to come with him..like Yahshua was the commanding officer and whatever he said would be done. He knew how to carry out orders.

What he asked for is good.its like the proverb if you want to have friends then be friendly.. Blessings..Miles

josie68's photo
Sun 04/24/11 11:13 PM

Yahshua offered to go with him.. He was not trying to get off any hook.. Yahshua had faith that anything coulkd be done.. the soldier had faith that this man was for real.. His faith that a healing would take place with out doubt healed the man.

Not my point Miles.

I did not say he was trying to get off the hook. I said that according to what he said, he was already off the hook whether or not the servant was healed.

The scriptures go on to say that the servant was healed. But who verified that? Who witnessed that? Who wrote that statement?

In any case it would not matter. Yahshua knew that according to Universal law as one believes, so it is.


This is universal law. It has nothing to do with faith in the scripture or even faith in any particular healer.

It is the belief itself that can move a mountain.

"Yahshua said if you say to this mountain move and you know it will without doubt it will but who has such faith that this will happen and if it does not be labeled a fool."

Yahshua is saying that ANYONE who has that much faith can cause a mountain to move. --->Anyone!

Yet people do not understand that he is telling them that it is their own faith and belief that creates miracles... not him.

But they would all fall to their knees and worship him because they believed he could do these things and they did not believe what he told them, that they could also do these things.

Hook.. it was faith. like you said anyone can do anything if they believe they can.. Thats what Yahshua was spreading.. an Evangel where doing good to others and not being selfish like the religious leaders of the day and Miracles will happen.

No hook just knowing without a doubt.. don't need anyone bt Yahweh to teach you but then as is today the Religious teachers do not want you to learn belief and faith on your own.. They have the knowledge and you need to follow them.. This denies the Holy Spirit will work and show anyone who desires that knowledge. No hook needed.. Blessings..Miles

Hmmm but wouoldnt it be faith according to Gods will..
I cannot really see how my faith if it is going against Gods will will work.
But then if it is only according to Gods will, it is only what God wants anyway.
So its still him..

Because surely if i have faith that my ex is going to be struck dead by lightning , its not going to happen

wishing harm to someone is not faith. all things that are good come from Yahweh.

anyone has the power to have faith in the Good of mankind of nature.

Yahshua stoped the storm on the sea. Peter stood on water untill he got scared and his faith started to sink him.. he had lost faith.

striking your ex dead is witchcraft congering up spirits of demons..

I didnt really want my ex struck dead
Or did I

I was merely pointing out that it cant just be faith that something will happen, or how strong our belief is. if God is going to do it then it has to be because he wants it to be..

no photo
Sun 04/24/11 11:22 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 04/24/11 11:43 PM
Yahshua would never of said I have not found such faith in all of Israel if thier would of been selfish motivation thier.

Okay I will speak on your above statement. YOU think that Yahshua would never have said "I have not found such faith in all of Israel" if there would of been selfish motivation there.

That is an assumption. YOUR assumption. Scripture never said any such thing and never mentioned anything about selfish or unselfish motivation.

So I will ask, why would he say that? And who did he say it to?

The answer is that he said it to "those who followed" him.

So what he was doing was preaching to those that followed him. He was showing them this man, the centurion, as an example of one who had so much faith that he did not even require Yahshua to come to his home to heal his servant, but asked that Yahshua simply "speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed."

When Yahshua heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith , no, not in Israel.

So why do you think he said this (out loud) preaching to those that followed him? I say it was because he was preaching, and he was trying to show those that were listening that they did not have the faith that this man had.

Yahshua was a preacher. He was preaching. He was using this man as an example of a man who had faith.

And Miles, you say that this centurion "was concerned for his friend." But where in the scripture did it say that? It did not say that, you simply assumed that.

It also did not say that this servant was his friend. It only said that it was his servant. So how do you know that his concern was unselfish? Perhaps he was only concerned that his servant would no longer be able to serve him or that he would have to purchase or pay another servant to do his job?

You see, Miles, you interpret the scripture the way YOU want to believe it, and not what it actually states.

This is what you have assumed:

That the centurion's servant was his friend, not just a servant.
That the centurion was unselfish.
That the servant was healed, even though scripture did not name any witnesses.
That the healing was a miracle performed by Yahshua even when no witness was sent to see if the servant was really cured.

Sure, it made a good end to the story, but that doesn't mean it was true given that no witness saw the servant cured.

no photo
Sun 04/24/11 11:40 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 04/24/11 11:46 PM
The problem with scripture is that it is written point blank telling what supposedly happened. It does not speak of intentions, or tell about how the centurion felt about the servant, or why Yahshua was telling the followers about how he thought this man had so much faith, or even who the followers were following, or who witnessed the that the servant was healed, etc.

So much is assumed! Most of these assumptions were is not written.

It is no wonder so many people believe so many different things about the Bible.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 04/25/11 12:38 AM

Yahshua would never of said I have not found such faith in all of Israel if thier would of been selfish motivation thier.

Okay I will speak on your above statement. YOU think that Yahshua would never have said "I have not found such faith in all of Israel" if there would of been selfish motivation there.

That is an assumption. YOUR assumption. Scripture never said any such thing and never mentioned anything about selfish or unselfish motivation.

So I will ask, why would he say that? And who did he say it to?

The answer is that he said it to "those who followed" him.

So what he was doing was preaching to those that followed him. He was showing them this man, the centurion, as an example of one who had so much faith that he did not even require Yahshua to come to his home to heal his servant, but asked that Yahshua simply "speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed."

When Yahshua heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith , no, not in Israel.

So why do you think he said this (out loud) preaching to those that followed him? I say it was because he was preaching, and he was trying to show those that were listening that they did not have the faith that this man had.

Yahshua was a preacher. He was preaching. He was using this man as an example of a man who had faith.

And Miles, you say that this centurion "was concerned for his friend." But where in the scripture did it say that? It did not say that, you simply assumed that.

It also did not say that this servant was his friend. It only said that it was his servant. So how do you know that his concern was unselfish? Perhaps he was only concerned that his servant would no longer be able to serve him or that he would have to purchase or pay another servant to do his job?

You see, Miles, you interpret the scripture the way YOU want to believe it, and not what it actually states.

This is what you have assumed:

That the centurion's servant was his friend, not just a servant.
That the centurion was unselfish.
That the servant was healed, even though scripture did not name any witnesses.
That the healing was a miracle performed by Yahshua even when no witness was sent to see if the servant was really cured.

Sure, it made a good end to the story, but that doesn't mean it was true given that no witness saw the servant cured.

so you know what happened what difference does it matter what I believe..I do not twist

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 04/25/11 01:21 AM

The problem with scripture is that it is written point blank telling what supposedly happened. It does not speak of intentions, or tell about how the centurion felt about the servant, or why Yahshua was telling the followers about how he thought this man had so much faith, or even who the followers were following, or who witnessed the that the servant was healed, etc.

So much is assumed! Most of these assumptions were is not written.

It is no wonder so many people believe so many different things about the Bible.

It is interesting how we all make assumptions.

Living in a family you learn what to expect.. You see a continuim.

If the centerium did not feel for him I guess we assume he has no feelings.

Then we can assume that if he had no feelings he probally would not bother tracking Yahshua down for help.

Yes assumptions can lead to fairy tales.. we make it a life of its own.. the life we want.

but giving of yourself unselfishness is a aspect of the scripture. Self Sacrafice.

be a servent. thier lyes the assumption from me. thats how I see it.. whats wrong with that?..Blessings..Miles

msharmony's photo
Mon 04/25/11 01:34 AM

as do non believers,, they just have faith in their own logic , right or wrong

MsHarmony ...by making claims that non-believers have faith is exactly why you lack it..

provide a passage from the bible where God or Jesus or even Satan states that those that don't believe have faith

if you can not find such a passage then you will understand that you mock your God by saying things like that

shame shame shame...sin sin sin

now be a nice MsHarmony and say three hell marys ...oops...er.. I meant say three "hail" marys

oh, only if I had the tendency to believe the only use of the word 'faith' is that of the bible

but , I am also educated in the common language of our times which defines faith as not ONLY pertaining to God


a : allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty b (1) : fidelity to one's promises (2) : sincerity of intentions. 2. a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to ...


MsHarmony...I'm still waiting on you to provide a passage from the bible that states that unbelievers have faith

why do believers always run to the dictionary to find definitions instead of running to the bible to find the passage that would back up what they said

or just admit that there is no such passage which means that you were mocking your God by suggesting stuff like that...wouldn't that make you an unbeliever?

nope, just makes me educated on the language of the environment in which I live

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