Community > Posts By > msharmony

msharmony's photo
Thu 07/16/20 11:58 PM
Truthfully. Best to wait for marriage.

Realistically, imperative to be in a committed loving relationship first, if not married.

msharmony's photo
Thu 07/16/20 10:29 PM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 07/16/20 10:30 PM
I imagine some white ladies like black men. Why wouldn't they? I have personally known several such women. Two of my four brothers have families with white women, in fact.

msharmony's photo
Thu 07/16/20 10:00 PM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 07/16/20 10:02 PM
Never Trump.

msharmony's photo
Thu 07/16/20 03:51 PM

Socialism leads to communisim. Countries like Venezuela were rich, now they in ruins.

Those in America who want to change our Constitution are dangerous.

California was in deep :poop: way Before any Covid 19.

I kind of think the founders would disagree, since they wrote it to be amended and it has been amended up into the 1970s. Times change and evolve. The living constitution is meant to change and evolve with them.

I disagree!

It's not to be changed to please Leftist leaders ideology!

Political labels aside. It is to be changed THROUGH what is called amendments. That is their sole purpose. Those who wanted to and did change the constitution through amendments were not dangerous for doing so.

msharmony's photo
Thu 07/16/20 01:57 PM

Socialism leads to communisim. Countries like Venezuela were rich, now they in ruins.

Those in America who want to change our Constitution are dangerous.

California was in deep :poop: way Before any Covid 19.

I kind of think the founders would disagree, since they wrote it to be amended and it has been amended up into the 1970s. Times change and evolve. The living constitution is meant to change and evolve with them.

msharmony's photo
Thu 07/16/20 01:20 PM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 07/16/20 01:22 PM

Why don't Black Lives Matter focus on 'black-on-black' crime

Because there is already a system that does that.

Still running rampant in many Cities.

Yes. And protest has never stopped crime. However, it is a useful step to drawing international attention and cultural systemic change.

msharmony's photo
Thu 07/16/20 09:26 AM

I don't care for my choices..... can we have a redo?

Brewster's Millions is a 1985 American comedy film directed by Walter Hill. The film stars Richard Pryor and John Candy.

All ballots should have an entry for:
None of the Above

Brewster's Millions (10/13) Movie CLIP - None of the Above (1985) HD

LOL. Fortunately or unfortunately, they do. It is called simply not voting.

msharmony's photo
Wed 07/15/20 10:30 PM

I'm writing in a vote for Jon Stewart or maybe Bullwinkle the Moose.

I would love for Stewart to get some political experience and then run POTUS. I may check that box too. I doubt he would be interested in such a thing though.

msharmony's photo
Wed 07/15/20 10:26 PM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 07/15/20 10:29 PM
Socialism is an economic system where everyone equally owns production. Allocation is according to contribution. We are not even close. We have huge gaps of very wealthy and very poor and a shrinking middle. We have some who do manual labor that destroys their body that make not even half as much as others who can sit on their butt in air conditioning all day. We have CEOS and Sports and media owners who make exponentially more than their employees. Equal ownership?

nowhere close.

msharmony's photo
Wed 07/15/20 03:29 PM

Biden is Senile.

Most of them nearing that age are possibly at some stage of it. But I prefer Biden's stage to Trump's stage. Trump has too much ego to consult with anyone with what he doesn't know. I do not think Biden is.

msharmony's photo
Wed 07/15/20 03:27 PM

I just heard Trump wants the cases of covid 19 test to come directly to the white house not the CDC anymore ...we have relied on the CDC seems forever ... sure sometimes it takes awhile for their testing but does come and we believe in them and repost their results even if a bad out come ... and trust for all kinds of medicines and other illnesses that come sometimes from foods ... I do not trust the white house oops ... this is a man who said this in this vid truth ... I believe he wants the testing results sent to them ... when he does not even agree with the doctors around him ... but I say also give the same to the CDC... so the testing will be more accurate... and dependable ... who would you believe...? and just heard a bit ago black pledge in Colorado... ck it out for yourselves... mine is hear say on the black plague ...Jun 24, 2020 US President Donald Trump said he wanted to slow down COVID-19 testing to prevent the case numbers from rising in the United States. ...

I do not trust politicians with medical advice, period. Unless they happen to also be medical professionals themselves.

msharmony's photo
Wed 07/15/20 12:55 PM

I would never vote for Biden. He can't remember who his wife is. thinks its his sister. stupid. BUT, he would sign any paper the far left lays on the desk in front of him. if there was no virus, there wouldnt even BE a discussion. Trump turned the economy around , increased the military budget, helps vets... no contest. the covid illness is clouding people's minds. if you want socialism like venzuela and others, vote Biden. you wont have your money, house, car, vacations or food. Go ahead. if we get socialism we wont be any better off than Cuba.

Hardly. He spoke, in that instance, without looking at who was there and she was not supposed to be on that side. Trump did little but follow the momentum handed to him when he came in. And he did even less than that when this pandemic hit, too wrapped up in his own ego and dogging on every one else, passing the buck and the blame, to believe anyone could know more than he.

The socialism scare tactic is like me telling people they should go ahead and vote for Trump if they want a dicatorship like N Korea. We already have some elements of socialism, ie social programs to help those in need. It is one of our strengths and keeps us worthy of being considered 'civilized'.

msharmony's photo
Wed 07/15/20 12:17 PM
From where I am sitting. People voted for Trump and that has made a HUGE difference. I am not holding my breath for anyone to come up with a better way to do things.

msharmony's photo
Wed 07/15/20 09:11 AM

I’ve done jury service twice. Both were in the High Court. First was a murder trial and the second was a double rape trial.

First time was before my daughter started school so I claimed for childminder’s fee which I received. The second time was when I was working. The courts pay you for your time (your hourly rate at work) and travel expenses and my company also paid me for the week I was on jury service. My company knew that I was being paid by the courts and were happy for me to take the money. Not many would do that so it worked well for me bigsmile

I have heard that once you sit in the High Court, you won’t be asked for jury service for 10 yrs. Don’t know if that’s true or not though. There was a gap of 15 yrs between the two.

As an aside, my ex mother in law was once selected for jury service but the prosecution rejected her. Thought that was so funny.

I'm surprised, wasn't aware the UK had a jury system too! Does that mean you hold UK citizenship?
And nice how it went with the pay!
Both cases do sound really heavy, pfff... Was it easy to let go of all you had heard later on?

Yes, I have dual nationality. I currently hold a British passport.

Crystal, I loved both my experiences and it’s really nothing like you see on television. I’ve always had an interest in unsolved crimes and was in my element haha.

That sounds really positive! Maybe you get to do it again :)
Do the judges and officials really still wear these wigs? Sorry for asking all these questions, hihi.

Yes they wear the wigs but the cross examination is not like you see on telly. It’s more ‘subdued’ for want of a better word. On telly it’s like they attack the witness and at both trials it wasn’t like that at all.

I have been summoned twice, excluded both times.

msharmony's photo
Wed 07/15/20 08:52 AM
I agree. I hold Trump responsible for what TRUMP does, no one else.

msharmony's photo
Wed 07/15/20 08:35 AM
I think Biden has the humility to consult with others though in places he may be weak. Trump has too much ego to not believe he is the smartest in the room about everything or to listen to anything but agreement.

msharmony's photo
Wed 07/15/20 06:25 AM

The only way Trump could win is if he added Romney as a running mate.
The only way Biden could lose is if he added Hillary as a running mate.

God Soufie, I pray you are right.

msharmony's photo
Wed 07/15/20 06:24 AM
#nevertrump. Definitely Biden.

msharmony's photo
Tue 07/14/20 08:37 AM

I think america was great just after WW II, then industrialised commercialism gave only the illusion of greatness; the space race brought back greatness temporarily, but wars took the shine off. Now, big, but not great. Still better than communist countries though.

Draining the swamp is a stupid analogy.
Swamps are where the little fish spawn, which turn into the big fish that you want.
Swamps are full of diversity and activity and life.
A drained swamp stinks as it decays and dries out, everything dies, then the unprotected organic goodness blows away, often leaving acid sulfate boggy soil.
Not a good foundation for anything except developing another vibrant swamp.
Translate that to political / community dynamics.

Trump = chump.

Come Sir, we know the variety of swamp, for example the type where dissolved oxygen is low, mosquitoes breed and little fish hardly grow beyond the size of small frogs... And then as you say, if the swamp gets smaller, there may be that 'acid sulfate boggy soil' that stinks partly because of rotting carcasses from the past.

But the Swamp Mr. Trump meant is more dynamic; includes political alligators ...


I'm not particularly a fan of Trump - he is an ego maniac narcist and because he calls illegals rapists and has blonde hair, etc., he is racist.

But here's an example on racism. George Floyd would've been another statistics local to US but because Trump was President it boiled all over the world media / & flamed up world against our own internal police brutalities. Even Hong Kong was watching.

On the World Stage:
Now with world economy projected to go downhill the question the world faces is in which direction do they lean:

Make in America, make America great ... or

Allow China to take over world economy, gain world dominance

It depends on who America elects: Trump ... or Bidden from the Swamp.

Treyvon flamed up under Obama. Trump happens to be the president who encouraged police not to be too 'nice', to suggest second amendment folks should 'do something' about Hilary, and tout willingness to pay legal fees to those who would knock out 'protesters' Trump being so often able to excuse and/or encourage violence just adds to the issue that was here before he was elected.

msharmony's photo
Tue 07/14/20 07:15 AM

Trump has gotten us out of that horrid NAFTA deal and now we have the USMCA deal. :thumbsup_tone4::thumbsup_tone4: Make America great again. The first step act, revitalization program, historical black colleges fully funded and that is just the beginning.

America was never great. Let's make it great for a first time.

I think, it was great some years ago, at a time, when the Native Americans lived in harmony with nature. But their values seem long forgotten :cry:

laugh laugh laugh touche

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