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Topic: Sticks and Stones
msharmony's photo
Mon 04/25/11 10:34 AM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 04/25/11 10:34 AM

as do non believers,, they just have faith in their own logic , right or wrong

MsHarmony ...by making claims that non-believers have faith is exactly why you lack it..

provide a passage from the bible where God or Jesus or even Satan states that those that don't believe have faith

if you can not find such a passage then you will understand that you mock your God by saying things like that

shame shame shame...sin sin sin

now be a nice MsHarmony and say three hell marys ...oops...er.. I meant say three "hail" marys

oh, only if I had the tendency to believe the only use of the word 'faith' is that of the bible

but , I am also educated in the common language of our times which defines faith as not ONLY pertaining to God


a : allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty b (1) : fidelity to one's promises (2) : sincerity of intentions. 2. a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to ...


MsHarmony...I'm still waiting on you to provide a passage from the bible that states that unbelievers have faith

why do believers always run to the dictionary to find definitions instead of running to the bible to find the passage that would back up what they said

or just admit that there is no such passage which means that you were mocking your God by suggesting stuff like that...wouldn't that make you an unbeliever?

nope, just makes me educated on the language of the environment in which I live

and makes you appear uneducated about the religion you base your life on ...

only so much as your interpretations make you seem uneducated about christianity,,as most of what you say cant SPECIFICALLY be found anywhere in the Bible, and in fact nowhere in the original bibles which werent written in our MODERN language,,,,,

MsHarmony... excuses excuses...you have the Internet and your education at your beck and call but yet can't come up with the concept of placing "did God claim that unbelievers have faith" into the google search engine but yet amazingly you did google cut and paste the definition of faith in your post

and this is why making up concepts that God did not acknowledge or state in the bible is a lack of faith

I didnt 'make up' the english language, it has nothing to do with my faith,,,,,,lol

then your unwillingness to learn the original language that the bible was written in displays your lack of faith ...because so far all youve been doing is using language mis-interpetation as excuses as to why you can't find passages in the bible

using language mis interpretation = speaking english,,,LOL

anyhow, here is a verse that can be applied to 'set the parameters' that can be applied to ANYONE

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see," (Heb. 11:1)

(there is no qualifier here of who can or cant have such hope...)

that's because you didn't include (Heb. 11:3)

(Heb 11:3)
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God

so MsHarmony... don't you think they were referring to believers and not Unbelievers...

they were referring to how BELIEVERS understand the world, through faith,,,they gave no qualifier that this is the ONLY way faith works though,,,,,,just how it works with believers which is consistent with the previous definition fo what faith is in HEB 11:1

MsHarmony... if they were referring to as you claim how believers understand the world...then that's a clear indication they were referring to believer ...

no kidding, ONE verse referred to believers, another verse they referred to FAITH...two seperate contexts

like vegetables and vegetarians, I can make two statements

1. fruits and vegetables contain important nutrients

2. Vegans receive their nutrients through a diet of fruits and vegetables

BOTH statements are true, but it doesnt follow that only vegans receive nutrients by consuming vegetables and fruits

no photo
Mon 04/25/11 12:09 PM

how else would you know that God loves you ...for the bible tells you so

how do I know my granpas name, I didnt actually get it from a book, but someone else who did relayed the information to me

How did people have faith in God before the bible was written, someone TOLD them,,,,etc,,,

the bible is not a requirement of faith

MsHarmony...the bible is part of that faith which automatically make it a requirement

the bible has a reason...and that is to keep the belief within a set parameter ...

the lessons of the bible can be passed down, they were indeed passed down in order to even WRITE the bible

so no, the bible isnt part of FAITH it is only an additional resource

so MsHarmony...if the bible is not part of Faith as you keep claiming...then that would means that you don't believe that the bible is the true word of God

msharmony's photo
Mon 04/25/11 12:13 PM

how else would you know that God loves you ...for the bible tells you so

how do I know my granpas name, I didnt actually get it from a book, but someone else who did relayed the information to me

How did people have faith in God before the bible was written, someone TOLD them,,,,etc,,,

the bible is not a requirement of faith

MsHarmony...the bible is part of that faith which automatically make it a requirement

the bible has a reason...and that is to keep the belief within a set parameter ...

the lessons of the bible can be passed down, they were indeed passed down in order to even WRITE the bible

so no, the bible isnt part of FAITH it is only an additional resource

so MsHarmony...if the bible is not part of Faith as you keep claiming...then that would means that you don't believe that the bible is the true word of God

no, it wouldnt,, it would mean that God did not 'speak' only through the bible

no photo
Mon 04/25/11 12:20 PM

as do non believers,, they just have faith in their own logic , right or wrong

MsHarmony ...by making claims that non-believers have faith is exactly why you lack it..

provide a passage from the bible where God or Jesus or even Satan states that those that don't believe have faith

if you can not find such a passage then you will understand that you mock your God by saying things like that

shame shame shame...sin sin sin

now be a nice MsHarmony and say three hell marys ...oops...er.. I meant say three "hail" marys

oh, only if I had the tendency to believe the only use of the word 'faith' is that of the bible

but , I am also educated in the common language of our times which defines faith as not ONLY pertaining to God


a : allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty b (1) : fidelity to one's promises (2) : sincerity of intentions. 2. a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to ...


MsHarmony...I'm still waiting on you to provide a passage from the bible that states that unbelievers have faith

why do believers always run to the dictionary to find definitions instead of running to the bible to find the passage that would back up what they said

or just admit that there is no such passage which means that you were mocking your God by suggesting stuff like that...wouldn't that make you an unbeliever?

nope, just makes me educated on the language of the environment in which I live

and makes you appear uneducated about the religion you base your life on ...

only so much as your interpretations make you seem uneducated about christianity,,as most of what you say cant SPECIFICALLY be found anywhere in the Bible, and in fact nowhere in the original bibles which werent written in our MODERN language,,,,,

MsHarmony... excuses excuses...you have the Internet and your education at your beck and call but yet can't come up with the concept of placing "did God claim that unbelievers have faith" into the google search engine but yet amazingly you did google cut and paste the definition of faith in your post

and this is why making up concepts that God did not acknowledge or state in the bible is a lack of faith

I didnt 'make up' the english language, it has nothing to do with my faith,,,,,,lol

then your unwillingness to learn the original language that the bible was written in displays your lack of faith ...because so far all youve been doing is using language mis-interpetation as excuses as to why you can't find passages in the bible

using language mis interpretation = speaking english,,,LOL

anyhow, here is a verse that can be applied to 'set the parameters' that can be applied to ANYONE

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see," (Heb. 11:1)

(there is no qualifier here of who can or cant have such hope...)

that's because you didn't include (Heb. 11:3)

(Heb 11:3)
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God

so MsHarmony... don't you think they were referring to believers and not Unbelievers...

they were referring to how BELIEVERS understand the world, through faith,,,they gave no qualifier that this is the ONLY way faith works though,,,,,,just how it works with believers which is consistent with the previous definition fo what faith is in HEB 11:1

MsHarmony... if they were referring to as you claim how believers understand the world...then that's a clear indication they were referring to believer ...

no kidding, ONE verse referred to believers, another verse they referred to FAITH...two seperate contexts

like vegetables and vegetarians, I can make two statements

1. fruits and vegetables contain important nutrients

2. Vegans receive their nutrients through a diet of fruits and vegetables

BOTH statements are true, but it doesnt follow that only vegans receive nutrients by consuming vegetables and fruits

Msharmony....the qualifier for (HEB 11:1) can be found in the passage that precedes it ...it's amazing that you didn't bother to read it before you posted

HEB 10:39
we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.

which means they were clearly referring to those who believed and are saved ...

so perhaps it's time for you to try to find another passage perhaps

msharmony's photo
Mon 04/25/11 12:23 PM

as do non believers,, they just have faith in their own logic , right or wrong

MsHarmony ...by making claims that non-believers have faith is exactly why you lack it..

provide a passage from the bible where God or Jesus or even Satan states that those that don't believe have faith

if you can not find such a passage then you will understand that you mock your God by saying things like that

shame shame shame...sin sin sin

now be a nice MsHarmony and say three hell marys ...oops...er.. I meant say three "hail" marys

oh, only if I had the tendency to believe the only use of the word 'faith' is that of the bible

but , I am also educated in the common language of our times which defines faith as not ONLY pertaining to God


a : allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty b (1) : fidelity to one's promises (2) : sincerity of intentions. 2. a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to ...


MsHarmony...I'm still waiting on you to provide a passage from the bible that states that unbelievers have faith

why do believers always run to the dictionary to find definitions instead of running to the bible to find the passage that would back up what they said

or just admit that there is no such passage which means that you were mocking your God by suggesting stuff like that...wouldn't that make you an unbeliever?

nope, just makes me educated on the language of the environment in which I live

and makes you appear uneducated about the religion you base your life on ...

only so much as your interpretations make you seem uneducated about christianity,,as most of what you say cant SPECIFICALLY be found anywhere in the Bible, and in fact nowhere in the original bibles which werent written in our MODERN language,,,,,

MsHarmony... excuses excuses...you have the Internet and your education at your beck and call but yet can't come up with the concept of placing "did God claim that unbelievers have faith" into the google search engine but yet amazingly you did google cut and paste the definition of faith in your post

and this is why making up concepts that God did not acknowledge or state in the bible is a lack of faith

I didnt 'make up' the english language, it has nothing to do with my faith,,,,,,lol

then your unwillingness to learn the original language that the bible was written in displays your lack of faith ...because so far all youve been doing is using language mis-interpetation as excuses as to why you can't find passages in the bible

using language mis interpretation = speaking english,,,LOL

anyhow, here is a verse that can be applied to 'set the parameters' that can be applied to ANYONE

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see," (Heb. 11:1)

(there is no qualifier here of who can or cant have such hope...)

that's because you didn't include (Heb. 11:3)

(Heb 11:3)
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God

so MsHarmony... don't you think they were referring to believers and not Unbelievers...

they were referring to how BELIEVERS understand the world, through faith,,,they gave no qualifier that this is the ONLY way faith works though,,,,,,just how it works with believers which is consistent with the previous definition fo what faith is in HEB 11:1

MsHarmony... if they were referring to as you claim how believers understand the world...then that's a clear indication they were referring to believer ...

no kidding, ONE verse referred to believers, another verse they referred to FAITH...two seperate contexts

like vegetables and vegetarians, I can make two statements

1. fruits and vegetables contain important nutrients

2. Vegans receive their nutrients through a diet of fruits and vegetables

BOTH statements are true, but it doesnt follow that only vegans receive nutrients by consuming vegetables and fruits

Msharmony....the qualifier for (HEB 11:1) can be found in the passage that precedes it ...it's amazing that you didn't bother to read it before you posted

HEB 10:39
we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.

which means they were clearly referring to those who believed and are saved ...

so perhaps it's time for you to try to find another passage perhaps

nah, what I found is evident enough,, if it didnt sink in,, nothing else will,,,

no photo
Mon 04/25/11 12:24 PM

no, it wouldnt,, it would mean that God did not 'speak' only through the bible

MsHarmony.... this can be settled if you simply answer the question

do you believe and have faith that the bible is the true word of God ...yes or no?

msharmony's photo
Mon 04/25/11 12:25 PM

no, it wouldnt,, it would mean that God did not 'speak' only through the bible

MsHarmony.... this can be settled if you simply answer the question

do you believe and have faith that the bible is the true word of God ...yes or no?

yes, I do

no photo
Mon 04/25/11 12:41 PM

nah, what I found is evident enough,, if it didnt sink in,, nothing else will,,,

well MsHarmony.....which is why I took the time to post enough of the passages so that you can see that it was referring to believers and not unbelievers

HEB. 10:39
But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul.

HEB 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

HEB 11:2
For by it the elders obtained a good report.

HEB 11:3
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

no photo
Mon 04/25/11 12:43 PM

no, it wouldnt,, it would mean that God did not 'speak' only through the bible

MsHarmony.... this can be settled if you simply answer the question

do you believe and have faith that the bible is the true word of God ...yes or no?

yes, I do

so that which holds the true word of God is not a requirement of Faith?

msharmony's photo
Mon 04/25/11 12:59 PM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 04/25/11 01:00 PM

no, it wouldnt,, it would mean that God did not 'speak' only through the bible

MsHarmony.... this can be settled if you simply answer the question

do you believe and have faith that the bible is the true word of God ...yes or no?

yes, I do

so that which holds the true word of God is not a requirement of Faith?

no, as those mentioned even in those verses did not read the bible we now reference, and still had FAITH,,,

in the beginning, there was the word

not , after the bible, their came the word

no photo
Mon 04/25/11 01:25 PM

no, it wouldnt,, it would mean that God did not 'speak' only through the bible

MsHarmony.... this can be settled if you simply answer the question

do you believe and have faith that the bible is the true word of God ...yes or no?

yes, I do

so that which holds the true word of God is not a requirement of Faith?

no, as those mentioned even in those verses did not read the bible we now reference, and still had FAITH,,,

in the beginning, there was the word

not , after the bible, their came the word

exactly how do you know that In the beginning was the word?

msharmony's photo
Mon 04/25/11 01:32 PM

no, it wouldnt,, it would mean that God did not 'speak' only through the bible

MsHarmony.... this can be settled if you simply answer the question

do you believe and have faith that the bible is the true word of God ...yes or no?

yes, I do

so that which holds the true word of God is not a requirement of Faith?

no, as those mentioned even in those verses did not read the bible we now reference, and still had FAITH,,,

in the beginning, there was the word

not , after the bible, their came the word

exactly how do you know that In the beginning was the word?

I know it the same way I know E=MC2 , I read it in a book. But the reality of it existed BEFORE the book.

msharmony's photo
Mon 04/25/11 01:33 PM
For when Gentiles who do not have the Law do instinctively the things of the Law, these, not having the Law, are a law to themselves, in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness, and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them, on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus. (Romans 2:14-16)

no photo
Mon 04/25/11 01:48 PM

no, it wouldnt,, it would mean that God did not 'speak' only through the bible

MsHarmony.... this can be settled if you simply answer the question

do you believe and have faith that the bible is the true word of God ...yes or no?

yes, I do

so that which holds the true word of God is not a requirement of Faith?

no, as those mentioned even in those verses did not read the bible we now reference, and still had FAITH,,,

in the beginning, there was the word

not , after the bible, their came the word

exactly how do you know that In the beginning was the word?

I know it the same way I know E=MC2 , I read it in a book. But the reality of it existed BEFORE the book.

how do you know this?

msharmony's photo
Mon 04/25/11 01:49 PM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 04/25/11 01:49 PM

no, it wouldnt,, it would mean that God did not 'speak' only through the bible

MsHarmony.... this can be settled if you simply answer the question

do you believe and have faith that the bible is the true word of God ...yes or no?

yes, I do

so that which holds the true word of God is not a requirement of Faith?

no, as those mentioned even in those verses did not read the bible we now reference, and still had FAITH,,,

in the beginning, there was the word

not , after the bible, their came the word

exactly how do you know that In the beginning was the word?

I know it the same way I know E=MC2 , I read it in a book. But the reality of it existed BEFORE the book.

how do you know this?

how do we know anything, reading, my frame of reality, my experiences, my faith,,,

no photo
Mon 04/25/11 02:10 PM

no, it wouldnt,, it would mean that God did not 'speak' only through the bible

MsHarmony.... this can be settled if you simply answer the question

do you believe and have faith that the bible is the true word of God ...yes or no?

yes, I do

so that which holds the true word of God is not a requirement of Faith?

no, as those mentioned even in those verses did not read the bible we now reference, and still had FAITH,,,

in the beginning, there was the word

not , after the bible, their came the word

exactly how do you know that In the beginning was the word?

I know it the same way I know E=MC2 , I read it in a book. But the reality of it existed BEFORE the book.

how do you know this?

how do we know anything, reading, my frame of reality, my experiences, my faith,,,

so in other words you have no proof and relying solely on faith

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 04/25/11 02:48 PM

no, it wouldnt,, it would mean that God did not 'speak' only through the bible

MsHarmony.... this can be settled if you simply answer the question

do you believe and have faith that the bible is the true word of God ...yes or no?

yes, I do

so that which holds the true word of God is not a requirement of Faith?

no, as those mentioned even in those verses did not read the bible we now reference, and still had FAITH,,,

in the beginning, there was the word

not , after the bible, their came the word

exactly how do you know that In the beginning was the word?

I know it the same way I know E=MC2 , I read it in a book. But the reality of it existed BEFORE the book.

how do you know this?

It existed before in the book, because if it hadn't existed it wouldn't have been in the book. Not saying all things that are in books are true, but nevertheless it is true that E=MC2 even before it existed in a book. Books are merely a gathering of information, just because something is or isn't in a book doesn't make it true or untrue. A book again is merely a collection of information.


Dictionary - information on the meaning of words
Bible - information on the knowledge we have of God our father who art in heaven
ect ect

Books just make it easier to spread knowledge to multiple people in multiple area's of the world. Much more sufficient then word of mouth. Keeps things more accurate as well.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 04/25/11 02:50 PM

no, it wouldnt,, it would mean that God did not 'speak' only through the bible

MsHarmony.... this can be settled if you simply answer the question

do you believe and have faith that the bible is the true word of God ...yes or no?

yes, I do

so that which holds the true word of God is not a requirement of Faith?

no, as those mentioned even in those verses did not read the bible we now reference, and still had FAITH,,,

in the beginning, there was the word

not , after the bible, their came the word

exactly how do you know that In the beginning was the word?

I know it the same way I know E=MC2 , I read it in a book. But the reality of it existed BEFORE the book.

how do you know this?

how do we know anything, reading, my frame of reality, my experiences, my faith,,,

so in other words you have no proof and relying solely on faith

Everything is taken on faith except things that directly effected you and or involved you. That is why faith is such a great thing in the Christian faith. It's about what YOU have faith in. Do you have faith in we're just accidentally here? Do you have faith in that we have purpose? ect ect. Everything planned for the future is in faith. You have faith it will be possible to do your future events. The knowledge they teach you in school and or other places, you put faith in that they are true and not lies, ect ect.

msharmony's photo
Mon 04/25/11 03:14 PM

no, it wouldnt,, it would mean that God did not 'speak' only through the bible

MsHarmony.... this can be settled if you simply answer the question

do you believe and have faith that the bible is the true word of God ...yes or no?

yes, I do

so that which holds the true word of God is not a requirement of Faith?

no, as those mentioned even in those verses did not read the bible we now reference, and still had FAITH,,,

in the beginning, there was the word

not , after the bible, their came the word

exactly how do you know that In the beginning was the word?

I know it the same way I know E=MC2 , I read it in a book. But the reality of it existed BEFORE the book.

how do you know this?

how do we know anything, reading, my frame of reality, my experiences, my faith,,,

so in other words you have no proof and relying solely on faith

no proof other than what historical references, much like most of what I learned in school of ANY history

so, I rely on faith for 85 percent of my knowledge of the world,,,faith in those teaching me..that they are honest in what they teach

no photo
Mon 04/25/11 03:44 PM

It existed before in the book, because if it hadn't existed it wouldn't have been in the book. Not saying all things that are in books are true, but nevertheless it is true that E=MC2 even before it existed in a book. Books are merely a gathering of information, just because something is or isn't in a book doesn't make it true or untrue. A book again is merely a collection of information.


Dictionary - information on the meaning of words
Bible - information on the knowledge we have of God our father who art in heaven
ect ect

Books just make it easier to spread knowledge to multiple people in multiple area's of the world. Much more sufficient then word of mouth. Keeps things more accurate as well.

Cowboy I asked how do you know that "In The Beginning There Was The Word" Existed before there were books

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